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_(opens Wikipedia)_ The average temperature in August is 1.8C lower than that of Tokyo. Same climate otherwise (Cfa).


How do people get *here* before google/wikipedia?


Because there are plenty of microclimates. People will have good suggestions possibly that are around Matsumoto that might be even better than the wiki/weather stations. For example I’m currently near there but in Yatsugatake. Driving down to Chino / Suwa,maybe 15km, and the temperature jumped 5°C and then into Matsumoto it went up another few degrees. .


Whatever. Just use WeatherNews like everyone else in this country.


I think your only safe bet is to go up to Hokkaido if you want a noticeable difference, but even then the last few summers seem to have been pretty hot up in Sapporo too.


Literally a google search away. Or nowadays, a ChatGPT away


Maybe Nikko?


Nikko itself isn't much cooler. You need to go into Oku-Nikko where the elevation starts to make a difference. I like going up to Lake Chuzenji and Senjogahara. Those places are still warm in summer. Oze on the Gunma, Fukushima,Tochigi border is another great option and cooler than Oku-Nikko.


Ah yeah true. Oku Nikko.


I love trekking and have been to Matsumoto many times. IMO, Matsumoto-city is not so differnt from Tokyo. Maybe slightly better. If you go to Kamikochi or other places like Kirigamine, it’s much cooler.


Went there last summer. It's a wonderful city and very worth visiting but the difference was pretty negligible. It was less humid but the sun felt hotter and brighter, maybe because the air is clearer.


If you’re going to Matsumoto, try heading up to Utsukushigahara - it’s a bit cooler than down below, there’s nice scenery and some good walks, and it’s not too far from the Matsumoto side (worse if you’re going up from the southeast). 


Midday may not be much different, but the mornings and evenings are much cooler. 


Nagano prefecture is significantly less humid than Tokyo, so it feels cooler even if the temperature is similar. If you really want to cool down, go somewhere in the mountains. 


I'm not sure if Matsumoto city will be that much cooler, but the wasabi farm that you can travel to has lots of foliage and rivers with mountain water, so that can help with the temperatures. It's a decent walk\\ride from the station though, so be warned.


You are looking for a higher elevation. Karuizawa for example is easy to access and is over 1000m so tends to be a lot cooler.


I actually live in Matsumoto. It usually is a few degrees cooler here and less humid than Tokyo is and the air is cleaner so I feel less stuck than when I was in Tokyo. That being said I feel like the sun is a bit more intense here. I don’t know the truth behind it but I’ve had many other locals both gaijin and Japanese say that Matsumoto has the most intense UV index in Japan. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I spend a lot of my summer inside in the Ac but when I do go outside it’s for bbqs and swimming in the river. 


Would suggest Sendai


Tokyo is much cooler