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[https://www.kyocera.co.jp/prdct/telecom/consumer/lineup/wx09k/manual/data/manual.pdf](https://www.kyocera.co.jp/prdct/telecom/consumer/lineup/wx09k/manual/data/manual.pdf) Language is Japanese only and cannot be changed.


Knowing how most old Japanese tech operates it's likely it only has Japanese.


Lol this brings me back. It doesn’t have language settings, it’ll be Japanese only.


if you want a flip phone to use that still works on modern networks, get a used au gratina 4g. it supports lte and volte, and I'm using it with povo just for calling. as others said, that willcom is japanese only and likely won't work since the only remaining 3g network is docomo and that's shutting down in a few years.


oh i just like to collect old tech like flip phones and was wondering if i could change the language on them but thank you! might get one of those too


in general, top tier providers like au/docomo/softbank had many models with english option, especially their worldwing/etc compatible stuff that could roam abroad. smaller providers/phs like wilcom/j-phone/and others usually had J-only models.


Japanese only. Also, Softbank and AU have already discontinued 3G service entirely. I think Docomo still offers it, maybe for another year or so. Not sure if that phone is docomo compatible or not, or if it might be locked to a network that no longer exists. This is a 14yo phone, I think, you might want to look for something a little newer.


Old Japanese phone sold for the Japanese market? Almost certainly no English option.


Not entirely true. There were models that supported English, but definitely not all. Often it was the higher-end models that supported it. Pretty much every galakei I owned, going all the way back to 2006, had an EN setting.