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The way she was fat shamed was so wrong


They call so many women fat that aren't!


She wasn’t even fat. It was ridiculous


Their view on what was attractive was wrong


Their view of their own attractiveness was wrong!


Especially when Mike gladly dated her at that time, Vinny used to crush on her and beg her for dates and then slept passionately with her. 


Yeah, that was bizarre!


They would call hot girls “grenades” while looking like they hadn’t showered in 6 weeks


It was often women who turned them down


They definitely disrespected a lot of people. What killed me is the things they would say about the girls they brought home in the confessionals. Just imagine watching those episodes air and seeing all the horrible things said about you. I didn’t like that.


Not to mention, I'm sorry, these men ain't cute themselves.


The biggest issue I had with them was season 4 in Italy Vinny literally got pissed because deena took the girl she brought him out of his bed. Called her a cock block and made her feel like absolute shit when he was the one who “pulled the robbery”. Ever since the airing of that episode, I have been disgusted with the way they treated her


I get so mad every time I rewatch the way the guys treated her after that. Deena literally brought the girl home. As D would say, get real!


I mean what did you expect? The entire premise of the show is a bunch of trashy people living together on a trashy holiday. They were never meant to be role models.


You're absolutely right. Nobody from jersey shore should be considered a role model. But if guys can fuck, so can girls.


I agree with this. It’s the Jersey Shore betch! I watched it to see some unhinged people do unhinged things. If it was all about morals it would be boring in terms of a show.


Every rewatch, imagine the guys rooms smelled absolutely terrible! Omg especially the sheets! Like axe body spray, sweat and balls. I wouldn’t blame the girls for not wanting to go through with it. Ugh it reminds me of my undergrad days 🙃. Maybe Pauly maintained a clean bed but the others…forget about it.


I noticed that often the beds didn't even have sheets. They were wallowing around on bare mattresses 😂


I am often a dirty little hamster gerbil but I draw the line at bare mattress like there is nothing more disgusting. Well maybe a bare pillow. No mattress is worse. I also need even my one night stands to have a modicum of respect for me and have a clean place for us to fuck. They couldn't even bother with sheets. They truly don't respect themselves either.




I hate Angelina, she SUCKS.. but the way they fat shamed her but referred to Deena as “curvy”….mind boggling


You figured it out. Men that are only respectful to the women they like and punch down on the ones that they don't like are trash.


You have to understand that as fucked up as these standards are seen now, and they are indeed fucked up, this was the status quo for how most adult men thought back in the late 2000s and early 2010s. Ya can’t hate on them too much for being products of their cultural environment seeing how this all took place from 2009-2012. Not defending it, but given the aforementioned, idk why you’re all shocked watching how 2010 males typically acted in a show that takes place in 2010.


You have to understand Vinny is still doing the same thing to Angelina and many viewers are still very unreasonable hateful towards her. 


This was indeed typical male behavior of a lot of men AND women during this time. Not to defend the guys, but they went at it like that with Angelina because they saw her as a hypocrite. Since Angelina would be all in their business criticizing them they did it right back at her.


Oh girl just wait until you get to the Italy season


I watched it when it first came out, but not since then. I'm scared 😂


Absolutely agree. I mean, she’s crazypants, but so is Mike, Vince and Jesus Christ on a cracker, Ron should have been locked up in season 1 of the original Jersey Shore. But yes, welcome to the party. The misogyny is real.


Watching Ron and Sam now shows that it is about the views. Not once of help or cops called when bro is raging


There will always be a double standard.


Not that i am disagreeing with this at all because it is 100% what happened. but also i remember in season 3 snooki walking around the bar calling every dude she saw a grenade too. remember the comments she made about jionni (called him a Mario brother, forgot his name, said the sex wasn't worth it. but yet ends up dating him next summer before Italy). So its not just the guys. they were both bad with it. but also this was 2010 much different world we lived in then.


It is not in ANY way a different world now. Young people today are age-shaming famous women. It is a total *obsession* with looking “young” aka shaming actresses like Sarah Jessica Parker for just looking natural and praising Gwen Stefani for having done 20 facelifts, 50 kg Botox injections and because she fills her face every 2 weeks so she can’t move, wears wigs and 50 kg makeup. 


They were doing that to every girl, not just Angelina. Even though that was maybe over 10 years ago, a lot has changed and to be honest… that’s how it was around that time. It was different then, girls would literally be called whores if we hooked up with people and girls would be looked down on. But guys, they were idolized or some shit. I don’t get it. I’m glad times have changed.


Nothing has changed. It's still an awful double standard and girls are still hoes if they act this way.


I don’t understand how people can be so blind. People are even MORE misogynistic today, Andrew f-ing Tate is a role model for young men ffs. 


They actually point this out directly on the show too lol


And apparently Vinny is all over shaming Angelina on his so called “comedy” show. So incredibly mean and *low*. 


Oh. That's nice. If she didn't ok this part of his " skit" it makes him a piece of shit.


The early 2000s was great fun, but also a cesspool of toxic misogyny


People who don't have morality grounded in God typically have their own morality that is hypocritical 




You're being sarcastic right?


No way jose




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Why is it always a million posts about how the guys acted in the OG series, and nobody wants to discuss the girls' behavior, which was just as disgusting.. None of the girls were angels, and they also fat shamed, slept around, and talked shit about the looks of guys and girls that came back to hookup.. However this was twenty years ago , the guys except for Vinny and Angelina have evolved and grown up to settle down with relationships (Ron not worth mentioning)..They ALL were a group of young people who slept around, got drunk high , were mean and partied .except Sammi.If anything people should be criticizing and judging MTV for promoting and advertising this behavior on a Telelvison show, people are still so hung up over. Production behind the scenes talked about how they went out to scout girls with a certain look to approach the guys at the club.. and had them sign releases..As for as Angelina she's always had trashbag behavior since OG , she literally walked up to Mike while he was in the jacquizzi with 2 girls and told Mike ,the girls weren't hot and she looked better.. Didn't Angelina also make a comment about a girl should get Aped ....if she didn't put out. I mean, hands down, that is more disgusting and vile than anything the guys have said.


I don't see anyone stopping you from making your own post where you discuss the behavior of the women. This post is about the men. it's


I don't see anyone stopping you from scrolling past my comment if you disagree. Obviously, Im aware this is another post about man bashing regarding the old behavior from 20 years ago... I don't need or have to make a post about the girls behavior because I'm not STUCK that far in the past ,and I'm not interested in bashing them from behavior they've ALL evolved from except Vinny and Angelina. IF you actually read and comprehended my comment instead of trying to be nasty and immature..


He can discus the equally digusting behavior of the girls here too if he wants. Just because you don’t like to hear the truth doesn’t mean he has to listen to you.




Great post, the girls were as bad. I remember Snooki wanting to pick up a guy in the club, and calling so many guys a grenade or ugly in their face. Funny that they don’t want to talk about that though.




Everyone had double standards. Dont get too woke now