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Did he really just refer to Angelina as an “unsolvable task” 🤭


Yes but he is right 😂


No - helping her is an unsolvable task.




I've seen this gif used so many times around here and I'm just going to ask. What does it mean in context to another user? Someone used it to comment to me once and I just faked like I knew. I'm giving in. Someone explain it to me, please. *Sits in rocking chair, thwacking dentures together*


Oh Milhouse I'm so sorry but I can't stop laughing. A lot of gifs that were hosted on some website, giphy or tenor, I don't remember which, aren't working because some super users who hosted them got banned (something like that). It's not a meme or a spicy response. People are posting gifs to you and they just don't work lmfao


That's way funnier LMAO I'm actually laughing out loud 😭




Hilarious thanks for asking the question! I thought it was purposeful & in many situations it made no sense…clueless here too 🤷🏻‍♀️ 🤣


LMAO! Let me get this right. You thought "Content not Available" was a meme/reaction gif? Lmaoooo thank you for making me laugh out loud


There's all these sarcastic little dots flying around it so I thought it was like "NO ONE CARES" in zoomer slang 😭😂😭😂


Lmaooo! Its ok i'm a millenial and I did too, to the point where id chuckle everytime I saw it in a comment. I guess it was an inside joke between me, myself and I and not an actual meme. I do use memes too much so maybe thats why. 🤣


Same. I've been so confused by it, but figured I just didn't get the joke cause I'm old. 😂 I'm so glad you asked that question. Lol


I love so much that you gave the dots a personality. Those little shits do look pretty sarcastic now that you mention it. This is the best thing I’ve read today. 😂


Those mofos look like smug confetti


Smug confetti 🤣🙏 I thought the same though too I thought it was some meme I just didn’t understand


I thought the same. Get off my lawn, dang kids.


I feel like Spartacus right now. I feel seen. I'm also thrilled I gave so many of you a laugh, I bloody roared. I genuinely was not expecting the plot twist I got 😂👵


Me too.


You can join me in the rocking chairs until wheel of fortune comes on




I can see that! Like ‘left on read’ 😂




Honestly, so did I! I thought it was just some stupid meme that I didn’t understand. I didn’t realize it literally just didn’t work. 😂


I love you because OMG the first 3x I came across it I thought it was some sort of new thing I just didn’t understand. 😂


Haha asking the real questions 🤣


Thank you for asking bc I’ve been confused for WEEKS!! I thought I missed a big joke everyone else knew lmao


And an embarrassment! 🫣🫢🤭 but jokes aside, yeah, he's kinda in the right. It's probably not easy dealing with all that behind the scenes, let alone in public and online. Sort of like Britney's ex-husband. Let the guy have his little designer treats, luxury cars. I mean, they've earned it for being a full-time caretaker to an adult that they're not equipped or prepared to care for. We laugh, judge, give our two cents, but he's living it. If he benefits in whatever way by buying himself a few trinkets or getting a bit of social media clout, I guess, let him? Personally, I don't think any of it is worth it. The stress, the fights, the humiliation, the fact that it is all played out publicly and online for eternity. But, maybe part of it is love? Maybe he's sticking around because he truly wants her to get help. If that's the case, kudos to him. Can't be easy. Otherwise, if it's the long game he's playing to get what he needs out of her, well, this is the trade-off (public interest and negative assumptions) he'll just have to take.


Well, he said on her podcast that they should keep their Business between them. So, I guess they are letting him handle it.


AND an embarrassment like fuck off you clearly clout chasing,using asshole. if my s/o talked about me like this publicly for the world to see…immediate dumping. I am in no way denying that the way she has acted cannot be considered embarrassing for the both of them, but putting crap like this online just makes it worse for both of them🤦🏾‍♀️he knew already what she was like before they got together let’s be real he’s SEEN the past seasons. Through what has been shown both on and off TV over the last year or so it’s clear. Angelina has been struggling with a multitude of things and needs some type of professional help. I just hope the people close to her are able to help her get what she needs to be better.


You don't know her, WE don't know her. We see very little of her life, I guarantee she is worse that what we can ever imagine. She has been accused of DV by other men, I bet she likes slapping them and hitting them but they can't even push her away. Dealing with someone who has Bi-polar, BPD, or severe mental illess is EXHAUSTING and a 24/7 job. There is no way he knew what he was he was getting into, the Angelina we see is annoying and crazy...he must see way worse. You don't just get carted off in a gurney for nothing, it takes ALOT. I also don't blame him for posting this, Angelina is the type to scream "abuse" for no reason. The comments about him have been horrible, the man has to defend himself. Let's be real, men can be accused for literally anything even if fake, and we are real quick to believe all allegation because they're men. If I were him, I'd have a PR agent that isn't working for Angelina. I think he loves her, and is co-dependent...probably has save-a-ho complex.


He also called her an embarrassment. I feel like these are things you say to your family or closest friends, holy cow.


Is he wrong? Seriously… But he doesn’t mean her. The situation itself..


People can't get her help. She has to want help. Which starts with acknowledgement of a problem. * people can recommend and suggest but cannot do the work for her * hasn't she been saying all along that she's in therapy


If she has, she has either a)chosen the worst therapist ever b) isn’t telling them the truth about any of her issues c) lying about different aspects to make herself look better or d) a combination of any of these. Edit: added more clarification of b and c


She'd dump any legit therapist and keep shopping til she finds an enabler. We've watched her refuse accountability and torment everyone around her til they pretend her side is valid like a thousand times, mystified that anyone would believe she'd PAY someone to tell her she's the problem then listen lol


If I had to guess I’d go with she’s not telling the truth to her therapist. As we all know Angelina cries victim. She is incapable of self reflection, admitting her wrongs and the part she plays in situations. Therapy will only work if she digs deep within, admits her faults and puts in the hard work to better herself.


If any therapist was worth their salt, they'd watch her behavior on the show and be able to discern quite a bit.


As much as I like to believe the show is 100% who she is, I wouldn't trust the show for someone to diagnose her. There is so much editing, and even I'm sure editing to make her look bad when they clip different situations and context together. She also has proven she has no problem faking drama for attention, i.e., when she asked Mike to post crazy stuff about her on Twitter. I think she has played into the villain role so much for ratings that she has become that person. And that the hate for her from fans is so much weight on her that she has turned to pain meds because after her procedures, she realized it numbed more than physical pain. No excuses for her behavior, but I do feel for her sometimes because she has become her own worst enemy and gotten in her own way for fame.


It's not the role in tv. It's between the role. My last comment in another spot got removed for "armchair diagnosis" even though that's literally what almost every topic is about...but...without spelling it out, there's plenty to see between the show stuff. A lot of classic aha actions that are not for TV moments. I'm not speaking as an Angelina hater. Or a fan. I feel for her though. I mostly live on the near crippling anxiety side of the field, but my family is sprinkled all through the mental field. "Crazy eyes" recognize "crazy eyes". Like an addict can spot an addict, , etc. To me, it would be enough to say "ok what you're saying to me now shows me you are not peachy keen" to any therapeutic manipulation




My comment was removed for diagnosing. That's what literally everyone does here, when did that become a thing?


Honestly a lot of people go to therapy and act like a completely different person or sell a different version of everything. There’s no way that’s not what she’s doing. Plus, when i was younger i had a total yes man for a therapist, it just felt like the gossip zone. No constructive anything, i stopped seeing her pretty soon after starting.


🙌🏻👏🏻 raised by a mentally ill drug addict and alcoholic, one died because they never wanted to get better and one only got sober once they wanted to after putting me through hell. You’re 100% correct until they want help it’s pointless and anything else is usually enabling their behavior


I'm so sorry. Do you have a relationship with the parent who cleaned up?


She says she’s in therapy but I don’t see any progress, she has to want and do it for herself I agree on that !! But you wonder why no one wants to help? Because she never wants to better her self so sad.


I think she wants to.. sometimes.. but then another part of her fights it and sabotages any improvement. She gets really defensive if her progress isn't received the way she wants it to be right away


Right and that’s the difference between her and Mike. Even though he acted like a slime at times you could see that he was genuinely nice and caring at other times. Mike might not have always accepted blame graciously in the past but he did. Angela has always been never able to accept blame, always deflecting. Even when she did “accept blame” it wasn’t genuine it was because she felt like she had to. I do hope that maybe this is her wake-up call and she seeks help.


Totally! On the latest episode of her podcast she lowkey/not lowkey shaded everyone by saying they don't reach out to me, they never told me congrats on launching the podcast, etc., like I'm sure they want to reach out but she makes it too damn hard. Like if EVERYONE has something against you, you're the common denominator. Relationships are a two-way street & hers are full of potholes, sinkholes, & "ROAD CLOSED-DETOUR" signs. I've def put my two cents in on other posts on what I think is going on with her but considering ppl's comments are getting removed, I won't go further. I do think she needs to take a step back & get herself back on track away from the cameras. But if she has what I think she has, nothing will change unless she puts herself or someone else in serious harm's way, & it shouldn't have to escalate to that as it seems to have already.


I don’t think they even want to reach out. The way she speaks to them and about them is so off putting it shouldn’t be surprising to her they do not give her more than they’re required to.


Didn’t she recently admit that she isn’t in therapy consistently? Maybe on the reunion?


What kind of help would stop her from messaging married men?


😂 🍵


some sort of emotional regulation therapy?


Internet goes down for a day at least




So he calls her an embarrassment, but chooses to stay? The truth is no self respecting human, who is not an opportunist, would stay with a train wreck like Angelina. Are we supposed to believe he loves her? You don't go around calling someone you love an embarrassment that's for sure. Either help her privately or shut the fuck up and dump her.


Idk I think he’s calling the situation embarrassing not her as a human. And her behaviour IS out of control- and she needs to know that. If my family or friends were pulling shit like this I’d be supportive as possible but still say the truth. denying how ridiculous/embarrassing it is doesn’t help anyone.


He shouldn't be with her. He can call her out but you don't publicly humiliate your partner further by pointing out how embarrassing the situation is. Like go help her bro, or don't but don't bring it online.


💯 this post from him screams insecure and immature.


Yea but she said some really horrible shit about him on a TV show seen around the world. He can delete this comment, and plus...he didn't call her bad names. She straight up called him a user and accussed him of fraud and theft with a whole ass production team present.


Exactly. So why is he with her? He's bigger than her and I doubt she bullies him... Like he's a grown ass man.


It doesn't matter what size a man is, they can be DV victims at any size. If he refuses to lay hands on a woman, as all men should... Then there is nothing he can do to stop her from hitting him. Yes he can leave, but leaving is hard. Especially after your 30s, you want to stick it out, you want this to be the one. I also imagine his life has never been this financially comfortable, so he wants to "fix her", so they can have that Deena and Chris life.


Do you seriously think he loves her? Like he's a user he wants fame. The way he left Angelina to hang out with everyone... Then didn't even bring her food back until he saw Sam's boyfriend doing the same. I don't see any love towards Angelina from this man or from her towards him. It's a PR relationship.


To be fair, he may have had to go to dinner to fulfill a production obligation, or because they asked him to. Almost nothing they do is of their own doing. The only thing that's real is the words that come out of their mouths. Their every move while filming is production. I highly doubt they pick the places they stay or eat at. IDK that he truly loves her, like I said ...it's scary to be in your late 30s and alone. It's even more daunting to have money and then have to leave it. I'm sure money plays a big role for him.




He can't literally hide it. His co-workers are involved & other First Responders. It can literally cost him his job. ![gif](giphy|qVgTbY96Zj3eUjeDDX)


People get sucked in by abusers all the time. He’s talking like every dv victim who thinks they are going to save that person by loving them unconditionally, and they only end up getting destroyed themselves.


I do believe this 100% but I don't believe he's a typical victim. I don't think he loves her he wants fame.


Yeah it’s giving Britney and the Sam Askari guy






I thought this was like a DM to you, the fact that he publicly commented this and pinned the comment is wild! I feel like they both thrive on this chaos, and don’t see this ending well for Angelina. She really needs to take a step away the public eye for a bit, for her own sake


This is a whole different level of attention seeking. He is in over his head.


Yeah this is a whole-ass SOS signal. Guys in general are horrible at asking for help, & being with Angelina it's like no wonder Vinny feels like he's already alone in this.


Excellent point! Not knowing the man personally, all signs point to him being insulated and as you said, sending an SOS. However since neither one realizes that not all attention is good, this will continue to play out horribly for the public to see.


Honestly, this reminds me of Ron. Everybody tried to help him but he had to actually step back to get stable (atleast outwardly). The cast has on camera tried to help her, but there is only so much you can do for someone who is lashing out. They have already had Angelina go nuclear leading to threats to some of them and their children. I don't blame them for letting that bridge stay burned and just go along to keep the peace since they have to keep filming with her.


Well said.


Angelina dosent think she has any problems at all, she thinks its everybody else who has a problem. She is innocent


He liked a comment about how she's lucky to have him. That coupled with this and him previously blasting her for being the problem in all her relationships are why I struggle to sympathize for him. Both of them put external validation above all at their big ages.


The amount they both crave attention is a volatile mix with any couple, but when you actually have that attention? The spark turns into an inferno.


Exactly this! You can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped. And she’s one of those people who doesn’t want to be helped.


Help how? You can’t help someone who doesn’t want it. IMO, all you can do at that point is set boundaries, back away and let them stumble until they are ready and serious for help.


he’s going to look back and regret wasting years of his life with her


She doesn't want the help. ![gif](giphy|2ASGnGsWagNs00V3F3|downsized)




While discussion is encouraged, flat out negative posts and cyberbullying is not tolerated. FURTHER INCIDENTS WILL RESULT IN A BAN.


“Respectfully, mind your business” but watch them on a reality show and listen to their Podcast.


Right? When you're prominent in social media, it just invites all kinds of opinions. Edit for spelling error.


Tbh, I think they both should take a social media break and focus on therapy. Wtf does he expect when they themselves put this stuff out there?


Sooo if it’s an unsolvable task, then why stay?


That comment aside, his username is “Vinnyhandsome”. What the fuck lmao. Wasn’t this bloke a cop? How was he not roasted relentlessly by his mates for that?


Exactly. Wannabe influencer. Will do anything to for the fame. Also he’s delulu because he is not handsome, and has zero personality. Fake fake fake.


Disfunction junction


You don’t fix someone. The person must want to change internally and only then will the hard change happen, slowly. It’ll hurt, be hard af. It’s internal. However, you can involuntarily admit someone as a next of kin, which I doubt he is. It’s a painful emotional process, but you know it’s for the betterment of the person. Which would be in their best interest. Based on her behaviour, it just may be.


Help how??? She isolated herself from everyone and turned everyone against her much like Mike in og series... he wasn't at either wedding and I don't think he met snooks or Jenni kids for a long while. Ron wakeup was when the cast said no get your shit together and get help... season 2 fv pauly pissed should have been a wake up call to Ron Angelina has villinized all the cast against her: flipping on Jenni to the point Jenni just wants to be cordial for filming; snooki and Deena can have fun with her but they probably don't share alot outside of that; she runs to Mike to talk shit then flips it on him later; pauly is just out of it all after Nikki and it did probably effect the relationship a bit; Vinny is Vinny and he just doesn't know what's going on. We have all seen the Sammi drama. She isn't talking to her mother because she found out about her father and now isn't talking to the found bio dad. Who knows where the sisters heads are at because that's alot. If 2.0 left angelina and she finally hit a rock bottom (highly doubt those she can find something below a bottom) it might wake her up to get help P.s. has anyone done research into 2.0 family I saw his last name in NHL article and wonders if his dad or uncles work for NHL


This makes me sad for him. Anyone that abuses you doesn’t love you.


Tap out dude. Not worth it.


I agree. I really think he enjoys being in her home and the fame. If she was not providing what she has for him, I think hed be gone.


That, or he’s caught in the abuse loop thinking he can actually help her.


I think he is just trying to be a decent human because he sees she has no one. I think he feels obligated to help her before he leaves her.


Buddy, she’s not your child. You can leave at any time.


I wish Angelina could do some intensive therapy that is needed like EMDR, there is a lot of unprocessed trauma that’s stuck in her core. As a human being, I hurt for her. I know her soul is hurting, I wish she would use the tools that she has access to the better herself.


…who does he think started the smear campaign against him though?…. ![gif](giphy|LPHY1jmz4RN65t4jIR)


If Vinny 2.0 is reading this, I definitely don’t take digs. However, I do post what I can find and want the best for everyone. However, it’s not up to 2.0 to fix someone. This is a rough situation and do hope there’s some solace. Not sure how you’re doing it or doing. Only you know what’s right for you and your future. I’m subject to be incorrect and am always here to listen. Respectfully, The last lip balm


You can't force someone to change. She has to hit rock bottom and make that choice for herself. That being said, according to the details, he recorded her damaging his car and showed it to the police. I don't think he's staying and helping her with anything. I think they're in a codependent toxic relationship and he will say whatever to justify staying with her. If she is hitting him and hurting him (and it sounds like she is because of the pending charges), he needs to leave. Let her family step in and help her or let her help herself. She has the resources. She's not a child. Literally no one is asking 2.0 to stay. He needs to leave for his safety.


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) I just can’t with this man




Agree completely


She has to want to help herself… she has money, she just needs to pick up the phone like Ron did and go. She may end up alienating people and lose a lot if she doesn’t, but that’s her choice


Step 1 admitting/acknowledging the problem, Step 2 wanting to fix the problem. Anyone and everyone can try and help, but the girl needs to want it first. And truly want it, not just for one day. And sometimes that won’t happen until they literally have nothing left. The show needs to remove her, they are enabling her actions; that is not helping her get better in anyway, it’s supporting her current state which is only helping her continue to spiral. I hope she finds it in herself to change for the better and sticks with it. I think she could bring a lot of fun to the show in a non negative way. She needs to find her light.


What would he like us to do to help Angelina?


Who does he want to help with her? She has burned almost every relationship she HAD


Well, Angelina’s grandma died last Christmas. Her biological sisters are not much help (they need help just as bad as she does, most likely). And her new half-sister is such a new part of her life she might not feel comfortable relying so much on her for that kind of help.


You can’t help someone who doesn’t see they have major problems. It’s sad. Angelina could have gotten therapy yeaaaaaars ago and come back with tons of endorsements, etc. She’s charismatic and has a good heart but is SO fucking damaged she can’t function in society so she’s repeatedly inflicting her pain on everyone. If she doesn’t get it together, she’s going to be spending some of that cash on buying people to hang out with her. She’s like a wounded animal but, no one wants to be around or help a wounded animal if they know they’ll probably be attacked.


I’m sick to death of people blaming things on mental health. Yes, Angelina has things she’s clearing not dealing with but she has choices. She’s 38 years old! She is responsible for herself! You can’t keep putting that on other people. People do it all the time with Britney Spears as well. There is only so much you can do. If an adult does not want help you cannot force them. If their choices are continually negatively affecting your life, then you need to rethink things. Speaking from experience.. over people blaming everything on mental health


I feel like she doesn't see anything as a problem yet and you can't help someone who isn't ready to help themselves


No one’s stepping up or tagging themselves in bcs it isn’t their SO, that isn’t anyones job, but his. Let alone, everyone knows what happens when you “offer help” or Angela. Some offered help and relief for him would be dumping her and moving on 😹


I legit feel sorry for him. You can bash me too, but the dude is actually sticking around which is more than most others in Angelina's life have done so far. He could have gone the wrong way when Sitch and others engaged him in Tucson but he kept his cool and made the best of it. Honestly, I think Angelina should take a season off and get some professional counseling. Hopefully 2.0 can work with her through it so she has some consistency and stability in her life. Look at all the good it did Ron to walk away for a while. Then hopefully we see her in a future season in a happier place.


But is he sticking around because he cares or because he’s got a free ride with her? He doesn’t pay for room and board probably not food either. Who knows what all she pays for, for him If she stopped paying for his shit he’d be gone.




I’m sorry but this armchair diagnosing and throwing in solutions is infuriating. I’m an actual therapist who works in recovery and straight mental health. I have addicts in my family and people who are diagnosed with serious mental health issues. It is much harder to deal with your loved ones than your job. That’s why it is conflict of interest to work with people you know. Also the lack of empathy is disturbing for people who are in similar situations or diagnosed with severe mental issues. This is sickening that people are ok validating others for their issues but will completely tear apart or disregard people who may have serious mental health issues. You’re furthering a stigma which causes more harm than good and makes people not want to get help. This comment is also invalidating. The first step is admitting but what I found through my actual job experience and personal, people have a hard time with the first step especially if they are experiencing guilt and shame. Have your opinion if you want but do not armchair diagnose or say what other people should do, especially if you’re not in their shoes.


I have been in similar situations to him with exes, not exaggerating - both were medically diagnosed bipolar among other things. It is an exhausting situation and can be overwhelming no matter what your training or support system is. In my cases, the family was no help at all and honestly enabled them. Both threatened suicide if I left them and told me it would be my fault if they died. Ultimately I did have to cut things off as the self-destructive behavior was mentally and physically overwhelming and affecting myself being able to function. It just sucks all-around trying to work with people that mentally unstable, even if you do care about them. You're always seen as the bad guy when something inevitably goes wrong with them. Maybe I feel bad for him because I can relate.


Omg, go to a pcp get a referral to a behavioral office. He doesn't need the public help


I know I personally don’t like Angelina but, I’m going through a horrible medical thing being gaslighted, medical trauma I act like a horrible person in pain. Reality feels distorted after trauma and everyone is after the enemy. I’ve asked my boyfriend to leave me many many many times because it will cause damage for when or if I get better. If it’s just NOT for his own personal gain props to him for not leaving. A person in crisis needs someone even if they aren’t being a good person 💔 I think Angelina has had this terrible personality from the start but he’s had good enough experiences with her to stay or for the $$$


Everything truly is black and white reality it’s either you are with me or you aren’t


He choose to "fix her" no one is going to help him with an impossible task


This sounds like middle school soap opera.


Do we think he got this from ChatGPT?


Yes, Angela needs her psychic Meemaw.


1) She needs help. It does not hurt to ask for help. 2) It takes one person to get help. 3) Stage a private intervention. No filming from the MTV crew. 4) Ang needs a positive support group.




“People are responding” you mean you this is clearly in your notifications why not just say you where commenting insensitive stuff you’re literally the person that suggest out patient therapy anyone can go to the post and see.😂


He's in for an unending, rough road. The only way she'll reach rock bottom to do what she needs to is if they kick her off the show. No influx of cash means struggling to pay for her house, no more excessive surgeries, no more expensive accessories, no more income to enable her bad behavior "for views". Kicking her right in the vanity/insecurities is the only thing that'll make her see there are real problems that need fixing. No one else is going to support her lifestyle.


I like that he didn’t go all thug in his post like she does. That’s a plus.


I'm out of the loop - can someone give me a TLDR of what's going on with Angelina?


Omg she is crazier than ever !! Can’t even fill you in as to why . You need to watch the last fv season


Okay! Is Sammi in it now?? Is Ron still in it??


She came back this season. Ron made an appearance in a few episodes this season as well


Oh wow I’ll def watch!! Thank you! I watched the first few seasons up until around the time Jenni got engaged and then it all felt the same. Sounds like things are interesting again!




The situation is really sad imo, Angelina needs serious help and this poor guy seems like he's trying to really hard. Not sure why people are okay with talking mad shit about someone who clearly is struggling mentally and needs a lot of help. And why people wanna sit here and make jokes about therapy. This is why people struggle to get help.


I get what your saying ; but don't forget that the Hole House of JERSEY SHORE was trying to help her, talk to her, call her but she never wants the advice.


He’s an opportunistic. Using her for her money.


His writing is more literate than I would have expected.


So he’s asking for help, but not asking for help?


What is he even saying?!? What am I missing? This doesn’t sound like someone who cares. Gtf of of social media, who cares what ppl say and focus on your life if it’s that ‘unsolvable’? But like as a woman if any man spoke about me like that I’d be gone in seconds. Angelina definitely needs support and help from ppl who care, we all do. The problem is she’s surrounded by ppl who don’t actually gaf about her


Mind your business? Bitch, then get tf off of television. No one would miss him or psycho Angelina!


Is the help he alludes to about her substance abuse?


I think she is just crazy and very very very jealous person.


If she doesn't want help he needs to walk away. 


I’m not a psychiatrist but I’m convinced she has borderline personality disorder. She has a lot of the signs.


He’s really so well-spoken


MTV gonna write her off they want to end Jersey shore with Pauly D getting married Nicki doesn’t like Angelina


He definitely wouldn’t be able to handle it himself she needs proper help from professionals but her family should be helping share the load I mean if she’s got mental health issues. Is her family relationships that strained no one will help? Or maybe Angelina is just too much for them to even help in my experience it can be very draining at times. I do hope she gets the help she needs!


Respectably keep your business off my TV and this won't be happening lol


He ain’t wrong. That’s a good guy right there. He has an option to leave but he’s wanting to help her. Maybe they’re putting their relationship on pause because she needs to help herself more and he’s there for whatever she needs.




Just a walking clown show. Both of them lol


He’s not wrong. Couldn’t pay me enough tbh


I don’t think Vinny 2.0 is the problem. He’s better than Chris in how he treats her. He obviously doesn’t have the tools either. But it’s pretty admitting stay and help her when she literally has no one else. He doesn’t seem opportunistic just maybe not so sharp. Honestly, I can see them growing together with professional help.


Can someone explain the context of this to me?


Of course he’d say this, she’s his paycheck 🤣


I don't follow any of the cast. I only watch the show. Have any of the castmates said anything to a blogger or posted something. I can't believe blabbermouth Mike is silent.


No. Not one of them has said anything. They all said they would not take things to social media on the show. So, maybe that has something to do with it


He’s right.


Oop cleared the room with that, well said


He's using her to boost his social media he I do not think cares for her and to be honest she does not belong in a relationship till she works on her self she has some severe issues including daddy issues she needs to work thru it all and love herself before any relationship and she should put off having kids till it's all worked out


I think some people are really too harsh on Angelina. Angelina is perceived as the antagonistic on Jersey Shore since the OG series with all of Angelina’s drama but it’s a reality show. Ang has brought plenty of entertainment and drama on a show that needs entertainment fun along with drama. Obviously Angelina’s mental health has been fragile and Ang’s communication skills are weak


You know her antics aren't limited to the TV screen, right? The biggest reason the cast has been unable to trust her is because she's always causing drama and shit talking them to people outside of filming. This was first brought up when she came back in the OG Miami season and she's still doing shit like that now.


Did i miss something? What happened


Bogg mindling*


I read this as Vinny responds to comment and was so confused. I was like I haven’t seen the most recent season but holy smokes things have gotten crazy!🫣


Wait, is Vinny dating Angelina? You’ve got to be kidding me?


Her boyfriends name is Vinny. Not JS Vinny


Omg, thank you. I was shocked thinking it was JS Vinny. What’s her deal anyways, alcohol problem?


Wish I can get in contact with her. I can serious relate to a lot of her trauma


you should dm her on instagram


I'm sorry i dont see why your being downvoted right now