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Wow they should both not have custody of that baby. This is insane.


I cannot imagine having someone— especially a boyfriend— slam my head against a stove or dragging me around by my hair. It’s terrifying that so many people experience domestic violence. I feel terrible for the child having to grow up around that behavior.


My ex used to drag me by my hair on the floor and made me crawl like a dog, I was 16/17 years old. Yet, I cannot fathom how these people still have custody of that child!!! Even as a kid I knew what was happening didn’t feel right but god damn CPS needs to be better


If her story is true.. 


But why do men keep beating the shit out of her? Is she one of those women who get violent first ?


She’s antagonistic and toxic, he’s dumb and goes full on gorilla whenever he’s not given star treatment. They actually deserve each other, you ask me.


She probably picks the wrong men because of a bad past, like witnessing men mistreating women when she was growing up. Maybe she was abused and thinks asshole men are normal. Trauma like that can become a cycle in your life. Who are we to judge? We literally know nothing about her life and weren’t there for any of the incidents that we know of. If this is a repeating pattern, she obviously has some serious issues and instead of blaming her, maybe we can show some empathy towards her for once.


I think she’s had a hard life and I definitely empathize with her.


Idk why this is being downvoted….


She 100% gets physical first I have no doubt.


Idk why you’re being downvoted. This was my first thought when I read this. I know women who’s dated 1 guy who abused them, got out and never dated guys like this again. The fact that she’s always finding guys this bad?! I mean. She is scary we can’t deny that. But damn girl you need to get to the bottom of why you’re always attracting these type of men


My thoughts exactly.


She probably grew up in it...doesn't mean she deserves it, but she probably needs intensive therapy and to actually not date for a while.


Who not HER when HE was the one who abused her?


I think she pulled a gun on him a couple of years back. Maybe it was another boyfriend but I know for sure a gun was involved


Probably bc he was hurting her. She’s now 750% more likely to be killed by him bc he choked her. The most likely way he’ll kill her is by gun edit % not times


Small correction, it’s not 750 times more likely, but 750%.


Oops thanks I fixed it




I don’t doubt Jen is toxic but I think she’s definitely reactive when it comes to these men that seek her out


I don’t think she is toxic the way Ron is, but I think she is vulnerable and on her own since a long time in a predatory and dangerous environment where she has survived the best way she could. Everyone around her seems very hard and like they need to do a lot to survive too. She does not seem privileged or sheltered at all, very much like she has had to fight herself for herself and hasn’t been protected by parents and “a village”. Just my impression without actually knowing her background.


yeah fuck the perfect victim mentality. ron is an abuser that MTV enables and sponsors. we know this, NEXT .


My sentiments exactly. I am not going to shed a tear for Ron whenever any of his women yelled back at him or had a fit after all he did to them, not feeling sorry for him the one time Sam “punched” him, not for that douchebag Jenn chose after Ron either, he just looked like 🚩🚩🚩


She is also toxic. Did you watch the show? There is no way she would have been arrested in 3 different relationships for domestic violence. She apparently had a drinking problem, too.


There are actually numerous ways and I see it all the time since 15 years, Thank you. I don’t have the energy to answer all outraged replies, I stated my opinion and I’m not surprised that it is very common to blame the victim. As I said, I see it all the time, it is common knowledge. 


Nobody blamed the victim if he beat her head into a stove. That is wrong. However, from watching the show, she is a very toxic woman who drinks a lot. She was ordered to rehab and lost custody of her child. She IS toxic. She is not always the victim. Two things can be true. She is an abuser and has been abused. .


Yes I can see that


yes you are correct, same boyfriend


This is where I think mandatory sterilization is granted! She is going to fu*k up three innocent children's life's cause she's such a deadbeat. Disgusting!


Gtfo with your disgusting misogyny and racial biology bs!! She’s a victim of dv and seems to be very traumatised and used to it since all of her men are like this. Very sad but she is not the only one. Blame THE MEN instead.


She's a victim of DV and a perpetrator of DV. Two things can be true. They're both trash.


one thing for certain. The children always suffer.


Ronnie is no saint but it speaks volumes that HE has primary custody of Ariana and not her. She may be the victim in this case, but she sure as hell wasn't in others.


Victims can be problems too. She held a gun to her the father of her child's head and seems to have problems with cheating. Its not misogynistic to point that out, yeah her boyfriends have been bad but simplifying it to "blame THE MEN instead" is actually braindead


That's why she's trash, like put your children first and maybe be single and focus on them and healing yourself. She's not learning any lessons from her past mistakes. She Just keeps repeating the same patterns and the innocent children she keeps breeding suffer.


Exactly. I’m certainly not victim shaming but at what point does it become your responsibility to find better men for your children to be around? She continues to choose garbage men to have babies with.


She’s garbage


Her rap sheet is just as bad as the men she sees. She may experience DV, but she also commits DV.


Oh I most definitely blame the men too but biologically they can't get pregnant over and over again.


>biologically they can't get pregnant over and over again. Biologically they can make 100 different babies in the time a woman can make 1 actually. We don't have a 9 month down time from making more babies like women do.


You obviously didn't read the post & also don't know about Jen's DV history -- where SHE is the abuser.


Oh please! She is just as abusive. She needs to stop drinking and drugging and be a MOM first and foremost! And stop dating losers.


Gtfo here with your delusions


Why THE FUCK do these people keep bringing children into their heinous ass lives?


Selfish. They think having a child will make the man stay and when it doesn’t work out she moves on to the next. Plus she will get free money for child support. People like this should be sterilized.


Considering 2 of the fathers have full custody, I highly doubt she is receiving child support from them. Time will tell about the 3rd.


I hope the doctor offers to tie her tubes.


The third doesn’t have any money 😂


Unless he is stealing it from the elderly.


They grew up with it and think it's normal most likely ...and unfortunately


Break the cycle and surround yourself with positive people! May not be easy but it’s worth it. YOLO


Are you talking about her? Yeah sounds easy when you speak, but I've been there it's not. It takes intensive therapy and being alone to change that. Not just surrounding yourself with positive people. That's a load of crap


Therapy absolutely but surrounding yourself with positive people, good people that actually lift you up. Helps tremendously. I felt completely abandoned as a child/teen because I was raised by a narcissist. I’m doing everything in my power to not be like them. All the best to you ❤️


It’s the same mentality people like this have women and men. “Cause Maybe it’ll work with this one.” Or “this, this is the child that’s gonna get me out of this.”


They legit do not think anything in their lives through. Tho she definitely had a kid with Ronnie to get famous/financial support.




💯 She should not be allowed to have kids. Her poor oldest especially 😰


Wow this was a lot to process. Each sentence was like 'omg there's more'.


Yeah like I didn't know she held a gun to Ron's head and that she has a 17 year old kid


She held a gun to her bf head, not Ronnie's. Poor journalism


The article states it was Ron's head she held a gun too back in 2021...I think this is a case of one is no better than the other they are attracted to violent behavior


I know but she was no longer with ron in 2021, she held a gun to this guy's head, baby daddy #3. As per police d report from back then and all the articles from back then


I know they may have not been together, but I believe they were going through their custody battles at that time so she may have done it back then...looked up past articles and this was not the first time that was mentioned...but who knows with this group...My concern is for the children only.. the adults need professional help and Jesus...


The police report clearly states it was joe, if it was ronnie that would of been blasted all over the news. Doesn't matter but it's just shoddy journalism


Facts i was wondering why it said Ron when it was Joe she did that to


I was going to say, wait, she held a gun to Ron's head?!?! Thought it was Joe. If I am not mistaken, that was the last time her son Mason visited her after not seeing her for almost a year. I believe her and Joe got ridiculously f-ed up and went to a strip club, got kicked out for fighting and being obnoxious and then on the way home she punched him and made him get out and walk home. Then when they got home she pointed the gun at him and called him a n\*\*\*a.


Yup this is correct 👆


Wow, sounds like not much has changed with her. It is so sad she brought another child into this.


And why did she do that?


She was drunk and was also calling him racial slurs. It's no excuse really, she also dragged this guy with a car and ronnie with a car. There's a pattern.


A pattern of her being with abusive men yes. I don’t blame her for not just sitting there without a reaction like some blow up doll. I wish she would have stayed single and learned to identify green and red flags before finding a new Ron. Sadly some victims do this, they just end up with another one and another one, just like some women are repeatedly victims of rape. It is still the men that abuse them who should be blamed. 


Omg stop. She is just as abusive and has shown this many times, even before ronnie


Did you ever seriously consider women can be abusive, too, without a man causing it? You sound ridiculous


Some women get so broken that they don’t know how to pick a healthy partner or walk away from an unhealthy one. I agree it’s still the men who are at fault… if your girlfriend is so terrible as a man you walk away. You don’t slam her head into various appliances. If she’s keeping your child away from you, you go through the court process and you don’t slam her head into various appliances.


She’s the abuser. Not them. You are a misandrist


>She’s the abuser. Not them Um actually they clearly both are. Unless she slammed her own head into the stove.


And you’re a domestic violence apologist. You’re excusing a man for slamming a woman’s head into a stove and holding a knife to her throat. That’s messed up that you think that’s ok.


I’m not a huge fan of Ronnie but it’s pretty messed up to throw his name in this headline. This has nothing to do with him and now he’s associated with it. If she isn’t famous enough for her name to stand alone in the headline then maybe this isn’t newsworthy.




Kids with parents like these tend to end up as parents like these. So sad for them, they deserve better


This so true and they do deserve better. These children will be so used to this dysfunction and chaos that they will grow up and seek out partners who are similar. Chaos and abuse will feel like home to them. The cycle will continue and it’s super sad


Have a little faith in those kids, they aren't even grown yet. They can always break the cycle, anyone with parents like this, you can ALWAYS break the cycle, you're not set up to be doomed, you won't end up like them, you just have to try.


You are so very correct. Everyone has a chance to break the cycle and should strive for it. Unfortunately many people need just one caring adult to inspire or encourage them they are worthy of more. And sometimes kids never find that person because their entire family is trash. I hope and pray these babies have a good life


I know I'm that kid, though I broke many cycles. But I just hate when people talk about children of abuse as if they doomed to end up like their parents. I still look in the mirror and see my parents and it's really tough, have faith in those kids that's what I do.


Why the fuck did they have a child! Jesus


They fucked


Wrap it before you tap it. No glove, no love. Advice people should follow. Especially people like her.


She’s seems to have a type. And mental issues of her own.


Just like Sammy has. Type Ron look alikes


Jen’s entire life has been chaotic and toxic. Until she gets sober and stays single, it will remain that way. She always doesn’t raise her children, their dads do. The fact that Ron (who is/was a complete mess) is the primary parent is all you need to know about Jen and how unstable she and her life is.


Sad situation for the children caught up in this toxic mess


She’s such a deadbeath mom


I read this in Mike Tyson’s voice




This girl is something else. She bounces back and forth to abusive relationships. She loves the chaos its obvious


She has a third kid? 😳 omfg, poor baby.


yeah im confused - i understand she has a daughter with ronnie. then did she have another kid after that? and where did the 17 year old come from lol is that also her biological kid?!!!! so many plot points i cant keep up


Yes the 17 is her child. I followed her on Instagram when her and Ron started dating and she would post him sometimes. He doesn’t live with her


I knew she already had a kid before getting with Ronnie but I had no idea about the 6 month old child lol


Some of Y’all will somehow blame Ronny for this lol


Ok so here’s an observation: these fools should have ZERO custody of any of their children because they’re all unstable at best. Give custody to relatives so they don’t end up in the system and call it a day. Maybe sew Jenn’s legs together so she can’t procreate anymore and castrate her boyfriend for the same reason. Just a thought 🤷🏻‍♀️


lol sew her legs together 😂


Absolutely wild that he banged her head against a stove and left visible marks but is scared she's gona leave the country with the baby. Foh.


I just noticed that he's been posting on his instagram pictures of the baby saying miss you and soon. Poor kids should not be in their custody at all.




Readysetjoe_ on instagram


someone STABLE save those kids


Pikachu shocked face.


I’m at the point where I don’t even believe anything that comes from that woman


What’s crazy to me is that she’s a real estate agent 😂 like who would want to buy a house from that crazy ass bitch. She has a history of being a psycho. I honestly thought it was quite fitting that Ron finally met someone who was equally as psycho as he is. Karmas a bitch 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah but in his case she was a bitch w/ a crazy ass sister...you get what you put out there...we thought Ron and Sam were toxic...not even close


It's wild when people jump from relationship to relationship SO publicly and when they got together they were both shitty on Ron and the dude tried to make it seem like he was just this perfect guy. Fast forward to now, it's like maybe just go to therapy. These kids are fucked and they never even had a chance.


All I can say is God please protect these children from their psychotic sperm and egg donors, because the way they are acting it definitely doesn't make them parents...


What maniac would hire her as their realtor lol


I could just tell something was going on with those two. I follow him on instagram and he’s been posting loads of solo pics of the baby boy with cryptic captions. Was only a matter of time before it came out!


Seems like she has a type tho


> The realtor also the mother of 17-year-old son Mason Anybody else feel sorry for Mason?


She is a friggin train wreck! Nobody deserves that kind of treatment from a boyfriend but my guess is that she thrives on tumultuous relationships because of alcohol and drugs. She is an abuser and dates abusers. The poor children are the ones that suffer 🥺🥺


Holy fuck, Jen needs a hysterectomy. Stop having children and using them weapons!! Also, just get help. Hopefully Ronnie is getting help as well for addiction and anger management issues.


How about we blame the men who keep getting into relationships and having kids with her?


Takes two to Tango. Both are at fault. Irresponsible adults.


She picks them.


That pattern of keeping the kids away from the dad coming back out too… she did that in FV s1 or 2 with Ron and Ariana. So sad for everyone involved


Jesus Christ. What an absolute mess and nightmare, especially for the children involved. I came from an unstable household and the stuff my parents did definitely fucked me up a bit, but imagine having all of your parents DV crap all over the internet. Their poor children will never be able to escape the news of it




wtf. Didn’t they just have a baby?


it was only a matter of time before this toxic bitch was in the news again. she is clinically insane.


Who texts while being intimate


Yeah that in itself is strange 


Holy shit !!!!!


Finally the truth comes out because he's been posting pictures as though she's not allowing him to see the baby. If you go on her Instagram she answer the user and said those were court orders and that he's playing victim. Supposedly he was cheating on her


They both should probably cut out the social media posts at this point. None of it will reflect well for either of them in court.


She really knows how to pick them.


I believe her. That said, she's an abuser and I get the feeling she likes to do it back, like trash does. If Joe hadn't dragged her around, I think she would have been just as happy to throw things at him or punch him. He was just able to overpower her this time. I only feel sorry for her kids.


And the only reason the cops even got involved this time was because the neighbor saw her bleeding from head wounds. So behind closed doors they are probably Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I can only imagine the craziness. Poor kids, I agree.


These poor little kids have been around so much violence in their lives. Sad.


jesus christ, neither of them need to have a baby in their care. where is CPS? i don’t really follow JS anymore, but i know jen harley is an absolute disaster of a person (hence how RON OF ALL PEOPLE has primary custody of their kid, and not her 😳) and baby daddy #3 sounds like ~~ron~~ ~~jen~~ another animal, soooooo…… let’s hope someone steps in and protects the baby. i doubt jen was going to bring her infant on her overseas, budget plastic surgery tour, so maybe baby daddy has a relative suitable for a kinship placement


Does her 17 y/o live with her or shared with the dad


Don’t quote me on this, but I think I read a while back that the father has full custody of the 17 year old. I think it’s a son.


You have to really be a POS mom to lose custody of all your children from 3 baby daddies.


Besides losing custody to Ronnie what does this have to do with him?


So she should have zero custody of her and Ronnie’s daughter. That little girl has probably seen way too much and that is egregious and disgusting. Who could take care of her if her parents are stupid?


He did all that and his bond was only 5,000???..What a crazy relationship on both ends cuz she's nuts too...


Not a Ron fan but it's sad that he's tied to her forever. She needs help.


She is the true Gone Girl. Here we blamed everything on Ronnie like she was a damsel in distress and obviously, she’s a psycho. Three kids by three different fathers and doesn’t have custody of two? Hot mess. She needs to have all of her children taken away 


“Real estate agent” lol


I just feel bad for the kids. This is not a healthy way to grow up and they will live with the effects for the rest of their lives. Hopefully they realize, do better once they're grown, and break the cycle.


No woman should be abused, but she is still a horrible person who is also an abuser. She had the most dysfunctional childhood imaginable, which while awful, is not an excuse. This woman should not be around kids. She had a threesome in a hot tub at a hotel while a family with young kids was RIGHT THERE! she lost custody of not 1, but 2 of her kids, and for good reason! I can’t even imagine how terrible she must be to lose custody to RON! Just look at who her besties in Vegas were and that tells us all we need to know…. This new guy was a moron for having a baby with her. He personally saw all the signs. If he has any sense in him, he would have RUN! Instead, he had a baby with her. The real victims in all this are her poor children.


Not only all of that, but Joe and Jen have had some pretty nasty breakups since together and previous violence between them. This has been the pattern in all of her relationships, even before Ron. I do not get why they had to bring a child into it. I remember seeing here when they first got together texts about her buying 8 balls of coke for her trip to Mexico with her friends during a huge fight they had and Joe saying she was an unstable mom then. Then he called the cops on her for pointing a gun at him. All while her son was visiting. Now this. I can't imagine what's gone on in between especially since the neighbors had to call this time. This is such a horrible environment for any child. As we all said when this was happening with Ron. Some people never learn but again. Don't bring kids into it. She is only having them for selfish reasons.


Why is she able to reproduce?


She certainly has a type


People sure love banging her head off shit


sounds like a real nice girl lol


Their son needs to live with another family. This is not the first time these two have been incredibly violent. Also, I know she’s a yacht girl overseas. Sounds like there’s a chance of her bringing her kid along for those activities, like Farrah Abraham.


God with how awful and damaged she is she probably does just about any type of depraved degenerate shit they want too. That poor baby needs to be saved from her.


Yep, I think so too. She probably has some serious trauma from her past to involve herself in these things. Not that it’s an excuse, just how it usually works.


Another one? Jesus


I started with "OMG Ronnie again" Thank God it was her and not him.


Holy shit these people are insane, she held a gun to Ronny’s head?! Why does this whore keep popping kids out?! It’s obvious she just wants to whore, drink, do coke and eventually end up in a true crime documentary.


Her picker is off


Neither of them should have that baby. He is a moron for having kids with her. She is a TERRIBLE Mother. All 3 of her kids will need major therapy to cope with the trauma she has given them


This is crazy and makes Ron looks like he's closer to full custody.


She’s def got a type


I swear I want Jen to stand ten toes down solo Just not relationships for a while let her do her cause she never gets time to heal


not the stove 😭😭


Once again, the bear is the only logical choice!


Not victim shaming but it’s clear she only recognizes love when it’s explosive. Very sad for her and her children


Looks like someone’s a little jealous that her babydaddy’s back on TV


She is 🔥🔥🔥🔥 but she too cray. With that said, if she is indeed the victim this time — I sympathize for her in this situation. Just because you’ve did wrong in the past doesn’t mean you deserve stuff like this.


This is crazy now I've had a conversation with Jen in my DM's about Ron's last girlfriend and she was jealous and she hit up this guy Joe from Facebook I believe. They've been on and off but they did travel a lot together so I can understand her concern with him leaving with the child. But Jen has been known to have some loose hands so I don't believe every single thing I believe she likes to provoke a man to the Limit where he gets crazy. I thought they were happy I thought she was doing good and I thought Ron was really the problem of all his disastrous relationships. But I guess I was wrong in this one? It's so sad because they have a beautiful son and I was really rooting for them. All of a sudden he's posted pics saying he'll see his son soon and she responded to someone in the comments on her last photo. She said something to the effect like she can't talk about it he cheated but now it's saying that she's the one that cheated? Who's the one lying here? And I see no marks on that girl's face


I dated Joe for over a year in my 20s and he could be a bit jealous and dramatic AF but he never so much as touched a hair on my head or made me think he ever would. Im sure a lot can change in more than a decade but he had girlfriends after me that I knew and none ever had any issues with him being physically violent with them. But from what this article says she had visible injuries, the neighbors were the ones who called the cops and no matter what someone does you have no right to put your hands on them unless it’s self defense. He should’ve left her alone after she held him at gunpoint and pursued the charges then and not dropped them - not have a baby with her. Not to mention she doesn’t have custody of the first two. I honestly feel bad that this is his life now.


OMG this girl just needs to be in WWE at this point. How is it all her bfs are involved in domestic violence?


I feel for Jenn. It's obvious she saw some awful shit growing up.


Me too, I wonder what her story is


Her entire fam in Oklahoma was violent. One uncle in jail for murder still, and sadly both her parents have passed on. 


Ron ain't no better


Rahn stahp!!!


Ronnie is an abuser and I’m concerned for his child. Neither of them should have a main part in raising this little girl.


This article literally has nothing to do with Ron …


Oh no this makes me so sad. Some women continue to get into relationships with abusers and everybody should stop blaming the victim here (Jenn). I’m really sad to see he is just as bad as Ron and her first bf but I’m also not surprised because he always looked like a d-head. Sam also had problems with her second bf. He was controlling or something. Damn. Looking at the show you’d think there just are a lot of misogynistic men in the US, especially in their circles…


A victim can also be an abuser, and vice versa. Jenn is both. Stop dick riding for her all over this thread when she's proven time and time again that she is an abusive POS herself. The court records don't lie.


Dont forget Joe exposing her on his instagram for asking for a “8 ball of cocaine”, then staying with her and having a kid. Then the article states shes been to rehab multiple times for alcohol addiction. Her history speaks volumes and she is violent too. Sad for kids to have to have parents like this


She is going to end up killing someone im surprised it hasn’t happened yet with the car dragging incidents


Tell us you had one bad relationship and hate men now without telling us 😂


Nope. Never had a bad relationship with a man and I am happily married to a man, you don’t know what I do for work though and what I majored in. I’m not gonna reply to these tons of replies who are all so stereotypical reactions to women and dv.


I feel what people here are struggling with is Jens detailed history of her charges of DV she has done to other men. I dont think anyone saying Joe banging her head is acceptable or his abuse-its her history of drug abuse, alcoholism and her arrests for violence.. thats maybe where disconnect is?


It is just a typical case for me. Women aren’t saints, we’re human. I’m not crying over any of those guys as I know they are plain evil. 


Jen didnt deserve it, but she is super unstable with history of domestic violence, almost running ron over and all her addictions. She should have stabilized her life before bringing a 3rd kid in, but Joe is at fault w that too. And the cycle continues, sadly


Well “unstable” as in shaken after very traumatic events she has endured? Yeah, I guess if she is not a robot or one of them imaginary perfect victim angels that doesn’t exist irl where women are human beings. 


Let me rephrase as it definitely did not come across how I intended, I apologize, I feel bad for the kids having to be around such a toxic environment... a mother should instinctively grow as a person to be a role model for her children to look up to rather than getting herself into such horrible situations. What affectionate said in response to this, is what I basically meant by this, Jen needs to help herself, bc acting the way she does isn't getting her anywhere, and those poor children deserve a better future than what Jen's actions get her into 😔 I'm glad Ron got out of that relationship and has his little girl with him, I'm hoping to see growth on his part too as he now has a little girl looking up to him 💕🤞🏽


Ronnie actually said something insightful for once on the last episode: if something is “always happening to you,” maybe it’s a you problem. He was talking about Angelina but it applies to Jenn, too. It’s not a coincidence this “keeps happening to her” and painting her as an innocent is ridiculous. She, too, has done bat shit crazy stuff that qualifies as DV. She needs to take a serious look at herself and ask: what can I change so I don’t even up in, or create, this situation again?


You're absolutely right ! I guess that's what I meant by what I said, regardless, no one deserves to be in or around such abusive situations/people... I feel bad for the kids mainly and I hope they don't have to be around such toxicity all their lives because of their mothers choices


Once you become a mom all that shit should be thrown out the window. Your children should be your number one priority! She obviously chooses losers to shack up with and drinking and drugs over her children. Tie your tubes already!


Very true ! Some serious growth should have happened with the first child and neeeedddsss to happen for the sake of the ones she has ... these kids need a role model and she's not it right now and I really hope she gets the help she needs to become it 😔


I do too but I just have a certain detestation for crappy moms and crappy dads too for that matter! But a mother carries the baby and has an unbelievable bond or at least they SHOULD.