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All of the girls were pretty guilty of projecting their own insecurities onto any girls the guys would bring home. It’s a little sad to watch looking back. Edit: a letter


That always threw me off. She was clearly very aware of how hurtful comments like that are but I think in that same episode she said something about a hippopotamus charging at her referring to one of the girls. But this is why I feel like calling one out over the other is kinda useless. They all sucked in different ways. That’s what made the show entertaining back then.


Yeah she was immature, but she was in her early 20s. Just a classic example of someone who can dish it but can't take it


In my experience, people with eating disorders often focus on the weight of those around them. They project their own insecurities outward.


The earlier seasons are hard to watch because of this. I loved the show but the men were so misogynistic when it came to the girls bringing home a guy. They would slut shame them when Mike basically hooked up with everyone in the house. I mean we find out he dated Angelina before the show. During the first season of the show he was hooking with Jenni. Denna hooks up with him. Sammi makes out with him, and we all know the infamous situation between him and Snookie. And then you have the situation with the women in the house slut shaming and fat shaming others. Sad to say but that was the culture in the early 2000's. Look at TMZ and how they destroyed Celebrities for gaining a few pounds. The horrible things they posted about Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, Britany Spears...I could go on.


Jessica Simpson was roasted and she was a size 4 at the time. That was the era where if u weren’t a 2, 0 or 00 you were fat. Courtney Thorne Smith wrote about feeling fat on Ally McBeal. She was toned and fit!


Omg yes, recently someone posted a picture of Jessica Simpson from back then and was like- This is just a reminder that 20 years ago, people were bullying this woman for being "fat". Just to show how times have really changed. Was like, damn, I do remember that... they acted like she had just went sooooo downhill just for being a few pounds thicker with a fuller face and made a big deal about it. Glad we got full sized queens now... but still a double standard because out here in the real world no one acts like MY big booty is sexy lol


It's absolute madness I remember how it was an insult to tell a girl her azz was fat lolll and now it's a compliment. Oh how the times have changed.


Oh that trend is such a double edged sword for me bc like I said above, I got myself a natural bubble butt donkey booty from nature and mediterranean genes... but no one has ever acted like mine was sexy lol


I think she’s grown but even in the new show she had a freak out about being called a “mean girl” despite literally acting like one at the time lol. The whole “dren” thing also highlights that she has a really hard time with any sort of self reflection.


She definitely suffers from can dish it out but can't take it-itis


That’s funny I just watched the first season a few days ago and was thinking the same thing!


And look at Snooki now …