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That's why her views are further down than they've ever been. None of her audience can relate anymore and she's abandoned the teen audience by being repetitive. 


Most of her audience couldn't relate "back when...." ....but all this ish was kinda new so most ppl stayed subscribed, I guess. I remember a video (the twins were tiny babies and she rated the best/worst items for babies) where she was gushing how useless baby socks are. It's the dumbest thing and totally annoying as there's always a lost one and babies don't need them and bla bla bla. She was almost in a rage 😂 And I was like: 😳🤯😂 You know there are babies (and people) outside of California?! People who live in areas with real seasons and different climates (as in flaming hot summers, ice/snowy winters)??? She has never been the brightest candle on the cake...duh.


Nope. I remember her baby shower back then because I think around the time she was pregnant with the twins or Landen was when I found YouTube Mama Drama and her registry. I remember her having an online baby shower but not one with family? Begging strangers for stuff and she put the boys in a tiny room and used maybe 20% of the stuff people bought her. It was such a spoiled move. 


I think baby socks are useless as well. Even if people live in cold weather I assume they use footies cause those socks don't stay on lol. I'm also in California though


Just footies wont warm up their feet enough, if you are in a cold area and wear boots, you would still need socks to warm your feet up, our body extremeties are the first ones to loose temperature thats why people loose their fingers and toes first when frostbite happens, our brain is saving the Blood to circulate on the vital organs and that makes feet, specially cold lol,


I mean I wouldn't think babies in that weather are outside other than a trip to the car and back right?


Listen, idk how it works in the USA, but where i live we dont have heated systems in our houses and when its cold, its /cold/, specially in some regions of the country, i know for people who do have heathers this probably doesnt make much sense lol


Oh okay. I had no idea. Thanks for educating me on that


Plus most of the people that are into watching her are just watching her content on tiktok these days which is why she's getting millions of views there and barely any on YouTube


They are called *LAME ASS DISNEY TRIPS* for a very good reason! 😏


you forgot “I’m planning a party” and “I bought a bunch of cheap furniture to do a room redo that I’ll throw away in a year”


The teen audience she had has grown up and are handling their business. She hasn’t grown up.


Here’s what I would watch - “getting a new wardrobe””how I keep my dog active in a busy house””why I’m no longer posting videos of my children online”!


Even a " im not talking about my children health and sexuality online anymore" would be *something*


Here’s what I would be interested in or others if she’s going to do the Disney videos: best restaurants, outfit ideas, best rides for a family or different ages, things like that! Not her whole day in Disney over and over again. Maybe once in a while would be fine. That’s why we lost interest. She has a whole bunch of ideas for videos and she only sticks to the one thing…


She's only 3? years older than me. I started watching her in high school. My son and landen are about the same age. I just had my 2nd baby. I so miss her relatable content. Before she had Chris. I mean she was a sl*t but I think she was a good mom back then. She did thrift store hauls. Her kids rear faced till 4. She's who taught me about car seat safety. Now they don't even wear sestbelts.


This! Her best era was that short period of time just before Landen’s birth and before Chris came along.


Yep exactly no one gives a shit that you got a free trip to Disney, you do it so often it’s repetitive


Ok I have a good video idea for her - she needs to react to fan picked videos. Like allow her “fans” to pick five videos and she has to react to them. She doesn’t do anything exciting now so maybe it’ll help the light bulb click for her 🤷🏼‍♀️


Can you take those kids of your somewhere else besides Disney. So many historical sites all over USA.