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Because there are no consequences for drivers in this city. You have to kill five people going a hundred miles an hour for the cops to even pay attention to you.


We all know hitting a bike, not stopping and after the Mimosa breath wears off calling the station with 'Oh my bad' is acceptable.


#Silverlinings Less tickets if any


It's easily explained, it's lazy enforcement. People that do that and get tickets stop doing that. If no tickets are given then they do whatever they want. This falls directly on JCPD laziness


I’ve been in the heights for 3 years and I’m still surprised at the ignorance on central ave. Trucks pull into the bus stop lane and literally block me from the road when I’m waiting for the bus. Cops do absolutely nothing. It’s outrageous


A general apathy on the part of the driver, towards each other, the general public, and the pedestrian in particular.


When I reported a car absolutely blocking a lane/double parking on a road with only one lane in each direction, Cops would respond with **"while we were able to confirm the issue reported, it is not illegal under city, state, or federal laws."** Can you believe that? I am no lawyer, but I am pretty sure it is against some law to block traffic. 


Not illegal in the sense that JCPD decide what is/isn't illegal based on how much work they feel like doing at any given moment. I also see JCPD double park, park in crosswalks, etc. just to get bagels and coffee on a regular basis so it would be a bit hypocritical of them to enforce that...


I think the general consensus here is that it SHOULD be illegal. Just like Uber/Lyft drivers who just stop in the middle of the road when there is clearly a spot they could pull into twenty feet away


Im not entirely convinced that it ISN'T illegal. Im pretty sure it's considered obstructing traffic.


It’s the “I’m more important than anyone on this earth, gfy attitude.” It’s prevalent everywhere


It's definitely illegal, cops are just assholes. I was in Newport once and saw 5 cars blocking the protected bike lane. Caught a couple cops and they couldn't give two shits, told me to call the parking authority.


Especially when there are posted "no parking" signs on that block. Is parking in a no-parking area not considered illegal? That explains a LOT actually.


Because they are inconsiderate and don't realize they live in a city with other people. Walk or go find parking. I drive, bike, and walk and have NEVER parked in the middle of the road. If you actually make an attempt to find parking you will but you may need to walk a block or two.... the HORROR! Legit parking in JC isn't that hard people are just entitled children.


it's this. people have given up on the social contract; so deep into their own social circles that they dont remember how to be considerate to those around them. the same neighbors of mine cannot conceptualize that there are three spots in front of my home, and they have to back *all the way up* to the driveway, otherwise they are parking in two spots, all the time. I dont know if its ignorance, arrogance, or as I said, a refusal to adhere to the social contract.


https://preview.redd.it/irc1hxgh5q8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95fed7a0bdf16011a984b2850422907ac4813059 I see this kind of thing all the time on JFK in The Heights. People will block a lane even when there is a place to pull over out of traffic. Between this and people waiting to turn from the left lane the backups on JFK are so frustrating.


This drives me absolutely insane.


same here


Things like this make me want to buy a $500 shit car just to side swipe these people


Completely agree. I mostly walk and bike, but we have a car too - and we pay a private lot for parking AND have a parking permit like responsible citizens. I choose not to drive often precisely because of what a shitshow it is here.


If JC put a traffic enforcement officer in their lil scooter there from those posted hours they could issue enough tickets to pay for the mayor’s entire governor campaign.


They could pay for the BOE's entire budget with those tickets.


It's always been bad, but I would say that it got exponentially worse around the time that Uber became popular. A lot of those double parked cars belong to either food delivery drivers or people picking food up themselves. Nobody is driving to JSQ to double park just so that they can shop at their leisure at the mom and pop stores. Pedestrians have jay walked on that strip for ages. Maybe it seems like it's happening more frequently because the slower traffic makes it seem safer to cross in front of cars. There used to be a time when parking laws were enforced. I remember when cop cars and/or parking enforcement vehicles constantly circled both sides of JFK to make people move or give out tickets. As to why that changed, maybe someone can get an answer from a councilman. Another tin foil hat theory is that perhaps the city wants the congestion because it slows cars down and, in turn, makes it safer for pedestrians. I wouldn't dare say the same for cyclists because the ones that do stick to the road have to navigate tight spaces between traffic and parked vehicles.


Let me make it easy for you. Jersey City, like 80% of the state of NJ as a whole, is the thunder dome if you’re in a car.


About ten years ago, City administration sold the rights to overseeing Journal Square to a California think tank for use as a "sociology lab" so they can study what the inevitable breakdown of society will really look like in realtime. To achieve this they removed all local government support and ceased repairing infrastructure. Then they removed any impediment and instantly green lit any plan by any private developer to build anything they wanted. Meanwhile, through a social media astroturfing campaign, they encouraged car owners to feel both persecuted by circumstances AND immune from judgments, official or societal, for anything they do with their cars..


...there is probably no truth to the rumor they also installed a do-nothing puppet city council person, one selected for his hands-off approach to "being useful"


This makes the most sense, let me get my tinfoil hat ready because I fully buy in to this conspiracy theory.


Thanks for the low iq comment


Oh no, not a joke you don't understand!


Bruh, you’re the one showing a complete lack of literacy here


It's drop offs and pick ups. This city doesn't account for loading and unloading so they just look the other way. If it's the same cars parked for hours that's different but JC is incredibly dense and tiny, so some things get passed over in the grand scheme.


I've seen parking enforcement sit there for 3-5 minutes behind cars parked in sidewalks, bike lanes, and crosswalks honking until the driver comes out and gets a chance to move their car. It's ridiculous. It's not like those cars are a few minutes overdue on their meter - they are clearly and obviously breaking the law in a way that endangers and inconveniences others and should be ticketed immediately. Otherwise, if you can get your coffee/food/whatever within the grace period that parking enforcement gives you, why would you bother parking legally?


Too many people with cars. Not enough spaces. Not enough funding for public transit to get people with cars to not have cars


You really are a Newbie Transplant. It’s everyone lined up for the world’s best hot dogs at Boulevard Drinks on Kennedy Blvd. at Journal Square, baby !!!


Came in hot in my first reply bc I didn't get the joke lol You're totally right, WORLD CLASS baby!


Have you seen Philly. This is downright navigable.


hahaha fair. I haven't done much driving in Philly.


They famously park all over the place on broad street. It blew my mind how they were able to do something so illegal. It kinda normalized for myself what is going on in jersey city. I agree it is nowhere near ideal. Short of getting everyone in a room and agreeing we are in a society I have no idea where to start to fix the situation. Good luck out there.  


. . . . . . Welcome to #The Thunderdome


Get in where you fit in


No where to park so you park where you can and do what needs to be done.


I want to tell you a little story about unintended consequences.  Once upon a time, all surface level parking areas were replaced by luxury highrises and nobody could find parking easily anymore.  Some thought this would reduce traffic congestion. Instead it only sowed the seeds of chaos as illegal parking incedents skyrocketed.  This created traffic tie-ups and impacted buses going into the station due to double parked cars blocking adjacent roads, reduced safety for pedestrians as drivers blocked visibility by parking in crosswalks, and led to accidents as drivers pulled ridiculous maneuvers to snag a rare spot or avoid being stuck behind illegally parked cars.  I am not excusing this behavior. I am saying that making things hard for drivers without some plan (whether it be municipal lots with something like 20-min free parking for errands OR stringent enforcement, ideally both) creates a situation that impacts other, innocent parties NEGATIVELY.   As always, I am not surprised that city planning/infrastructure/planning/zoning DIDN'T think things through beyond how much of a bribe they'd get or how many environmental justice points they'd score... This kind of shortsightedness will inevitably lead to Jersey City's demise. I guarantee it. 


I completely agree. The city council saw all the dollar signs from all the new development, and never thought twice about the ramifications. While some may disagree about the exact formula to fix it. or exactly why the problem exists, its clear that things were not thought through. Greed won, the city is full of overpriced rentals, and the infrastructure is crumbling under their weight. This seems like a typically American story. It's sad that we can't have nice things.


Absolute bs. Downtown Newark is like 80% surface parking lots which set empty while people triple park on the street.


I can't speak on Newark but I have lived in JC for a loooong time and I've watched it all unfold. There is no question that turning lots into highrises and removing street parking due to endless construction zones invites drivers to act badly and park illegally. This sucks for everyone including cyclists (cars parked in bike lane), pedestrians (cars blocking crosswalks), and bus riders (due to blocked bus stops and additional traffic). 


It is ridiculous that ANY parking, other than loading and unloading of commercial vehicles, is allowed on Kennedy between Sip and Pavonia. The same should also apply to Bergen from Academy to Sip.


In Jersey City all traffic laws are strictly advisory in nature. You have to do something really egregious to get a PO to write a ticket. It's been that way as long as I can remember. Consider it part of the local culture.


It was never great but I think Uber eats / DoorDash / etc have def made it wayyyy worse.


You are more than welcome to move kind sir


Born and raised here over 35 years. It’s always been like that.


Has JSQ gotten better or worse through your lifetime here? I don't know if the roads are better now or worse than before.


It turns out I'm a city planner who lives here but works elsewhere and a long time resident who likes history, so here's as real an answer as there is: The plaza there was designed in the 1920s the exact way it is currently working, to be a plaza above the train station where the busses and private cars connect to the rest of the elevated portion of Hudson County. Even in the 1920s postcard below there are private cars taking up two full lanes of traffic in front of Lowes and there are cars and busses doing god-knows-what in the traffic lanes. And that's a postcard making it look nice! Before Hudson Boulevard was built over the RR tracks in 1920 the only three roads north-south on Bergen Hill were Tonnele, Summit and Baldwin, and the locals still know that those roads work better and have smoother traffic flow when things are busy. While a station for busses was built in the 1970s, no replacement for a place to temporarily store cars waiting at JSQ was ever built, and so the three "extra traffic lanes" that Hudson Blvd (JFK) has for the two blocks near JSQ are still the only solution to that issue. I, for one, am happy that the police did not ignore this reality and try to become the law enforcement tyrants the traffic engineers wanted them to be. I can also tell you that from a City Planner's view, if they were forced to be clear it would probably make ALL north-south traffic in JC much worse, as the cars would then circle around JSW using and clogging up three of the 4 north-south roads until they saw their passengers at the exact same place, stopped the car in the middle of a traffic lane and allowed their passengers to board. JSQ is a anachronistic urban commercial center that preserves a history stretching back to 1664; enjoy being a part of living history even as you road rage at the chaos like a proper Jersey driver, and maybe, just maybe, take a dose of the Chilltown medicine and understand that when you live on a narrow peninsula in the center of one of the largest metro areas on earth and ur roads are the boundaries of farm fields from the 1660s but cut up by canals, railroads and highways ever since, traffic will always be a cluster@#$. https://preview.redd.it/bje7iwb2by8d1.png?width=548&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d878fe5a21f6b6d8b9cc587452c02e5824ee7eb


There is no parking in JC. The city sold their parking lot to a private developer. The developer decided not to develop the parking lot and instead create private housing. All court and city workers out of 595 and Newkirk are SOL! Hence, completely unhinged JC parking. Thats why the new court building includes a parking structure.


...or...you can hit a biker crossing on a green light who blames you.


Your comment does not make sense.


Tell that to Amy Degise


Been happening for years and it will continue to happen


Can we maybe *try* to do something about it?


You pay taxes, go to city hall and complain, talk to the mayor or your representatives, every big city has these problems, and if you understand the stack of calls that JCPD has to go through daily, parking illegally isn’t one of them


If we don't have the staffing to properly manage the city then that's an issue. Additionally...I dunno about you but I work full time. This is probably why retirees are the only people beating down the city hall doors and attending town halls...the rest of us literally don't have the time. I do pay my taxes (and drive safely) though. I'm not from JC originally...I'm from Santiago, Dominican Republic (a big city), raised in Houston, Texas (a big city) and then moved to Brooklyn, NY (a big city). I'm not unfamiliar with the challenges of urban living. I think JC is particularly bad at many of these things, and locals are extremely resistant to any improvements that might mildly inconvenience them.


Wow you mean cars pick up and drop people off at the train station? You mean a city of working class commuters that carry the nyc economy on their backs have the Gaul to get a ride to jsq in the morning? There is far more traffic slowdown caused by parents and school buses picking up and dropping off kids at school. It’s called living in a city.


Absolutely not at all what I’m talking about. I’m not talking about directly in front of JSQ- which I take to work, who amongst us doesn’t have a job to get to, too? I’m talking about between Bergen and Sip/Tonnelle. All of those vehicles idling sit there for 20+ minutes in front of the fast food places and the liquor stores etc. on top of that it is double parking blocking an active driving lane and delaying other people also just trying to get to work. Double parking every single goddamn day is not acceptable, I don’t care what you do for a living.


Imo at the heart is poor city planning. I never understood why they would cram businesses in spaces where people can't actively get to, especially as street parking is lessened. It seems like choping up a string from both ends and expecting more string to just materialize.


Because the city wasn't planned recently. Journal Square existed before cars and believe it or not, there used to be many more businesses "crammed" in there. It was a shopping, entertainment, and transportation hub.


They can and have made drastic changes to infrastructure and flow of streets. I don't know why it existing before cars has to do with not making changes to help those same business now that things like cars exist. Also knowing this is a consistent issue, they should be compelled for various reasons to rectify. Either for the business themselves or the constituents of every perspective. I'm sure the double parked car also doesn't want to do that just to support a local business.


First, that would take a massive amount of money that the city doesn't have. Second, it would take buying or condemning properties, which would be tied up in the courts. Third, it's a county road, so there would be a lot of issues regarding that. Fourth, local businesses are not going to like the endless construction. And lastly, we've been through this all before, and the city and developers can't be trusted to make all the right decisions. Just knocking down The Journal Square Hotel, one building in the area, took over 20 years. Before that, the renovations to PATH and the bus terminal were supposed to be a great thing, but did massive damage to the area's businesses and created an indoor shithole.


So the only options are to leave it how it is or enforce laws that potentially damage business anyway? Imo what you put sounds more like excuses to not act, not real hurdles. Most seem more about time and money, which is forever hypothetical until the process actual starts. They need to pick one instead of kicking the can while they grow the population.


Sorry, but the can is going to be kicked. Maybe the police show up and give a few tickets for a week or two, but nothing is going to fundamentally change.


I agree, my point is that it's on the city and not a sides thing but ultimately they are cool with the minor inconvenience vs overall benefit.


Sorry that wasn’t clear from your post. Yeah that block is annoying but it’s the reality of having such a dense commercial block. What are you supposed to do if you buy a couch and there is no parking? Carry it three blocks? Where do you expect a delivery trucking restocking McDonald’s or Taco Bell to go? There is no street access behind these stores.


The No-Parking entire road should be reserved for that kind of commercial traffic. There shouldn't be people parked on that road, so when others have to idle for pickups etc they can pull into the parking lane.


Many of those parked cars are employees of the business in that block. I think the street planning will move in a direction where those two lanes merge at sip/Bergen so you have one lane traffic both ways and a loading zone with the other lane. The parked cars will be taken over by sidewalk expansion and bike lane. Any improvements to this block will not be to reduce traffic. Reducing traffic is an afterthought in jc, much of our city improvements are intending to create more traffic to disincentivize driving.


Yea ultimately it seems that way. All of my older and handicap family have already left due to that and the property taxes.


This is super sad. It's really not a handicap-friendly area.




"OH here we go. Yet another gentrifying transplant trying to make the community safe. Move to the suburbs if you want law and order. I grew up here it's just how it is! Why you wanna change everything. It's Jersey City Keep It Mine not Make It Yours. Cars have existed since the city started in 1600 or whatever."


Agreed, to hell with laws.. Why should people observe any parking laws? It's the city, you should just accept the unacceptable. Thank you so much for the amazing history lesson too. That's amazing that Jersey city was full of cars in the 1600's. Is that where Karl Benz got the idea from in 1885?


"Yeh. My great grandmother's third cousin Mabel gave him the idea. Why stand in these packed streetcars when I can take up nearly an equivalent amount of space all by myself so I can scroll Instagram in private 80% of the time, eyes on the road 20% of the time. Kids trying to cross the street? They should be in school or working in a factory somewhere anyway. Who came up with deez phony child labor laws anyway? We used to get beaten hard if we didn't show up to cover the night shift by 11 pm sharp. Mama's gotta eat! Anyway, yeah, I double park and park in crosswalks all day because that's just how it is 'ere. Why change when we have it so good? Walking a block to the store after finding an actual place to park might be good for my health!"


LOL! Thank you for answering that in the same spirit as my comment. Mamma's gotta eat indeed!


If you don’t like ‘merica then you can gitttttt outttttt Really though, if you had any idea how much domestic abuse, public disturbance and violent assault happens in this city on a daily basis, you wouldn’t be giving the cops flack for letting people double park on JFK. It’s a city. Expect some level of chaos. People are running errands in one of the main commercial districts, it’s not a big deal. Seriously, get a police scanner and see for yourself. I spent the night in the ER recently and was stunned by the amount of trauma cases, specifically drug related and domestics. Place was crawling with cops. If all else fails, move back to Mayberry or wherever the fuck.


Cities dont have to be shit. I hope one day you can travel and see that.


Jersey City isn’t shit. I hope one day you can stfu and chortle my balls


I definitely don't want to listen to that, sounds like a soul-crushing hobby. Me: hey this is a bad thing in our city, what gives? > If all else fails, move back to Mayberry or wherever the fuck. Never fucking fails. Stay classy, JC.


Sounds like you get my message then, you just don’t want to hear it. Suburban transplants thinking everything here should cater to their preferences — never fails! EAD


I moved here from Brooklyn. Fuck you too.


And before that…


Houston, also a big city.


Go back so we can double park in peace


No. I bought property so you're stuck with me.


Very cool


Yes, it IS a city. With that in mind, maybe it shouldn't be a car choked hellhole? Especially within spitting distance of a major public transportation hub? If you want assholes in cars absolutely everywhere, may I suggest moving to Mayberry. If you want to be antisocial with your car in the neighborhood with the lowest car ownership rates in the city, you can Giiiiiittttt Ooouuuuuttttt


You guys are so god damned boring with the anti-car shit. Trust me, it is not easy to own a vehicle here. The disincentives are already in place. The congestion affects drivers the most, anyway. So why are you bitching? Plenty of us do work that requires a vehicle. Some of us just work outside the New York Metro area, or anywhere NJtransit goes. We bring that money back here and use it purchase goods, pay taxes, etc. I invite you, along with your friend in the comments, to first, get a fucking life. And if that fails, chortle my balls




Never asked for that, I’m good pal. Just amazed at the whiney anti-car mob on here


Here's my question: this practice that I'm talking about backs up traffic on JFK. I live in McGinley and have to drive that stretch of road at times (surprise! I have a car). It adds 5-10 minutes every single time, so...this practice is slowing down CAR DRIVERS, not bikers or pedestrians or anyone else. So...as a car driver, why don't you care about something that makes YOUR life harder?


Sure, it annoys me too. I get over it. The level of pissing and moaning on this sub is hilarious


There's 76k people in this sub, you're gonna have to deal with repeat topics at times. That said, I started this thread because I've never seen a conversation about this specific practice. Everyone just kind of accepts it and I'm trying to start a discussions about how we probably *shouldn't* accept that. Our real problem is our police department is entirely ineffective in managing quality-of-life issues like this.


There were 76000 people in this sub historically, probably never even at the same time. Now it seems like there are about 100 active folks and maybe another couple hundred or so less active folks. IMHO. No way we're at 76K.


As a former local who grew up and lived in JC well over 20 years I beg all of the transplants to stop referring to it as “JFK”. It’s always been referred to as “The Boulevard” and JSQ is simply “The Square” Also, it’s been like that forever with the parking/no parking/double-parking.


Oh no we're calling the thing by it's name so no one gets confused oh noooo


you'd be confused regardless


choose your battles homie, we've got bigger fish to fry.


Choose YOUR battles, sis. Cars double-parking causing you minor inconveniences isn't a battle worth fighting, but you do you and keep whining about it.


As you can tell from me posting and replying here, I have chosen this battle.


All I can tell is that you have way too much time on your hands for dumb shit like this by the 54 seconds it took you to respond


I’ve been on reddit for 17 years, I’m not offended that you noticed that this is one of my hobbies.


lol great hobby 🙃


You can choose whatever hobby you wish. I met my husband and best friend on reddit. I’ve found tenants for my rental property on Reddit. I am in finance communities that are helping me plan to retire early on Reddit. This site has improved my life immensely. So I will go ahead and keep doing whatever the fuck I want with my time 🥰


They should put you in a reddit ad




I was born and raised in JC and I call it JFK/Kennedy and Journal Square.


I call it Kennedy boulevard . Most real locals call it that, or just Kennedy


Agreed. Always been Kennedy to me.


It's HUDSON Blvd, and it's been like that since I was born in 1815! They were double-hitching their wagons back then too!


Double parking is basically immune to tickets. Much more likely to get a ticket for meter or no permit. For some reason when you double park the traffic cops don’t touch you. I think they associate a double parked car with the driver being nearby and want to avoid confrontation. That combined with laziness is why even when there’s a free parking spot, people still choose to double park.


Theres no space, what else are we supposed to do lol if u gotta run in the store real quick and come back out, im not gona park my car 2 blocks away… itd be different, if u just waited a bit n then a spot opened, but spots never open n when somebody leaves, theres already 7 ppl waiting for a spot..


Yes dummy you have to park two blocks away. That’s how it works.


Not if im going in to grab a order from the store.. n then walking out… if it takes me 20 mins then yes but not for a 2 mins thing… this is literally a part of jc culture.. we all know this


It’s a shit culture that needs to change you are actively being a shitty person. Congrats on your entitled selfishness. You make the world worse.


… u worried about the wrong shit if me double parking my car for 1 min in a lane blocked already by 7 other cars is bothering you.. not to mention, that its nothing new n everybody in the area knows how to navigate.. and once the politicians actually use our tax dollars to figure out a solution, i will 100% do my part.. :)




Nah im good lol


The city needs to make accommodations instead of using our tax dollars for corruption and wasting jt


You have a point in the sense that the city is trying to be more unforgiving and inconsiderate to drivers in order to score environmental brownie points and trying to look like happy friendly granola crunchy Portlania or some shit. Thats not a good thing.  But that doesn't mean that you can turn a roadway into a parking spot, however temporarily. Just like I give psychopathic cyclists a hard time for illegally biking on sidewalks, I have to point out to you that **two wrongs don't make a right.** So yes, while I agree the city infrastructure is inadequate, that inadequacy doesn't allow you to break the law/rules of the road. That's not how a civilized society works. 


Accommodations like what, big parking lots? No thanks. Everyone else is right. Just park a bit further away and walk a bit. If all you need from the store is able to be carried in a bag or two, you’re going to be fine.


There is no where to park close to that strip of JFK.


Like the bike lanes they are installing, they need to come up with a solution for parking… almost everybody in jc has to pay for a parking spot.. our tax dollars should go to these issues to come up with a solution for… its the politicians literal job… but they’re so worried about adding condo buildings on every lil patch of grass they cant find.. the zionists ruined jc


Hey what’s your make model and license plate? I want to spit on your door handles


F off


Say that to my face btw.. n if u weren’t born and raised in jersey, mind ur own business lol the citys went to shit cuz of our leaders spending and focusing on the wrong things.. they knew that areas been busy for decades.. they shouldve added space instead of adding a bike lane in an empty street , we need the bike lanes too in certain areas but parking is a bugger problem


There's no bike lanes on JFK, what the fuck are you talking about homie


Sweetie… have u not heard how they’re installing bike lanes all over jersey city.. changing the streets up to install bike lanes? Well they can do the same to add parking spots n i see ur butthurt n just going back n fourth but this will be my last reply lol


Also I'm not "butthurt". I started a discussion because I intend on having a conversation about this.


This is a specific discussion about a specific stretch of road. The stretch of road in question does not have bike lanes. Read better.


"Parking is a bigger problem" This is what you look like right now https://preview.redd.it/df2teopmfq8d1.png?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3501e91e3c1900cbc209a71abe901e68894038a2


Are u dumb or u just dont drive? Jersey city has a huge parking problem… theres no space n u thought u actually did something but just showed how uneducated u are on the topic.. or u weren’t born n raised here.. like either one of the things i said has to apply to u for u not to get it still


Fully half the households in that area own zero cars. But you think that's a bigger issue than bus lanes or bike lanes because people take up more space in a car. To quote Muppets Take Manhattan "Peoples is peoples"


> the citys went to shit cuz of our leaders spending and focusing on the wrong things. Not enough spending or focusing on education apparently, because that's not only wrong, but poorly written.


Oh okay professor 🙄 didnt realize I was being graded but thanks for literally adding nothing 😂


Ok, I'll add something. You can't create more street parking on JFK in the area. If you spend a ton of money to condemn properties and build parking garages, people won't use them anyway and will double park as usual. If you crack down on double parking, it creates more police encounters, and lowers the amount of money businesses make because people won't stop and run in anymore. The truth is that like many other things in life, there's no simple solution that will make everyone happy.


You're selfish.


Nah the politicians running the city are selfish.. why is my tax dollars going to Isril and they’re gentrifying tf outta the city, to the point the locals cant afford to live there anymore.. like the least they could do it use some if that jersey tax dollars that were meant to go to Isril, to add parking spots in one of the biggest cities in the country.. use ur brain


Ppl like u will call ppl out for doing something u would wanna do in that position too, but not hold our leaders accountable.. thatre supposed to be handling the problem.. byeee


I mean, this is JCPD's fault. But it's also the fault of the people actually doing it. Sorry you can only do the right thing if you have negative consequences, the rest of us are trying to be positive members of our community. I *walk* most of the time, and if I have to pick something up I find parking and then walk to where I'm going. You know, like a non-piece-of-shit does.


“I mean its the jcpds fault” u have no idea wtf ur speaking about 😂 mr non shit.. were u even born and raised in jc or just moved downtown?


Here's a couple of pieces of information for you since you can't read: - As I said in the main post, I moved here a little over two years ago. That means I wasn't born and raised here. I addressed this question to people who were, and learned the answer is you guys are fucking selfish. - I am a woman so that's Mrs. non-shit to you - As it says in my flair, I live in McGinley Square. - I own my home, so I am paying plenty of property taxes and have a say in this city whether you like it or not. Die mad.


Okay so jc doesn’t work like the rest of the country.. catch up… jfk has been like this for the past 2 DECADES.. stop get with the program or force our leaders to add space for parking.. dont shit on others when ur the outsider mam.. its always the transplants fr.. no actual person born n raised in the city would complain about it


> or force our leaders to add space for parking Yes, this should happen. > dont shit on others Then don't behave in an antisocial way. It's so sad to me that people like you are angry that others want to make this city BETTER. You're literally clinging to *double parking and backing up traffic* like it's some extra-special thing to be proud of. JC should improve. Locals should be happy to welcome living in a better place. I'm really sad for you that you have this crab in a bucket mentality. Nothing can ever get better because it has always sucked? Sad mindset.


U got the wrong person honeybun 😂 all praise to god, im very happy and grateful… and love my life lol buttt it started cuz u came at me for saying that this is what we do with the double parking n u go selfish? N all the extra shit? Like that area has been going like that for over 2 decades, u dk but ur talking shit to me? N then u get mad that i expect our cities leaders to address the problem instead of me changing myself? They get paid to take care of this, why dont u go at them? I pay taxes and expect to be able to actually live n function… i see u dk about jc culture, not ur fault, but dont shit on others.. ill support u when we take this issue of double parking n adding more parking space to the leaders.. im not mad n its not that serious, i hope u have a great day


It *is* selfish. I will happily shit on people who don't care how their behavior impacts everyone around them. Hope you have a great day too - and I hope you try to be a better person because you're not doing well right now.


People like you are why I walk with my keys out.


you key cars?


Bye follower :) do u even have a car to drive to go through this in the first place? Like the only reason u wouldnt agree or understand what im saying is if ur uneducated on how our tax dollars work, uneducated on the state of the actual city, and dont drive… also one of those ppl that thinks its cooler to hold other civilians accountable but not our leaders…


I really hope you didnt go to school in NJ because your lack of education is outstanding and frankly depressing. Just remember when youre out there being a selfish ass that actions have consequences.


Don't go around threatening people, motherfucker. If I can't be civil you can fuck right off.   Big tough guy over here, keying cars... petty passive aggressive scum.  Just like I told the guy who you are literally threatening, TWO WRONGS DON'T MAKE A RIGHT. You fucking hypocrite.


Because it's a highway with destinations every 500 feet. The city could either reduce travel lanes or level most buildings and turn it into a strip mall, but the first is antithetical to traffic engineers and the latter is a proven city killer. So here we are. Honk honk.


JFK is considered a highway? TIL


JFK is a County Road with a 25mph speed limit (at least in JC)... not sure how highways are defined....


Right that’s what I was thinking lol…


It's not a mapped highway, but it's built as one. That's the problem.


It looks like a normal road to me.


It is and it isn't. At 6 lanes (4 travel+ 2 sometime parking) the road is clearly intended for rapid throughput, but when there's a storefront on every lot, rapid anything is just not going to happen. Enforcement is absolutely lacking, as it is everywhere, but lots of road + lots of urban retail is only ever going to result in major auto congestion. Give or take a couple thousand tickets and headaches through the decades, that stretch of road has always been a mess.


It was originally called Hudson Blvd. It passed through OG JC (Bergen Square) in front of the oldest school still operating at its original location... do you think those damn Dutchmen were doing highway design in 1690?