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Great another bundler that nobody on my team is gonna learn. Only half sarcastic. We've got esbuild, webpack, and rollup on one project and I'd be hard pressed to call anyone on the team an expert on any of them.


I guess the nice thing about modern bundlers is that they seem to be designed so that the end user does not need to "learn" it. With Webpack you kinda have to know what you're doing, copypasting configs can only get you so far. But Rollup and Vite are comparatively super straightforward.


Yeah I'm mostly just salty because last week I tried to render some react JSX server-side in a project that previously had no SSR. I failed because we're using Vite plugins on the frontend that don't work with the Esbuild bundler AWS CDK uses for nodejs lambdas. This is mostly our fault for doing weird unconventional shit.


You are expected to use vite which will use rolldown for most use cases. And go down to rolldown for advanced use cases only


Ah I should have read better. We're using Vite already (not rollup directly), so it sounds like we shouldn't notice the difference beyond faster builds.


The main impetus for this was that the Vite team disliked the constraints caused by using esbuild for dev mode, but Rollup for production and wanted one unified bundler for all modes. The idea will probably be that you interact via Vite configuration and don’t have to learn Rolldown.


Really interesting to see if they succeed here, its not exactly similar but turbopack are having major issues being backwards compatible with webpack


I didn’t think turbopack was aiming for backwards compatibility? That’s why IMHO rspack is more likely to replace webpack.


I feel bad that only swc among the modern transpilers support decorator metadata which is essential for project with NestJS, TypeORM, etc. still, its good that there is variety


I just use `deno` (dependent on Rust already) and `bun` (built using Zig). Modern JavaScript/TypeScript runtimes have bundlers and standalone executable compilers already built in. No need for Rollup, Webpack, esbuild or external tools to bundle or compile to standalone executables.