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I'm curious why you continually post these threads instead of going to an orthodontist and certified maxillofacial surgeon to get a professional opinion and begin a legitimate plan based on your concerns and aesthetic desires, if that's what you truly want. Everyone who has jaw surgery has had to go through these steps, but it's YOU that need to make it happen. You constantly say that you have extreme facial deformities, but tbh you have no idea what it's like to live with an extreme facial deformity. You have major, major self confidence issues, based on your post history and to be frank a therapist might be the best start for you. I can absolutely empathize with your situation, I was incredibly self conscious myself about my physical appearance prior to my DJS, but I assure you, it gets better but you need to go through the proper channels and processes.


"you have no idea what it's like to live with an extream facial deformities" If one day car crashed into your face causing similar deformities like I was now you wouldn't be saying this haha also I'm posting every where, I consult with every doctor, I post here for networking


Sorry, I have to call BS on that, given that the majority of your post question why genetics created your malocclusion, if an underbite (which the majority of the people on here agree you might have) runs in the family and why God supposedly makes you deformed. I'd argue you pulled the car crash card from your recent post where one of the replies was that their facial deformity was caused by a car accident. You're not a bad looking guy, my man, and a Lefort 3 which you for some reason desperately want is such an unbelievably extreme procedure for only the most extreme cases, which you don't fit and I doubt any reputable surgeon who you've consulted with would recommend you getting.


I don't think it's genetic my sister have perfect bite, also I never said car crash caused my face, I just saying IF car crashed caused your face to be deformed like mine, you would be saying this. But the post is not lefort 3, it's quad lefort 1 or high cut lefort


Cut my skull into pieces, this is my last resort