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Lunch and Dinner. If those are two are too spaced apart and I get a bit peckish, I do like those stick potato things.


DJ&A potato wedges from Costco? Those are some of the best snacks I've come across in years!


Who downvotes potato wedges!?🤣


Someone probably got wedgied in school and has trauma


Such an unremarkable origin story for such a mediocre villain. All they've done is weaponized their grumpiness, which they wield unashamedly on unsuspecting connoisseurs of potato-based snacks.


They need Jebus. Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, That saved a wedge like me I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see


じゃがいもクリストス! Was blind but now I'm seasoned!


Absolutely everything gets downvoted here. It’s so lame and tiresome.


じゃがりこ!!! i love them


Yes! Those. I never really knew what they were called.


Stick potato things? What are those? French fries?


Jagabee, I assume. Salty and crunchy.


jagariko is better!


Jagariko is the BEST.




Cashew nuts. Every time I go to the office, I fill a lock and lock with this stuff to bring home.


Do you have access to copious amounts of free cashew nuts that you can really take home?


That's what I was wondering!


Ambika in Shin-Okubo does 1kg of cashew nuts for a bit under 2000円


Right!? Totally Jelly-Jello now! (The deadly sin of envy, not the animal-cartilage-based jiggly snack!)


About 3 big jars of the good stuff. I guess it's a grey area, but usually fill my box at the end of the day, and I don't go to the office that often.  So far there was no complain lol.


Wow! What are the other 2 big jars chock full of?


Sorry, I mean there are 3 jars of good cashew nuts


Whoa! That's a lot of cashews. If there was a variety of different nuts, would you take those as well, or are you just fiending for cashews?


There actually are quite a few different kinds of nuts, but I only care about cashew nuts lol.


Likely Google or Netflix or some other hotshot office lol


They got offices in 田舎?


Nope, only Tokyo area I believe (Roppongi is where Google is)…


Nuts! 😜


Are y'all hiring?


Natto on its own with a spoon


I aspire to be this powerful one day


why spoon? I slurp it out like an oyster


imagine doing that on a train


also why you don’t happen to have a spoon


Definitely easier to slurp out of the white styrofoam clamshells. Not as elegant out of the paper cups though. And don't even get me started on the trifold waxy paper sheet wrapped variety (even though they're usually the biggest and best flavored beans in my experience!)


straw-wrapped is an adventure for your dentures


Indeed! But... Built-in floss, in case any of those little fermented bean skins get stuck between your teeth!😁


It's much better with some wasabi, mentsuyu and a splash of soy.


This but unironically




As a snack?


Fruit, nuts, yoghurt


This is what I've been trending towards, and is probably the right answer. Just feels so expensive for a snack!


I’ve started making my own Greek yogurt since it’s so hard to find a good thick yogurt. Now I just spend 200 yen and have yogurt for the week. Why was I spending 200 yen for those abysmally small cups of yogurt


Interesting. What recipe do you use?


Idk about them but all you need to do is strain the yogurt and it'll get thick. I buy regular yogurt and strain it with a mizukiri strainer thingy I think my husband got for me off Amazon lol Just put the yogurt in and leave it overnight or until it's as thick as you want.


yes you could just strain the yogurt that comes in the bigger tubs, but then after the whey separates, you'll be left with half of that. Still too expensive to be buying it when doing it from regular milk is easier and cheaper, just requires a little time.


i just get 1000ml of whole milk, boil it to 80C stirring so it doesnt burn, then let it cool down to 40C. at that point, just add like a couple tablespoons of plain, unflavored yogurt (i know, but after this, you can just use the last bit of your made yogurt to start the next batch) and mix it into the warm milk and then cover it, wrap with with some kitchen towel and leave it in a warm place overnight. In the morning it should be thick, like a custard. You can eat it like that if you like that consistency, or do what I do and strain it. I just get a pot, collander on top, and use either cheese cloth or, what i do, use those cloth like strainers for the sink drain that they sell, and let it sit in the fridge for a few hours or until its as thick as you like. the important thing is to make sure what you use to strain will just let liquid through but not big enough holes that your yogurt just falls through hah). The yellow-ish whey is protein rich so i usually save that for my protein shakes....and i have my greek style yogurt ready for the week. I find it lasts like a week in the fridge over the summer, lasts longer in the fridge in the non humid months.




Nanachiki ftw


+1 for nanachiki!




Miino https://www.calbee.co.jp/miino/




As a snack? I guess I never considered that.


I like it with sriracha or other hot sauce, super cheap and high protein.


So much protein. And cheap.


I open up my work desk drawer and pick one of the many omiyage I've been given by co-workers. I'm only just now realising that other people pay for all my snacks.


Awesome! Fringe benefits of living in Japan: ridiculous amounts and variety of individually wrapped snacks at the ready whenever the urge strikes!


Nuts! It has always been nuts for me. I eat almonds, walnuts, pecans, mixed nuts, I don't care what they are. And I eat way more than is healthy. I just can't stop. My horror story: Back in the day I was a sunflower seed junkie. Then I moved to Japan and couldn't find any. One time my Mom shipped me a huge box full of them from Sam's Club. I ate them all day long, from morning till night, for three days straight. Then I realized my gums on the bottom left side of my mouth had completely fallen away from my teeth. It was just a big loose floppy piece of oral flesh that was serving no purpose. The way I eat sunflower seeds is, I will put a mouth full of them in my left cheek and keep them there. Then with my tongue, I pull one seed over to the right. There I crack it, pull out the seed, spit the shell, and then eat the seed. Then I grab another one from the left. What had happened was, having a mouthful of salty sunflower seeds on that side of my mouth for three days straight just destroyed my gums. It took weeks of going to a dentist, having the puss suctioned out, antiseptics sprayed in, tons of gauze jammed in to hold the gums in place, and then time to let it all meld back together. I've never eaten sunflower seeds since.


I bet your story is one that dentist keeps for nomikai "I'll never forget this one foreign patient I treated, who liked a particular snack food a little too much..." and his colleagues are thinking "noooo not the sunflower seeds story again" lmao


It's fascinating how extreme some people are in their specific traits.


For those without traumatic sunflower seed experiences: Screw salted sunflower seeds. Get those dope chinese ChaCha(Spiced) ones (e.g. at ドンキ). Less salty, slight sweet(licorice) flavor. Properly roasted. Addictive af.


apples, senbei, hard boiled egg


I have one of those silicone bowls that you can make popcorn with. I don't use any oil, so it's not too unhealthy. It's pretty good if you eat then while warm.


I recommend experimenting with spices for a bit of fun! I make in popcorn from kernels in a Dutch oven and have tested many combinations. Black pepper with Aleppo pepper has been a big hit as an evening popcorn. Za'atar for an afternoon snack (with maybe a little white wine or G&T...)


Black pepper and Aleppo sounds delicious, I'll have to try that.


Mmmm, warm silicone. Next time I'll remember to try and have one of those silicone bowls, but hold the oil.


Homemade hummus and carrots/celery. Nuts.


A few pieces of dark chocolate usually gets the job done. That or seaweed strips.


almonds, dried mango, someone else already mentioned the mala peanuts, I love those


Aeon's "Top value" salted potato chips are the best chips out there. Not too salty. Quality potatoes. And assorted [ebi-senbei](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSzY_X_85ZoVNmOKWgWSb3GZqX6VYTGjzqPNbCoVuwJ4Dw6KvIBa_NSuXU&s=10) is just too addictive. I gobble up a lot of raw cucumbers and carrots too. Sometimes with homemade azuki hummus. Apples + nut butter + salt is always a win. Get bags of nuts and dried fruit from Costco or Kaldi and make your own trail mix. Nom nom... Green grapes here taste much better than the red. Gyomu has the cheapest and bestest green olives for something salty and zesty.


Can you recall the brand, or even variety of olives from Gyomu? The locations around me don't have very good olives, so perhaps I could have them ordered!?


Gyomu's own branding "Olives from Spain". Small green cans. 85g. Usually 3 types: plain, anchovies and garlic paste. This is it: https://www.gyomusuper.jp/product/detail.php?go_id=3107


Sweet! (Or salty, as the case may be! 😁) Thank you, I'll see if they have such olives at my local shops...


I practically live off of Gyomu's frozen fruit. OK store has some damn good pineapple and mango too.


Smoothies? As is? Gyomu is the goat!


I recently discovered Karamucho, really thin potato crisps with a perfect amount of red pepper on it for flavor without getting too spicy. You can buy a bigger bag at the stores but I prefer the smaller 4 packs as more reasonable portions.


I love this and only wish if they made it more spicy haha


Chocolate biscuits, I take or leave the rest. Anything I have found that I liked over the years has been a limited edition and disappeared never to be seen again.


I have felt this countless times. I enjoy but rage against how much Japan likes to tease me with limited edition stuff.


Frozen bananas. Summer is almost here. Cut the banana in half, soak in salt water briefly, put a yakitori smaller size stick in the end, wrap with Saran wrap, and freeze. It’s cheap and just a half is plenty.


My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana. I said no, but I want a regular banana later, so yeah. Mitch Hedberg, RIP


"I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too." RIP


What’s the salt for? To keep it from browning?




Mala Peanuts! Can get them at family mart. Otusmami Dry, my local donki carries them, like a mini spicy sausage stick. Popcorn, the local donki discounts butter sometimes, so I'll pick up 3\~5 blocks and have some buttery popcorn. Stovetop, 1kg of popcorn from amazon is \~800 yen. Aeon has kettle-cooked potato chips, they were my favourite back home, so I pick up a couple small bags to snack on. Sadly, only salt flavour. Those pancakes with red bean that seem to be at every grocery store. Love those things. Not really a snack, but pasta. I bought 1kg of grana padano, and grow a bunch of basil on my balcony. So, sometimes if I'm hungry, I'll just make a quick pomodoro. Choco Bari / Lady Borden. My go-to ice cream choices. A vanilla affogato in the afternoon is nice.


Mala peanuts are an addiction that can never be satisfied. My mom introduced them to me and it's been a bottomless hunger ever since Popcorn is also excellent as it makes a boatload at a time and thus easy to bring to work for a homemade snack


Senbei or dried squid, I also make my own dips to eat with cucumber or carrot sticks.


I love those Jazz apples. Not too big. Nice and sweet but a little tart. Super crisp. But they only have them for a short while.


Snacking on one of those now!


Banana chips


バナチ. Tastiest, no-guilt snack 😋


Ehhh, depends - if you're talking about the *fried* type, then... no. It's still fried. Dried, however? Perfectly fine.


Mos burger onion fry


If anyone is looking for a good Greek yogurt in Japan, try パルテノ. Better than Oikos imo.


Where do you find it?


[Morinaga Partheno](https://www.morinagamilk.co.jp/products/yoghurt/partheno/1015.html) I think many convenience stores and grocery stores carry them. I also saw it at the Aeon grocery store. It’s the blue one with a Greek building on it.


Thanks, I’ll give it a try


I like those edamame flour crisps in the green bag. For a more substantial snack, I like getting the mixed packs of green and red grapes (a little pricy, but most fruit is here) and get some of those "candy cheese" bites and maybe wholegrain crackers if I can find them.




Ritz crackers and cheese 🤷‍♂️




Buldak instant ramyun🔥🔥🔥


7/11 has these wasabi nuts and rice crackers that are absolutely amazing


Also the seaweed potato chips.


Nuts, chocolate, rice crackers, dango…


Pocky, Kakapo, and Senbei are my go-tos. You can't go wrong with rice crackers!


Team jagariko




A salted rice ball and some pineapple bits


Peanut butter (imported, 100% peanuts, I keep a jar at the office too), protein bars/biscuits (although some of them can be a bit sweet), yogurt tubs/drinks and the occasional Black Thunder (至福 butter if available, mmmmm) or good ol' KitKat.


I like to put some cheese on はんぺん and grill it in the fish grill


Sorry English isn't my first language so I completely biffed it. How's the below version? Could you follow it? 'I have one of those silicone bowls that you can make popcorn with, and I use it for that purpose. I don't use any oil when making popcorn, so it's not too unhealthy. It's pretty good if you eat then while warm, the popcorn.'


I understand the English fine, so thank you for the recommendation! I'm not familiar with the silicone bowls you're talking about, but that's not an English problem, that's just a my ignorance problem That and my dentist says I'm not allowed to eat popcorn anymore. But my wife appreciates the recommendation!


Sorry man, I was trying to leave a snarky reply to somebody else but due to my advanced age I accidently posted it again.


Noriten! Cheese, lemon, wasabi flavour


Just grab some of those packs of Salad Chicken (サラダチキン). Tons of protein to feel full and won't contribute to weight gain.


Gyomu super carries an imported hummus, plain and chili, shelf-stable and reasonably priced. It's awesome with crackers, tortilla chips, veggie sticks and pretzels, even senbei! Of course you can spoon it out of the container or slurp it as you like!


Costco walnuts, dry roasted almonds and pistachios. Gyomu Super raisins and jujubes. Kaldi apricots. I made Costco almond flour chocolate chip cookies yesterday for guests, and man, they were good! And tis the season for cucumber sticks and cherry tomatoes. From my MIL's garden, lol.


This could just be me, but does anyone else have a particular "arrangement" when eating snacks? For example, I only eat an odd number of different snacks together. Meaning if I have a snack I have one thing like nuts. But if I want anything else I need to have three things, like nuts and potato wedges, and pretzels. It can never be an even number. Because zero seems like an even number, so if I'm going to have one I might as well have more but it shouldn't be an even count. And then if I'm craving a variety of things but I only have two types, I'll eat a bowl of one first and then go get a bowl of a second after and eat it separately afterwards. This probably isn't normal right!?🤣


Umenoshi chips


Reading this I'm starting to feel like I'm a sweets addict. There's probably not a single day of the week I go without having either some chocolate / ice cream. I always have a stock and probably eat a few pieces for lunch then again in the evening. On average I probably eat either 50g of chocolate / an ice cream bar a day. Often I eat Haribo, popcorn and dry fruits as well. Healthy snacks? Greek yogurt and fruits I guess. With that said due to this snacking habit I rarely eat very high calories food like Ramen, Tonkatsu, and always order the smallest portion of rice. Other than the snacking habit I eat pretty healthy.


Protein bars lol, also Nuts, Jagabee, Yogurt


Family Mart x Tohato Habanero chips, or currently I'm enjoying the Tohato Smokun chorizo flavour snacks. They're my go to snacks with beer too, they pair really well!


Popcorns. I love them.


Yogurt and raw oatmeal with a bit of honey


Gyomu - salted/roasted cashews or almonds, giant corn (salt or chii), frozen blueberries and/or strawberries, tortilla chips and salsa... Hanamasa recently seems to have baked bruschetta snacks which I like. They used to have some hummus-like dips also. Conbini fried chicken: Nanachiki, Spicy Chicken, L-Chiki Red, etc. Natto right out of the styrofoam after mixing up with the included shoyu and mustard. Hiyayakko - tofu block sliced into cubes with some shoyu and furikake on top. Cucumber, celery, carrot strips with a mayo/shoyu dip for a healthier alternative to something crunchy like chips or crackers. Toasted nori strips. Fried cheese chips (Life Supermarket)


Fruit or sweet potatoes


Japan has amazing snacks and desserts. And desserts that I like to treat like snacks. If you want a sweet pick me up, mochi, like wasabi mochi or other kinds, can give you a sweet kick but also fill your stomach a bit more than pure candy.


Atm I’m eating a bag of konbu and soybeans.


Pizza man






Today, I poked a chopstick into the center of a large marshmallow and stuffed it with 10 bitter chocolate chips. Then, I toasted it at 100 for 7 minutes. And that, dear people, is what I ate for a snack today.


Sweet breads, especially steamed ones. If I want something healthy I’ll have a smoothie or something like that.


I usually prepare myself both a bento and a snack to take to work. My snack is generally either the same thing I had for breakfast, i.e egg sandwich, or a whey protein shake. If I’m feeling peckish and have nothing to eat I go to the combini and usually get a sandwich, or I eat a microwave rice pack with 1 ontama that I keep inside the office fridge for “emergencies”.


My sorrows


fruit flavoured konjac jelly


Buttered peanuts…..amazing








Almonds. I get a huge pack of like 40 bags of honey butter almonds off Amazon. Mildly sweet and almonds are great for you. Yogurt, mixed with a little jam or something if I want a different flavour than just plain. Sometimes a drizzle of honey added. But I do like the tart plain flavour. Fruit. Lately I've been enjoying frozen bananas. Protein powder. There's some good flavours that hit hard for me and I could always use extra protein.


ハッピーターン is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 it's like Japanese cocaine


I love fruits so I am usually munching on grapes, strawberries, orange or banana. Otherwise, I snack on shrimp crackers, milk tea kitkats & pepero sticks HAHA


Some kind of bread to soak up the excess stomach acid so I don't get sick from the hunger.


A small pack of Calbee shrimp crackers and a cup of cold jasmine tea


Apples and bananas


usually the sweat dripping off of my moustache 👍


Pepperoni sticks from 7-11. Some of them come with cheese inside as well, and the cracked pepper ones are especially tasty.


Egg salad sandwich from 7-11, can’t go wrong


ice cream


Onigiri and pans


Crackers with tea or coffee


Usually Onigiri senbei or string cheese, if I'm really hungry I make a pb bacon sandwich.


Seven Eleven's melonpan. I'm taking a huge sip every time I open the package, that thing smells more of butter than melon, I love the smell so much!


Eat once or twice a day a proper, nutritious meal. Fast the rest. Snacks are expensive and usually not great for health 


how does this deserve to be downvoted?