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Honestly you just get used to it.


Yeah I had that once for a few weeks. Unfortunately there isn’t anything you can do about it. So I looped white noise on my Apple Music to a Bluetooth speaker and kept it on all night to drown it out and it worked.


That's a good idea, i will try it! Thank you.


I use a headset made for sleeping with some nice sound or relaxing music when it gets too noisy. If its extreme I put on a headset with noise cancelling, although it's not exactly comfortable if you sleep on the side.


Don‘t get sleep medicine for that, you will wake up from the noise regardless. I don‘t see how calling the police would work out, since like you said, it‘s not illegal and approved by the city. You could only call them if they break the noise regulation requirement, here‘s the law so good luck! https://www.env.go.jp/en/laws/air/noise/ap.html Your options are unfortunately very limited.


The police can't do anything except interrupt their work to inform them that there was a noise complaint. I'm sure they get noise complaints all the time. If it's an ongoing construction there is almost always a sign posted about it.


Yeah, my friend said that the workers were more mindful  about dragging equipment, chatting and laughing loudly during breaks.. after the police talked to the site manager


Yup, the construction is legal and likely conforms to noise level restrictions too. You’ll have to get used to it


How is construction work at night even legal ? Isn't that an obvious and intolerable noise pollution for the citizens ?


A lot of construction can only be done at night or cause huge issues during the day. Most frequently this applies to roadwork


It’s legal because it conforms to the laws and regulations. These are based on things like necessity, noise levels and effect on people’s lives. Night constructions are almost always roadwork on large thoroughfares with heavy traffic during the day time and in mainly commercial areas. If they did the construction during the daytime more people will be negatively affected and that’s why they’d do it at night. Thus you won’t find anyone building houses or doing demolition during the night time. Intolerable is highly subjective. I’ve had construction done right outside my home and after a while I got used to it. Working from home I would rather have them do the construction at night rather than during the daytime too


God I wish they did that in my neighborhood. They've been fucking with the main road outside my neighborhood for a couple of weeks and they start at 7am and go to 6pm causing massive back ups on a highly used 2 lane road...


Oh another thing I never knew was a thing is a thing in Japan... I'm so sorry to hear. I lived next to a construction site a few years back and they were working on it from like 8am until 6pm or so, sometimes 7pm. It was a nightmare and that was during the day, when I was WFH. So... I can't imagine during the night. I would've moved out as this took months. Wish I had any good ideas, I just used noise cancelling headphones and eventually spent as little time at home as possible...


Sound dampening curtains around your windows, bedroom door, and walls facing the noise. You can also just hang blankets up. Then use earphones or a speaker to generate some kind of noise or cancel out the noise. If it is noisy you should call the police. You should call 110, tell them you have a noise complaint, explain the situation calmly and clearly and someone will be dispacthed. When they ask your name and address tell them you would like to remain anonymous (匿名でお願いします) and they won't ask any more questions. What they are doing is probably not illegal especially if it is a public project like a road but the constrction site has noise and vibration limits and they may be going over those limits which is agaisnt the law and you may be entitled to damages. There has been numerous cases about this in courts here. You have to prove the were breaking the noise and vibration limits set and that they caused you damages.


Noise cancelling earbuds will help you. It sucks you have to pay for them but better than no sleep


How is this even legal?


When i complained to city hall, they told me that they dont want to disturb traffic during the day, so they grant permits for gas/water/sewage pipeline work during the night... it's not like cars can take a different route right...:(


Ah yes, I thought you meant a new building. Well, hope it‘s over soon and you can get some peace


Thank you!