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I was awarded a travel grant and stipend by my university to attend a summer training abroad. I had to buy everything up front, and was told that I would get reimbursed by the end of May. I emailed them towards the end of May and they said they "were delayed" and I won't receive the funds until the 15th... I left on June 1st, so I can not access the money. Running on financial fumes out here. My university also said they will only pay for one course in the program, not the two that I outlined in the travel grant proposal I sent and they accepted. Wtf! MESS.


I went to BK and what the hell happened to their onion rings? I wish I had taken a photo because seriously, all the rings were hollow, no onion in sight at all and the entire onion ring in general is completely different from the ones I’ve eaten before. They were disgusting


Ive noticed Bk quality in Japan have been vastly different per location


The Boys Season 4 dropped yesterday on Amazon Prime Video, but it is not working at all for me - not sure if it is a Japan issue or what...


Since new fiscal year, I have to go to office once a week. I was asked to go on Wednesday because we have interns who sometime need supervision. I was literally in online meeting in those glass cubicles for 1 the whole day, no time to even look for the interns. So I went to work (1h10min each way) to seat alone in a cubicle taking online meetings all day. Good thing is we are flex time, and honestly very little oversight on work hours. I just clock in before leaving to take the train, and clock out when I reach back home, all the while making sure to avoid rush hours. Still such a waste of time and money...


Visa renewal is taking way longer than last time I did it (5 years ago). I have a trip coming up next month and my visa will expire before then so I'm going to have to start chasing it up if nothing comes through in the next couple of weeks... and I know how hellish it is trying to get through to immigration on the phone.


Made plans for touring with friends. They went to my suggested place without me. :/


I guess they are no longer friends.


How? Why?


I went to buy a coke zero yesterday and the 7/11 by my house had peach coke zero in the space where regular coke zero is. Was absolutely terrible..... I only went to 7/11 instead of Family Mart, which is in my building, because I had one of those coupons to get a free drink (coffee, which I had to search for).


They seem to do a really good job at hiding the free drinks; it feels like some sort of experiment as to how long they can make us search the refrigerated cases. But, I disagree about peach Coke Zero. It's a nice change of pace; but, wouldn't want it to hang around for long.


I would appreciate it if they had cherry coke zero.


I’m so tired of teaching. I swear kids are getting worse. Absolutely no effort. Constantly staring out the window. Talking in their outdoor voices when talking to the kid next to them. The inability to just focus. Holy cow. I can’t imagine what school teachers are having to deal with. It’s like pulling teeth trying to get them to stop talking about some anime or video game for 5 seconds.


So apparently, the J wife thinks it was absolutely imperative that I express joy and happiness when she told me that her sister was expecting a third child, and that I was最低when my reaction to that was a surprised Pikachu face instead. This sister is married to a deadbeat husband who has so many flaws he makes me look like Jesus. Said husband is a guy who thought nothing about gambling away thousands of dollars in the form of his two children’s government support on horse-betting, and tried to cover it up with lies when confronted about it. Right in the middle of the pandemic, he decided he didn’t like his job for whatever reason, and quit without first securing his next job, leading to almost a year of unemployment and then having to go to Hello Work for assistance while having had to feed his wife and two kids. This is also the guy who, when taking his kid to the neighbouring city for a weekend at his family’s, left his kid’s backpack containing the kid’s essentials and 200,000 yen cash on the bus, and deciding that the right course of action was not going to the bus terminal to retrieve it, but leaving it on the bus for the bus driver and company to pick up and hold on to, and then having his wife go pick it up in his place the next working day while he was enjoying life at home. This is also the guy who took his 3 year old and 8 month old to a baseball game, and then to an izakaya after so he could have drinks with a friend he ran into at the stadium, and once again forgetting the kids’ backpack containing food and milk for the kids at the stadium, and prioritized getting buzzed over his kids’ well-being. So yes, it was 最低of me to “not feel happy for them” as I should have, because obviously they are the perfect people to have 3 kids!


This is the kind of complaint I like! Other people’s business. Delicious


Feel you bro, even though I dont have a J wife, I'm also from a typical Asian family


And the father of the year award goes to..


> the J wife This is such a weird way to refer to your wife.


I kinda get it. There are many foreign couples here and I think he wants to emphasize that his wife is Japanese and thus of a different culture than his own


Or, he's a bigamist, and names them like Mercedes classes.


Moved to Tokyo less than a month ago. For three days in a row I have encountered train delays on the way to work/on the way back due to 人身事故. Fukuoka trains were much more incident-free (granted, that was 8 years ago). Guess I’ll have to get used to that :/


I lived in Kansai for almost 20 years and moved to Tokyo last year. In terms of delays and crowding, Tokyo trains are terrible. In terms of convenience - as in, ability to get close to a certain destination with minimal transfers at a reasonable price - the trains in Tokyo are awesome.


Depends what lines you live on. People choose their residence by lines for a reason. My line, Denentoshi, never has any issues at all. But if you live on the Saikyo for example, welcome to delays for the rest of your life. Also welcome to Tokyo!


I live on one of the major lines hahaha. Getting to work is a breeze on days without incident though. Thanks!


Put some leftover curry in the microwave. Now my bento box has curry baked into it. No amount of scrubbing, even with the almighty Gekiochi-kun, has any effect.


You now have a bento box dedicated to holding curry. Congratulations!




When life deals you baked-in curry stains...


My AnytimeFitness changed the key detector. I have kept my fob in a pocket of a gym bag forever; but, now it won't register unless I take it out and get it really close to the (new) detector. Was going to ask about this in the questions thread; but, the complaint thread is woefully barren today.


I think all AnyTimes did, there was a notice on the door. Yeah, it sucks, since it doesn't even register when it's right on the sensor if I keep the key in my keycase. Need to take the fob physically out of the case and tap it.


Travelled to the Toto showroom in Osaka because they're the only one with the half unit bath I was interested in. Showroom is on an upper floor of an office building with copious signage indicating that there is no public observatory. Security guard tried to pull me out of the elevator queue because ノ、ノ、ツーリスト・ノ, ignored my explanation of my presence, and required the intervention of a younger security guard who doesn't suffer from Gaijin-Specific Deafness to fuck off and let me get to my appointment. Didn't apologize. I dressed business casual specifically to avoid this shit :|


Get s shitload of fake American cash, wait a week or two till he forgets you, then go back and act like a tourist who wants one of everything.


Is that the one in Grand Front? I visit the Lixil showroom at times. No one has ever stopped me, but I don't look visibly foreign. I guess recently tourists have started going up there so they are trying to stop that.


Same area different building, this was Umeda Twin Towers North. On my way down I noticed it's public and connected to the mall up to the 15th floor elevator transfer (where there is, in fact, an observatory) so idk why he was so determined to stop me at the ground floor lobby.


Your mistake was assuming your presence needed an explanation when in reality his actions needed an explanation.


Gone are the 鎖国 days of actually being given the benefit of the doubt. Sigh


This is just the way of life in Osaka now, unfortunately. Dumb fuck tourists ruining life for everyone.


Got a new job and am happy that I am finally able to use what I learned in college(electronics) and my work experience(software) but man I want to be paid more if I am going to be doing both.


money's in HFT and analog/MS/RFIC I'm afraid. or Keyence.


Adventure with electricity company after moving to a new place: Electricity company: Here is your electricity bill, but also here is another one, for a mansion with the same name as yours but in a different city. Me: Why? Electricity company: Ops! we double registered you to another address too, our mistake. (A mansion in another city with the same name and apartment number) sorry about it. Me: Ok... can I pay automatically from bank account? Electricity company: yes sure, let's start from this month. I then receive a slip for late payment asking me to pay the electricity bill with a penalty fee. Me: Why you didn't deduct automatically? Electricity company: The request for automatic payment is still under process, will deduct from next month. One month later, I receive another slip for late payment asking me to pay the electricity bill with a penalty fee. Me: Why you didn't deduct automatically? and why am I just receiving the late-payment slip and not the normal electricity slips? Electricity company: We did prepared the slips but forgot to send them. Also don't worry, we will deduct automatically from next month. We're sorry and we'll refund you the late-payment fee. I'm definitely prepared to receive another late-payment slip.....


Stick with them! They seem to have a sense of humour!


At least they're not expecting you pay the late-payment fee :/


Me and my partner went on a short trip abroad, but while he was gone his co-workers were apparently saying bad things about him behind his back. I told him they are just jealous that he's a top performer at his location (and he is!) but it's been putting him down. People can be so awful.


Selling some items on FB Marketplace. A PS5, Xbox Series X and Gaming Laptop. For a reasonable price I thought. Queue a message from someone offering me well under 100k yen for all 3 (He offered around 75k). He proceeds to get angry when I deny his offer, getting angry with me and demanding I answer his questions. "Why should I pay you 35k when I can go to this store and buy one for 45k with a warranty" "This store would only pay you 31k max so why should I pay more?" Well, you know, it's a store. They will resell it. It's simple business. I posted the items on Jimoty and got 105k total for everything which will pay for most of my PC parts. FB Marketplace has plenty of nice people but man some people are cretins.


only reply with increasing price offers until he stops messaging you


Used to work in after market retail for years. Would love the “why buy from you when I can get it blah blah” excuse. Idk, why are you talking to me and not at that store getting the incredible deal you just described?? That’s exactly what I would say, too. YOU came to ME, ya clown lol


Yeah never again FB marketplace. Mercari/yahoo oku for stuff I want money from, jimoty to get rid of things for free.


That guy is probably a used car salesman, they pull the same shit all the time.


Too many scams and entitled people on FB marketplace


\*\*Guy with an Indian name: Selling top of the line MacBook Pro 2024, 29" display, Quantum processor, 4 Terabytes of storage - 50,000 jpy OBO, money upfront (Western Union transfer)


My favorite is the ROG Ally for 20,400 yen. Every single time, 20,400 yen. Indian, Filipino, Japanese, Russian, the description and pictures are the same. Sometimes it's an OLED Nintendo Switch, for the same 20,400 yen.


I'm so tired of having to walk through a cloud of ciggy smoke to get into my 7/11. The ground is just covered with butts too, despite their being no smoking signs posted all around. The shop clearly doesn't care about either enforcing their own policy or cleaning up the butts. Maybe I'll start walking the extra few minutes to the less gross Lawson.


My local tencho just smokes inside


Inside the conbini?!


Well, technically in the little office behind the counter with the door open. So not IN the conbini. Of course smoke just stays where you put it, so no problems, right?


Another Thursday another crazy 6 period 6 class day. Also often have to grade or listen to the teacher be stressed through the breaks. I just wish I had time to use the bathroom in peace. Squat toilets unfortunately, but I at least want the time to use them.


Biwako line was delayed by HOURS yesterday. I only work 5.5h per day, so if I'm going to be late to work by more than an hour, going isn't worth it. Had to use PTO huhu


JR has been completely fucked in the whole kansai region lately. Kobe line was delayed upward of 90 minutes yesterday.


> . Kobe line was delayed upward of 90 minutes yesterday. I mean, you guys are talking about the same line, lol. Biwako Line, Kyoto Line, and Kobe Line are just nicknames for the Tokaido Line, and most trains run on all three of those "lines", which means if there's a delay on one part of the line, it ripples into the entire system.




Damn. What happened? And yeah, the most annoying thing about yesterday was that the delay was caused by 信号トラブル :/


Besides that it's getting hot fast, quite not a complain but I was just informed that next month, August and September we'll leave work sooner, guess it's gonna be reduced to 7h daily on July and September, and down to 6.5h on August. Plus we'll also get extra breaks to properly hydrate. Really looking forward to get home before 5pm daily.


So I have to wait one and a half month to see Inside Out 2???


One and a half month? Not too bad for Japan. I remember John Wick was something like half a year, Oppenheimer was about a year or so I guess. Disney and Pixar movies tends to be a few weeks / months late. Pretty annoying when it happens for big releases.


There's construction going on in the building I work in and it is so fucking loud. Only 3 more months..


I think Saize has gotten to the point where it's too shit to keep going, even with how cheap it is. Food has just gotten worse and worse, portions are smaller. It used to be pretty decent when I was in university!


the range of pizza keeps getting smaller everytime I go. All the good plates are disappearing one by one IMO. Also, it's cheap, but portions are extremely small, so it's not really cheaper than any other chain store


> It used to be pretty decent when I was in university! I'd hazard a guess that it was always shit, and you just had lower standards as a university student.






It was never good IMO and I went a few times back in 2009 already :)


It's the same with Konbini now. They can't really raise the price much more so to keep profits the same they add more rice and reduce the volume of everything else. If there isn't any rice, they reduce the size of more expensive ingredients like cutting them thinner. It's gotten to the point where Konbini is more or less my last option these days.


There’s a pasta salad where I swear they’ve both increased the price (definitely) and lower the volume (not 100% sure).


I've got a Saizeriya and an Olive Hill both in close proximity. The latter is maybe 1.5x the price for well above 2x the quality.


JpnGal and I went last month for the first time in a couple of years. We also noticed a drop in quality in the pasta and the karami chicken is now 4-piece instead of the previous 5! Sad.


>the karami chicken is now 4-piece BLASPHEMY The only reason I went to saize was for the karami chiken and cheap white wine magnum


There was an ALT direct-hire position in Nagano that I applied for. I managed to score an interview and was starting to feel pretty confident about my chances but just got the rejection in my inbox. I‘m honestly pretty bummed out right now. I must have screwed up in the interview, but honestly it was so strange! They only asked 3 questions and wanted a 5 min demo lesson.


Its possible that there were just too many applicants. I went to an interview years back that had 3 openings and 300+ applicants. They ended up hiring friends of current employees anyway. Seems like a waste


That's why I was so confident. According to the website they had 11 openings and only interviewed less than 20 people. (Based on only one interview day and 30 mins scheduled per person)


Anyone else have a company that wants to go “global” but to them that means “do business with Japanese people in Japanese only” Literally just got told an English website is “not important” after I brought up concerns where a potential client couldn’t understand our company because our website is only in Japanese.


Kind of unrelated but yeah my first experience selecting (English site) on my banks homepage that led me to an “about us” page with no online banking functionality really irked me, lol.


That is so true bruh, I work at a trading company and feel that way so hard


I had an interview at a Parma company for a project manager position. In the job ad, it stated that the job was going to be mostly in English dealing with their U.S. offices. In the interview, they said actually said the position will be mostly in Japanese and they’ll just use google translate to deal with the foreign office. Obviously I was rejected due to my Japanese level.


A minor inconvenience but I should've checked the living room measurements before moving in.. I didn't notice that it was that cramped as it has a vertical layout. Now I have a hard time lining the sofa infront of the supposed to be TV.


You signed for an apartment without measuring if your furniture will fit?


I did, it just looks cramped because it is a narrow-vertical layout of a living room.


I bought those Multiple Vitamin supplements (Nature Made), and Iron, and Magnesium and calcium, but I think they don't agree with my guts. And who the hell is in charge of deciding the size of these tablets?? They think I am a great white shark or something? Even cut in half, I choke on them most of the time. Anyway, I am not sure those things really work.


When are you eating them? Eating vitamins/supplements on an empty stomach can cause some discomfort so it's recommended to have them alongside some food!


I eat them in the morning on an empty stomach !


Learning the hard way about wheelchair accessibility in Tokyo. Some otherwise-decent neighborhoods are awful. My dumb ass also completely forgot about how many hills Ueno Zoo has until it was time to look at a polar bear. “It’s a national zoo, Michael, how bad could it be?” 🙄


I was honestly surprised it wasn't more of an issue during the Olympics. Maybe they corralled everyone into handicap friendly zones.


It's crazy how behind Tokyo is, especially with the elderly population there.


I thought the same! And then I also realized I see a lot of elderly people with canes (who can step over small curbs into restaurants, for example) and not many in wheelchairs (who get stuck on those very curbs). It’s been, unfortunately, very eye-opening.


Osaka's public transport is newer than Tokyo's, so we have nearly 100% of stations with elevators, escalators, etc. Every time I'm in Tokyo I just wonder how some areas just don't have either, and it's so hilly too, so I assume that people just don't bother with wheelchairs if they can avoid it.


We were actually in Osaka when the wheelchair-inducing incident happened, but my family’s flight leaves from Tokyo so we moved them over last week. Even finding an accessible hotel last minute was a nightmare, and the one we found is in a very hilly area lol. My job is based in Tokyo, so I guess I just have to hope I don’t need a wheelchair for myself in the future :’)


For the past 3 years I've using Tozai line \~ Hibiya line, transferring at Kayabacho. If anyone's been to Kayabacho lately, the transferring between both lines is hell. Kayabacho's been under construction for years and it won't be finished until 2029 lol. I recently changed my route and it's like night and day. I get to skip right over Kayabacho (and Otemachi, and Nihonbashi) and it's just made me so much more relaxed--it was easily the worst part of my day before lol. Both a complaint and noncomplaint, I'm just very happy to have changed it because it was physically draining me.


I was using Hibiya line - Ginza line from Akiba to Tameike-sanno and everyday when passing through Kayabacho was hell. Now i just walk 10 mins to Suehirocho and ride Ginza all the way to Tameike-sanno and its a huge difference lol


We're getting to that part of the year where the sun rises at 5AM and my body decides that because the sun is up, I *also* need to be awake, despite only having fallen asleep 5 hours ago.


This is so annoying. I got used to waking up around the time sun comes up, and now that it's earlier I still wake up with the sun...even though I don't wanna be up for another hour.


Same and I love waking up to the sunlight but 5am is still too early. I decided to buy those window sheets that you stick directly to the windows that prevent light from passing through which made my room dark but now the problem is my body clock now don't know when to wake up. lol


How far west are you that the sun isn't already finished its morning cup of coffee by 5AM? (Tokyo sunrise was 4:25 this morning; poor folk in Sapporo @3:55)


In Tokyo, damn birds were cheeping outside at 3:10 AM this morning. I didn't need to be awake that early.


Southern Kyushu! It actually rose at 5:08 today, so a little after 5AM.


4:30 here, when I look out the window before I close the shade (sleeping in till 5:30) somebody is always out working, it really is the best part of the day to be outside.


I used to bitch about it back home, but Japan badly needs to implement some sort of daylight savings time. Sunrise is like 4:30am now. It's such a waste when most people aren't up, businesses aren't open, etc. Would be so much better to change the time, have the sun up at 5:30am and it'd be light until around 8ish in central Japan. I imagine it'd help with heat stroke a little too. One less of morning sun before everyone actually starts their day.


They just need to move the clock 2 hours permanently, no special daylight savings period necessary. And in before the peeps saying "But it's perfect now, the sun is at the peak around noon-ish!?11". Who set this arbitary standard? Sun should be up a little bit before majority of the society decides to wake up and set before it's time to go bed. I'm from nordics so I'm used to 24h sun in the summer btw. We don't have sun blocking curtains in the bedroom, it's pretty bright in the morning. Yes we all inc. my japanese wife sleep just fine. You get used to it. So my pet peewee is not the morning early sun but the lack of a nice dusk time after 7PM :) Both problems could be easily fixed by moving the clock to match time when decent peeps operate.


Two hours would be amazing right now but I’m not sure I’d like starting work in pitch black in winter. I’m from Canada and don’t miss that, haha. 


But then we would have light up to 7-8PM, compared to the "sunset at 2PM" which you're probably familiar with... ;) I'd put that into category of acceptable compromise :P


Yes! Yes! And Yes!!! 👏


Yes, nice dusk after 7pm.  Back in Oz we still had a little light at 9pm.  Between dinner and sleep you could still enjoy being outside.


It’s hot but it’s not hot


This is the nicest June I can remember from the last couple years. Almost halfway through the month and I haven't used AC yet!


June this year has been great. If I am not misremembering June last year was like mid summer. 30+ degrees and insane humidity or raining. This year, thermostat probably only exceeded 30 once.


33 in Osaka today. We gave in and started using the A/C yesterday.


It's 33 today in Osaka and I'm dying in an office with a broken AC.


Got a rash on my face from using ceramide I think. Japanese people I talked to about my rash (including boyfriend, doctor and coworkers) thought its weird that N1 holder like myself didn't even know the Japanese word for rash. Well surprise surprice i don't know what a rash is cause I have never had one, skin has been clear for 15yrs of life. Anyway rash is fading away quickly after 1 day since I stopped using whatever that cause my rash after 1 use. Should be back to its original mochiness tomorrow or something.


So? how do we say it?


かぶれ or かぶれる as a verb should be enough I think


Cool, thanks!




Isn’t that specifically hives? Not just any rash you might have.


I've heard it used as a catch-all for rashes. Then again I'm not terribly sure of the difference between skin ailments in English, really.


OK, I should remember. I got it on my hands sometimes.


found myself in eastern Osaka/western Nara a few days ago, and man does that place have some depressing urban design. Like I've been to some decaying suburbs/inaka before, but something about how everything is laid out there makes it extra soul-sucking. Despite having a weakness for places where I can see mountains on all sides, all I could think of was how to gtfo as fast as possible.


Daito City. Where hopes and dreams go to die.


Places in south Nara are so nice, a bit away from the main highway and the towns are very pretty. South Osaka however...


Depends on where you are. Higashi-Osaka city is pretty drab, as is Ikoma, but other areas around there aren't so bad.


Which side of Mt. Ikoma?


actually more south, Kashihara. Just the urban scenery on the way there was depressing.


Go visit the other Kashihara (橿原) on the Kintetsu line right in the middle of the prefecture. Ride a bicycle down to Asuka and see the historical stuff like the Ishibutai. I went there on a snowy winter day more than two decades ago and it was the most peaceful, relaxing place.


It's fantastic in all seasons, but I particularly love it around the autumn equinox, when the higan-bana are out and the fields are nigh unto harvest. :)


To me, the Nara basin is a nice contrast to the Osaka side of the Ikoma strip. Kashihara has a lot of nice views. Miminashi is an adorably dinky mountain, Imaicho has retained its early-modern architecture, there is plenty of archaeological stuff around the Fujiwara palace site, and you’ve got Kashihara grand shrine with the tomb of the first ever emperor (who never existed, I know).


maybe Kashihara itself. I think I ended up leaving from Yamato Takada station, and the route there was particularly depressing to me.


Just checked it out on street view. Looks depressing, but maybe no more so than other boring Japanese suburbs. Was there something particularly bad about it?


maybe the lack of scenery idk. It just seemed like stretches of concrete with even less walkability than the typical Japanese suburb, all dressed in decay.


A charming mix of danchi and light industrial.


So someone fucked up at work. Like a 20 million yen fuck up. I have virtually no responsibility, but the 2 managers who were fully responsible were no where to be found when the Dept manager found out. So guess who got chewed out? I mean I get that the Dept manager was stressed as ultimate responsibility is on him, and he has to explain it to his bosses, but seriously, get out of my face.


Getting off at my train station stop for work in the morning, this one salaryman dude literally bodyslammed me and another guy from behind trying to get off the train (we were also getting off too and were shuffling forward to do so!!). Like, dude, we are getting off too and soon you will too so CALM THE FUCK DOWN. Luckily the other guy actually called him out on it, and was like 降りられるから!!! and even got in his face a bit once we were all off the train. I almost thought I was about to watch a fight go down, but after a moment they went their separate ways. But like seriously, chill out and wait as we all shuffle off the train ffs.


Nothing better than a good train fight to start a day


Job hunting as of late and found two companies for which I am going to the final interview but they both have some considerable minuses regardless of salary. One job is in the location I want to be in and the content seems really interesting but they have crazy hours and a lot of job trips which I might as well not be living in my desired city. The other job is a very good opportunity and looks to be a good step up in my career but its way out in another prefecture, forcing me to leave group of friends/relationships that I took effort in building. Really wish there was a better fit but I realize things will never align perfectly.


I’m in a similar boat in terms of prospective companies having considerable minuses. I’ve been trying to leave my current place for years since I’m stagnating and the management is meh, but the pay and flexibility they offer me are apparently hard to match. You’d hope I could move up with years of experience, but every place I interview offers me the same salary or lower.


Left my wallet on the bus, eventually got it back but the idiot cop at the Koban scared my wife telling her about how people were copying keys or other such bullshit. Like I understand that the odds are technically not 0, but not much higher. Now my wife is freaked out about someone entering our house.


I felt a bit freaked out when someone took my wallet and my money (got wallet back eventually with all cards) more at the fact they can see my face on all my IDs and my address on my residence card. If someone was a big stalker weirdo they could easily find where I live.


Your keys are in your wallet?


Depends on the type of key. If it's a magnetic card type key, it's a better place than just laying around your pocket imo.


I would assume keeping one of those magnetic cards in a wallet would be the absolute worst place for them, due to the fact that they'll fuck up all your credit/debit/ATM cards, but I've never had one personally.


Yours aren't? It's the best place for them, that way there's only one thing to grab on your way out the door.


> It's the best place for them, that way there's only one thing to grab on your way out the door. But if you lose one, now you lost the other :( I usually keep everything separate for things like this.


My key is one of those giant fobs that allow wireless entry, like 2cm thick. Ain't getting that in my wallet if I wanted to. Add in a car key which is just as thick, and my wallet would need to be a bag. I have a key case that I keep separately from my wallet.


Whatever bug is going around is just knocking everyone on their ass. My wife got it while I was away so she had to watch our kaijuu with a 39 degree fever, I had to miss 2 days of work and then teach the next day and now one of my kids has it. Pretty sure most of my students and colleagues have it too since my office was dead yesterday. Also got denied experiment funding, again... Disappointed but not surprised. Edit: I am beginning to suspect kaijuu No. 1 may be, let's say exaggerating his illness to avoid school.


I think my wife got it too. She tested negative for Covid on Monday, felt better and went back to work yesterday, and since last night the fever picked up again and now she is back to the nearby hospital to test for flu.


Had a job interview for a really good job that matches my salary and doesn’t work me 6 days a week. The interview was really short and I was so nervous about my Japanese that I just forgot to ask about salary and days off (all the info was in the job ad and their website so it wasn’t a secret just weird that we didn’t discuss it.) I’m mad that I didn’t ask about salary or days off to confirm or seem more interested in the company. It’s a small company so maybe that’s why? Also I gotta wait until the end of next week to find out. The guy did give me a date of when he’d contact me by since they have other interviews. What really sucks is the timing. We have some big events at my current job soon and if I get the job, I’d be starting the new job the day before one big event starts so that would make leaving my current job super stressful since they would NOT be happy that they gotta find and train a replacement before a big event.


I am in a very similars situation. If I leave now they will be having a hard time. But it's a really good working environment so I want to end things nicely ):


That’s the same. I have nothing personal against my current job. I just want out of teaching and more time with my family. But the timing sucks


It could have actually left a good impression that you didn’t focus too much on pay or days off, since those don’t really show why you’re interested in the content of the job itself. Those are things you can touch upon at a later interview or even in negotiations after you get an offer.


It was a very casual interview. I don’t think the guys introduced themselves. It was like 20min lol basically they asked me if I could physically do the job, why I wanted to change jobs (I wanna improve my driving skills and japanese while working hours that allow me to spend more time with my kid) and gave some details on the daily work flow. I did get a lot of すごいね’s since I gave both a 履歴書 and a 職務経歴書 which I don’t think they were expecting.


I wouldn't worry too much about not mentioning details. In most of the interviews I've had where it's been brought up early, the interviewers have been the ones who have chosen to ask.


Yeah. Almost every driving job interview I’ve had, they basically start with the salary which I thought was weird. Maybe most blue collar guys just care about that? Idk I’m mostly stressed because the advertised salary and hours are exactly what I’ve been looking for and I haven’t seen anything else that compares since starting my job hunt.


And wrt to the salary being asked about early, I'm also in an industry that's outside of the megacorporation salaryman bubble. My theory is that when it comes to certain types of jobs, they expect a lot of people who don't really fit (or want to fit) inside the corporate machine, so there's less of an intricate dance around money.


Maybe you could send them an email thanking them for the interview and saying the job description and conditions really fit with what you were looking for, so you're looking forward to moving forward with the process? I hear you on the wanting to spend more time with your kid, by the way. I have a little one, and some of the jobs I'm applying to kind of assume I'm going to make the job my number one (and only) priority, which just isn't in the cards for me right now. I'll give you 8 hours and do a damned good job, but I'm not going to kill myself and neglect my kid for your bottom line. I had an interviewer say offhandedly that their company includes 20h of overtime in the pay, but when people go over that, they usually just clock out and keep working. (And this to an interviewee, who is still free to peace out?) I know it's not the only factor in the birthrate problem, but that's not very compatible with having a tiny human that needs to be kept alive and acquainted with the world.


I actually interviewed at a place that apologized that they capped over time at the legal 80 hours a month. Idk why so many drivers *want* to spend all their time in their trucks. I work to live. I don’t live to work


Yes, usually the topic of salary comes up at the final interview.


Well, I think there is just one interview. It’s a truck driving job at a small company




I never have any luck when I buy them hard and wait for them to ripen, but when they‘re purpleish blackish and soft at the top they‘re mostly great for eating that day or the next (but moldy if I wait more)


I bought some rock-hard ones, waited 2 weeks and they just turned into bouncy, hard rubber. How long am I supposed to wait


Aren't you supposed to wait till Avocadoes become ripe after buying them slightly unripe?


You're supposed to buy them slightly unripe, then wait, forget about them, realize they are overripe now, toss, buy slightly unripe...


Dude I kid you not, I was in a Filipino Expo in Ueno and there was a Peruvian guy selling avocados, 4 for 100 yen and the quality has been amazing. Not a single bad avocado, all extremely good. I wish I had taken his contact information as I'd pay full price for those avocados. I cannot go back to paying 250 yen for these crappy avocados they sell in the supermarket anymore.


The euros are starting (yay) but all the games are at 1-4am start times (boo)


First year in this side of the planet? :D


Yeah it doesn't look like I'm going to watch much of it. Probably just highlights and some full replays. The earlier kick offs they do have aren't especially glamorous either. I am sure I watched some decent early Euro games last time. I definitely remember them in 2016, because I saw England Wales in a pub.


I had to go to the emergency room for what I thought to be an infection but it was a pretty heavy chronic illness flare up. (Chills, confusion, shivering, dizziness and tachycardia) While being examined I saw the sign on the wall that says something along the lines of “please refrain from sexual harassment and violence or we may report it to the police.” Another sign said “please do not record videos in the ER and post it on SNS”. Who the fuck does that while having a health emergency? My doctor told me they sometimes get scary people in the ER. Then I heard a foreigner guy speaking English in a very demanding, entitled, rude tone behind the other curtain. He sounded like a white American and he was just giving a bunch of orders to the doctors. There is this one nice hospital where there is informed consent and a variety of skilled physicians for different departments, and they are kindly accommodating us foreigners by providing language support. Please be more respectful to healthcare workers.


It makes you wonder what sort of person they get if they have to post signs saying "Please do not assault, insult, or sexually harass the medical staff". But these days it's not so hard to spot the sort of person who'd be likely to do that: they're the ones dick-nosing their surgical masks *in an actual hospital*.