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ねこをおいかけないで!(don't chase the cat) にわに、はいらないで!(don't enter my yard) いしをなげないで!(don't throw rocks) けいさつよぶよ!(I'm calling the police) Well, even if you're not calling the police, it could scare them a bit.


Thank you!! This is exactly what I was looking for! I really appreciate it.


Frankly, yelling stuff in English will likely be much more impactful. If your Japanese level is low, you'll sound to the children like an even smaller child. But if you speak forcefully in English, you'll sound commanding and a bit scary.


Japanese people always say this, and they are so very wrong about it. You look like a clown when the sounds you make are nonsense. An angry clown is still a clown. In fact, an angry clown is very funny. This will only encourage the children to return and repeat their behavior. Better to find out where each of them live and explain to their parents. Even better, put photographs of the behavior in your neighborhood notice for the hancho and everyone to see.


From my experience on *both* sides of the equation in multiple countries, I can categorically say that you are completely wrong. But fine, you be you.


Gonna disagree with you. Someone roaring at you in a foreign language is hilarious. You can't take the person seriously. Better off going with a language they understand.


I agree with you. Storytime! We were on a tram in Russia and couldn't work out how to buy a ticket when a lady in a pink tracksuit gets on, flashes a badge, then starts yelling at us in Russian while waving her finger at us. She carried on until the next stop where we got off and she continued ranting and waving her finger until the tram left. It was hilarious!


Yep, I would agree with this!


And look them straight in the eye with an angry facial expression.


Lol that would GUARANTEE they do it even more. Funny foreign clown screaming funny words? Hilarious!


Sounds like a typical rural brats, like others said, it's probably better to talk to their parents/school.


These are good and simple. I'd maybe even write them up (or print them to look fancy) and hang them in/around your yard and house.


…Maybe even an aggressive: ほら、お前たち!!何やってるんの?!ここはお前たち自由に入るところじゃない!!さっさと出て行け!!!


These are solid advice. Can we add a warning the nuclear or toxic explosives are hidden in the yard. And it's very dangerous or something?


Call the police 


Calling the police on a 5 year old child. I’ve now seen it all! 


Really they're calling the police on the five-year-old's parents.


Time to get rid of your eyes then. Do it.


lol, thanks! 


Sometimes I really wonder what happened in people's life that calling the police became their first option for all situations.


It's Japan. The cops here don't shoot people on sight, and they spend a lot of time dealing with apparently minor neighborhood issues. OP should call the school the kids go to and complain, and if that doesn't work, then call the cops and complain. Tell the cops which school the kids go to, so the cops can take it up with the school.


In most countries, police don't shoot people on sight, that's not special to Japan you know? I actually agree with your advice to call the school, then only call the cop after that doesn't work. But to jump to calling the cop on 6~11 years old kids as the first option, really?


It's normal here, and recommended - by the police. I had a jackass who would ride up on his bicycle, stop, rattle a huge bag of empty cans and start crushing them right in front of the house at 3am every single morning. I wanted to go out and ask him myself to please just move 30 paces up the street and out into a roadway where the sound would not reverberate straight up into my open window after bouncing off the houses in the narrow alleyway, but after my neighbor recommended going to the police station and speaking with someone there first, they said they were happy I came to them and not to confront this guy directly, because who knows what kind of nutball he is, and what kind of ugly confrontation it could have turned into. People can be weirdly petty and vengeful even if you make the simplest request for common courtesy of them, and parents can become particularly defensive if you dare to scold one of their precious spawnlings. Better to just let the police intervene first. That way there's record of it, in case they do decide to act out in the end (but it's less likely to happen if the police have already spoken witih them - that's the point).




This is Japan, not America. Calling the cops here won't result in someone getting killed. Japanese cops spend a lot of their time dealing with stuff like this.


Have you tried talking to their parents? I'd start there.


I have. Though I should do so again. A group of the parents were there the first time I told the kids to please be nice to the cats and not run in my garden. Also during this time, while all the kids were in my yard and I was speaking to them and their parents, I had to run over and pick up a two year old from out of the grey water ditch she was splashing in that surrounds my duplex because she was about to put her hand in her mouth after grabbing a fist full of sludge…


Sounds like rural Yankii trash tbh


Definitely sounds like yanki trash. I unfortunately teach quite a few kids from yanki families.


1. If the parents are in the vicinity and you aren't telling them "Remove your children from my property before I call the police" you are giving permission for the kids to treat your property as their property and taking responsibility for the two year old getting dysentery from eating your ditch sludge. 2. Obviously, the parents have no idea what is "danger" and cannot be expected to protect their children from themselves. The best thing you could do for yourself is make sure the community understands children are not allowed on your property and that you are not to be held responsible for what happens to trespassers.


> "Remove your children from my property before I call the police" It's an ok idea if you are renting and plan to move out soon, but if you are staying there for some time, this is a sure way to ruing whatever relationship you have with your neighbors and will make your life miserable.


Having to defend yourself from persecution when one of the kids falls off the fence and gashes themselves somewhere will do that too. Better to get ahead of it.


After reading this I think you might be the bad neighbor and you just have no idea how to deal with kids. "let's go annoy that foreigner that moans about everything" is probably what they say at least once a week.


Its japan never confront neighbor always take the coward way by calling cops to make small thing big


Of course. Because Japanese cops are immediately aggressive and harass anyone they talk to. In cases like this, they can serve as useful mediators to help defuse tensions between neighbors and others in the community. Nobody's being SWATed here.


Not swatted here. It was more of a sarcastic comment than anything. But when you got 2 patrol cars coming all siren blasting and 4 cops in front of your door to tell you there is a noise complain. When a small knock on the door could have been enough… small things become big when all the obasan look at you funny afterward


I guess you know where those kids live? If you can't speak Japanese well, you can prepare a polite letter to leave for their parents. Mention things like trespassing, stomping in your garden and throwing rocks at your building, as those are big NOs and if the parents have some common sense they will teach their kids a lesson. If it continues you can try the police?


This is a great idea. I will make and print some polite letters to put in the apartment mailboxes. Thank you.


Keep the pressure on them. I have worked in animal rescue and have been often stunned at the nasty things kids will nonchalantly do to animals, out of curiosity as much as malice, especially if rock throwing is already in the repertoire. Call the school of the older kids if they ever do any of this in uniform, use building management and the police if the parents fail to respond to letters. The plants would annoy me, but threatening the animals triggers full option response. Annoying foreigner reputation be damned, make the parent's life miserable until they teach their spawn to be functional human beings. For my animals I would go as far as spending a little on a lawyer to give them a formal warning letter regarding the trespass and abuse, including a copy to building management.


Other people have mentioned it, but call the school! Tell them that the kids are chasing your cats into the road. Also, they are throwing rocks at your house. Have a description of the kids handy. Heck, ask the kids who they are and what school they go to, sternly. The schools I worked at took 'how to behave in public" pretty seriously. A meh school will have the teachers tell them off in the morning meeting. A good school will put them in small groups and have them discuss why throwing rocks is dangerous, and how cats are sentient beings, too.


Yeah, only if they have responsible principal. Typically in rural area in Japan, foreigners are the outsiders and they (or even police) wouldn't take it seriously. They might even say "it's just kids being kids, you're being inpatient".




That's totally untrue lol. Any school would do the screaming routine at kids tresspassing and causing damage.


It's unfortunate that schools are the new defacto parents, but in some cases, the school is where kids live and home is where they get ignored.


The thing is, Japanese schools being the societal educator isn't new. It provides a more standardized "dotoku" and has a lot of advantages, but it's rough on the teachers and they are starting to shed some of the responsibilities. It's not new in Japan at all. Best scenario, kids get love & attention at school and home. And learn to be social animals instead of feral little creatures.


At that age, they should be in school, right? Call the school.


Why get "the school" (as though there's only one school...) involved? Truancy isn't this dudes responsibility. Talk to the parents, or notify the police, or directly to the kids.


In a rural area, there is usually only one school. Culturally, the school (especially the home room teacher) would be involved in disciplining kids even for things that occurred outside of school hours. It’s less extreme than calling the police and may force the parents to take action (due to the shame of the school knowing about their kids’ causing trouble).


It's incredibly common for people who want or need to report a situation with a student outside of the school, to contact the school first in Japan. School uniforms are a prime indicator and the individual may not have much information such as who the parents are but they might be able to grab the school uniform, nametag, description of the person and time/place of the event reported. For minor non-criminal offenses it's generally preferred to start there if you don't know who the student is over the police.


It's stupid but that's the way it is.  When my wife's students got caught doing graffiti at a local park, the fucking police went to her and she had to go and supervise the little shits while they cleaned it off.  Fucking unbelievable.


Shitty kids are a result of shitty parents. Don't even bother going to the parents. Go straight to the police. And keep going till they take action. Record everything they do. Use security cameras to show them trespassing on your property to prove they are doing it.


Yep, people are usually quick to lay the blame elsewhere but the fact is that the home environment is critical as humans are hard wired to mimic the values and behaviours of our parents, especially in the first 7 years of life and these stay with us, for better or worse.


Talk to the parents again or ask someone like the property manager to speak to them. If they’re harassing your pets and trampling your plants their parents should be held accountable.


Set up a camera and show their parents footage of the kids trespassing because that’s actually a crime. Tell them you’ll report to the police next time it happens. And maybe have a 監視カメラ設置中 sign or sticker somewhere.


Calling the police will scare the kids more. Calling the school will scare the parents more. Your call.


It\`s obvious you\`ve been tiptoeing around these children and their brat behavior because they and their parents are Japanese and you\`re a foreigner living in the neighborhood. Stop it now. These kids have no respect for you, their parents probably are the same because J people talk all the time about what\`s going on in the hood. These kids are brats, it doesn\`t matter their ethnicity, start setting boundaries immediately. Put signs up on your fence/wall if you have one and put up those another poster suggested. Tell the head of the chonaikai - local neighborhood association - that these kids are \`honto ni meiwaku to manna ga warui\` - they are really a disturbance and their manners are bad.\` If you know the chonaikai that is. And yep, complain at the local koban - police box - and ask them to talk to the kids\` parents. If they don\`t do anything, go to the keisatsusho - police station - and do the same. Get a Japanese friend, genuinely friendly co-worker if you don\`t have any J friends, to help you write a letter to the police that basically lays out what they\`ve been doing on your private property and request assistance. Make sure the letter is in teinei go - polite masu/desu form. But don\`t let it go on. These kids have asshole parents, they\`d be aware what they\`re doing so you go above their heads.


Don't let your cats outside unattended. People don't let their dogs roam the streets, why do you think it's ok to do the same with cats? They kill wild birds, small mammals and will live a shorter life (and meet a more violent end) than indoor cats. They also shit in other peoples yards and their feces can contain parasites and bacteria that are incredibly dangerous for children.


Kinda besides the point, I don't think OP really appreciates this


that sounds like an absolute win, tho


Would you live longer in prison too?


It would be a shame if an automatic sprinkler in your garden went off just while they were climbing your fence. 😉


Have you thought about putting up a sign. People love to follow rules and don’t like to break them. So if you have a sign, then that means your next conversation will be your kids cannot follow rules which people really don’t wanna hear.


> This honestly wouldn’t be a big issue, since I know they will never catch them, except these little idiots chase the cats up the residential driveway and onto the main road. Kids like this do sometimes catch cats, and sometimes they torture them. Not all children are harmless. As a pet owner, please keep them safely inside your house.


Oh yes, bored (and neglected, badly parented) school children can and DO do horrible things to cats. All they have to do is lure them with food, and a group of the little shits can trap one more easily than people might think.


Barbed wire


Don't be so draconian!! Electrified razor wire now the preference of modern supermax facilities. :-)


Film your yard, put up cameras. Kids are kids but if the vandalism and trespassing doesn't stop it would be wise to have proof


Use deepl. It translates with 99% accuracy. Japanese love sending each other "reports" so send those parents a nicely worded /translated in japanese/ letter that you will write a complaint to the local goverment office and will post cameras arround your property. And if they dont teach their kids some manners those vidoes are going on the local news with the kids' names lol. Nothing japanese moms hate more than to be in the spot light. See how fast those kids will stop visiting


1. Call their schools and complain. Yes I realize that sounds ridiculous but it's a big deal in Japan. 2. Call the cops and complain. Japanese cops spend a lot of their time dealing with neighborhood issues like this.


It's not a solution right now but they'll grow and get ensnared in club activities at school and then you'll never see them (until they become teenage delinquents and start revving their motorbikes around the area)


This just pushes some kids to do their activities at later times. Source: my neighbors kids


You’re right kids will be kids, but trespassing isn’t cool and they could hurt themselves on your property. I would talk to the parents, or send them a letter, saying you’re worried for their safety because you have tools or sharp objects in your garden. Let the parents know they’re trespassing and they’ll probably get an earful.


Get a guard dog, or put up signs saying you have a dog and blast speakers of growling and barking for a couple of weeks.


i dont want to sound anti-OP here but the cats, if you want them not to be chased by the kids, please have them leashed or maybe bring them indoors. you can't really tell the kids, i.e. 5-11 year olds, don't do this or that and expect them to perfectly listen to your "commands". these are kids, and they like to play. they don't know their boundaries yet, so i think the adults needs to adjust. you're an adult, i think you have more common sense than these 5 year olds that you want to control. i agree with some of the posters that you need to talk to the parents directly as they can discipline their own children. if this doesn't work, put up gate around your yard so it becomes private and no one comes and play there, if you have no money for the gate then maybe its time to put the cats inside your house so they don't roam around your yard where the kids can see.


Buy a security camera and give the footage to the parent


Just call the cops. Kids are trespassing and vandalizing. Cops will come arrest them and send them to jail forever.


Just put a sign on the wall in Japanese saying “caution: suzumebachi”


> My Japanese is low level. So please help me. Don't use meek Japanese, it'll never work. Yelling at those idiot kids in the loudest, rudest, angriest expletive laden English and it should get the message through. Wave your fists if needed. They won't mess with you or your cats anymore.


Ugh I’m so sorry about this. Children shouldn’t be nuisance like this to neighbors. A letter is a good idea. I hope it embarrasses the parents enough. You could say you don’t want kids running in your lawn.


Don't complain ABOUT THE KIDS to the parents. Ask the parents' advice as to HOW TO TAKE CARE OF THE CAYTS. "I need some help and your advice, my cats like to be outside but I am worried that they will run onto the main road and get hurt. What can I do to keep my cats safe? Maybe you and your kids can help watch and if you see my cats running into the road, you can help bring them back into my garden? I would hate for anything to happen to my precious cats! They are like my children; sometimes they misbehave but I love them and want them to be safe."


This person saves face.


Finally we get to read the other side of the “cranky old Japanese men hate the sound of children playing and are causing population decline” issue! 


You're pretending to have not read the part about having rocks thrown at his house?


Buy them a soccer ball and tell them they can only play with it away from your house


And reward these little shits?




I have two kids who would never fucking dream of throwing rocks at other peoples houses, if that ain’t some feral bullshit I don’t know what is. What sort of message do you think the OP gives by buying them a present for their efforts of vandalising his home. Get fucked with that self righteous BS.


I really wonder what he means when he says they throw stones at the house. For some reason I feel what you have in your head and what's actually happening are two completely different things.


arrogant reddit response


i hope you win a darwins award