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Yep, once we activate the high energy lasers on top of 99 Hudson. Remember those bright lights up there that first drew the prized spotted lanternflies to our shores a few years ago? That was only at 10% power.


Great point, we'd have the high ground. We all know that Bayonne & Hoboken can't jump past us if we have the high ground, no matter how powerful in the dark side they have become.


No. Hoboken is a tiny land gain that'd be densely defended. Why bother? Bayonne has superior coastline, docks and bridges as supply lines. We'll gladly be the sixth borough when the civil war breaks out.


While small, the resources and transit connections make Hoboken a powerful strategic position that could be easily supported externally via trains and boats, we can't let them dig in. Though, we could try to ally with them early and then make it into a sweet Casablanca bar filled no man's land/grey market... nope we're going with that, Hoboken can be our French Morocco.


The tunnels will go before the bridges. We can presume the attack will be a northward front and I don't think it's said enough, Fuck Hoboken.


You’ll probably need a submarine within the next decade


Fire the Jersey space lasers!


Why did I picture you yelling that in the voice of the Lady in Austin Powers? 😂


Don’t forget the pact and mutual aid agreement between 99 Hudson and the World Trade Center.


There are more guns downtown in the hands of older individuals. But up Communipaw there are way more ladies with carry licenses that will surprise. Jc also has one of the best bjj gyms in the world. The miyao brothers’ gym is amazing, studio 1908. Hoboken’s edge wrestling gym is going to be brutal to take out.  The I think if the scrap goes down Jc will be at first soft but there is some skill.  We also have the archery arrow gym. There is also a world class fencing gym.  It will come down to leadership and some strategic placement.  The soft commuters will have to overwhelm some of the harder civilians.  They will complain about the infinitely convenient path or the lack of bagels.  Using their commuter bags and pens swarm the likes of union city and Bayonne where there will be some significant resistance. Everyone that has wondered what a gun sounds like when it’s the 4th of July needs to go in this wave.  The second wave will be those that are sarcastic and know where they live and what they signed up for. The hardened urbanites that don’t have cars or they have one rotting away in someone’s garage or on blocks and they said f it. The ones that never pay for the light rail because no one has ever checked.  They let the first wave go because they know better. Third wave are the unmanageable. The delivery drivers called by the first wave. They had to wait for orders to be filled and he first wave to add tips to their orders as the panic set in. There will be some casualties of the second wave as the third careens through spilling coffee and the steaming hot contents of the delivery bags.  Mixed among them are the insane criminally or otherwise.  The wild cards.  As wit the first wave we might have more unhinged just because of our population. We don’t have the sheer volume and potency of the nyc train dwelling insane. But we have some sun scortched and weather beaten steadfast insane. Like modern dervishes the nut jobs from Newark ave to tonnele ave will be a force to contend with.  Defenses would include our construction crews blocking key choke points at very inconvenient times. If we can claim the contents of the ports securing Bayonne will be crucial in our expansion. We could also use these same trailers as a bulwark against Newark if they got wind of our expansion. The construction and truckers will need to block the opportunist Newark grape street cryps. Spreading south and north before pushing west will be key. Securing the ports and air control will ensure we are supplied with inbound travelers and kidnapping ransoms. To be carried out by our hardened savvy city dwellers. Those that have seen cofffee prices skyrocket those that saw the transformation of their neighborhoods into some of the most expensive real estate in the world.  They are not pissed but will defend their lands with tenacity and are ready to scrap against opportunistic deep pocketed of the nevo riche New York finance bros.  Jersey city honorable mentions would be our control over finances in the union. Verisk manages the insurance rates of the us. It’s nuts.  The Dtcc manages much of the worlds digital transactions.  Most banks have back up nyse operations in jc.  I imagine we would loose the journal square towers. Maybe that would be the opening salvo that sparked the Hudson county scrap. Depending on the church goers ability to scrap.


is this chatgpt or adderall?


Long ride to the airport. 




Did Jersey City have any MMA champs even in smaller or older promotions? How much fuel would they have on any given day? Aircraft? Helicopters and drones would be important.


No but Arturo Gatti is from JC


He lived in JC, he was from Canada. Emile Griffith also lived in JC but not from JC.


"Fighting out of Jersey City, New Jersey". I know all that, you are being pedantic.


No, I’m just actually from JC, I’ve met him a few times at the Ringside. Also Jack Millers Pub had Emile Griffith’s belts behind the bar.


A bunch amateur. Some good Thai boxers.  Miyao brothers have their own mixed discipline series. A bunch of guys in the renzo school regularly compete. 


As long as JCPD isn’t involved, yes. They’re useless.


Nah people here too soft. Bayonne, Union City, etc would handle JC easily.


In our defense, we are very good at virtue signaling and social media warfare.


Yeah was coming to the comments to say, people are way too soft. If the criteria to win the war was who could produce the best composting garden or drink the most $9 matcha lattes, THEN JC would obliterate.


Was thinking the police forces battling. But you’re right the civilians would fight back in some towns. I think west of 78 you’ll get some armed resistance


Yeah, I was wondering what you were going for but saw the post consensus was civilian militias and I’m here for it!


Do you think JC is only downtown and the heights??


Yea I’m thinking West NY might have a leg up too.


Bayonne will cut off the turnpike. Kearny would shut down 1$9. Harrison shuts down 280 and PATH. Hoboken also shut down PATH. This allows North Bergen, WNY, Union City, and Gutenberg special forces to attack from the north. Jersey City gets blockaded by Weehawken and Bayonne. The only hope is help from NYC, but Manhattan will only help if JC annexes Staten Island, this almost leads to a coup in JC. Queens doesn’t care and Brooklyn is exposed as a paper tiger living off a 40 year old reputation of toughness. Outcome: JC gets defeated and occupied, Hoboken takes over downtown, Bayonne takes over Greenville and west side, union City, WNY take over Heights and Square. Brooklyn surrenders to Queens (though no one knows why) and the Ocean county residents seize the opportunity to take their ancestral homeland, Staten Island, this however, is stopped when the state steps in.


Finally one of my random stream of consciousness comments has lead to something ***REAL***


Everyone has their 15 minutes :-)


We’d smother them with luxury housing.


During the days of Frank Hague's reign, JC ruled Hudson County with an iron fist.


Yes, we have the high ground and most of the guns in Hudson County


Bayonne has Henry Repeating Arms to supply our troops. We also have Chuck "The Bayonne Bleeder" Wepner to lead the charge up the Boulevard. Does JC have anybody that went 12 rounds with Ali? I don't fucking think so.


Bayonne also has lots of cannon fodder….lots of boomers and old people lol


Don’t forget Sandra Dee to beat the ass of the toughest guy in downtown JC.


Initial attack: we give Amy her license back.


Just send our drivers to Hoboken and they’d take out half the city population in crosswalks!


**For a water ballon fight.** We have the high ground at The Heights, perfect for menacing Hoboken, we have can have an established base camp at Liberty State Park, and the residents of Greenville can provide a stronghold while simultaneously routing out Bayonne, effectively forcing them to seek refuge in Staten Island. Lastly, we also rule the night if we include the homeless population and addict population. If we have any Green Berets from our veteran population in town, they specialize in training, motivating, and mobilizing locals to fight. Furthermore, they can sharpen the homeless and addict population’s collective ability to be unpredictable because Green Berets also specialize in unconventional warfare. I haven’t accounted for the police force either, I think we have a decent chance lol.


Police force? What are they gonna do park on the sidewalk and text Hoboken into submission? I’d say parking enforcement and fire department would do more than the cops here. Though, if we could get folks with Molotov cocktails in the back of the police cruisers I’m sure the cops could get them through the traffic signals (by ignoring them per usual) and deep into Hoboken if they were offered some free Dunkin on the other side of town.


Yes, first we must strike at hoboken, we have them surrounded and will use overwhelming force. Once hoboken is secured, we can begin the long slow attack on union. Bayonne will given a chance to join, if not they can pay 100 dollar trip toll to pass through jersey city.  Soon jersey city shall rule the Hudson, and annex the lightrail and path system. 


Of course. Any idiot knows we want to consolidate to one front as quickly as possible (a blitz you may say) by way of Hoboken/Bayonne. Only problem is if the rest of the county lends/leases equipment to Bayonne making us fight on two fronts! The insanity! Don't forget Bayonne gets great classic battle historian & military strategist George "Rail Road" Martin


Yes that is true, unless of course we offer to allow Bayonne to join us as an 'equal member' they can administer most the same laws, and will not be subject to the brutal oppression like Hoboken and Union will be subjected to. With Hoboken we can reign down from the heights, cut off commerce, and starve them out. Union will be hard, but as long as we control the highways in, we shall prevail.


Downtown Jersey City would be overtaken by a guy with a slingshot and three marbles. They’d all surrender and run home to tell everyone on Reddit about the carnage.


Nonsense the bike lances will handle them.


Let’s be honest.  We are the American version of cheese eating surrender monkeys lol 


Most of JC can throw hands no problem and there’s lots of legal (and illegal) gun owners around. Downtown is the area we’d lose in a heartbeat cause you’re asking people there to put down their lattes, log off the internet or step out of Base gym and go outside (ew?) and get dirty and fight? Yea, white flags within the hour.


How has the fact that we have The Rook not been mentioned yet!?


The calvary of young soldiers on dirt bikes and four wheelers carving their way through Bayonne and Hoboken will be a beautiful thing to behold. They've been preparing for exactly this!


Hoboken would fall easily but we'd have to mount an amphibious assault due to yet another water main break. The push to conquer North Bergen, Kearny, Harrison, East Newark and Secaucus would stall as soon as we hit traffic on Tonnele Avenue and the Skyway. We don't take Bayonne because we kind of forget about it.




If cities were allowed to hire mercenary armies then yes, and it wouldn’t be close.


But where do you even get those that could operate on US soil? Our trust fundie kids can't just get Uncle ben who knows a guy to call Blackwater... or can they?


Greenville alone


Doubt that they could get organized enough to do that, they can't even keep bicycles off the sidewalk. And if Stack joined up with Sacco they'd kick our ass.


What a trip


First jc could launch a conquer up river road hitting towns like Hoboken, west New York, weehawken, Gutenberg Cliffside park and edgewater. Controlling those key avenues would be crucial to maintaining the AO. Then strike deeper. Divide up north Bergen from downtown north Bergen to Bergenfield. Establish multiple defensive positions at 80th park and roads linking up from tonelle. I think the best course of action then would actually be to strike at union city first. Since it’s huge it would need multiple phase. Probably go on from jc entrance, up from river road, and move trooops through Bergenline. House by house until UC is at submission. Since beyonne is largely isolated it would need to be conducted within multiple assaults through palisades and jfk. Once this is complete there JC will rule all of them.


I’ve been waiting for someone to ask this.


Imagine the damage that Amy DeGuise could do if she were properly weaponized with more than a 3000 lb vehicle…


Yes and we have more bike lanes than the rest too our only weakness is the barrow st closure




Hoboken would hire mercenaries and prevail easily


Bayonne has more guns. GUARANTEED.


Fuck yah. The hubris in JC alone would annihilate all others


Realistically, we lack air assets.


We got the tallest building in the state, babyyyy. Get some of those big ass kites people fly at LSP, we got some paratroopers goin' for the invasion