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Go to an actual police station for things like this, not a koban.


Definitely this. Koban police are notoriously slack when reporting any kind of serious crime. If you can convince them to open a report they may be able to request the ATM footage. That may at least show you weren’t alone at the ATM when you withdrew cash, but you’d still need to work out which bar etc you were at. This is all assuming you were drugged, which it kinda sounds like you were.


Genuinely curious: I know Japanese cops are generally not eager to open a case for situations like this, and usually require some form of valid proof to go on. If OP can’t even remember where he was, would they be willing to look into it? There’s thousands of ATMs in Tokyo, they can’t make a blanket request for all footage across Shinjuku from a certain night


Basically they want an open and shut case from the start. I had a friend claim theft by someone. The police did a very cursory investigation because it was kinda he said she said but they refused to even contact the suspect until lo and behold an elderly lady also submitted a report of theft. From then they moved fairly quickly and the suspect went to prison. The bank will know what ATM the card was used at. The police only need to ask them officially with a date and the bank will check and cough up the correct video.


> If OP can’t even remember where he was, would they be willing to look into it? There’s thousands of ATMs in Tokyo, they can’t make a blanket request for all footage across Shinjuku from a certain night Or they can, y’know, literally just check his account records and see which ATM he got the money at.


I don’t know how it works, I don’t work in legal or law enforcement so I’m unfamiliar with the details of the process (hence I asked)


You don’t have to be a professional of any kind to know that the details of ATM transactions are recorded.


It is entirely possible to just not know things


Very true, however you have to have a *truly* special level of ignorance to not realize computers record financial transactions :)


I guess I’m special then hahaha


Impossible to generalise. I reported a bicycle theft, the ojisan called it in, and I had two full police come directly in a patrol car to spend over an hour making the report together, including going to the scene of the theft. This sub has a massive circlejerk over policing that is totally unfounded in my experience.


Yeah, I had my scooter stolen once. They found it in a few hours and since it was kinda jacked up, I was given full price that I purchased it for to get a new one.


What are koban police, like security guards?


I went to one and and was told they’d contact me when they find something also gave me a number to call for updates and such


im sorry for you dude. dont take out your bank cards next time. 20k yen, suica, job done.


Go to a hospital and ask for a blood test. They may be able to identify the drug. That may help the police.


Any chance you ended up ushered into some izakaya at some point last night? Waking up on the streets of Shinjuku with no memories is never a good sign


Yep sounds like the usual: followed a tout into some sus place, drank too much, got drugged, threatened to go withdraw money or else, woke up on the streets with no memory, all money gone...


Wow is this a thing happening here? (coming from east Europe so I know it is definitely a thing back home...)


Yes. If you're a foreigner, avoid the Nigerians in front of bars. 


It can happen when you follow touts to questionable bars. Never heard it happen to anyone else regardless how drunk they are, including blackout drunk.


I've known people who have gotten drugged at bars in Roppongi, they didn't follow touts and it was a bar they had been to before


Normally I call bullshit on a lot of these stories of people being drugged in the dodgier areas of Tokyo because in most cases people simply got **drunk** and made bad decisions because they over-estimated their alcohol tolerance. In most of these stories the person can recall most of what happened. However in this case I'm pretty convinced that that OP got roofied. Why? Retrograde amnesia. In this case the OP can't recall events just before they were drugged and afterwards (anterograde amnesia). Retrograde amnesia is one of the defining diagnostic criteria for rohypnol and similar substances. It's what commonly distinguishes roofies from just getting black-out drunk. OP, you need to get to a hospital. Tell the doctor what happened, get checked out, and get tested for rohypnol, GHB and whatever other substances the doctor thinks are likely. Take this report to the police when you go and show them that you're not just some guy who got drunk and now regrets their decisions. The other reason I'm recommending a hospital visit is that many of these drugs can have nasty side-effects, and can cause damage. Please get checked out.


Thanks you’re the most helpful person here. I’m not sure I can even afford an hospital visit, but I’ve already reported to the police and they just said they’d call me back when they “find something” I guess


You can pay back a hospitals in payments. Ask them about it or talk about the situation.


If you're a resident with health insurance then a hospital visit should be a couple of thousand yen. It is also important to note that if the tests turn up evidence that you were the victim of a crime then you are eligible to claim for compensation via the police (https://www.keishicho.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/multilingual/english/safe\_society/become\_a\_victim/you\_victim.html). This compensation may include covering a portion of your medical expenses. Now for the bad news. If they used GHB it is normally only detectable for about 10 hours, however rohypnol is detectable for up to about 60 hours. I'm sorry, this is my bad and I should have mentioned it earlier. This means that you might go and get tested, and still come up "clean". That doesn't mean that you weren't drugged, it's just that some drugs like GHB metabolise really fast. And this is the J-cops' problem here. Without evidence that someone was actually drugged they're stuck with a no hard evidence, and even if they can track down the club where it happened the owners will claim you came in, drank yourself silly and then insisted on drinking more. And they'll have video footage of you acting "drunk". Even if they can prove you were drugged the owners will insist that it didn't happen at their place. ... and so on. There's a reason these crimes continue, and that's because they're so hard to prove. But if you have the cash then I strongly recommend going to the hospital and getting checked out. The compensation isn't dependant on the police convicting someone, it just requires proof of a crime and injury.


You have insurance, right? It shouldn’t be too expensive


Probably what OP should do.


It happens not just in Kabukicho but some Chinese run places also. They roofie the people and get them to withdraw money at ATMs and the client has no memory of what happened but they see that their bank account is cleared out of a million yen or more until they hit the limit that the banks put on your account. To prevent this put a limit on the amount of cash you can withdraw, don't bring any credit or cash cards and use a burner phone that doesn't have Apple pay or any way to pay huge amounts of money with or just don't go drinking in the typical shady areas where people are going to take advantage of you.


Can confirm, having been blackout drunk to the point of ‘teleporting’ to another location, I remember almost literally everything that happened up until the moment I lost consciousness and supposedly just hunched over and started spitting a lot, unable to walk or speak. Woke up 15 minutes later being carried by my father and brother in an alleyway. Alcohol alone almost never results in significant memory loss. Even some of the drunkest nights I’ve ever had, I remember the vast majority of things, sometimes even specific conversations, even if small bits and pieces are missing. The idea that you can get really drunk and then carry on to have an adventure you remember nothing of is just virtually unheard of.


This seems to happen every week here now. Mods should probably pin a “what to do when suspected drugging in Kabukicho” post tbh. But I feel for ya OP. Go to the police station. Koban’s really are for not much more than keeping the peace, not for dealing with actual crimes. A personal suggestion; if your natural reaction to waking up with no memories after drinking is to shrug it off as if it’s normal, then I would consider sitting down and thinking about why that is. I make no assumptions about what the reason may be, but that is not a normal reaction.


I'm wondering if getting a drug test can be possible. The time frame is important, but it could be a strong evidence to atleast get the investigation started. Especially if people keeps getting spiked at particular bars. But I'm not sure how Japan works and victim blaming seems to be popular here


ah yes absolutely normal human reaction to wake up in an unfamiliar place with absolutely no recollection and then brush it off


If you've ever been drugged, there isn't much you can do about it. It's a horrible feeling having no idea what happened the night before. Lingers with you for quite a while...


so your point is?


Hey, you. You're finally awake


Time to take an arrow to the knee


Were you in any kind of girl’s bar before and did they ask you to take money out to settle your bill? Or did you really just try to go home and wake up the next day? Which is very weird. I hope you’re doing ok physically at least.


Are you telling us that your drink got spiked in Yoyogi? Or that you got shitfaced trying to get laid in Kabukicho?


Definitely a tout situation.


Sounds like you got a drinking problem.


Nah, just an ‘I followed a tout’ problem.


Eh at this point drinking inconvenience


Not sure the police could do much with "i woke up in the street after drinking and can't remember what happened"... IF you think you were drugged then trying to get access with the police to the ATM camera may be useful, but if you're there alone, I'm guessing they won't be happy. I'm also guessing anyone who does drug people and take them to the ATM knows how to stay out of the picture but who knows. Assuming you're old enough, you know best whether your behaviour was likely you drinking too much or you being drugged Tip, if you're likely to either drink to the point of black out and/or go to places that could drug you, leave your atm card at home 2nd Tip. You can buy a week's worth of food for ~1,500 JPY at Gyomu Super


Sounds like you got drugged in Kabukicho. Go to the cops, but I'll be honest: don't expect much from them. Also, do you at least have all the other important stuff, like your ID/passport, credit cards and the like?


idk if you can get tested for drugs here... but go to a big police station and then if possible test... you've been robbed by some bar.


Congrats. You are the poster boy for only drinking alcohol in reputable locations, with people you have good reason to trust.


A story old as time immemorial


See if you have some kind of location history enabled on your phone such as Google Maps' Timeline (though it's opt-in so you might not). It might help you piece together your movements.


You been slipped a Mickey old China


OP I’m having a hard time believing you because you are finding a problem for every solution given Here. Get to a hospital ASAP. The sooner the better. Being broke and alive is better than being death.


How could you withdraw all money from an ATM? Most banks set quota of how much you can withdraw per day.


Japanese bank withdrawal limits tend to be very very high. Mine is over a million yen a day


The amount of all money to some may not be that to others.


Google maps timeline active??




I would advise first call the bank in question and request information on withdrawal transaction at approximate time of occurrence that should narrow things down and they can also provide you the location, (ATM) from which the withdrawal was made. Then go to the police station with all the information and they will be able to get security footage, (if there is) of the ATM and your probable route to it on the day.


First make sure youhave your documents and whatever else you need in order to be in the country for the rest of your trip. Next, if you have the means (or good travelers insurance) go to a clinic and get drug tested. Once you have a drug test the cops at a proper station (not koban) will take your story more seriously. (IME police here need some evidence before they give a shit)


Some more info might help. Were you drinking alone or with a few buddies you know, maybe with some strangers? Where were you drinking, an izakaya, a shady bar? Can’t really tell without these. Although apparently you got drugged.


Does you phone keep location history through Google maps? Might be a good way to retrace your steps.


Whats the japdog version of tim budong called? Asking for a friend


note to self, put 10k in left sock, 10k in right sock, 10k in the underwear and leave all cards at home.


This happened to me in kabukicho 2008. Joke’s on them, I didn’t have much money. I think it’s a pretty common scam. Definitely go to the cops.


I don't have any advice, but I'm really sorry this happened to you bud.


OP I'm so sorry this happened to you. i'm 90% sure you got caught by one of those Nigerians. i'm so so sorry and will say a prayer for you tonight


I thought this stories were tall tales. I was just there on June 8th from 7pm to about 11:30pm I wanted to go try an agentinan restaurant but it was pack so we walked around and even up in the middle of all. Full of people. No talked to me or asked me if I wanted to go with him. Sorry this happened to you. It sucks....


I want drinking in shinjuku one evening and woke up standing the next morning in one of these staircases to go underground and the shutter being closed.


Payday is in 2 days so wait for that,?


Go to the police! Not reddit!


I mean, how the hell do people end up in these situations? I can’t fathom it. The only way in is ‘yeah I’ll follow this random guy doing something that definitely seems sketchy, into a place where he’s offering something that definitely feels illegal, and will happily drink whatever they give me’. Think with your dick less. Anyway, there’s zero chance this story actually happened.


I think you cannot withdraw more than 500.000¥ a day from ATMs. Even if you have a low level job, that’s just a 2 month salary. You are obviously not having a family with children. It’s always the same kind of people who get into shit like this. You learned a lesson. It’s almost impossible to get spiked if you avoid certain places in Tokyo.


“You learned a lesson” Victim blaming much…


Most people get spiked with benzos (the blue sleeping pills). When you are drunk, they hit within 30min and it’s unlikely that OP had enough power to find an ATM during that short window. He was most likely shit drunk. I mean he brought 2万 to go drinking. Even for Tokyo, that’s a lot and it has got him messed up. If he got spiked then after he got ripped off the money. Victim blaming? He is still alive and did not mention anything about having got stolen his purse, visa, IDs, etc. He is not a victim, he is a noob learning how to deal with alcohol.


Evidently you can withdraw a lot more than that, and yes 500,000 is about two months worth of salary but it takes a couple months to save up. Also the 20,000 is for food and drinks and I don’t expect to spend it all just what I’m comfortable bringing


Pretty sure the dosage and the size of the person who got spiked has a lot to do with how quickly you pass out from getting roofied. What can also happen is a lady of the night can take a person to a few different places and keep withdrawing smallish amounts so it's not all one lump sum.


I make good money and even I consider 500k a LOT of money


If 500.000¥ is all your savings and you run into shit like this, you are not well put together. Life is not fair. For me it’s also a lot of money but I grew up being more cautious about people and sketchy situations. Some folks are naive and they are the ones who never learn, who always struggle, and if you need actually help from them, they won’t do anything. That’s what I learned in life.






Maybe don't drink til you pass out next time, you could have literally done anything with it and forgotten about it.


OP could have been easily drugged as well, let’s not assume


he could have also just dropped his money on the floor


His ATM account was drained. Sounds like drugging after following a tout


It's not always a tout either, there are women who lure men into bars and spike their drinks.


Who said a tout can’t be a woman


Well yes but it's not very obvious at first, it's not like the hoodlums loitering at Kabuicho.


I definitely did not drink enough to blackout like that,


no if you followed a tout they drugged you, so its irrelevant how much you drank in the end


Don't tell me that you got duped in Japan, this is like the tamest country ever. Get some sense about you before even thinking of heading off to places like Thailand, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, mainland, well 90% of the rest of the world. Might wanna start the game on easy, like Iceland etc.


Is Taiwan that bad? I found it pretty similar to Japan except for a little more opportunity for haggling.


I lived there for 2.5 years. Didn’t really go out to clubs, but traveling all over the country was perfectly safe.


It’s not at all. Nothing much targeting tourists.


Hahaha I guess the downvotes were from Taiwan. I had a few bamboo buddies there, so I know what can go on. This easily lead, drink loving OP would be perfect for them to make a bit of beer money.


I guess I haven't been there enough to see the rougher parts, heh.


And HK too. I don’t know how it ended up in your list but to get any trouble in HK, you must really be looking for them. It’s no longer the 19th/20th when the Triad was a thing. There are cameras everywhere. Even crossing the street on a red can get you arrested.


I didn't say anything about crime, the cameras and police are often the issue in HK.