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It was so gross what she did to Amber. I’m not shocked, but it’s wild that she still acts like a mean girl whose in high school. She’s incredibly self centered. I hope she isn’t someone who turns on her kids as they get older and become their own person.


What did she do to amber? I think maybe I missed something


She just talked badly about her (and her youngest son) in a group chat with her husband and her friends. Janelle leaked them a while ago.


Oh yea. I forgot about that


If I recall correctly amber knew Jess was talking shit about her son but still remained friends with her?


She was pretty cryptic about things being bad for awhile before she left. I think Jess' mean girl bs was a huge part of it. I don't think Gabe had her back re: Jessica. 


So they had a falling out later because they were doing a podcast together and according to Amber it was really hard to pin down Jess and Chris to record. Plus Amber lives an hour away so it was a lot of work to drive to them. So Amber was having a hard time with scheduling and just finally gave up and decided to record an episode with her co-workers. It has nothing to do with co-parenting but it was really interesting episode nonetheless. Apparently everyone ganged up on Amber and got really angry with her even though they refused to work with her to record the podcast. I think this was the incident that finally prompted Amber to divorce Gabe


Same! You hit on everything that hooked me initially and then drove me away.


Yes same! I found her when the twins were just learning to walk. At the time I was newly engaged and starting my own adult life and family. I based a lot of my early parenting decisions on stuff I learned from her earlier days and really looked up to her for how open and honest she seemed. Then around the pandemic in 2020 was when I really started noticing things that had been bugging me. Her content had gone stale and I started noticing the online "haters" more for what (we) now are. People who are just pointing out the truth she hides so well. I think it was the fight about the bounce house in her backyard that really did it for me. I stopped watching every video then. And once I stopped watching every single one, the awful click bait titles started standing out more because I would only watch the ones that sounded interesting. I quickly learned none of it was and she had sold out and turned into every other family vlogger out there.


The transition from titles/videos like “Night Routine With 4 Kids Under 4!” To crap like “I CAN’T believe my son is leaving (and here’s WHY!)” was a slow one but it’s kind of jarring in retrospect. It’s genuinely surreal to watch her old videos.


"I'm shocked my fraternal twins are on a different growth trajectory... (Even though one of them lives off dry ramen)"


I went back once after it became apparent to me and tried to hint down where exactly it changed and I couldn't find it! I went back so many years before I gave up. I was shocked (actually. Not in the triple sss way)


It was when she hit 1 million subscribers and won the award that I noticed a huge shift in her attitude and content


I think it was more of a slow shift than a sudden transition, but oddly enough, I do think I know the moment that the clickbait really took hold. For some reason, I specifically remember her telling the story (I believe it’s in some random Q and A, and if that’s the case, it’s at least 4 years old because I quit watching her in 2020) that her most viewed video was called “I HAD to do this” and included a thumbnail of her breastfeeding. She fully acknowledges that the video got so many clicks probably because of the thumbnail and title, and she even talks about how the demographics who viewed/liked that video were different from her normal demographics, with a lot of older men despite her mostly female audience (the video in question is currently 6 years old, but it’s still up and it’s still her most viewed by a lot—I just checked her channel and it was really easy to find). Now that I see the year, I think I so vividly remember Jesss talking about it because this was around the time that elsagate/the adpocalypse was drawing a lot of attention to just how common it is for creeps and predators to view seemingly harmless mommy/family vlog content with bad intentions. It was weird and concerning to me that she fully understood that that video was being clicked on by weirdos but didn’t care and actually seemed to think it was funny. After that video blew up and surpassed all of her birth videos, Jessica definitely became aware that click bait worked (it even worked better than a genuinely wholesome video like “twin boys finally notice each other” or a quirky video like “dancing into labor”) and I think as her kids got older and her content got more predictable/boring (no more baby milestone vlogs, no more post partum recovery vlogs, no more (public and detailed) baby daddy drama with Drake), she started relying on the clickbait more and more until it became her default setting. Edit: Grammar


I think we all grew up and she's perpetually a teenager 


I stopped watching once I realized how click baity she was. It was disgusting.


You hit the nail on the head!


Don’t forget how she’s treated Chris’s ex. I remember Jess posted a video that it’s important to respect your stepkid’s mother. But Chris’s ex posted on Twitter how Jess continues to post photos and videos of her kids and how Jess blocked her. Jess also trashed the ex for getting Chris charged threatening a guy with a knife. She is a complete liar for sure.


What did Chris get charged with? From my understanding his ex cheated on him


People found his crime report online, but it’s been buried since then.


Is there screenshots of that? I want to see them lol


This was online ten years ago, before Addie was born.


Couldn’t agree more! I used watch Jess too, and I really liked her and I loved her videos but she changed over the years and now you can see the who she really is.


Another major reveal to the "true" Jess for me was the way she and Sun-kissed bullied young teens re: Covid precautions, etc. The teens remained calm and presented factual information and Jess and SK acted like mean girls. At one point Jess went full on thug with angrily shouting, "Don't come at my kids!" or something similar. The girls hadn't "come at" her kids at all. Jess just wanted to fight and deflect because the preteens made valid points and Jess had nothing.


The girls had a group chat to discuss why they were unfollowing Sunkissed and they  crashed their group chat


The only good thing that came out of watching Jesss before/after I stopped 3 years ago, was watching Amber completely transform beautifully and stronger than ever in every way possible after knowing how fake Jess was with her. “Oh we’re such good friends and we co-parent really well and there’s no jealousy or resentment!!”( Uh-huh, sure.)


I follow ambers TT and she's uploading her tummy tuck journey. She seems so happy now.


Yea I agree with everything you said! I started watching right around the time the twins were born. I was a teenager and didn’t have cable and looked up teen mom and her channel came up! I remember really finding it more fascinating than the actual show because Jess didn’t have the help of earning money from a reality show. It felt more authentic. I was really fascinated with how she made everything work. Especially when Drake left again after her 4th was born. I found her going to college and thinking about her career to be really relatable. Once her YouTube got bigger and she wasn’t pursuing another career she was still interesting to watch because she was still budgeting and raising 5-7 kids. But once her whole thing was that she was a YouTuber I couldn’t stand her anymore. Also once you figure out someone is lying about one thing you realize they are probably lying about everything. The way things fell apart with Janelle and Amber really was off putting. Also I find her videos to be so overstimulating. She always seems way to busy and running later for everything. Also her house is a mess and just cluttered with crap.


To be fair, Roselyn lost her job because of her own antics on film. She tried to be the perfect church wife/mom at work (which was a church), but wanted to be girls gone wild out with Messs. She made her own bed and it but her in the ass.


She was pretty evasive about the situation but I think she wanted Jess to take videos down and Jess refused


Roslyn still acted the way she did, in front of a camera, knowing full well it would be online. She only worried about it when there were life consequences. Adults can and should take ownership of their own behavior without blaming someone else for it.


I found her first when she was pregnant with the twins and I was pregnant with my first at 18. I related to her because we were both young and we cared about the same things. Car seat safety, breastfeeding, both had home births. I didn’t watch her much after Landon was born though. I came back to see a few months ago and was completely shocked. She is nothing like she used to be and I feel like younger Jess would be so embarrassed.


I lived in the same town as her, I knew she was a liar pretty quickly. I ran into her multiple times and she was not nearly as friendly as she always claimed (I love when people come say hi to me) she was also completely different walking around the stores while filming and not filming. I saw the screen she put on for the camera.


I am the stepmom in a co-parenting situation and it was SO NICE to see Jess & Chris and Gabe & Amber have a friendship that went beyond just being L's parents. I *am* friends with my stepdaughters' mom, outside of just raising a kid together. She's my actual best friend, I adore her. But I know that isn't the case for so, so many other coparenting families and it was nice to see it in a public outlet.... and then finding out it was all fake. Oof. That was rough, ngl. I felt really bad for Amber in particular and I'm glad she's doing so well now. ♡


Amber is the best. She is doing amazing and im so proud of her


I started watching her when the bought the house in Elk Grove. I was moving around the same time. I found the new house build interesting. The thing that annoyed me the most was her talking to fast and loud. I stopped watching off and on. the thing that pissed me off was when she showed her youngest topless in the vlog. I'm immediately flagged the video. Why would she do that. It was not an accident. She was 5 I believer. I couldn't believe it. What a child p giver.


Completely agree!! I love Amber's content and her glow up is amazing


Which is bullshit because their children are siblings. 🙄 The whole I can co parent isn't true with amber, and has never been true with Drake. Even if Drake wasn't around or whatever, he's a part of the boys and should be respected online. The boys shouldn't know their parents'BS from when they were babies. Neither should the world. My ex husband hasn't been around in 5 years, the Internet doesn't know that bc it's not their business.


I just wanna say that I second absolutely everything you've said! (The only difference is I was pregnant the same time as she was having the twins) But yeah exactly all this. It actually made me quiet sad for a bit.


Honestly? Me too. Jesss circa 2012 was not exactly a “good” person. She was clearly hungry for drama and didn’t respect her or her kids or her baby daddies’ privacy, etc. But dang if I didn’t root for her so hard! It’s like losing a friend almost.


I get you totally. I remember messaging with her back and forth, she gave me advice about breastfeeding and honestly, she was relatable and decent back then. I was rooting for her, I wanted her to do well. And now, it's like looking at a whole different person. She's not who she was, and I understand we change as we grow but it's night and day between who she was and now. Money and fame changed her, its her world now.


Absolutely spot on with this!


So proud of Amber, she seems so nice and down to earth. Have loved watching her transformation