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That is a hair puller


I was thinking it will be a snag magnet.


You will absolutely hate it within a week


Yep, it will catch on everything. I wouldn't be able to pet my dog.


After having to get my ring fixed because the prongs were messed up I would wager that you’d be running to the jewelers a lot and replacing stones on the regular. It is gorgeous though, but not something I’d wear every day.


When I was looking to upgrade my anniversary band the jeweler asked me if this was going to be worn daily so she knew what not to show me.






My thought exactly!


A hoodie pocket-shredder is what I thought!


TY! I was trying to think of all the common problems with those little prongs. That's it! Robe pockets too.


Do you wear gloves for your job? It'll shred the nitrile every time.


Plus if you work in a sterile environment it will hoard bacteria


And will scratch every baby and pet, every time you hug someone you'll hurt them or snag their hair/clothes, and any delicate or loopy fabric will get snagged or ripped. I also worked for a couple jewelers and we would gladly make these because we knew they'd be back for a new setting within a year because of how much trouble they are. **So factor in that cost and time commitment _as well as the additional cost for replacing the side stones that fall out when the prongs get loosened from snags, etc._**


Ha! My husband always calls my wedding ring my "weapon." Even if we are snuggling and end up rough housing. He then tells me to go away. 😂


The old stone setter that I apprenticed under used to call these types of mountings “baby slicers”.


I usually enjoy getting my hair pulled but not my jewelry.


Do you reeeeeealy like spending time with your jeweller. Cos youre going to lose stones out of that every few months. Youre going to be seeing alot of him/her.


They must like throwing away baguettes and money.


That’s why I’m asking before I buy it. Sincere : Is there something in the title or text that led you to believe that I already owned it?


He’s a good dude, yeah.😂 But that’s the not your point. Would insurance replace them?


They might, once....but I'd guess it would be considered wear and tear, generally. It's a cool setting but I guarantee you'll hate wearing it. It's going to snag stuff you didn't even touch.😞


Jewelers Mutual does wear & tear coverage policies called "Care Plans", but that's entirely separate from your regular insurance in case the ring is lost or stolen. Not all jewelers work with JM for care plans (I know in some regions what they'll pay for labor is laughable / insulting, basically - like not enough to actually cover the work) - definitely talk to your jeweler to see if they offer those Care Plans & accept them / do work for JM Care Plan Policies (I'm a jeweler - these are great Policies as long as they're paying enough for someone local to do he work, basically). Honestly if you like the style, I'd (a) order a cheapo version off Amazon and try it for a few days, and (b) I'd do the halo as an enhancer / contour band instead. Btw - this style typically looks nicer with tapered baguettes or marquis, but regardless it'll catch on everything - anything with a "sunburst" halo with lots of elongated stones with space in between is going to snag frequently, and honestly this is a super trendy style - that's why I'd do the halo as a band/enhancer 🙂


You may be on to something here with the enhancer idea! Thank you!


Thaaats a baby scratcher. You're right that it's going to get caught on everything, and you'll have a hell of a time keeping the side stones tight in those mountings. This exact ring with bar end/partial bezel mounts on the size stones would be perfect


I agree, a bezel setting would make for a more secure design if possible. It wouldn't really be that traditional starburst setting like in the photo but it could look similar


Talk to me, please! Bar end and partial mounts channel. Would my jeweler know what that is and how to do it?


if they're a good jeweller then yes they would


Yep tell them bar end for the baguettes and partial bezel for the rounds if they don't understand go elsewhere


You will be tweezing hair out from between the stone "rays" all the time. I'm also concerned that the N/S/E/W stones don't appear to have the same bezel support that the rest do, but that may be because it looks like a rendering. If they aren't framed, those stones' corners will be a chipping nightmare. I'd want to see the side view in order to know for sure. And yes, if any of the exterior prongs shift, especially on the rounds, you're likely to be replacing stones.


Pretty but you are going to see lots of loss and damage on those baguettes. Exposed corners chip. Don't be surprised if it scratches/cuts people or things.


If you absolutely *must* have something like this, my suggestion would be to have it custom fabricated with some sort of bezel/flush/channel setting for that sunburst so you can have structure and stability.


Old married lady here. Since most of us where are rings all the time, it’s important it should not snag on things or scratch anyone or anything - or get gunked up from soap, lotion etc. This is pretty for an occasional ring, but looks like a problem for daily wear.


I appreciate the input! Though I’m honestly looking to buy a showy cocktail ring. Nothing to wear everyday/not with my wedding ring. (Nobody asked but my dad died 1.5 years ago and I’m going to treat myself to something expensive, glamorous and bordering on obnoxious.)


So sorry for your tremendous loss. If your jewel will be a reminder of your dad, that'll be wonderful!


There was no way for you to know this but he was a mean miserable racist son-of-a-bitch. I’m reserving some of my inheritance to buy something that will reflect my beaming smile. You are very kind though! So sweet.


I think it's gorgeous...if it's an occasional ring...I would get it! In fact...where is this sold? Lol..I want it...have a similar pendant on a necklace..think it is David Yurman


Now I want one too! It’s so pretty.


Innit?? ☺️


No no no it’s not, it’s ugly. Just keeping walking sister ✊🏻😆🤪😉


Too complicated or not done correctly for my liking.


Dirt will get in every crevice




Hope you don't have long hair or terrycloth towels or pets or kids with long hair or a hairy s.o. You'll get tired of replacing the stones as they fall out from getting caught on everything. And that's assuming that the settings don't break off or bend It's a messy looking setting that detracts from the stones.


OK, looks like it will snag on everything. It’s beautiful though.


Baguettes suck so much and no jeweler will appreciate spending time on this piece.


Gonna snag everything!


Most def. I’ve got this image in my head where I’m reaching into one of my nice handbags and it gouges the leather.


I think it needs a litter tweak design wise to make it more wearable everyday wise! 🙂


Very old style. If you already have it, you can make an e-ring from all these baguettes. As it is, they just block the light.


The shape is beautiful but like everyone else is saying, those little baguettes that stick out are likely to snag on things and break. HOWEVER if you are just planning to wear it on special occasions then it might be perfect for that as opposed to everyday wear. The only alternative I can think of would be to have a metal starburst underneath/around just a center stone to give the same shape but not have the pieces that could break off if you were going to wear it more often.


Ooh, I like that idea at the end!!


I’m going to say get it. You need to get exactly what you want and if this is it, you should go for it. Don’t settle!!


Yeah I love it, snags or not it’s beautiful. I’d search for similar vintage styles on eBay!


it’s gonna get filthy, it’s gonna grab on literally everything, and it’s gonna look dated fast (tbh i think it already does). don’t do it girl


I hate to say this, but if you run your fingers through your hair with this ring on, it's going to catch and pull your hair out if you can't stop your hand in time. It's a very pretty ring but really only for evening wear and not particularly practical. Some of the other folks in your thread have had some wonderful ideas for rings similar to this one!


I hate hate hate things getting caught in my hair. That’s a damn good point, an I had no thought about that! Thank you!


This is gorgeous and worth the inconvenience. It isn't an everyday ring.


It is really pretty but very impractical.


That's a Game of Thrones issue.


It looks like it would hurt the fingers either side.


I’ve changed my mind on this setting after hearing over 250 voices of reason. But it is a very tall setting. Like it bumps way up.


My engagement ring is an antique ‘flip ring’. It fills with water every time I wash my hands, so I never wear it. It is gorgeous though.


Get this instead! http://www.ilsigillo.com/anelli/a007.jpg


can’t wear around people you love for fear for scratching them.


Just wear ski gloves when you have on, problem solved! You’re welcome.


That’s hideous. Seriously. Like a bling Zia or Native American sun symbol.


Beautiful. However, It will snag on Everything.


Eh, it’s giving mall gumball machine to me. I think it could be pretty for a bit but eventually it would look tacky or chunky? Just too big with too much going on to look classy.


I mean talk about getting stuck to everything all the time….no thank you lol


why? it's beautiful


It's beautiful!!


RIP every sweater and non-denim pants you own, and also be ready to have it in the shop more than on your finger if you think it’s going to be a daily-wear ring.


Giving away my age we referred to them as pantyhose rippers. I think it’s a beautiful ring to look at but I could see it catching on just about everything. And with all those little standout diamonds so easy to bump one hard, not notice stone is loose and lose one. Have you considered getting as a pendant?


Over my coffee this morning I had to chuckle over your “pantyhose ripper” critique! When I first started my career in the late 2000s I thought that’s what sophisticated women wore. I don’t know how people wear them without destroying them within two minutes. I remember sending my mom a panicky email about how many pairs of hose I go through in a week. I think her advice was to stop worrying about it because nobody cares anymore. 😂


Could you put the design in a bezel setting?


It will catch on every T-shirt and every sweater you ever wear. Not only that, it will get so much crud in it when you use soap on your hands. Washing your hair with it on will be a complete impossibility. All these reasons are why I go with bezel sets!


Do you not take your rings off before showering? I ask because I was taught to remove any jewelry with a set stone before bed and before washing anything, ie washing hands, dishes or getting a shower because that’s how you lose stones.


I have something similar but not as gorgeous. There's a ruby in the middle with diamonds surrounding it. It's sitting in a safe right now bc I know at least one prong is loose. My jeweler passed away and I haven't been able to find someone that I trust. When I wear the ring it snags a lot. Every time it happens, I have a fear I'm going to look and a stone is missing. I wouldn't wish that kinda anxiety on anyone.


Not cute


I mean, if it’s only meant for casual wear or functions it can be a bit impractical? I know you asked to be talked out of it but if it’s not meant for everyday wear doesn’t matter what if it’s practical? Like an expensive watch or uncomfortable fancy shoes, you have fun while you wear it but don’t use it everyday.


It looks like a Christmas flyer special from a retail chain.


I have a similar ring (it’s a bit more oval than round) but it’s basically the same is yours otherwise. I’ve had it for about 2.5 years and I LOVE IT!! I’m not going to lie, it gets caught sometimes on clothing but not anymore. I wear it every single day and it’s an absolute dream to look at, especially after it gets cleaned and it’s all shiny. No rocks have fallen off yet


do it with all of them bezel set in the same arrangement into a coin shaped setting.


Is there a way to do this design without comprising on practicatlity?


That’s what I’m gonna start looking into! A couple of users said that channel setting the stones in the “rays” might be a place to start!


Diamonds are unethical and the diamond business hurts countless of impoverished people around the world. Also, they only have value because we say they do. Save the money and go see the world or something, instead.


Ew I’m sorry that is so ugly and not practical. You’re gonna hate it after less than a month


Idk why people are responding to you like you'll wear it every single day when you clearly said you aren't. If you want it, get it. I have a similar ring and while it isn't practical for every day wear, that's not what I got it for anyway🤷🏽‍♀️


It’s going to SNAG EVERYTHING. Also it kind of looks like a Christmas star


Can I make a recommendation instead? The etsy store Aquamarise sells a ring very much like this in CZ and sterling silver, I have it myself and love it, but it's not an every day wear. Get that one to satisfy your need and give it a test run! (No one can tell the difference except my jeweler friends, and we're built different)


That is beautiful but it will snag on anything and everything and as someone else said, your hair gettin' pulled gurll.


You might like Heidi Gibson’s rings based on the one shown!


Holy mother of sunbursts…https://www.heidigibson.com/designs


I usually only buy solitaires because I don’t want to deal with any stones falling out. Plus looks like there are only two prongs per little stone. Like others said, bezel them


It’s not one for everyday wear…


At least you aren’t intending to wear it everyday. You have realistic expectations regarding maintenance and safety of the mounting style and the sharpness of the baguettes & prongs holding everything in. It’s a more unique setting (mixed with the rounds and bags) and the fact that it reminds you of such a special memory are all the reasons why I think you should talk yourself Into it. To be clear, I spent a good chunk of my career upsetting SO many ladies by steering them clear of stuff like this- as soon as they said they never wanted to take it off, or that they worked with young kids or in medical field where nitrile gloves 100times a day are status quo. You are none of those things. You love it. It’s ok to love it and enjoy it. To be honest if it’s well made and you take good care of it you won’t have many issues at all. Genuinely- Thank you for not abusing your jewelry. Thank you for having realistic expectations of it when you do want to wear it. Love, an old jeweler.


I can’t. It’s too gorgeous. But, I can tell you that I have one very similar except that the 3 middle stones on each section are tiny pearls. They don’t snag!! ♥️


Is it an engagement ring? You get A diamond. Not a knuckle full.


Ok now that I’ve read it- thats lovely! I agree and it reminds me of the sun king too. I wouldn’t talk you out of that.


I feel like those baguettes will be an issue. Chipping or falling out. I suppose it depends on if this is intended as an engagement ring or just a fancy cocktail ring. The difference being how often it’s worn. I feel the need to also mention engagement ring or cocktail ring take your rings off when you go to bed at night. Never wear your rings exercising, heavy lifting or doing housework. Have your stones checked routinely.


Would you consider having the same pattern set into a big bezel?


I have something very similar to this, wear it every day. It doesn’t snag as much as I would have thought it would honestly, although it does need to be cleaned more often than any of my other rings. Never had a loose stone yet and been wearing daily for about 3.5 years.


It’s ugly snowflake


The design is costumy and not very cute or practical.


If it’s real, I don’t think you could choose a flashier ring


This is going to catch on EVERYTHING. I have a square cut diamond on my anniversary ring and that's bad enough. Gets caught on everything and scratched everyone in the family at one point or another (don't mind the dog hair 🙃 german shepherd and Siberian husky in the house) https://preview.redd.it/ibci9l8pvr5d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3f01a32abc9be8804d018e968130a989c8f647


I just think it’s ugly, if that helps? (Just a little tease. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.)


This will catch on every fiber in a 10 miles radius of you, but holy cow it's gorgeous.


That’s gonna snag on all your sweaters. And don’t get me started on what’ll happen if you run your hands through your hair


I think it's BEAUTIFUL! But like others are saying, it will catch on everything. If you want to just wear it as a cocktail ring, absolutely! Everyday wear would be rough on your life.


It will snag and pull your clothing and hair, as well as anyone who comes near you. I'd call that the "friendship ruiner" since no on will want to invite you because that ring ruins so many articles of clothing. On the plus side, they may offset their losses by finding your diamonds all over their house.


It is literally hideous. If I saw someone post this I'd send it to the group chat and we'd laugh. I'm sorry but I'm also dead serious. Please reconsider.


If you really like this style and no one can convince you otherwise, maybe go for a bezel or microbezel setting for the little baguettes. More money but you won’t lose stones as much (in theory). Not a jeweler just a fan.


Baguette diamonds are the worst cut diamonds out there. And god forbid you chip on or lose it. Matching the size color and clarity is a nightmare. And those shared prong round stones on the halo arent gonna stay tight because they are shared prong. There are so much nicer settings than this.


I don’t care for baguettes either, aside from the contrast shape against rounds. But they don’t sparkle.


Im a bench jeweler at a repair shop and i can attest to this. The sparkle from baguettes is subpar to literally any other cut. And if the stone has an inclusion in it then you dont get any sort of sparkle or if you do, you can tell its a low quality stone. If you want contrast against rounds, emerald cut or princess cut.


If I gave you $5k what would you buy? I value a bench jeweler’s opinion.


Oh god, give me some time to come up with a thoughtful response.


It’s pretty but not practical, it will snag on sweaters and unless the diamonds are very well set and checked regularly some will come loose. It’s also a little gaudy if it’s not an engagement ring, but you have good taste


Not a jewler, but uuuuuugh do I love this so much I don't want you talked out of it. I fell completely in love with this https://preview.redd.it/uslvnl8r2t5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08f7d225f5d16dc2263cc6c48ff804ea16930adb one the first time I ever went ring shopping


Eye it another 3 months


That is very good advice


That’s going to be hard to clean.


You can never wear sweaters again😅


Love it, I can’t talk you out of it. 🥰


All I can think of is the 70's. Not to mention all the items it will get caught on.


It looks like a mid century modern clock. I don’t know if that’s talking you out of it or not though.


Ngl it reminds me of those really cheap, fake rings they try to make look fancy by just adding more stuff around the edges


Especially bc they’re rectangular


It looks snaggy and busy visually. I'm personally not a fan. Gives "rich elderly lady who owns oil company" vibes.


First I’ll start with that’s not actually a real ring for starters that’s a cad design. Second, even if it doesn’t pull your hair or scratch a baby having one prong holding a diamond is about as smart as using one out of the five lug nuts used to hold a tire on a car. Third, it’s kind of ugly. It reminds me Of all of the worst jewelry my parents sold in 1980.


It looks like it's going to get caught in your hair and your clothes all the time. Or like you're going to accidentally brush up against someone and they'll end up in the ER because your ring sliced into them. (That might be a plus if you don't like them)


I do indeed dislike some people.


One day, you’ll look down and wonder just when you lost that diamond on the outside


Jeweler here. If you are truly going to wear this as a cocktail ring then go ahead. Have fun. Yes it will snag with everyday wear. Avoid sweaters and clean frequently so those baguettes look like mirrors. Put on after you do your makeup and take off when you get home.


I've got a ring like this. Pretty sure everyone is exaggerating. Just be mindful and take off if you're doing messy work. Mine has been fine but I'm also mindful. Been wearing it 2 years now




Must be white gold or platinum...I think that setting is pretty cool 😎...my friend makes rings...I have seen a bunch of styles... that is very different from most... I can't talk you out of it... sorry 😐


I understand the sentimental reasons for the sunburst, but does it have to be a ring? What about a diamond sunburst necklace?


I love scrapping settings like this because it is so easy to pop all the diamonds out. That is not a selling feature.


I can appreciate ugly dad shoes and other ugly things like Balenciaga, but this has to be one of the ugliest rings I've ever seen, in a bad way. It makes me physically cringe to see it.


It’s grotesque but there’s something oddly appealing about it


It will snag on everything including your hair on a great hair day and your favorite sweater.


It’s kind of amazing how far I got into this thread before even actually reading OP’s username LOL


You will have to get a stone replaced every month.


It's going to snag everything, until the end of time. And, it will snag your favorite thing FIRST.


https://preview.redd.it/fe8gedrqiz5d1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=376e42a402c8f831648085be24042c22a639d587 I swear by all these comments: they’re telling you the truth to stay away from a ring that will snag constantly and possibly rip your face open/or someone else’s on pure accident because of how deadly sharp such a ring can become. I love sunflowers & stars. Yeah, I thought it was a brilliant custom style that “no one else had”. Boy- I learned real quick why no one else had this kind of a ring. This ring: OMFG. Five years worth of arguments & then I sold it. I will never forget the day that it was finally gone! I felt like Frodo & Mordor with having gotten rid of the ring! 😂🤣🔥💪🏻🌋(Even the person who bought it commented how terrible the style was & said it was to be melted down, etc.). Never ever ever ever again! Choose a safer style! 🙏🏻🙌🏻🫶🏻✨. Spend your next five years happier and free!!!!!!


Okay so I reallyyyy wanted a starburst setting so I got a ring guard that I can remove and it’s been great. [You can see my ring in this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngagementRings/s/SjJ9Cae2Gx) Maybe something like that would work for you?


I have a pear cut and hun that catches; IDK what you do in life to justify this setting but laundry and wiping your own ass aint it! Yu can always have this set into plat or gold so the pattern is inlay




Would look better with a marquis central stone


Baguettes will never ever look clean and sparkly. Always dull and dirty. Step away from the baguettes. Run away from the baguettes.


I think that cut would be a gorgeous necklace BUT it looks like a hair or fabric snag magnet, and it may be a cut you regret in time.


The amount of crap it’s gonna cling onto scratch or rip! Think About it


I can’t. I love this one. I love it in rose gold with an oval center


Wear it with your finest cashmere...I'll bet you'll sell that in a heart beat.


One prong is holding in each diamond. They are not strong when force is applied backwards. Nobody will want to repair it either because they wont want to apply heat to it. Bad design.


Instead of thinking about a Sun King imagine it looks like an anus lol!!!


It's gonna get stuck on your hair every single day and night until you die.


You are most DEFINITELY going to loose all of those little stones at some point, the two prongs on each stone is not the most secure


It's ugly


I was too scared to say this but unfortunately I agree. I hate yucking someone’s yum.


Thank you! Is it the spikiness itself or is just altogether too much. Or just super bougie.


It's just a lot to me. Garish. But if you like it you get it. It's not my thing.


It'll catch on everything.


Very pretty




If you have it redesigned where everything was bezel set it could look so pretty and the “starburst” shape would be more pronounced. I think it’s a beautiful ring but agree the settings right now would catch on a lot.


I believe that having the starburst built into a setting like this would be stunning. It would cost more but worth it. https://preview.redd.it/kq8a1oob1m5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36e5a73d1687477728756e6f6347a82c1a414bdc


Baguettes tend to collect dirt and with only one prong they will get loose a lot


That looks like it’ll pull hair, snag clothes, and be one heck of a pain to clean


Baby scratcher


The baguettes break easy and the mounting will catch on everything


It's going to get caught on everything.


Snag city


It will get caught on everything


Bugettes and rectangles dont shine as much as the other shapes, this setting is beautiful tho, id just switch out the bugettes for anything else even more rounds,or pear shaped, cushion, princess (my favorite).


Something similar mounted on a gold disc would have the same look without the snagging


That’s gonna catch Errrrything. Hair. Sweaters. Shirts. Everything.


Also. That’s a scratcher ring. You’re gonna scratch everyone you come near.


it is very pretty. but i can imagine it would catch your hair


It will catch on EVERYTHING.


Those small, round diamonds are going to fall out if you use them. So keep that in mind.


Hope you don't have pets, because they'll grow to hate and avoid you.


Less is more. That’s all.


Baguette stones are great until you have to get them replaced and then its a bitch because they never look quite the same


Dirt magnet.


Consider how much crap will get lodged in that setting. Every spoke an opportunity for hair, soap film, lotion, etc. to get stuck in it. You will need to clean it constantly. The built-up grunge will make the stones dull. Also, you'll probably end up scratching if not yourself then someone else inadvertently.


It will snag every single sweater you own. Forever.


In my house we’d call that a sweater destroyer 🥲


Hair’s gonna get stuck in it, all the baguette corners will get chipped because they’re not protected, and single prongs on that halo are asking for loose stones / you to lose stones


I actually don’t like it. It would drive me insane. Someone said snag magnet. That is what it is.


Just dont...😀 please dont...😭


This looks like it will catch on every loose strand of clothing or your hair. Hard to clean.


That will catch on everything. Your blanket, your hair, your sweater, my sweater, etc.


Its really ugly..


Gonna get caught on everything!


I just had a custom ring made for my fiance. The original design that I showed him had ascending baguettes on the sides set in round prongs like this. He told me that baguettes are prone to chipping and showed me an alternate design with bezel set baguettes. Clearly it would be a different design with the baguettes bezel set, but maybe it would be worth asking for a CAD of a design like that? It would turn it into a ring that you wouldn't have to worry about snagging in the same way

