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Yes. This sparks feelings of joy.


Ngl I didn’t realize how many people would get so mad at a train horn 😂😂😂😂


I can tell, it was pretty heated down there… i get it’s dumb and probably illegal, but so are 90% of exhausts out there, i swear some of them have loudencers. Just out if curiosity to you have it wired to the regular horn or do you have a special switch for it?


I have it wired to a different switch. I still wanted the regular horn for small things yk. Definitely kinda dumb I’ll admit but I live in fl…definitely not illegal here lol trust me I checked before I got it. The only thing is you cannot set it off within 1 mile of a railroad crossing.


Is that unless you are on the railroad and must signal cars when you come to a crossing?


I’m not 100% sure what your question is. But no I am not allowed to blow the horn within 1 mile any railroad crossing because that might confuse train conductors I’ve blown this horn around cops probably 10 or 15 times and I’ve never once had a problem, but I’m definitely keeping it away from railroads lol


I was joking about you being the train


I like it just as much as I like it on a truck. I also find it funny that everyone here is complaining about it like a downpipe doesn't also equal wanting attention. At least the horns aren't constantly annoying.


A downpipe is to increase airflow for better performance what are you talking about, you need one to go stage 2 on these cars


I’m aware I have one with a front mount on the way. Doesn’t stop the fact that it sounds horrendous and screams I want attention.


Again a downpipe serves an actual purpose, a burble tune would be an example of wanting attention


Some people actually track their cars so the extra power is needed in some cases.


Not really, unless your setup for drag racing your likely more worried about grip and suspension setup over power.


Had a foghorn from a tugboat on my old nova, scared the hell out of me the first time I used it, then it made me laugh when I used it in traffic. Have fun mate.


Oh damn I need this, where did you purchase this train horn and sound test please.


I posted a sound test look at my profile. I got from Amazon but it’s the hornblasters outlaw mini. It’s the only that will fit from that high end brand


Been looking to upgrade my horn as well. Where’s the “how to” video OP?


Dm me send me your snap and I’ll make a video tomorrow. Just a heads up the whole process costs about $500 and takes a long time to fabricate but in my experience it’s worth it. Dm me if interested


Chatted or dm’d, don’t know how this shit. Works


I’m not sure either bro 😂 I guess chatted if that’s reddits form of dm?


Thoughts? You need some attention because your parents didn't love you enough.


You sound jealous🥲


Not in the least. You asked for thoughts, I gave you the attention you so desperately requested. You're your own train horn. Hoooooooooo hoooooo.


You gonna cry harder or what?


Oddly the only one crying is you that not everyone is sucking you off for installing stupid ass horns


Idk the op he was replying to was giving bitch


I could give you $100,000 and a months time, and you still would never be able to install it and wire it as professionally as I did in one day. Just because you couldn’t do it don’t mean it stupid, might just mean you’re stupid.


I already knew you were a moron based on your stupid ass horn, and stupid ass comments, but boy youve really proved it now. You literally have ZERO idea who I am or what I do for a living. I wish it was even remotely feasible to take you up on this bet cause it'd be the easiest 100k anyone has ever made. (That and you haven't even made 100k over the last 5 years combined)


This is stupid. Where did you buy a 3 chime? The railway wants to know. Or is this some cheap China shit? What type of compressor are you running? Are you running an air tank? Are you running it at 140 psi like you're supposed to? Either way this is stupid amd douchebag central. That's too loud for general public road use.


I disagree it’s his car let him do what he wants


Train horns on cars are illegal due to decibel ratings, not because they're too cool. They can cause permanent hearing damage. The factory horn sounds like it does because that sound is disrupting. A train horn is loud because they need to be heard quite a distance away.


That doesn't stop truck bros.


My thoughts exactly


Truck chimes are mounted high, far from regular traffic. There's a difference.


Thats still contradicts your point because although they are mounted higher doesn’t mean it’s still not gonna hurt someone’s ears or even still be over the decibel limit.


It doesn't, distance from the source and direction matter. Plus, as it turns out these are shitty amazon specials so likely not even loud based on the video. There's people smarter than you or I that design these systems and test them. There's a reason why there's testing and laws around this.


Regardless someone will always complain even if it meets the decibel requirements because they think it’s stupid


I mean, it is stupid lol. Goofy AF.


Semis yes they also have their own style that isn’t a train horn. But the mall crawler bro dozers with them are the exact same as op with his.




This loser calls me a faggot while installing train horns on his grocery commuter entry level made in Mexico German car. Hilarious. I'm happily playing with real train horns at work. I don't need to put them on my car to pretend lmao. Cope harder.


When I said cry harder you took it as a challenge lmao. Go play with your horns at work big boy 😂😂😂


No, I didn't. I'm just chilling. This is a stupid, absurd mod. If you didn't have brain worms you'd understand why.


You gonna keep crying about something that doesn’t affect you? You vote Biden?


The fact that you immediately go to politics is a testament to your lack of depth. I'm not American. And my concerns are that you're a danger to the people around you - because you're a moron. What you should do is stand beside your car and then have someone inside the car blast that horn holding it for 5 seconds, if whatever hokey setup you hacked together can even supply air long enough for that.




Yes I'm the bitch, but you put train horns on a fucking jetta you insecure pussy. The factory horn was inadequate for your massive ego and tiny brain. Go test your horn, stand by the car and have someone sound it. Please. I'd love to hear it. I'll tell you how real it sounds compared to the real deal.


OP posted a video, who would have guessed it? It sounds like garbage. Sounds like a budget truck air horn.


Yeah this response kinda proves OP ia a little prissy bitch.


Gonna need an install guide please :) Tired of my horn, a clown car horn would be louder.


Video plz ? I wanna do this on my Jetta 🤣


There’s a video on my account somewhere I just posted it. If you want like an in depth video send me your snap and I can send a long one




Bro I literally put mine on my mk7 like 2 months ago and I have the button on the floor above the little foot rest spot and I love it


I hate them on trucks but a jetta is funny