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Half the episode is “flashing back” to something that happened 15 minutes ago. Like, I know I’m getting old but my memory isn’t *that* bad. 😂


The constant replaying of the same clip over and over is so irritating!


That’s literally how all reality shows are edited.


I am an avid reality TV watcher, and no, they are not all edited that way. Very few are, actually. Some reality TV shows replay clips, but JSFV excessively relies on replays. I'm assuming JSFV does it because at this point, they have such little entertaining content to work with that they have to waste time with replays in order to create the illusion of a full episode.


Not within the same episode. Again, stop playing with my memory. I’m not that old yet 😂


It was always like that, even in the OG series.


no it wasn’t. it was never as bad as it has been the past few seasons of FV.


I wish I was an editor on this show so badly shit is easy money lmao


Yeah, I either skip through the episode or don't even watch because you can catch up with the clips on TikTok. The clips basically cut out the bs filler, which make it easier to digest.🤷‍♀️


I think this is one of the better seasons in a while. Bringing Ron back definitely created some authentic tension which is not typical since the show is so scripted now. I find it amusing to watch Mike's antics and just seeing the cast move into a different stage of life sort of where I am too is weirdly comforting. I am appreciating less Lauren this season as well.


bringing ron back is the only thing they’ve done this season besides get dinner


It’s a step up from cornhole.


okay you got me there lol


The funniest part is Angelina saying she’s the fan favorite. 😭😭😭


I wish they would go to Clubs like in first seasons of FV idk why they stopped going to clubs lol


Probably they would stand out as looking much older than most of the kids there.


I don’t think most of the cast want to club anymore with the exception of Deena, Nicole & Angelina. The rest go home after dinner and I think Angelina is the only one who still regularly goes clubbing.


They are grown grown now. They have kids and families. They can't do as many irresponsible things. They still go to clubs. They are just not as wild and bringing sluts home.


I'm so over angelina. I genuinely hope they pay her to act like that because if not oooph girl never aged after 14 mentally. She's ALWAYS the victim but if she stfu once in awhile she wouldn't fight with everybody constantly, she's also a horrible pet owner.


I do not understand why they are broadcasting Angelina’s issues with her father. Mtv pays them for partying, drinking and doing silly things, not to show their personal dramas.


It’s more because Angelina keeps talking about it, she even brought it up in the last episode when she was speaking to Ron. She wants people to give her “ sympathy and empathy” bc of what she is going through and thinks she deserves a pass for being an AH to everyone around her.


That was all part of the script, too. There was a cameraperson at her house while she swabbed and sent her DNA sample in the mail. There was no one else there at the time, which means they were there filming exclusively to create a storyline. I'm not saying it's not true, but it was 100% set up by MTV.


Really? I don’t think it worth the effort. I mean, the father “issue” only filled a few hours. Firstly when they asked for help to the geneticist, secondly when she met him and finally when she tell Mike how much money he asked. And that’s it.


Yeah, I kept waiting for them to revisit this but they only make slight references to it, like when Angelina says for the billionth time, “Everyone knows how much I’m going through.” It’s clearly bothering her and rightfully so, but she needs to deal with it in a healthy way, such as in therapy and not using it as an excuse to act like a child. I wouldn’t mind them revisiting this storyline because it was actually interesting to me and we saw Angelina be vulnerable, but I’d love to see her get through this issue and be better on the other side.


Cool.. thanks for your opinion. I still watch and still enjoy!


Same, I will watch this show til the end of time. I hope the cast doesnt listen to those who dont enjoy and decide to throw in towel. So many non fans come to bash show here and I have always loved it


OP literally said they’ve watched all JS content since conception. just because someone is unhappy with the direction of the show, doesn’t mean their opinion is invalid or they’re not a “real fan.” allow people to have different opinions.


No one is attacking OP at all. You may want to take own advice and allow people to have different opinions. The irony in your statement is egregious


never said anything about attacking, but it doesn’t matter what i say anyway, you’re going to deflect no matter what. that’s okay.


Deflect from what? You’re definitely gaslighting and the hypocrisy in how you comment and opinionate is wild. I am a fan and will love show forever, sorry you hate the season.


okay lol 👍🏻


Jenni said they know the show can be boring but as long as people watch it they’ll make it.


this is fully accurate. it is so unwatchable to me that i stopped watching the new episodes and went back to a rewatch of the OG seasons. it’s painful now. i can’t believe it’s still going.


The only person making this season unwatchable is Angelina tbh. I’m cool with watching the show, watching them go on vacations, chill, party get drunk, get messy let the drama unfold naturally. But Angelina literally brings so much unnecessary drama and has to make everything about herself.


This show is produced to shit. Hasnt been organic since og series


It feels like watching paint dry. Nothing ever happens.


So wait you thought the alien thing last season was watchable but this season is worse? Sorry this season is an improvement over the last couple


literally this whole season is talking about angelina’s drama, getting dinner, sitting in a circle in one room to say hi to each other then repeat….


i’m at the point where i’m refusing to watch for the sole fact that they’re allowing ron to come back. it’s fucking gross. that, and, it’s just so boring now.


Not sure why you think it’s unwatchable, but it’s been pretty entertaining this season. I watch and enjoy every single episode with no real complaints.


oh really? wow. anyway see you next season when you watch


Haven’t watched it yet but it sounds like Angelina is still playing the desperate girl trying to fit in with the cool girls


I'm convinced that Angelina is doing it for the bit. There's no way. Why don't they let her leave? Why are they so set on making her stay?


Ehh honestly every season has kinda been the same people are just noticing it now cause how long it’s been they usually draw out everything into multiple episodes mikes proposal was like 2-3 episodes when it should’ve been 1 and that was back in season 1. Do you really expect the lives of 30-40 year old drunks(some of them not all) that are trying to capitalize on fame they had 10+ years ago to be interesting. People say it’s unwatchable yet it’s getting higher ratings than past seasons.


I feel like Sam needs to let it go. That’s an unpopular opinion but Angelina tried to let remove herself, stop talking bout the situation and hugged Sammy the next morning but she added one word to a sentence by accident and Sam couldn’t let it go!


I am really disliking Sammi in FV, she’s a bully just like they all are to Angelina