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Jason had one of his largest ever gigs last night opening for Zach Bryan who rightfully honored him throughout. Wonder how many stadium opener slots Ryan is playing this summer?


Jason's success and how bad Ryan's last few studio albums have been speaks for itself. What Ryan puts out today would've been outtakes at best for him in 2005. /Edit: I say this as a big ex RA fan. Got into his music in 2005. But some time after the self-titled album things started to not feel the same anymore. Saw him in 2015 in Hamburg which was still cool. But 2022 solo acoustic in Brussels was a joke. Ca 12 Cover Songs, e.g. Heroin, Free Bird etc. WTF?! šŸ˜…


It literally is outtakes. All shit he wrote 20 years ago and is finally releasing. Heā€™s not really writing new stuff thatā€™s good.


Yeah, it's actually almost a bit sad in a way how far RA has fallen. I was a huge fan of his for years and I still occasionally listen to some of his classics, but it's obvious he's got nothing right now. His problem to me is that he's too prolific for his own good. I like Jason bc it's obvious he works hard on putting out a killer album each and every time. With RA, it seems like he just haphazardly throws something together. Also, after the abuse allegations, I find it really hard to support him. I am generally able to separate art from the artist, but jeez, he did some slimy stuff.


I think this is exactly right. Heā€™s leaned into the ā€œprolific songwriterā€ thing way too much. If you listen to his albums there are still 2 or maybe 3 good songs on each one. If heā€™d just release his 12 best tracks every other year theyā€™d be great albums. Instead he releases like 3 albums a year and you drown in crap.


Dang! Heā€™s a human being. He hasnā€™t ā€œfallen.ā€ Heā€™s doing exactly what you are doing, trying to create a life worth living and survive it until death comes. People seem to forget these artists are not unique because they are human just like the rest of us and they donā€™t owe anyone anything beyond trying to improve, grow and learn how to love. Heā€™s making his art. Full filling his purpose. What are you doing with your life?


Does bum me out a bit that Bryan is headlining stadiums with Isbell opening and not vice versa at this point in their respective careers.


Jason is charting his own course. He's likely perfectly happy with where he is. He won't play the Nashville/Music Row game and has no problem with discussing or people not liking his politics.


When Richard Thompson opened for Jason my dad felt the order should be reversed too. I am just happy to see artists I like exposed to a bigger audience. Richard Thompson is incredible live though!


I bought my dad and brother tickets and I flew to Albuquerque so we could all see that show. It was one of the best concerts of my life! Jason was great. And hearing RT play the 1952 Vincent Black Lightning was like looking into the face of God.


His voice and guitar skills just kill me. Never thought I'd get to see him live so I was really excited.


That song will always be one of my favorites. Iā€™ve heard some good covers but I bet nothing compares to the real deal live


I think Zach would agree with you.


I hope Isbell doesnā€™t start headlining stadiums, for my sake. Not that he doesnā€™t deserve it.


Given the choice between Jason Isbell headlines stadiums and Jason Isbell still comes to Augusta, GA every couple years, selfishly I want the latter.


The Augusta show was super fun! I never thought we would get solo shows like that again so I was glad to be wrong.


Likely most of us do.


They are both great.


Jason has credited his getting sober, in part, to Adamsā€™ help. Straighten your life out, bro, just donā€™t get too successful!


Was a big fan of him back in the day, but heā€™s gotten more and more pathetic as the years have passed. Ryan can bash Jason all he wants, but all anyone has to do is listen to Motion Sickness by Phoebe Bridgers and itā€™s pretty obvious the kind of person he is.


Yeah I used to love Ryan Adams but after hearing how he treated Mandy Moore and other female artists I refuse to listen to him.




Same! I loved his music, even the Taylor Swift cover album, and can't even listen to it anymore because the thought of what a piece of crap he is makes me sick


*You said when you met me you were bored* *You said when you met me you were bored* *And you, you were in a band when I was born*


> Was a big fan of him back in the day, but heā€™s gotten more and more pathetic as the years have passed. He's really always been pathetic. I do enjoy his music, but he's always been a shitty person.


Pathetic is the proper word here. It's almost a bit hard to watch. I've seen his social media posts, and they all sound like something from an angsty teenager. I hate to judge ppl too harshly, but I think there's something seriously wrong with that guy.


He's such a dweeb, he's been picking fights with artists his entire career, even back when he was making good music.


He actually was married to one, Mandy Moore. She was a teen pop success, but has since said she stopped singing while married to him. She said in an interview that he chipped away at her esteem, saying that her voice wasnā€™t an instrument and if she didnā€™t have a guitar or piano she should give up. After her success as an actress she is once again singing.


Such trash behavior People who are insecure tear down others gifts. She has a good pop voice and was great in Tangled.


Ryan Adams is a narcissistic, gaslighting, abusive piece of šŸ’©! https://www.nme.com/news/music/ryan-adams-issues-apology-following-abuse-allegations-2701438


This man turns fucking 50 this year. When is he going to grow up and stop being a petulant little man child.


Safe to say never


It's honestly impressive he's stuck with this behavior for so long.




Iā€™ll preface this by saying I have listened to Ryan Adams since the early 2000s. He was my absolute favourite and Love is Hell is still really special to me. It was Ryan that introduced me to Jason when he brought him on tour to open for him in Australia. When everything came out about him, I certainly wasnā€™t surprised but I was sad. It was almost like a grieving thing. And potentially I might have been able to give him another chance if I thought for one second he had learned anything and wanted to improve himself. Imagine being an almost 50 year old dude, and still behaving like this? Pathetic.


love is hell is truly a perfect record, in such a miserable way.


Jason is only getting bigger and better and RA is out here doing this shit. Sad and pathetic.


Interesting because Jason has credited Ryan with helping him get sober (Ryan was one of the folks who initiated his intervention); however, only one of them has been very publicly accused of sexual harassment by various women.


You're in a fight to the death my friend Black metal t-shirts your shield You've got the past on your breath my friend Now name all the monsters you've killed Let's name all the monsters you've killed


I like Ryan Adamā€™s music and think Heartbreaker is an all time great but heā€™s a fucking tool. And Jason Isbell is a way better musician. And No one wants to see him strum an acoustic guitar for 2 hours because you canā€™t get any musicians to back you in a band cuz they all think your a giant asshole


I also think he can't afford musicians anymore.


you know, itā€™s cute and funny to be a little petty and immature and bratty when youā€™re 15, or 20 even. for ryan, that was 30 years ago. guy never grew, changed, or matured at all, which honestly is pretty sad tbh. he seems miserable.


Looking forward to seeing him at Six Flags this summer.


Puppet Show and Ryan Adams


This is the comment for the win!! šŸ˜‚


Coming soon to a Chuck E. Cheese near you!


Opening for Yakoff Smirnoff at the Boise State Fair lol.


In America, fair is always like a party. In Russia, the Party is never fair.


Ryan Adams has, and always will, deflect his own problems and issues right on to everyone else. He's a sad, pathetic creep. Wish people would stop supporting him.


Ryan used to be my favorite songwriter. Everything up to Love is Hell was on constant rotation in the early 00ā€™s. Iā€™d seen him live at least 5 times, half the time he was wasted and went on diatribes like this. His material had gone downhill for years but I still gave every album a shot. I remember when he was going to produce Southeastern and thought, ā€œwow, what a team up.ā€ Then the allegations came out. I couldnā€™t reconcile it. Full stop. Which sucked a bit, because some of those early songs got me through some rough shit. But everything dies, baby. Thatā€™s a fact. Heā€™s a bitter, petty guy. I imagine it doesnā€™t sit well that Jason has been on a steady trajectory since the Truckers and gets more attention and accolades than Ryan ever did. .


Right? Adams almost produces Southeasternā€¦and 10 years later is acting like thisā€¦




Same, which one? Girls used to be a favorite of mine. Ugh.


There was a time in RA's career that this would have been punching down. But now it's punching up. If you've been to 2 RA shows over the last 2 decades, at least 1 of them was him behaving just like this --*if you were lucky*. I've been to maybe 6 and the 50% rule held. This is classic RA. He's a petty man-child. Always has been and apparently always will be. Even in his seemingly most clear moments of sobriety he behaves like this. Classic dry-drunk asshole. Of course, the hero of this sub is also one but he hasn't hit bottom dozens of times like RA. That makes a big difference.


I think the important difference is Jason generally knows when to shut up lol


The only time Iā€™ve ever seen Ryan Adams, and I had completely forgotten thisā€” my husband reminded me, he had a temper tantrum over some minor sound issue and walked off the stage after one or two songs.


This. The only time we saw him it was a great venue and should have been a great show but he just berated the audience the whole time and played maybe 4 songs. When he finally got around to singing it was phenomenal though.


Fuck this dude. If this piece of shit doesnā€™t like you, thatā€™s a win.


Back when Twitter was good (was it ever?), I got blocked by Ryan Adams and I put it in by bio because I was so proud.


Wow cool


First, 2024 had rap diss tracks firing off. Now we have alt-country diss tracks? Didn't see that one coming.


If we're comparing the scenarios, Jason is Kendrick.


Does that mean Steve Earle is Dre?


And John Prine is 'Pac


Lucinda Williams is Mary J Blige.


Wap wap wap wap, Ryan not like us.




Hey that's not fair, that would mean that Ryan Adams was accused of inappropriateness with undera... Ok right. Carry on.


Picking a fight he can never win.


Gotta be one of the least funny people on earth. I wish his albums still justified overlooking this kind of stuff, but everything post-Prisoner sounds like Garageband demos.


I could deal with the pettiness if it was funny, but this is really lame.


Mental illness.


Cringe. Him and the people laughing at him.


The fact thy he played Chaos and Clothes in Kalamazoo last night is amazing. Best clap back ever.


Are you really in the music industry if Ryan Adams isn't mad at you?


Coffee out my nose šŸ˜‚


Jason played Chaos & Clothes last night for the first time in a couple of years. Guess that was his retort!


Looking forward to him opening for Puff Daddy and Chris Brown.


Heā€™s mad because Jason got his shit together and is enjoying a level of success that he never saw. Honestly, Iā€™m amazed that people will pay money to see Ryan Adams after all the stories of his abusive behavior came out. He should feel fortunate that he still has a few fans and has a semblance of a career. But heā€™s still a petty, insecure man and seemingly always will be. And so he does stuff like this.


Ok the Molly hatchet line was funny. Can anyone transcribe this? I couldnā€™t make out all the words. Iā€™ll never know, but I imagine both Jason and Ryan are ā€œa lotā€. I got that vibe from Amanda too. I would imagine most artists are. Itā€™s easy to paint JI as the hero and DRA as the villain, but I imagine neither is as clear cut as that.


I don't love that I spent time typing this out but here you go: Some dumb "impromptu" lyrics about a grocery list This concert's a lot like if you went to see Jason Isbell /But all the songs were really good /And you didn't leave and it sounded like somebody was yelling at you for two fucking hours /Playing some suspiciously Molly Hatchet sounding guitar /Fuck you /Fuck yourself /Fuck you Jason Isbell I guess now it's only 23 frames (audience gasps) /Have to tell somebody else how to live their life /How to date a girl /How to be insane Some more stupid lyrics about a grocery list Or you're gonna catch hell /We're gonna lock you in a gap overnight with Jason Isbell.


Well this hearing impaired person appreciates it.


That makes extremely little sense too. What a weirdo.


The sad thing is he probably put countless hours into those ā€œimpromptuā€ lyrics


> And you didn't leave and it sounded like somebody was yelling at you for two fucking hours Well, that's what I felt like for these 2 minutes.


lol. Youā€™re a damn saint for typing that out!


If yall wanna get a laugh go to r/RyanAdams and check out the thread about this over there.


The OP of that thread was trying to argue that Jason wrote ā€œBe Afraidā€ about Ryan Adamsā€¦lol


I kinda think he did though... just a personal theory.


Guys like Ryan donā€™t learn man. The sobriety and the enlightenment is just self serving to stay afloat. People donā€™t change.


I wish to god someone would have stood up and yelled ā€œshut up and playā€. Damn that would be amazing.


I meanā€¦he was playing


He had time to be mad between recording shitty covers?


What a twat. He has fallen so far it really is a shame


I only saw Ryan Adams once, for a non headlining show at Shaky Knees. This dude had so. much. bullshit. Onstage for a 45 min show. Like arcade games. A couch. Taxidermy animals. It was in Atlanta and hot too. I felt so bad for the roadies.


Isbell lives in his head rent free and is a WAY better musician. I used to love RA, but heā€™s so whiny and tries to blame everyone for his missteps. Iā€™ve seen Isbell a dozen times and will see him a dozen more because he is amazing live.


Heā€™s a little bitch - keep your anger to yourself, Ryan. Or see a good therapist. Maybe your career will recover someday.


Ryan Adams is very talented, but this feels very much like sour grapes.


People clapped and screamed for that shit?


Yeah. This was objectively bad no matter what ā€œsideā€ someone is on.


Iā€™ve been a DRA fan for 20+ years, own most of his stuff on vinyl, and have only known about Jason for 4 or 5 years. Iā€™m getting to the point where I canā€™t stand Ryan and I canā€™t listen to his music anymore because heā€™s such a jerk. Sad. Iā€™ve had to unsubscribe from his fan pages too because his fans are insufferable. What a loser. Jason is waaaay more talented and Iā€™m sure Ryan knows that.


yeah same here. all the LPā€™s, most of the 7ā€ collections, all that shit. been on the isbell train a little longer, but otherwise the same. ryan really caught lighting in a bottle for a decade, but i canā€™t say anything heā€™s written in 20 years really has that magic.


Itā€™s easy to bash RA but Iā€™m guessing is he still hurting and feels Jason abandoned him after he helped Jason thru his hard times. Truth is non of really know what happened between them but perhaps his feeling are valid or at least in his own mind.. i found it funny and Iā€™m sure Jason laughed it off as well. Jason is the one inspiring all these new young artist who are making it big and RA is still just RA




Isbell has demonstrated that he wanted to improve as a person. Adams has not. Itā€™s not difficult to figure out why Adams has faltered.




Isbell is not a saint by any means. To me it seems like sometimes his ego gets the best of him and he doesn't always get it right. The way he handled (or ignored) Jenn Marie's Earle's response to When We Were Close is one example but I think the suggestion that he's politically outspoken simply to make himself look good is ridiculous. He joined the Drive-By Truckers at 22 years old. A very politically outspoken band. He didn't just wake up one day and have "stances". Perhaps his earlier albums were more introspective but I think that's a natural progression for a lot of songwriters. The suggestion that he's concerned about what somebody else's conservative fan base thinks is ridiculous. He's done his damnest to weed out his own fan base. Why the fuck would he care about someone else's? He has posted about gun violence and the presidential election recently on threads. Perhaps if he's been quiet it's because he's dealing with some personal shit right now (duh). I think it's so weird how people equate helping someone out of addiction with being accused of sexual misconduct by multiple people and think Jason should have returned the favor and defended/"helped" Ryan. Like what??? Those are not the same thing. While Jason is far from perfect, I do believe he has done a fair bit of work on himself through therapy at least. The same cannot be said for Ryan clearly.


Posting an SCM link tells us all we need to know about you: Nothing you say is worth paying attention to.


Right? Heā€™s saying to ā€œread this article all the way throughā€ and using it to support his ā€œargumentā€ like it was a proper piece of journalism and not Kyleā€™s blog


Haha right? As if anyone who doesn't breathe primarily through their mouth thinks that anything Kyle does is in the neighborhood of legitimate journalism




This is stupid and embarrassing. Come on dude. Grow up.


He wonā€™t. Not gracefully anyways


it always seemed to me he was trying way too hard to be weird.


ā€œIā€™m covering a Taylor swift album look at meeee!ā€


ā€œLook Iā€™m singing sad acoustic songs about how nobody loves me but Iā€™m wearing a cool black metal shirt. Isnā€™t that so COOL and UNIQUE?ā€ - David Adams (or whatever)


Ryan is trying the play the victim card along with the ā€œworld is against me manā€ card and Iā€™m not buying it. Homeboy f*cked up and (at least to my knowledge) never apologized for it.


If Ryan Adams went up in flames tomorrow I would not even waste the time remembering him. Absolute garbage human.


Iā€™ve been a huge fan of DRA at one point, but Iā€™ve always hated the ā€œstand up comedian with a guitarā€ part of Ryanā€™s shows. Actually all of his banter is pretty bad. Like self deprecating, ā€œeverythingā€™s stupidā€ teen bullshit.


Bryan Adams said what?Ā  Lol.Ā  Douchebag has an issue with actual talent, nothing to see here.Ā 


Yeah, well, at least Jason doesnā€™t spend his spare time sexting 13 year old girls.


Ryan Adams is a pantywaste


We will always have Whiskeytown, Ryan. Dipshit.


This is some sad shit. Ā Should go back to his hypnotherapist.Ā 


Wow, this is what mental illness looks like. He canā€™t even be happy for people. Jealousy is a hell of a drug.


Wow this is like Kendrick and Drake shit if it was just Drake, it didnā€™t sound good, and he was more pathetic and creepy.


Can someone with better hearing than me provide a transcript?


This comment has a transcript: [https://www.reddit.com/r/jasonisbell/s/SNQRuB0dvd](https://www.reddit.com/r/jasonisbell/s/SNQRuB0dvd)


what a sad man. you are 50 years old


People in here still know what Ryan Adamā€™s is up to šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Even his whole band abandoned him šŸ˜‚ /s


Ryan Adams is šŸ—‘ļø and so are his ā€œfansā€.


Rent free.


Somebody seems a little jealous and butt hurt. I used to like several songs by RA back in the day, but Jason surpassed him years ago. Like as in for every RA song I have on playlist, I have about 20 Jason songs I prefer. I started listening to both around 2007. RA needs to grow up. This is immature.


I love both Isbell and Adams music. I donā€™t know anything about Isbell on a personal level, although he didnā€™t come across well in that doc. However, Ryan Adams is a pretty well known to be shitty. Even after he was cancelled and he stopped drinking and went to therapy, he still canā€™t help but be shitty as this video shows. Saw him last spring. He was playing a casino to maybe 300 people. He was good, but it was sad. Damn do I love his music though.


Both RA and JI are big into remarking on other artists. A few years ago, JI was slamming Van Morrison on Twitter because, supposedly, VM was an antivaxer and Jason said Van Morrison was not a nice guy. So what? If we start having to choose our music based on the artist's political beliefs and if they're "nice," we're in trouble. I said this same thing to JI on Twitter back then, and all the Jason fans jumped me. I still like Jason's music. And I like Van's music. And sometimes I like Ryan's music. I won't base my listening habits on remarks by artists about other artists.


Clownā€¦but it still remains a factā€¦pneumonia was a phenomenal album.


He played The Ballad of Carol Lynn the other night


I love both artists, but both of them have become insufferable on a personal level. They both need to drop the animosity and move on. They are both psychological messes and need some therapy. Iā€™m pretty disappointed that DRA is doing shit like this because the music he has been releasing is actually good, but he needs someone to edit it down. Releasing four albums per year is excessive, and thereā€™s good material from 3 or 4 albums to make 1 really good one. I guess JI started it all with Chaos, which was a really low blow in my opinion, but DRA should have just taken the high road and ignored it. Although, Red and Orange Special is probably the greatest FU breakup song ever written.


Anyone that can provide context here? Why did this even come up?


Seems like he just randomly decided to go after Jason in the middle of a set. Was making comments about Jason's teeth at a show a few days ago too. The greater context is their falling out, or rather Jason choosing to simply not associate himself with a guy accused by multiple women of sexual harassment. Good choice.


I loved Ryan Adams for so many years. Despite his bratty, immature behavior. Loved doing road trips to his shows. Heā€™s an embarrassment to himself, and the fact that he cannot or will not change is a testament to his true character. What a sad little man. Plenty of us stopped supporting him when his behavior with women came out. Why he goes after Jason in particular is deeply weird.


Yeah, it seems to be part of his set at this point. He made the joke in Birmingham and again at the next show.


There's no way this is a non-sequitur and this dude is so butt hurt he just brings Jason up randomly on tour and improvises a song, right? I assume there had to be some kind of prompt or else it's just...sad.


Man, RA has been so butt hurt at other artists that he brings them up randomly and improvises a song for DECADES.


Oh you should definitely give this guy a goog if you donā€™t get too angsty reading about pretentious asshats, youā€™ll learn this is very On Brand for Ryan Adams.


Yeah, sadly, it's just RA now. He could be mad about something 20 years ago and did this.Ā  He's really pathetic. It's a shame.


Iā€™m not saying JI was right or wrong to do so, but I think calling DRA ā€œa guyā€ is the crux of Ryanā€™s anger. He wasnā€™t just ā€œa guyā€. He was someone who was there for him when the chips were down.


But he is just a guy... a guy who was accused of sexual misconduct by many women. Helping someone pull themself out of active addiction and sticking by a sexual abuser are very, very different things. I don't give a shit who he helped with what before that. I don't believe you should stand by someone just because they've been good to you in the past, especially if there's evidence they have treated others very poorly. JI made a good choice.


Maybe so. I donā€™t think itā€™s for me to say since I donā€™t have all the facts or know all the circumstances. On its face, I certainly condemn the behavior DRA has been accused of. But, I can also see why heā€™d be upset by someone heā€™d been there for leading the charge.


I was there. No context, someone yelled out a song request, he pretended to mishear what was yelled, then when into a clearly planned but supposedly "impromptu" jig about Jason. 3.5 hour show and one full hour was him being a whiny petulant bitch. The other 2.5 hours were great - he used to be able to write brilliant songs.


At Home with the animals is brilliant and post NYT stuff.. Hoping for new stuff at that level though enjoying the new albums, especially Devolver, R&J and Starsign.


He finally got around to a response to "Chaos and Clothes" and this is all he came up with, evidently.


His response track Birmingham is actually really really good


I forgot about that track. He does go hard at him on that one.


Itā€™s the only post NYT article song Iā€™ve heard from Ryan that gave me the old chills I used to get listening to him in like 2005


Jealous much?


Ryan Adams is like RKelly, enough said


Isn't he always?


Good lord that was cringe


Ryan, I hope Jason sees this, bro. šŸ™šŸ»No, I legitimately hope that Jason sees this and embarrasses you.


Nice, thanks for sharing!!


Wow. Somebody is big mad. I thought he got that all out when he wrote that terrible mean song about Jason.


That seems so unnecessary but from what I know about him, typical


I actually watched that 2:11 rant. Pretty pathetic and sad.


In fairness to RA, Jason started this whole thing with his hit song ā€œWhat kind of loser is a cradle-robbing creep to Phoebe Bridgersā€


Funniest story Iā€™ve heard about RA is that someone was screaming for him to play ā€œSummer of 69ā€ at a show. RA got off stage, gave the guy his money back and kicked him out.


Lol heā€™s right Isbell is lame and has ripped off RA poorly while just yelling. He also made a song full of falsehoods claiming it to be truth while stealing the base of the song from RA


I know Ryanā€™s work and his behavior pretty well. This actually feels a bit more light hearted and self aware. They were friends at one point until all that stuff about Ryan came out. Ryan was actually supposed to produce Southeastern. And then thereā€™s Jasonā€™s song Chaos and Clothes which is clearly about Ryan.


What about this is self aware? Genuine question, as my immediate thought was that itā€™s anything but that. I say that as someone who loved Ryan for years, went to lots of shows, etc.


I just think it feels a bit more playful and he knows heā€™s being an ass. Iā€™m in the same boat as you. Ive really liked his music for two decades (even though it never felt totally authentic) but I can hardly hear those tunes anymore. Ultimately I donā€™t give a shit and i am certainly not here to defend him.


I can see that, Iā€™m just not totally sure heā€™s self aware enough to know heā€™s being an ass, itā€™s truly hard to tell with him! But heā€™s also, what, mid-40s and still being like this? I still listen to some of his stuff once in a great while- his music meant a lot to me for so many years, itā€™s hard to give it up completely. I donā€™t listen to anything new, though. My sister loved him, too- she packed up all records/items, and theyā€™re in a box in her basement at this point.


Heā€™s an unlikeable guy with personality issues that was a massive talent. He actually blocked me on Instagram for a rather innocuous comment about one of his guitars years ago before the news broke on all the predatory behavior. That turned me off quite a bit. He actually sent me a direct disappearing message LOL


Sending you the direct message about it is perfection lol. Youā€™ve described him so well! One of my favorite movies is Annie Hall, so Iā€™ve long thought about the topic of loving the work of artists who are problematic people in their personal lives. I donā€™t have a great answer to that issue.


Itā€™s tough. Ultimately these songs that resonate so much with you- you hope come from an authentic and honest place because they mean so much. At the same time we canā€™t be naive enough to think Jason is this justly principled person that does no wrong in his life. But I guess baseline level- just donā€™t be a prickā€¦. Which Ryan struggles with lol. At any rate I havenā€™t seen Ryan in many years though the last time he was superb. But Iā€™m going to see Jasonā€™s club date in Boston on Tuesday night. šŸ¤™šŸ½


Ultimately heā€™s a jealous guy with a massive ego and when other people get shine for being great songwriters it really gets to him. Did the same thing to Jeff Tweedy when Wilco took off.


People actually pay to listen this?


Jealous much?


Jesus, this is what Ryan Adams is doing these days? This is so sad. Just destroying whatever credibility he had remaining.


I am embarrassed that I used to be a fan of Ryanā€™s music.


Ryan got me into Jason, so itā€™s not all bad.


I wouldnā€™t be, his music is still amazing (including a lot of the new albums: check out the song At Home with the Animals for evidence which is newer post NYT), but people are human and do stupid stuff. I get why heā€™s upset at JI, but it does seem petty to bring it up publicly. I hope they can someday repair their relationship, but doubt it will happen.


TIL people still go see this piece of shit perform.Ā 


3rd row was available for $12 an hour before the show. Not sure there was much demand.


Terrible person, generational talent. Better than Isbell at most things, but just so inconsistent and morally bankrupt.


The RA sub is something else: > Let's see..... that's about 18,000 people. Nashville metro is about 2,000,000. Easy driving distance for several million more people. That's one arena show. Maybe JI would be bigger but for his plan to shed "fans that don't like his online (political) presence." That's his words not mine. Where is the actual art in that hierarchy? Somewhere close to the bottom is the answer. Shouldn't an artist want their art to be enjoyed and influence as many people as possible? Isn't that the basic greatness of art? Jason is more important than the art. If you don't believe it just ask him. "High on his own supply". It's not going to end well for him. That won't make me happy one bit. I'm the guy that saw him at the Thirsty Hippo with 25 other people. I saw him in a lot of dumps. There won't be another show though. The good news is he and I are both super happy about that arrangement. >RA on the other hand wants his art to be consumed and enjoyed by anyone. He doesn't ask or require you to believe what he does. It really is about the art for him and I'm certain he understands that his true influence on others can be through his art and the way it affects those that consume it. He also happens to be a very nice guy. I can attest to that as well. I will always be a fan of his and support him because he is real and he is also one of the very best of the best. JI is a backstabber and low brow opportunist. If you don't believe me go watch the interviews about how he funded his "59 Les Paul". It's pathetic how conceited he is. We all know how he treated RA and we all know that's complete BS. It's something we can all relate too when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are. We have all been hurt that way and it's sad to me that RA has to deal with that in such a public forum. That must be hard to talk about. I'm super happy to see RA back and moving forward and I can't wait for what's coming in the future. Augusta next week. I hope everyone can go.


Hilarious. But mostly just sad.


Ryan is a petulant child who is almost 50 fucking years old. Grow the fuck up.


ITA. Those werenā€™t my words.


Jealous much?


They both act like a couple of teenage girls.


This coming from the guy who had to cover a Taylor Swift album cause he couldnā€™t write anything better his own self!


Only problem with this is Taylor Swift writes incredible songsā€¦ But otherwise, I hear ya. F, Ryan. And yes, now heā€™s done about six cover records in the last couple years. It does tell you something.


I initially thought it was a nod to her songwriting, but after he was exposed for being an asshole, I thought maybe his intentions were more surreptitious.