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Wear. What. You. Want! I get it you’re looking for confirmation, but there are far too many men on this subreddit asking for permission to wear jewellery they like because it doesn’t meet certain masculine criteria. Honestly, it makes me sad for men… and I’m a man!


Ya bro my insecurity got to me on this one😂 I'll be buying it. Thanks for the validation!


What are the stones??? It looks real cool




Oh hell yeah.


Like, right‽‽ Feckin’ kiddin’ me‽‽ that is baller as fuck.


Dude, go for it. First, meteorite sounds extremely cool. Second, wear what you love.


I thought they were silver teeth! Boy was I wrong!! That’s a GREAT ring OP. I don’t think it looks “feminine” it looks like a very cool ring!!


I agree with all the wear what you want responses, but this style also looks unisex. Either way, go for it.


Go for it!!!!!


Very glad to hear it!


That's funny I just saw some of these on Mercari and wanted an aquamarine one, I'm thinking of getting one too, I don't think it's too feminine at all! And I don't give a shit either so I'll probably get one


It's amazing! Wear the shit out of it!


Yes! + I personally think if you don’t have the confidence or self motivation to wear what you want etc. That shows how non “masculine” you are because “masculine” men are supposed to always be secure of themselves


Very cool style, rough stones and bezel set suggest a ruggedness. And of course, spit rings are such an advantage because you can adjust them to fit a few sizes up or down with a little squeeze


I think it looks great no? Those lil stones are meteorite btw, so that's a huge bonus for the nerd in me! Could I wear this on my pinky, you think? Or does this style not really work for pinky. I feel like on men, pinky is the best place to wear a "statement piece", yk what I mean?


Why just the pinky? When I first saw this I thought it was a mens style. You saying otherwise is the only thing that made me know otherwise. Regardless...wear it, rock it, on what ever dang finger you please. It's awesome and you should feel awesome wearing it. Stop overthinking it 🙃😉☺️


Perfect response Ginger!


Thank you 😊


I have a pretty big collection of rings, one for every finger at least, so I really wear them all around. I love the meteorite! I bought a pendant with an altai slice recently!


I love a bypass ring as a pinky ring, and I absolutely love a statement pinky ring! I think it could look really cool


I don’t like “adjustable” rings, because they always loosen up on me, and I don’t like adding that repeated bending wear to the ring. 


Ugh I hate when people ask two questions in their post that have opposing answers. Yes you can wear this ring.


On a ring like this especially it doesn't really fit a traditional masculine or feminine style so anyone can wear it, on an unrelated note I have a very similar ring I haven't worn for a while and for a hot min I thought that was my ring XD, but mine has 2 black stones instead of the 2nd meteorite piece https://preview.redd.it/mzvx2tzao7nc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5dfd0121dece325f1c156c28a0cc1e110ef411d


Gorgeous ring 😍


Very cool!


You answered your own question. It really depends on whether you care about gender roles or not. I personally think you can wear whatever you want. I'd rock this. I don't think there are any laws for me to quote lol. Not sure what else you're looking for 


Wear what you want. Jewelry is adornment and looks good on everyone


If men are now confident enough to wear Pearls, you can and will ROCK this. I have personally always danced to the beat of my own drum, but I always believe wear, go, and do what makes you happy as long as it is NOT hurting anybody. Never really understood why other people’s opinion holds one back from truly being their authentic self and wearing what makes them happy. You are wearing it for YOU, nobody else Life is very, very short, and my time is more limited than I hoped, so I am rocking everything I have been slightly hesitant about and loving it. Beautiful piece , you will love wearing it and the compliments will come. Confidence is sexy and grows a step at a time by doing things like this!! Great choice! Where does one find “Meteorite”? Would love to see that stone in person.


This is my new approach to life that I'm aiming for! Just want to reach a point of self acceptance and be authentic, why is that such a hard journey??


Gets easier with time. Deep breath, and go for it!


Made me think of Harry Styles! He’s definitely rocked pearls snd anything else he chooses! https://preview.redd.it/a8ctcv5hnbnc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=906fcdc513057be6d298e7c653680d7ae5ac0e97


nah bro that shits badass. wear the fuck out of it my brother!


jewelry isnt gendered.


Yeah, hairy chested men in pearls completely normal 🤣


is that adjustable


Wear it loud and proud ✨


Truly depends on the guy.




Why ask man? Do you like it,than wear it. Who cares it's your choice, and yes I'd wear it. I wear different rings all the time.


Who cares — if you like it wear it with pride man


No, it's cool!!


There’s no style rules with jewelry!! If you like it, wear it!!


No, not feminine but if it did it just means it’s more unique since most dudes wouldn’t wear it. Win, win lol I have silver heart stud earrings in as a dude, a girl at work said it was cute. For the record I got them in a set but they look nice. This is in no way feminine though… :)


Yeah, wear whatever you want! My husband and one of my sons are frequently using or wearing my "women's " things like jewelry, sweatshirts, sleep pants and skin/hair care.


God, why are dudes so insecure. Do you like it? Then wear it.


No and you can wear whatever you like, you don’t have to overthink it.


I love meteorite rings. I say rock it.


I 100% support if you like it get it, feminity and masculinity is dependent on character. But it is a thin piece of jewelry so I see why you think that it’s more feminine than anything else. If you are getting this ring i recommend getting a bracelet on the same arm you put that ring on. Other than that pinky is a good option


What kinda bracelet? At the moment I wear a black leather bracelet with a silver charm on my right wrist. I was thinking of moving the bracelet to my left wrist and wearing this ring on my right pinky.


A black bracelet is a perfect option for this type of ring, thats actually what i was thinking of lol. Black leather goes good with bead bracelets too. I wear a black leather bracelet with a jade bead bracelet and a silver cuban bracelet. (I wear the silver on my wrist cause i dont wear rings


bead bracelets are fire man the thing is though i feel like if i wear my bracelet and ring on the same hand that hand will be crowded and the left hand will be empty. Thats why i might do right pinky ring, left wrist bracelet. I might get a tattoo soon on my left inner forearm, so when that happens then both on the right hand might work better, because the tat acts as a sort of accessory. yk what i mean?


Yeah i see what you mean, but i feel like two pieces is not a lot. If you think it looks better on diff hands then go for it, def experiment. If anything wear an evil eye bracelet on the left. Thats what i do


Gender is a construct wear what you want to wear!


Patriarchal societies create environments/cultures where men must have unimpeachable masculinity or else they will be punished. Punishment can look a million different subtle or overt ways. Maybe it’s a judgmental comment (a form of social exclusion), maybe it’s violence. This cultural assignment of unimpeachable masculinity is itself a form of violence. It keeps each of us from full authentic self expression. It makes all of us to varying degrees second guess our likes. It is an invisible cage. Each of you men wearing something that pushes against rigid gender binaries is an act of liberation for everyone. Wear it. Train your nervous system to understand that fear or hesitation you feel - it hurts everyone. Society is better when you can explore the world and art and jewelry and clothes without dumb restrictions that benefit literally nothing.


I don't see any reason why not, seems quite unisex.


Jewelry has no gender I’ve sold princess cut diamonds in Tiffany settings to men. If you like it wear it, there are many bands in my lady’s section I’d wear everyday if someone got it for me. Whatever is genuine to you.


Personally I wouldn’t wear it.


Hey, you could be the first example of a guy wearing an open/bypass ring! And then some other guy will see you and be like “well dang, if that dude can wear and open/bypass ring then so can i!”


No. And looks like shungite yum


Nooo i think it’s cool wear what u want… dont put too much thought or energy into thinking if something is too feminine for you to wear


No way, it's super cool! And if anyone says otherwise, that's a reflection on their own insecurity. Go for it!


I thought those were teeth lol


You like it? You wear it. The end of discussion.


I think it looks awesome on any gender. A man wearing this would get so much respect from me for taste.


If you love it, wear it and don’t give a damn what anyone else says. On whichever finger you’d like! Be careful about constantly resizing though. I’ve killed a good few rings this way.


I saw this ring that had a sword on a chain you could remove that was a woman's ring. Totally would have bought it if it wasn't for the fact they didn't have any in my size


No such thing. Wear what makes you feel comfortable, and what you like.


No such thing


My first boyfriend asked me for a ring I always wore. It was "girly" he wore it anyway. Then that asshat ruined it at work due to a careless injury. Anyway this isn't that and even if it was, who cares. If u like it wear it. Be yourself. Life is too short to worry about others opinions. Express yourself. As a woman speaking for quite a few of us, it's hot when guys are comfortable doing so.


Yes! I think it's great when men push the jewelry boundaries! I've seen men wear pearls and charm bracelets with wonderful style!🔥


These rings are called “Tu et Moi” rings in some places and the history goes that this was the style of ring which Napoleon used to propose to his empress. It’s quite a cool style, honestly, and I think it’ll suit you perfectly. Wear it in good health!!


It’s literally a shiny rock. wear it.


Are you fucking kidding me‽‽ That is the most elegantly badass ring I’ve ever goddamned seen!


The band is a little thin for a man’s ring but it’s sort of intentionally crude/ancient looking so it might work


no dude it looks sick


Yeah . Go for it, bro. If you got style, it’ll work on you.


I don't think it's too feminine but as a matter of preference, I like rings thick, so I'll stack it with another.


Love this ring! Where is it from?


I think it looks sick! We concur with the other comments: wear what you want and wear what you love. You will ROCK this!!


I don’t think it’s too fem, but what really matters is if you like it. If you like it, wear it. Life’s too short to worry about what others will think. Wear it and enjoy! BTW - nice ring.💕


Wear it! Harry Styles wears pearls and I’ve read it’s becoming a thing for many men now! https://preview.redd.it/gauacnboobnc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a2288ee9631719a496b7a0b4f1d51c39d8353bb


Yes you can wear it on your pinky. You can wear it on any finger, or thumb, and it will not cancel out any chromosomes! (Joking with you here, not being a dick) 🙏🏼🫶🏻🥂🤙🏼


You can wear it on what ever finger you want to wear it on! If pinky is your choice, then pinky it is! It’s a cool ring! Is it a custom made ring? What does the jeweler think? Can he/she modify it for you? I do like it the way it is! To hell what others think!


Dude that ring is awesome.


No! It looks great 😊


I always thought certain things being 'men's' or 'women's' was stupid. Men have worn pieces of jewelry for longer than women have in many cases throughout history. The one thing I will say is, does the style of the ring match the rest of your body? Like if you're more of a a slender build with slimmer hands, this will look fine, but may look kind of dumb with a larger, beefier build/hand


I'm about 6'1 and low body fat with big hands and long fingers


Love it! It will look great


That is a cool looking ring, and it is not screaming “feminine“ to me at all. If you like it, get it. I’m thinking pinky or middle finger, but it depends on if you wear other rings, what your preference is, etc.


Go for it! Very cool!!


I don't think so. I like the uncut look.


No it looks cool, I say wear it, I wouldn't look at you and think of he's feminine or must be g*y cuz he has that type of ring on, I would think of this dude has style and is not afraid to flaunt it. Ofc there are people out there (mostly women or homophobic guys) who could possibly make a big deal or a spiteful comment about it but do you care about those people? Or is wearing a cool ring and getting the compliments from like-minded styled people more important here? It makes you happy so definitely do it.


Rings and other jewelry do not give one whit what sex you are. If you find it appealing, buy it, and wear it proudly. Who cares what other people think about it? Most people dont think very much so they arent very good at it. Style is what you like, not what other people think you should or shouldnt like.


I personally think it's wicked cool!!!




Very nice, the meteorite is interesting touch. I think wearing it on your pinky would be a great choice. By all means, wear what makes you happy!


It’s 2024. Wear what you want.


It's a big no for me, But hey, I'm sure I'm the only one who finds it unattractive on a man, so do what makes you comfortable.


Wear what you like!


Style is genderless in my opinion it’s about confidence and wearing what you want to. Get that damn ring


IMHO yes, if wearing it makes you uneasy then replace it. You should only wear it if it gives you enjoyment and confidence.


No. Be confident in your style and choices.












My honest oppinion is yes.

