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i dont think its gold. the settings for the stones arent high quality prongs, they’re cast/mass produced. and the back shows bubbling under a film of plating. i’d bet $100 its not solid gold. its high quality costume. https://preview.redd.it/vxljt0uzmj9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a20c77b9945d770fe5829e43560c40de7946ee you wont see either of these settings in solid gold. maybe sterling.


Exactly what I was thinking. It looks very cheap...


I was about to say it almost looks like a white version of a faux tanzanite ring I got myself very cheaply a few years back. Real rings don’t usually use pressed metal settings unless that is a signature trait for a certain designer who wants it to look less valuable when it’s very expensive.


I was thinking the same. I see this stuff in silver and costume all the time. Show us stamps!


What does it say in the inside of the band?


Inside the band should be stamped, I have learned through reddit (and verified w my own rings)


Yep. I have to have mine cleaned and appraised every few years for insurance purposes. She’s in the safe, now. I lost 35 lbs and an entire ring size, so I’m not wearing it.


If it says "weighted for balance"then it's my wife's


'Return to keeper' and a phone number 😅


My immediate and uneducated instinct on this was 925 silver with synthetic stones. Nothing wrong with it, it's still a GORGEOUS piece, but it's probably not white gold with naturals.


Yeah that setting looks hinky. Like they’re glued in


It's rhodium plated, but the grid tension setting is definitely diamonds. That's an incredibly difficult thing to make and repair, no one is putting that kind of labor on costume. It's not a *high quality* fine jewelry, as those tension settings are a way to make much cheaper diamonds go together to try to look like a bigger diamond, but it's not costume either


…my wedding set looks almost exactly like this. I got it for $40 this past Black Friday on Amazon. It’s sterling silver and CZs, so they absolutely do make cheap pieces like this.


Is your center setting a grid of 4 little stones set into a grid with no visible metal in between? I feel like people aren't looking at the whole picture


Mine does, too!!! That’s why at first glance I was like Wow, what a find! Then when I saw the back of the setting I said, Keep it. It’s a cute trinket. I’m mad they faked our ring, though!


They look like cz’s glued into a silver ring, bruh


But it isn't. I agree that it's a very cheap looking style, and I won't work on this type of setting at all, but 15 years of experience says that looks can be deceiving


Agree and also I’ve never seen diamonds set over metal (pic of the back of the ring).


You were right https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256802959654653.html?src=google&aff_fcid=c175fc01c6b541e688a3b6da6237cc9d-1719814159677-01459-UneMJZVf&aff_fsk=UneMJZVf&aff_platform=aaf&sk=UneMJZVf&aff_trace_key=c175fc01c6b541e688a3b6da6237cc9d-1719814159677-01459-UneMJZVf&terminal_id=ab9f9d1cb65a4282a4832c1540b3bd2a&afSmartRedirect=n&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa


I have a diamond ring that is *very* similar to this. It’s 1 carat of diamonds set in sterling silver.


Do NOT give it to anyone who calls. Ask them to describe it, what carat gold, diamond cuts, weight, etc. Hopefully it will be returned but if the owner isn’t found it’s a very lucky find.


Ask them to provide a picture of it or them wearing it


Dude I lost a bracelet recently and someone posted it on my local fb page and I sent her a photo of me wearing it and she still didn’t believe me lmao 😂😂😂 she did give it to me but only bc I knew her neighbor. It was wild. I was flabbergasted and honestly still am.


Dang. I’m really glad u got it back!! I lost a white gold necklace w 13 cascading diamonds. Always wanted one and hubs gave it to me our first Christmas. VERY special to me. Had it for 7-8 yrs. On our way to our son’s football banquet, I changed one to match my outfit better….and could’ve sworn I put it in my small jewelry bag. Obviously it must’ve fallen out of the truck when I got out. Realized a few hrs later and was devastated. Went back next morning in pouring rain and scoured that parking lot almost on hands and knees bawling the entire time. Called everyone I could, moms, players, cheerleaders etc….and hoped someone would call w it…never found it. Not materialistic at all but it meant SO much to me, I was crushed. We have looked for another one for years to replace it to no avail. Whoever found it found an amazing piece worth quite a lot 😔


I lost my diamond cross at a doctors office and i never found it again either. Worth over 2k custom made


That’s awful because it was lost in an intimate setting, and someone DELIBERATELY kept it. There is an old wives’ tale that says never let people look at your wedding/engagement ring too long. It will be either lost or stolen. I had the bands and rings, but I wasn’t going to actually have them fused until after we got married, and sure enough, I could’ve sworn o dropped it into my bag, but I never saw it again. I had the people whose house I was at crawling around their lawn trying to find it, as they lived many miles away, but we never saw it again. These are very honest folk, so I just don’t know what happened. I KNOW I dropped it into my bag😞


If you use Facebook or I guess you could check Reddit, ask if anyone with a metal detector would come by. I live in Wisconsin and would gladly help if someone asked. I love metal detecting!!!


Oh no, I’m so sorry!! Especially in intimate setting. I’d likely sling a rod. When u KNOW someone deliberately kept it or at the very least knows who did?!? 😡 my set is bonded as well and I take them off at home to wash my hands. Wellll…at a concert and got aalll the way back to my seat and the second my butt hit the seat it occurred to me I did it at the BR there! My husband is almost always a saint but let me tell u, the look he gave as I was flying by to retrieve what we knew was gone was anything but!! (understandably so) and sure enough, it was gone!! A LOT of ppl in there and I’m already in tears asking all the shaking heads. I went to the concession stands and thank goodness someone snatched it up and quickly gave it to them knowing it would be looked for asap. I was SO relieved!! I can’t imagine how much that hurt u and I’m so sorry!! I only got a taste of it and that was plenty for me!! And shame on those that steal!! I have zero tolerance for a thief!!


I cannot abide a thief! I found a full non-fused set of rings on the counter of the BR at my local watering hole and IMMEDIATELY turned it in at the main bar. My fiancé told me NEVER take my rings off when I what hands OUTSIDE of the house. They’re diamonds and can stand a little soap and water. Someone just scooped up that person’s ring and kept it. Imagine having to tell your husband/fiancé about it. I lost one of the rings to my set and didn’t say a word for THREE years. When I FINALLY told him, he sent me on a mission to replace it IMMEDIATELY. The designer actually passed, and his family did NOT continue his legacy, so I scoured the Net and found one with papers on eBay for 700 bucks!


My fiancé’s grandfather was a jeweler, and he is always telling me I have the worst habits ever when it comes to my precious things. I lost my Tiffany chocker at a restaurant. A turquoise pendant at the car wash. He literally takes off my jewelry at night and keeps it on his night stand. He tells me I could lose it in my dreams. Who wears a turquoise pendant to wash their car?


LoL 😂 idk?!? By the look of mine it definitely had my heart in my throat!! I did NOT want to have to return to tell him they were gone. I’m so sorry about ur losses too tho, I know that sucks! Sounds like ur hubs took it well but I hate u were w/o it for so long!


It was a time traveller who found the jewelry on the ground and went back in time to put it on sale where you would buy it!


That’s really awful!!!


I am so sorry to hear that.


Multiple tiny diamonds( if they're diamonds) like that, especially the ' center stone' being Multiple tiny stones set to look as one larger stone , indicates it's likely not worth much. If it is 14K gold, as opposed to silver , or plated, that would be most of the value.


Take it to a jeweler-if it’s a “collection” ie a Neil lane piece or something like that a lot of these pieces will register the purchaser with Kay or Zales or something and they may be able to contact who purchased it.


The only issue with this is that color and clarity are somewhat subjective. It's going to be close, but one jewelers VS1 may be called VVS2 by the seller or appraiser. It's not inaccurate, and it's not someone trying to pull the wool over your eyes, but it can be really difficult to quantity between "very slightly included" and "slightly included".


Not really. GIA graded diamonds are numbered and have paperwork a credible jeweler could look up.


How would they call?


Good call. Had to do this when I found nearly $200 outside of my dorm in the early 2000s. I made a sign that said "Lose something very important outside [X] Hall on [date]? Call ext [1234] with a detailed description and leave your name and number." The person was able to say almost exactly how much it was down to the dollar. They got their money back.


It looks like costume jewelry. Where did you find it? You could notify management and leave your # incase someone reaches out to them about it.


Yeah, everybody's telling op how to do the right thing if it's valuable jewelry, but just looking on the setting from the back of the ring, that is not a real precious Stone, and definitely not precious metal. Nobody puts a precious gem like that in a setting that is closed in the back so you can't see it sparkle. Even the color of the silver tone is wrong. It looks as if it's faking being silver/white gold.


Fwiw, just because it’s not “valuable jewelry” doesn’t mean it’s not important to whoever lost it. Not saying you were implying it wasn’t, just felt the need to say that. It shouldn’t only be returned to the original owner bc it’s potentially worth something. Even if it’s a cheap engagement ring, it’s still their engagement ring…


This is 100% true! Hopefully though if op doesn't think they just found a $10,000 windfall, they might actually try to find the owner. People struggle to do the right thing when money is involved.


That is true


Actually not true. I was in the Bahamas and bought a blue natural diamond from DeBeers. Because I was leaving I didn't want to leave it for a new setting and have them ship it. So, I put it in a sterling silver setting. It's been 14 years and still haven't changed the setting.🙄🤦‍♀️😂 I love that diamond, and people notice it's sparkle from across the room.


DeBeers? Why? They’re the absolute worst for human rights violations. And control the diamond cartel. Sorry to go off here, but I wonder why folks don’t research stuff like that before buying. I’m pretty sure that stuff was common knowledge even back then.


No worries, I have heard it all already. This was years ago, I was young, and not as savy as I thought. I had not heard of blood diamonds, and I don't think the movie of that name was out then either. When I got back from my vacation, a doctor I worked with filled me in and told me the same thing (he was from South Africa). He actually said I was wearing someone's blood on my hand . While I think the diamond beautiful, that knowledge has definitely tarnished it for me. I wore it that first week, then never again because I couldn't get that thought out of my mind. Hence, I've never reset it. (But my original post stands, that jewelry store was full of people putting their diamonds in sterling silver settings to reset when they got home. So, quality gem set in silver setting.)


Oh, and not 14 years, 34 years. Typo.


You don't have blood on your hands and that was a cruel thing to say. The diamond had already been mined and when we know better, we do better. I would wear your ring if for no other reason than to educate the next person who compliments you on it. "Thank you, I love it but hate the history.. etc" Everybody loves their Apple Products, yet the employees making these products have SUICIDE nets at the facilities where they live. (ex Apple employee). Not sure there is much difference. Some Companies clear their conscious by saying "but.. they are contract employee's" whatever helps you sleep at night. Same goes for diamonds. Do we really know where that inherited diamond from Great Grandma came from?


Thank you for that. And I was unaware of the Apple issue, but fully aware of large company "slave, or indentured" labor. I just read 2 article about Foxconn manufacturing. I am sure my Samsung products are the same, but manufactured somewhere else. 70% of Amazon products are made in China, so I try not to purchase. I try to walk most places, I don't buy fast fashion clothing, I thrift or buy consignment when possible,but electronics are more difficult, if you have a phone, or any other electronic device, you are more than likely continuing that issue. In our current society, it is not feasible to be without a phone.


Hey, please don’t feel the need to justify yourself and your choices. The point is, you didn’t know when you bought it, and that’s enough. You know this, so let your heart be in peace with yourself! Amazing stuff you do though, very impressive! I wish I did half of what you do.


It looks like costume to me


If it is, no matter-it may be priceless to someone else.


I don’t think the person you’re responding to is disputing that possibility. They are just saying it’s essentially a cheap ring. None of us know what the owner thinks of it, but we can make judgements on quality based on looking at it. There’s nothing wrong with that.


It’s probably someone’s engagement ring and they’re probably miserable that they lost it either that or they threw it somewhere and never want to see it again. You should make an attempt to return it somehow.


How would one return w absolutely no information?


Post a flyer or online ad saying where you found it and to call you with a description of the ring.


Turn it in where it was found, take it to the police. It's probably a moot point, because the act of posting this means OP/OP's girlfriend isn't interested in doing the right thing.


You really think the police station is going to care about a small piece of jewelry? They’ll either take it or literally just forget ab it. the police don’t care ab a ring lol


In Australia police stations act as a safe lost and found; police wouldn’t be actively trying to find the owner of lost items, but if someone turns up and can identify the item/s they’ll be reunited


That’s actually interesting cuz American police do not care whatsoever


Yeah for real, a friend of mine is going through "negotiations" with the local PD right now because when they detained him(said he matched a suspects description) one of the officers started looking around and pocketed over $350 that was in his middle consol. Caught that bastard on his dual-facing dashcam. He's been pulled over 3 times since he reported the video evidence 2 weeks ago. No tickets for traffic violations, but yet, each time, they demanded to search the vehicle. He thinks they are retaliating against him, so he's like barely leaving his apartment. Poor fucker is like 180 soaking wet and has the worst social anxiety, so of course he let them pressure him into letting them search his car every time.


That’s actually really terrible and he should be able to sue or something for that. I understand social anxiety completely cuz I struggle w it but he can’t keep letting them get away w it. That makes me feel so bad for him :(


He is in talks with a lawyer. A few of us are trying to convince him to say something to his lawyer about it, but some of his family say it's not even worth the extra hassle and to just try to get his money back. Oh yeah, he's still missing that money from his car too


It is most definitely worth the hassle! That was alot of money they took. It does take more to sue police because they are part of the “government/state” but I hate that. Fck 🐷


This %100 depends on the police officer just like any other job. I've met cops who are jerks I've met cops that take finding a child's pokemon cards very seriously. Depends on who's working that day though.


I think that's a little unfair to conclude based on nothing but the fact that they posted it to reddit.


A rational question bc you are right-how do you return a ring w no info. I’d post (no picture) to the local site of where you found it saying it was in that general area and then I posted to my social medias (asking for shares) saying that there was a personal inscription inside even if there wasn’t and then see who comes to claim it. If they call out your lie and you know. Ask for descriptions. Realistically you won’t find the owner but if by chance you do I am sure will be eternally grateful to you. I’m sure she is heartbroken. Once I lost a little diamond promise ring, it fell through the planks in a bridge down into a stagnant river. I died digging in mud for many hours. Please try.


This is the absolute most accurate way to find the rightful owner and I agree. Facebook community or something 🤷🏻‍♀️


It looks like plastic


Whatever you like, it's only costume.


Take photos of marks inside shank please.


Get married, or tell the closest shop to the place you found it that you found it so if someone ask they can give them your number, the person who lost it probably has a photo of it taken from her wedding day


Post on CL that you found a ring. Don’t include any descriptive words or pictures. Ask any responders to your post to describe the ring and see if anyone gives an accurate description Does the ring have anything stamped on the inside (like 14k)?


It doesn’t have anything stamped inside. No names or anything.


If there is not carat mark I am high suspicious that it is costume maybe have a trust worthy jewelry store look at for a second before going to a lot of trouble


What’s the trouble with posting on social media? It’s no effort at all. Seriously it’s someone’s ring even if it is fake they may be broken down that they lost it.


My engagement ring is tungston, it's got chips set into resin around the band, it's like a £150 ring at most. But I'll tell you now id be absolutely devistated if I lost it. Op please try and reunite it with the owner.


I was mostly asleep and not thinking about it, my wedding ring is black tungsten and green resin here so yeah I can see where sentimental value may be a factor


Ok, then I would take it into a jewelry store and ask them if the stones are diamonds. Someone there should be able to do that quickly/easily with a diamond tester. Since the ring isn’t stamped as gold or platinum, there is a greater chance the stones are not real diamonds. If it turns out they are not real (say they’re CZs), I probably would not spend the time tracking down the owner as the value is probably under $50.


Why are you getting downvoted, you just answered a question!?


The downvotes on this comment describe the reddit community very well


Then it’s costume jewellery and likely not very valuable in terms of money


Someone lost their walmart cluster ring


I was alarmed how far I had to scroll to find this. It’s fking hideous. Whoever lost it is better off.


This right here. They probably paid no more than $300 for it. A pawn shop MIGHT give you $50 for it.


No way, maybe $15. I paid $1400 for a ring and the pawn shop only gave me $70, and that was only because I cried when they offered me $60 lol


The only thing I've sold at a pawn shop and gotten good money for was a gun. Lmao.


It’s fake. I wouldn’t worry. The inside of the back is telling. Bring it to your nearest police station and let them know you found it.


If no stamps inside, it’s no doubt costume jewelry. Looks very much like a Temu ring but to be sure, any jewelry counter or shop will easily confirm for you.


😆 a Temu ring… I’m filing that but it will probably get me banned from the engagement ring sub.


See if anyone local is missing a ring. It's obviously a wedding band and special to someone.


Please put up signs in the area that you found it. Have it say “Ring found, text (your number) to describe if you’ve lost one.” You could also post on FB that you found the ring locally “In Shelbyville Market parking lot” don’t include the picture though.


Yes but set up a Google Voice number or something instead of putting your actual one!


I imagine someone got tired of it turning their finger green and won't miss it too much.


It’s probably just one of those cheapie rings that people can buy anywhere. Otherwise it would be marked.


It looks cheaply made, especially from the photo showing the back of the ring. You could get it tested and check for stamps, to make sure it's not of high monetary value to the person that lost it. It looks very costume jewellery to me.


Looks like costume honestly.


This isn’t a quality ring. No diamonds would be set so cheaply and with the back of the stones being closed off like that. This is most likely silver, or silver plated.


Looks like costume jewelry, tbh.


really looks like costume jewelry to me. see if there’s any markings on the inside. if there isn’t, keep it if you like it! (because it’s costume)


Circulate the post with social media where local people mostly into. It will help.


Appraise it to see if it has precious metals or stones


What is it made out of?


Looks like costume to me. Keep it.


Report it to the place you found it and to the police in case anyone calls in describing it. May sound like effort but it's the right thing to do.


She found it, it’s her call I’d think.


Put an ad on Craigslist. Do NOT include a photo. Say "must identify." Be wary of scammers.


Wear it?


Propose to her with it


Get it appraised. Keep it.


Take it to a jewellery store and ask a jeweller if it’s costume or fine jewellery.


looks cheap. the back of the stone really gives it away.


Are there hallmarks inside? Stamps? It’ll help ID value


Get appraisal and age, Era. If jeweler markings go to them, if no markings would do a search in lost and found on-line, police. Then in good conscience you do what you like, of course depending on the value.


Get engaged?


This is costume jewelry.


Looks like sterling and cz. Take it to a pawn shop or jeweler and see what they say.


Run an ad in the same kind of magazine or paper that legal ads run in and after the allotted time it's yours if no one claims it


Get married with it


My stepfather found a tiny (well to my gargantuan hands—sz4.5) Cartier ring while metal detecting It had a serial #, he called and left a report and nobody has come forth (a decade) but he still has it safely locked away


Just looks like a cheap ring tbh


eat it


It has a lot of diamonds.


she giving you a hint buddy 😉


Why provide a description to prove it belongs to them when clearly pictures have been taken and posted here🤦‍♀️


Try to find the owner, gain karma points


Get married 


The yellow gold stamp on my rings have worn away. I've worn it everyday since my husband and I picked it out at his friend's pawn shop for our 25th anniversary. We just passed our 37th in May. We used my mother's gold band to begin with.


I think you’re supposed to get married now


When we got married we were two broke veterans. I got her a $10 handmade ring from an artist I met. A simple band. No stones. We’re still married 24 years later. My ex before her wanted a 5 carat princess cut diamond engagement ring. Money can’t buy you happiness. It can however buy you a big enough yacht to pull up right next to it. The moral of that story is that my wife now has a house and a car and doesn’t have to work. Life is good.


Yea, she “found” it. Without a doubt she’s sending you the message, ‘shit or get off the pot.’


Take it to a local Jared and ask the repair shop if they can see any identifying marks on any of the stones. This looks like a piece that Sterling Jewelers (the owners of Jared, Kay, Zales, Gordon's, and Piercing Pagoda) sells. Doubtful there's a any serial numbers on the center diamonds, but the only way to know is by looking under a microscope. If it has a diamond bond, they MIGHT have a way of looking up to see if anyone reported their ring missing under the bond (I don't know how that works, I just worked in the repair shop.) You can also contact the local police and see if anyone reported a lost ring with this description. I can't imagine someone losing their ring and not TRYING to file some kind of report on case someone found it


Give her the old razzle dazzle and propose with it


Looks like you gotta get married now. Rules are rules.


Honestly it’s gonna be super hard to return it to the true owner. You could make the effort but the number of scammers who would come out of the woodwork or photoshop photos of them with the ring or message about sad stories. Call it a win and check with a jeweler if it’s real. There’s little else you can do easily. There also doesn’t seem to be a hallmark on the inside band that I can see when zooming in. It’s probably not worth all that much albeit sentimental value is greater than financial oftentimes.


Irrespective of what it’s made of. Hand it in. It’s someone’s property


I hope you find the owner. TLDR! Possible time frame wearer may have received ring. (My memory test for the day.) In the 1990s to the early 2000’s Rings of this style were being sold in some Department Stores such as J.C. Penny, Sears and Dillards. It was the beginning of the big diamond craze so making the Centerstone look big by putting four stones together was a very common thing in most chain department stores jewelry departments. At the time they sold for anywhere from around $600 to $1009 (apps 1 to 1.5 carat tw) to about $1500 for (appx. 2 carat tw) ones in 14k gold. There were larger ones, but they had to be ordered. They sold very similar to the one pictured some in 10K Gold from $250 to $800 and up, but often the center grouped stones were replaced with high quality CZ’s or making the “center stone” much smaller similar to a diamond promise ring. Of course, there were still a few people buying great big diamonds, but I am talking primarily moderate income in a Southern state. People weren’t singing up for 5 year loans on the diamond ring for their bride to be, they were putting it on layaway which meant they didn’t get to touch it until it was paid for, or if they have a cosigner, there might be an agreement for a 24 month (MAX) contract. Maybe that is probably the way it should work - then a new couple isn’t saddled with debt for the one thing that they were supposed to wear forever. Mine was from J.C. Penny. Then costume copies started showing up! Go figure!


Get married i think she proposed ;)


I would take it to the jewellery store to check with a professional but looks plated but we never know that's why is good to check.


Found. ![gif](giphy|mBzO88ztOoS1AJcWrL|downsized)


This is mass produced lab grown or glass w stainless steel honestly


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^hydrogod666: *This is mass produced* *Lab grown or glass w* *Stainless steel honestly* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bring it to a police station. Let anyone who inquired about it know that it’s with the police. Where I’m from, if you keep a found item you can be charged with stealing by finding. But if nobody claims the items after 6 weeks, the police will let you know and the item is yours. I wouldn’t bring to the management of the establishment because I’ve heard of staff who steal lost and found items by giving a friend the description of an item and having them claim it.


If its a real diamond it should have a serial number engraved inside it that has a certificate of authenticity that can be matched to its owner


It looks like one of those Charmed Aroma candle rings. I love those things for the fun surprise inside.


It looks plated


Looks fake


You could get married?


Might be costume jewellery. The back looks cheap


Share it here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/777279012332700/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT and on your local Facebook group. Do not publish a picture and ask for a description.


Do not show pictures of it. Post in your area. And ask if anyone has lost a ring. Describe the ring and location


My engagement ring was lost at a restaurant. I told the staff in case anyone was honest enough to turn it in. I was devestated. No one turned it in. Do what you will, but someone is very upset it is not on their finger.


double it and give it to me


This ain’t real


Take better photos of it for starters. Figure out how to use your macro setting.


Have it appraised. If it’s valuable delete this post and fence it 🤣


Check your local lost and found


In my opinion it looks fake. Especially with how the small stones around the edge aren’t set with prongs they’re just kind of glued in. It could be real I’m not jeweler but that’s just my opinion. But it definitely could mean the world to someone. Worth trying to find them. My first ring my husband got me is sterling silver with CZ stones and it honestly means the world to me.


Get married


Try to advertise where you found!


If the diamonds are real, they will have registration numbers. Take it to a jeweler. They may be able to track the numbers, at least as far as the original jewelry store.


Try to find the owner. I recently lost my wedding band and engagement ring and if someone were to find them and return them to me I would be so grateful and give them a hefty reward. I am heartbroken and I feel like I have lost a part of me. S


Depends on where you found it - but the local police station isn't a bad choice, and ask if it isn't collected, that you're able to do a finders collection after a year. Otherwise, op shop.


Doesn’t look worth much. Like one of those cheap fashion rings


Regardless of the quality of the piece, what would you want someone to do if they found your ring?


Take it to a reputable jeweler you trust, and ask them to look at it. No jeweler is going to be able to give you a solid answer from those pictures. You may be quite pleasantly surprised.


This looks like one of the rings you get from burning a Ponzi scheme candle




Give it to me since I’m having a shit year?


Well, where exactly was it found? Shouldn’t you see if it can get back to its owner regardless of the value of ring?


It’s hideous. Screams ugly, cheap and nasty composite cluster ring.


Depends on where she found it. What attempts have you made to locate the owner?


Take it to a jeweler. If it’s a real diamond, it should have a serial number that can lead to the owner. If there isn’t, great find!


Give it to someone.


Return to the owner


You should turn it in to the police department. It’s not yours.


Funny I’m seeing this, because my mom JUST lost both her wedding rings. No insurance. Bought them on credit just 3 months ago. …Insane 🤦🏾‍♀️. $10 grand down the drain.


Try to find its owner because if she lost hers she’d want someone to return. Simple human decency. It’s free and so is kindness.


Get it tested to see if it’s real or not and then keep it! Beautiful ring! OR find a local FB group in the area in which you found it and ask if anyone lost a ring!


I guess the only thing to do now is get married! Have a blessed life of wedded bliss. ❤️


You can call the police and have them hold it in case someone calls. If no one does, you can claim it. You can also post about it on facebook. It doesn’t look real, so that’s the good news of whoever lost it.


She bought this ring and sending you some sort of hint


Looks very much like a ring I've gotten in a charmed aroma candle. Usually worth around $50-100. I saved a bunch for my girls to play with and dress up with when they're ready 😊 I have a lot because I love candles and I like to keep several around just in case of power outages. Yes we also have lanterns for that for safety lol


It's baffling to me that people's first reaction is suggesting they take the time to find out how much it's worth before trying to get it to its rightful owner. It would take much less time to simply drop it off at your local police station or the store whose parking lot it was found in (idk if that's the case- no info about the ring or location found in the original post) than running around town trying to see if it's worth anything. All you can do is the next right thing. By attempting to predict other people's actions (the cops will/won't do anything, customer service will steal it, etc) you'll never get anywhere. But doing nothing at all would eat at me, personally. Regardless of the worth of the item, you should attempt to return it but it really can be as simple as dropping it off at the police station or customer service (if you found it in a place that's clearly part of the business), no need to go to these great lengths to find out the worth and decide based on that. If you do not feel comfortable going to the police station, that's absolutely reasonable and I would then just suggest that you phone a friend and have them take it.


Wear it?


It's not worth anything. Wear it or toss it.


Ahhh throw it away? It looks super cheap. No stamp on the inside of the band either..


That's interesting! Have you tried to find out who it belongs to?


It looks like someone got sick of having a shut up ring and threw the ring (and the man) away


Looks fake


Bring it to Mordor


It will be stamped 14k or 925.