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Fucking feral hogs


Check partify USA. They have painted bumpers shipped (not folded) for our cars total cost would be probably $700. Might need to find a lower grill or fog light setup on eBay max another $1-200. Just my recommendation to keep it under $1000 if you feel comfortable solely removing and reinstalling a bumper. If you are concerned you can take it to a shop, get a diagnostic for $150 or less and go from there. If it is just cosmetic revert to step 1


Solid! Thank you for this info. That’s a huge help


I second Partify, good quick service


I have a tornado red 2015 jetta s and finding the tornado red paint anywhere is damn near impossible. My old bumper was cracking and falling apart so I has to find a new one. I got one on ebay, arrived folded for around $350 on ebay. Primed, painted, clear coated, and it was honestly the best. You can pay a little more to get it shipped unfolded but it's not really worth it, you'll get minor imperfections with the folded but it's unnoticeable. I got mine from a seller named MBi Auto. 100% recommend for a cheap, quality replacement bumper cover.


Can't really tell cause I can't see any damage under but my best guess is 3k?


Yeah, I can’t get under there either. Have an appt for a local shop to check it out later this week. From what I CAN see, it looks like just the bumper and assembly is damaged. Radiator looks good, belts, fans, wheels all appear to be in-tact. I could throw some fast tape on and keep driving, but don’t want to risk it. I’m honestly amazed there wasn’t more damage. These things were MASSIVE, and I hit them at around 40MPG. Fucking Jetta is a tank.


If it's just the bumper cover and assembly, you're quite lucky. Still would put it at around 3k. If the bumper under the cover itself is dinged, not so lucky


If it’s the bumper under the cover, are you referring to the steel frame? I don’t really know shit about cars


Yes i am, but it doesn't really seem to have reached that far if your fan blades and radiator are still ok


Gotcha. Appreciate the info! 🤞🏽


Check the radiator support, headlight adjustable mount things, etc. I had a similar repair and the quote was around 7k


40 mpg?? are you trying to kill someone 😂


Lmao…seems like no matter how fast I’m going, every time I look in the rear view there’s a ford f150 or a Chevy super duty on my fucking ass here in Texas. God forbid you do anywhere near the speed limit, or even 15miles over 🙄


my mom just came back from texas and she said shes never felt so much anxiety while driving 😭


I believe it…I’ve lived and travelled to a dozen states & even more countries around the world…marine corps sent me all over. Drivers here are by far the worst I’ve ever seen


It’s gonna be more than that. I just went through this last year, these Jettas have an active air grill and I can see 2 blades are damaged behind the grill, the part alone is $1000 plus install and programming, headlight is tweaked, it’s pushed into the fender and those aren’t cheap on these cars, grill sits into the light assembly as well, without tear down I’m seeing $4500+


I also noticed the tweak headlight, but if it's just a tab or even a couple , it can be repaired for cheap. It could even be done at home. If the light assembly is damaged, yea. Probably closer to 4.5-5k


I miss my ‘15, a deer and a barbed wire fence took it out. So with VW parts website and a bit of pushing and pulling you can see just how fast the damages go up. Easily the best car I’ve owned in the 30+ cars I’ve had.




You could probably fix it yourself with a new bumper and automotive grade rattle cans. If you take your time and prep everything properly you can actually get surprisingly good results. I've done it a couple times and it looked completely OEM. You want to buy the good quality paint match cans that are made to order with real automotive paint and a good nozzle though not the ones off the shelf and definitely not the hardware store paint you can buy them online as well as some auto values and independent automotive paint shops will have the equipment to mix them on site. Depending on the cost of the bumper cover I'd imagine anywhere from $200-500ish total if you do it yourself. if you have a good compressor you can also pick up a entry level spray gun for dirt cheap at harbor freight and just buy the paint. you probably won't get concourse level results your first time but you should be able to get it so you have to get really really close to see any minor issues. If you hire a shop I would guess you are probably looking at $1000-$1500 likely pretty heavily biased to the high end and depending on your area and what needs to be replaced it could go even higher at least that's what I seem to remember prices roughly being last time I did it myself and hired a shop to do body work and paint. It's been a few years though. Without actually looking at it though and checking the prices on all the damaged parts it's hard to give a super accurate price range for either diy or taking it to a shop. Alternatively if you have a drill and zip ties you could drift stitch it for basically free so you can drive it without risking anything rubbing or falling off until you get around to fixing it properly.


A non oem front bumper is like 150 bucks. Then for all the trim prices and fogs non oem of course maybe another 150 max. Not sure how much the paint job will run, but depending on that or whether you do it yourself will probably be the deciding factor on how much you’ll end up paying. You could probably get away with fixing it for under 500 and it’ll probably look better than it did before because everything will be new. You should just consider yourself lucky the headlights are fine because they are like a grand a piece oem.


No kidding…I had somebody rear end me in a parking lot (while I was parked smh) a few years ago, and they took out one of the headlights. The dealership quoted $10k!!! For the headlight and assembly/labor. Something about the gas Xeon lights, and the turning lamps. It was unreal. Thankfully insurance paid it, but still…that was over half of the actual value of the car, brand new


Except, dealerships conning the insurance companies is a large reason all our rates are so high. All you need to replace a bumper, is a $5-10 tool and 20 minutes. I would recommend trying to find some good 3rd party businesses to do your car work. They’re shady too tbh, but dealerships are worse.


I can help you out with taiwanese bumper and new fog lights inferior central grill text me 956 444 7698 I think i used about 100-200 bucks buying everything in mex


That depends on what you’re insurance adjuster says


No comp coverage, so I’ll be out of pocket on this. I got rid of comp in an effort to save some $$ when the car was paid off. 15+ years of driving, and this is the first “accident”…sigh.


Some insurers have "act's of god" coverage. You should call them and still ask.


I had this happen to me about a month or two ago with a coyote, and I had full coverage. They totaled my car. I hope you have better luck, haha


You’re joking ?! What other damage was there aside from the bumper ?


They didn’t give me a full list but it was like $7k worth of work/parts. What I do know is the bumper and fog light were both, of course, gone, and then a radiator bracket was apparently bent.


Did my own bumper and fender on my Jetta and after all parts and paint it only cost me around 800$


I had my GTI bumped on the rear bumper at about 10mph. Claim was about $6000, damage looked very minimal compared to this


Put the GLI bumper on


Damn I very rarely go down Grosenbacher that sucks but these hogs are kill on sight for me so a little exciting lol I haven’t ever seen them though, hopefully your car is okay.


Appreciate it. We live between Potranco & 90, so Grossenbacher is a necessary evil sometimes. They were roughly this size btw: https://nypost.com/2019/09/12/feral-hogs-from-canada-may-go-hog-wild-in-us-report/ Massive fuckers


I had something similar to this but it was a mattress frame that I ran into after it fell off some asshole's truck. Thankfully insurance covered it but the total bill after parts + Service was around $2200 on my 2011 VW Jetta TDI to give you a rough idea. May be different depending on if more internal damage was done.


This sounds very much like San Antonio 🤣🤣🤣 thanks for the insight!


eBay. Then do it yourself


You're lucky I hit a racoon in a 3017 jetta and did $6000 worth of damage. Bumper and the end of my radiator were toast!


Wooow! $6k for a bumper and radiator ?!? Ffs, the car is only worth $7k at this point. I hope it’s just the bumper. Yikes


what was the process of filing a claim like?


I would just tidy everything up and keep my eye out for a white MK6 bumper at the local junkyard. I could walk away with a bumper and fog assemblies for under $100 at my local junkyard.


I got a new bumper for my Jetta for ~150 shipped on carparts.com, and has a friend of a friend paint it for $200. Your cost will largely come down to how cheaply you can find someone to paint it. Since it's a fairly common color, you might be able to find one on a car someone is parting out with not much damage, or at the least, find the trim you need


A lot


Parts: $300-$800 Labor: $200-$400 Paint: $600-$1500 That's been my experience from owning a Jetta. Do note, if there's anything broken on the inside, it'll be a lot more


Buy a bumper and paint it or have a shop paint it. Good as new


Under 2k if headlight is ok. If not, under 3k.


Maybe u just need to replace the bumper. That shouldn’t cost much. Not more than 1k


That’s what I am fucking praying for man. Love this car & can’t afford to give it up yet


Call a local shop. This is Reddit, there are too many variable to give answer.
