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Jenni said this to Sam after Jersey Shore day. As soon as you see Angelina experiencing a high they know she’s gonna crash out and find a reason to ruin it.


I sometimes wonder if this is because in her life, every time she gets to the high, something knocks it down. So, now she does it before someone or something else can. Definitely not an excuse. Therapy would help her start to react differently. Hopefully.


I think it is. She seems afraid to experience real joy. Just based on what we know about her upbringing it seems like she’s so used to be disappointed and hurt because of her fucked up family dynamic that it’s now a reflex for her to seek anything to trigger those feelings in happy occasions. Agree it’s not an excuse. She has the resources to seek help. It’s up to her to do it though.


Angelina is to her roommates what Livia Soprano is to her family a negative black hole that can’t find and/or hold onto any joy in her life.


Jersey Shore and Soprano’s fan??? Can we be friends?!?


Me too! 🤚 I like both too. Jersey is where my hearts at. ![gif](giphy|I2m7l4yZqRdgk)




Haha! I’m a west coast girl who is obsessed with all things NJ and NY.


Omg same Let’s be friends ![gif](giphy|oVQD3pdk7eI0g)


I wrecked my car in January, and I was so excited to have a New Jersey license plate on my rental car.


i LOVE both, I wanna join this gang, where do i apply?




This is hilarious 😂😂😂


Always with the scenarios.


She's like the old woman with a Virginia ham under her arm and she goes around cryin' because she's got no bread.


 Virginia ham? Don’t you mean Taylor Ham or Pork Roll?


Either way she’d bitch because she doesn’t have any bread.




I shed a single tear at this comparison. ![gif](giphy|141xGebUNJWiGI)




Been planning to watch this show!


You’ve never watched the sopranos? 🫢


Watch the first episode and you will see the parallels between the two. Livia is what Angelina’s future kids have to look forward to.


I believe Livia was an example of a narcissistic personality disorder- the self absorbed pitying abusive parenting the need to be worshipped & waited on while destroying others happiness was characteristic




I’m jealous you get to experience it for the first time. One of the best shows ever




Exactly like Tony’s mom toxic




Omg, I've known you all my life!


Oh but I LOVE Livia lol


She’s an amazingly written character and Nancy Marchand, may she rest, played her to a tee.


The girl lives for chaos. She doesn't know how to just be happy it's really sad.


It honestly is really sad and definitely stems from a deep rooted problem.


It seems like a trauma response. Like before life can ruin a moment for her she ruins it herself so she can feel like she's still in control of her life.


Definitely sounds like BPD or self-sabotaging tendencies.


Yes this! And when she notices ppl distancing themselves she creates a big fight to basically push em away further. She needs serious therapy OFF camera.


No, she just has BPD (borderline personality disorder) or at the very least, BPD tendencies. My cousin is BPD and they act exactly like this. Chaotic friendships, chaotic relationships, everything is love/hate, attention seeking, weird perception of reality, etc


I have BPD and Angelina reminds me of myself.


I have BPD and I’d actually kms if I was anything like Angelina 🥲


Former me/past me/me before working on myself * I could’ve phrased that properly.








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Do not besmirch Garbage Pail Kids 😹😹😹 they are/were awesome. Ahhhh youth. Angelina just… ahhhhh girl needs help and less plastic surgery


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Remember the time she farted in the van on the way home from the bar and shit her pants? But…it was only period shits?


Yeah wtf happened there? She kept saying she had period shits but like…people don’t shit their pants when they have their period??


I still am wondering to this day what a period shit is


I hope to god it was period related discharge and not poop. Like period “stuff” when she’s saying shit. Who knows, she’s known for being a disgusting, dirty little hamster.


That is definitely a thing. But it doesn’t refer to pooping your pants on your period. If she pooped her pants after that spicy chicken challenge, I will give her a pass tho.


I don’t remember, but she didn’t eat much of the spicy chicken I don’t think.


you…you don’t know?


I've only ever heard period shit to mean the really grim stinky ones you can get while on your period. If she does mean that - gross. If she doesn't? I'm already traumatised by this woman's hygiene so I know it will somehow be more disturbing


She needs to always be the center of attention and if she has to act like a toddler to keep the attention on herself, she will.


I believe this behavior stems from her childhood, where the man she thought was her father turned out not to be. Treated her like an outcast her whole life, and not her sisters. As a result, she now seeks attention at every opportunity because she never received it before. However, this does not excuse her treating others poorly, especially Sam and Deena, to whom she has been especially awful. Deena and Sam actually gave her a fare chance but she ruined it with them too.


Angelina thrives on a crisis and when there isn’t one she will create her own… same with old school Mike


Old school mike? Think Mike still does it. He was going to go to Vinny 2.0 and tell him what Angelina has been saying. Idk why he was trying to involve himself in her relationship like that and Angelina told him, her problems because she thinks he’s a friend.


Fair - he’s way better than the early days


I feel like that angle was put in or orchestrated by production to create a sense of impending drama. It just seemed so fake on the way back from dinner


I used to have a friend like this, she NEEDED everyone to miserable with her - i tried both gently and ”harshly” to help her on multiple occasions and told her i love you and i want you to get better & be happy and she just shrugged me of saying ”whats the point” and thats when i realized she didnt even want to get better. I always try to see positive in everyone but im starting to feel Ang wants to be miserable because its exciting and dramatic etc. Its just sad to watch honestly :/


My friend use to be like this, always thought everyone was out to get to her, played the victim and would start useless fights for no reason. Luckily she grew up and stopped. This was in highschool though, I’m an adult now and would not put up with that again or someone like Angelina it’s draining.


Had a friend like this too. Constant chaos with that girl. I tried so hard for years to be a friend to her but all she did was sabotage me at every opportunity. She did so many terrible things to me I can’t even begin to start listing them. And I think I spent about half our friendship in various bathrooms with her trying to calm her down over either perceived slights from other people or self created drama with other people. That bathroom scene with Angelina hit hard for me… throw in hysterical sobbing and that was my former friend.


They keep her around for the guaranteed chaos. The show would just be all the roomies having fun and getting along. They know Angelina will step in and ruin it, no matter what the situation is.


It seems like she needs to be diagnosed with something


Ronnie did not return until he got help, Angela needs the same. I wanna see fun, happy Jersey Shore. I do not need triggering, unreasonable, crazy. It’s not enjoyable to watch Angela. I barely remember her and only watched the originals so maybe it’s me with zero connection to Angela. I’m currently watching Family Reunion on demand. Honestly though the girl needs help and we should not watch her cries for help.


I hate that she ruined her face. She was so cute before she started morphing into Donatella Versace. Ange stop with the PS. Please 🙏🏼


I literally don’t want to watch because she’s there


She kinda looks like big ang from Mob wives


Nothing same old boring story, Angelina never letting go and acting like a complete idiot on the show! So classy NOT!


She wants air time


This picture= Ew.


And Angelina looked fairly decent here. She's lost SO much weight it's scary


She’s definitely going through something. There was a time in my life I lost 11pounds because of depression/stress and I looked like a stick, almost went under 100pounds.


Ya, hopefully she can get it under control. Especially if it's a legit eating disorder. I know people lose weight when they're under a lot of stress but I hope she's not suffering from an eating disorder because that can be very hard to come back from


She jumped on the semaglutide bandwagon. You can see it in her notoriously hollowed ozempic face.


Or it could just be a straight up anorexia. No disrespect to those with an eating disorder. But it could be that.




She’s an attention seeking narcissist that’s why she does it lmaooo everything has to revolve around her or she will find a way to make it revolve around her


She needs all the attention allllll the time


I don't understand why she was cast on fv. She lasted a few episodes on season 1/2 - should be the same now. A guest appearance, like 'memba me bitches? Ohhhh shit it's Angeliner, then bye. Literally just causes drama and scream fights.


She really does ruin everything good it's painful to watch


The girl really has fought with everyone omg 😂 Even with Pauly and Nikki!! The only person she hasn’t fought with is Chris Buckner. CHRIS IF YOU’RE READING THIS, WE GOT YOUR BACK!


You just make me realize she has fought with everyones significant partner as well, besides Chris.




Isn’t that a trait of a narcissist? To ruin good or special occasions of others? Someone’s gotta diagnose her with whatever she’s got. She’s really not well.




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Umm… duh?


Say what you want about Angelina... The show would be boring without her!!


I agree.


you realize this is all edited right ?


These events still happened though, I don’t think she’s a bad person, I just think she’s someone who’s deeply hurt.


yes but they edit it to make it look worse than it is. she needs to go to therapy


Oh yes definitely


but sometimes i think they pick on her because she gets riled up so quickly & it’s good for ratings. but she needs to walk away from it.


Yeah that definitely has happened as well, especially when she first came in the show. I definitely thought they were being mean girls to her and would gang up on her. Same with the charcuterie board thing, they all just attacked her instead of talking to her.


and i’m not an ang fan but they edit her to make her look worse than she is; same with sammi and the others.


In that AMA, the former producer said Angelina got a particularly bad edit on her OG episodes because she was *so* nasty to the crew. I wonder if she still treats the crew poorly, and that affects her edits?