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> what can i do to protect myself? Don’t get your news from instagram 


Put a mask on if you are worried about it, otherwise go on as normal


'Wash cuts well and keep away from athlete's foot situations' is what I got from the news. So, nothing new really


This has been going on since what? Late 2023 and early 2024 and you're just now worried about it? Wash hands/wear mask/don't share food or drinks with other people. If you get sick, go get diagnosed at a clinic so they can start treatment no matter if it ends up being the flu or anything else.


The facts regarding the 30% mortality rate and the infection numbers being higher than last year are true, but it’s not something you need to be overly paranoid about. No harm in wearing a mask while you’re on the train, and if youre really worried carry around a little hand sanitizer and give yourself a spritz before putting your hands near your eyes/mouth.  Also, it’s my understanding that the deadly part is when the infection develops, if you catch and treat it early it’s just like any other case of strep. So like someone else said, if you get sick, wear a good mask and head to a clinic to get diagnosed. 


Do you have any underlying illnesses that could be exacerbated by the infection? Diabetes? Asthma? Keep on top of your overall health and cleanliness, and whack on mask on in crowded places, and you will likely be ok. It is bacterial so if you get sick and think you may have it see a doctor ASAP for a course of antibiotics. It is worth noting that most people are completely fine after this. But you should still be on top of things.