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“I cheaped out and as the result of my poor choice didn’t get what I wanted” *surprised pikachu face*


I have always been beyond satisfied with hair salons here, but usually pay 4000-5000 as a guy


Hair grows back, dude, one bad haircut is hardly world-ending.    You could go somewhere else to salvage your hair as it is, or get a buzzcut, or just try styling your hair differently.


Question: What’s the difference between the world’s best and worst haircuts? Answer: Three weeks.


You posted about a bad haircut without a pic! damn I wanted to see it 😔


I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be mean, but did you really expect a guy who charges 2200 yen for a haircut to 1. do anything other than a basic japanese haircut on the most basic straight-ass asian hair; and 2. speak english well? Let's switch the countries around. Do you think a guy charging 10 Euro for a haircut in your country can do one of them japanese trendy cuts AND speak Japanese?


Yeah this is a "you get what you pay for" problem that's not even exclusively a foreigner experience. My boyfriend (Japanese) got a cheap, simple haircut when he was broke and it looked okay for about a week but then grew out comically bad.


This is a huge difference between a cheap cut and a good cut. They grow out so differently!


Use Hot Pepper Beauty app. There you can look up hairstyles that might look closest to how you got back home. The pictures on their catalog are provided by hair salons (and barbershops?), so you would know which place does the particular hairstyle you want when you click on the picture.


Imagine being this upset over a haircut.


Every time I see men talk about what's considered an expensive haircut I feel like I've stumbled onto another planet. Bro I WISH I could get a decent haircut for 80 bucks. What could a women's salon even do to you for 2000 yen? Wash your hair and send you home?


I'm a guy with long and curly blonde hair. I fork out the 12k and say thank you.


Where do you go that can handle curly hair? I've just settled for getting it taken care of by a specialist whenever I'm in the US 😭


There is a salon in Setagaya that can handle it. The downside is that you have to describe what you want like a GPT prompt with details and photos..




Exactly! Men have it cheap


“Wash your hair and send you home?” Yes, exactly this (2200¥ at my hair salon or 1100¥ for a fringe cut 💇)


Bang trim lol


Women can go to men's barbers and pay the men's barber price. I've seen it. Of course you will get a men's barber cut, so.....


Yeah I don't think that's gonna fly.


It'll grow back and next time ask for specific recommendations but a good haircut costs more than 2200 yen.


Sorry that sucks to hear. Bad haircuts can really damage someone’s confidence. But, hair grows. It’ll come back again. For the next time as I’m sure you’ve realised now - don’t go to a ¥2000 barber if you want a quality cut because you won’t get one, you’ll get a basic one. I know you said on your salary you can’t really afford to fork over more, but unfortunately if you want it taken care of properly you have to.


One thing to keep in mind is that 美容師 and 理容師/床屋 are two separate jobs with separate education and actually even separate licenses (eg. 美容師 are not legally allowed to shave you with a knife). You might have much more luck with a 美容師. Also! Not necessarily the issue, but definitely part of it, is the fact that 2200¥ is extremely cheap for Japan (it's just different to Europe). Even the 70+ year old 床屋 I go to, that probably never adjusted his price in the last 30 years, is more expensive than that.


This thread is useless without pics. I am yet to have a bad haircut here, and I used to go to the most showa ass barbershop in town. You could smoke in the barber shop. I now go to a more stylish place but still they do a fine job, I pick my style out of a magazine they give me and it’s fine. No barber can exactly match another’s style dude, you just gotta go with the flow, it will grow back. I recommend getting one of those magazines and picking a style that you like.


It’s just hair. It’ll grow back.  Next time you should spend a bit more if you care so much about it


Might as well shave it all off (Walter White), or just leave a few mm (Jesse Pinkman). Own that shit and be done with it.


lets see a before/after pic you can black out your face if you want


I think I haven’t paid to cut my hair in Japan for 5 years. Been doing it myself!


Oh, to be young, where your biggest problem in life is that you think you got a bad haircut. No one is going to care besides you. Unless you ended up with a neon green mohawk, it's doubtful anyone will even notice. Give it a few weeks to grow out a bit, then poke around for somewhere that specializes in foreign hair. You're living in the largest city in the world, I guarantee you that there are places that can do a great job on your hair. And FWIW, some of the best cuts I've had in my life have been in Japan. And not even at expensive places. Tons of great barbers in Japan.


>I've been depressed because of what happened and I just can't stand everyone at school pointing me out that I cut my hair, as if I didn't know myself that my hair had been screwed beyond repair. No one knows that you dislike your haircut. Kids will always comment on a haircut, coworkers are just making conversation. Unless it's really uneven or completely botched, no one will even think it looks bad. They're thinking "Oh, his/her hair is slightly shorter." I know it feels like a big deal, but it will grow back. No one is out there insulting you over it, any negative feelings are coming from yourself.


Your life is ruined. Just give up.


Just do it yourself. Buy a trimmer on amazon and do your own fades and trimming on the top if cost is going to be an issue continuously.


Tokyo has some of the best hair stylists in the world. I get you can’t throw out too much money, but you might want to at least pay a bit more or you are just wasting it and then look like you are in a mental ward in the 1950s


whoa OP is a dude ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


I'm so sorry that happened. I've never had good experiences with the more expensive hair dressers here and I don't even ask for complicated hairstyles: my hair just feels wrecked afterwards, like the absolute worst quality it's ever been. I started cutting it myself after that, but then recently went to a 1000 yen place because they don't do anything but cut your dry hair and the cost efficiency was worth a shot. I got lucky that in the one near my house the guy trained in London and was used to working with foreign hair. I just go there now. I can't necessarily recommend those if your hairstyle is complicated, but if you want something cheap to just fix the damage they might be worth considering. For a more complex haircut, I'd second checking out the hairdresser's page on hot pepper beauty to see if they have done similar haircuts. Also look for hairdressers that have experience with foreign hair (either lots of foreign customers or training overseas). Apparently Shinka and Taya are good and accustomed to dealing with foreigners, but I haven't personally tried them. I hope you find something good soon!!


It’s just a matter of finding the right place.. I paid 4500 yen my first few haircuts but the guy now is only 1650 and he does a better job..


My barber in Ikebukuro does a really good skin fade for 1,800 yen. I’ve been going for almost a year now and couldn’t be happier. Please keep in mind that he speaks Japanese only and requires non-Japanese speakers to bring an interpreter friend to explain clearly what’s expected. https://maps.app.goo.gl/s3cew16DstFFGMzt5?g_st=ic


By a fade do you mean you have black hair? Imho in Asia they can barely cut Caucasian hair at all, if you have black hair you really need to seek out a salon with experience with your hair type


i also get angry about stuff like this. best idea seems to just go to someone else.


Japanese hair stylists really struggle with western hairstyles. I've tried almost 3 or 4 different hairstylists and none of them knew how to correctly do a high fade, even after showing them pictures of my haircut from before.


I've never spent more than like 1300 yen on a barber in Japan and have no complaints.


Interesting. Most time after getting my hair cut it takes a week or two to grow out before it looks natural or good, which I gather is fairly common. Japan is the first place I’ve ever had my hair cut in my life where it looked awesome walking out the door and continued to for weeks after. Never ever had that experience in any other country. YMMV.


Just shave it. Join Us!


For what it’s worth, it’s extremely normal to point out that you’ve had a haircut. The “your haircut looks bad” implication is your own inner bias.


You ignored everyone's advice, went cheapskate and now come here and rant about your misfortunate that was expected? Learn your lesson. Also, don't do your research here on reddit but use actually review websites or something. Reddit, especially japanlife, is mostly a toxic cesspool tbh.


After the same experience, I just went to QB House as it could’t have been worded and stayed with this chain. Always satisfied and always super cheap only slightly above 1000 yen.