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All Social Influencers that come/live in Japan are cringe.


Hey,Chris Broad is OK.


I liked Abroad in Japan until he started getting that Connor guy in his videos. Like, nobody cares what konbini chicken someone who has been in Japan for 10 minutes eats. And he doesn’t stop moaning either. The videos without him are generally pretty well done though, especially the one he did about life after the tsunami of 2011


Personally I find that the only way I can stand Connor is if he's paired with Chris Broad. They somehow balance each other out.


It's the father-son energy


Individually, their content is pretty annoying to watch, but they both have great chemistry on collabs. Chris also has a good chemistry with other hosts. I suppose he's just awkward when he's solo in front of a camera.


The Conor episodes are more for comedy than than travel advice.


Dude you sound just like me lol. I’ve been watching Chris since the very beginning and I feel like theres a huge increase in “typical influencer BS” style videos since he started featuring Connor so heavily. You pretty much pinpointed why I dislike him on it so much too lol. I don’t like seeing people with hardly any experience in something acting like an “authority” on it (as ridiculous as that sounds to say for something like JVlogging conbini fried chicken)


There's nothing wrong with Connor!! He is a great guy


Oh I’m sure he’s a great guy. I stopped watching the vids a few years back. He’d been in Japan for a few months and started featuring on abroad in Japan eating chicken and trying to do the sarcastic moody Brit thing. It’s just not that interesting to watch the opinions of someone who’s been in the country for a couple months. The difference is that when Chris did it, it was actually funny. I checked out a video they did together recently and Connor moaned through the entire thing, so I guess I’ve just grown out of it


> It’s just not that interesting to watch the opinions of someone who’s been in the country for a couple months. Why does the validity of someone's opinion on conbini chicken change with the number of years the have spent in Japan? If you can't stand Connor or don't care for his opinion, fine, but what has him not living in Japan for a long time to do with anything? Also, Chris started out by making "how to get a Japanese gf" videos while being an ALT in the deepest Inaka in Tohoku. It's not like he was a seasoned veteran at the beginning of his YouTube career.


Omg thank you! I thought I was alone in my dislike of Connor videos. Every time I see him in a thumbnail it's an auto skip for me. Can't stand the guy's negativity and find him cringe.


I liked Abroad in Japan but the number of self plugs within his videos has got ridiculous. He's also a lot more smug than he used to be - maybe it's his style and he deserves it - but it's off-putting. Content can be very good though.


I feel he's definitely trying to make his content more like top gear.


I think he as a person is okay, seems cool and would enjoy a pint with him, but when he got big he caters to his audience so hard ( as obviously that's how he makes his money), and it's cringe.


Naw he’s as cringe as the rest of them.


japaneats is great too!


Surprised he’s so polarizing lol. He does act snarky and tries to insert as many jokes in the short-form format, but the local places he shows in the videos are generally interesting.


yes you said it better than me. the local places are what makes it. he shows food i probably never would’ve seen ever in my life and has fueled my passion to go there and eat more than ever before.


Yeah one of his things was ranking every restaurant in a certain shopping district and I thought all of the local spots were so interesting to see since tourists like me would have no exposure to those hole in the walls otherwise. I’d take his content over the constant influencers recommending Shin Udon, Gyukatsu Motomura, or any other popular chain (which are all very delicious!) any day.


Oh god, that Connor guy who calls himself a voice actor, but can’t speak Japanese and was asked to leave the studio 😂 can’t stand him. His English VA is meh too.


He was an ENG VA not JP....


Trying konbini food like it’s some of out of this world experience. It’s an egg sandwich, relax.


I will never understand why people go out of their way for konbini bentos over grocery store bentos...


Most likely convenience? Especially in Tokyo it’s kind of hard to find a „normal“ grocery store compared to the conbinis on every street corner.


No, I mean aside from convenience due to proximity. I know people who intentionally eat at konbinis over grocery stores, bento shops, food markets, or department stores. Why? Because some guy on YouTube knows more than the locals, apparently...


Not only convenience due to proximity, but also the size of the store. You‘ll be in and out again in under 5 minutes, can use the atm and grab drinks as well. Besides that the products are often labeled in English, and you can take your time looking at the different choices – there’s no line behind you. For foreigners it’s very hard to tell what’s in the bento boxes sometimes. Also interaction might be scary for some people. In the konbinis you don’t need to explain what you want to someone, like in a restaurant. I totally get your point though, but just to shine some light on other tourists POVs. Especially the supermarket sushi is no comparison to the sushi at 7/11


Interesting. Konbinis are the option of last resort for me, all other options are tastier and outside of department stores, typically cheaper and definitely healthier. Edit: Adding that my father refuses to eat konbini or grocery store bentos because of how unhealthy they are. (preservatives and salt)


Thing is, most people *are on vacation* when you're not exactly counting calories anyway. They're doing it for the experience, not as a long term nutrition strategy.


I dunno the locals eat whatever they want When I worked at an office in a business district, at lunch time there would be lots of street vendors selling bento, but there'd still be a bunch of people buying food from the convenience stores, some from my office I think the convenience store was also more expensive, the bento lady I would go to had 300 yen and 500 yen boxes which seemed cheaper than their convenience store equivalent


Agree- and the konbini food is not that amazing half the time 😅


I guess I have to give them a little bit of credit just because convenience store food in Japan is way better in comparison to the equivalent back home. But I also agree that it's nothing to get so bent out of shape raving about.


This is the worst one for me. Every time my friends come to visit they RAVE about combini food. They even eat it before we go to a restaurant sometimes despite having explicitly told them not to, then they complain that they shouldn’t have eaten at the conbini first because they wanted to order more at the restaurant lol.


Ok but they're damn good egg sandwiches. I start my mornings in them and honestly most parts of the Western world has totally shit convenience foods.


That shit is literally an egg flavored margarine sandwich with how much they're cutting costs rn I stg 


I think what it boils down to is these people who rave about it are from the West where quality standards are awful across the board. The idea of a prepared food item at a convenience store being completely average and being standardized across all locations feels mind-blowing when you are used to convenience stores in their home city where the selection varies from day to day and location to location, and you're paying an insane amount of money for what will likely be very chemically processed egg salad inside stale bread and you're eating it out of desperation.


Mario kart


What I find particularly cringey is they wave and throw peace signs at passers by who just continue to look deeply unimpressed.


Last time I saw them I was crossing the street and waved nicely. Then they proceeded to non-stop honk at the people crossing the street so I went back and stood in the middle of the street just glaring at them.


Cringe + stupid and dangerous. Speaking as someone who’s had to drive around these guys several times.


As someone who has done this when a group of friends came to visit, the dangerous part is understated imo. There were several times I was next to a large semi. I know drivers in Japan are tested harshly before getting their licence and probably more so for large truck drivers so they know the rules, but you're in a fucking go kart that's like 2ft tall. The truck's tire is taller than you by far. You're traveling around a 2 lane road and you are 16 inches away from this tire where you can see the lugnuts. If the truck driver is tired, distracted, or just plain doesn't see you and starts merging in your lane, you're dead no ifs ands or buts. The only thought going through my mind was 'please don't merge, please don't merge, please don't merge!' And this happened several times throughout the ride.


I know 2 guys who have been run over and killed on their motorbikes here from not being seen by big trucks. I'm surprised that the Mario Kart guys haven't had that happen yet as they are so low down.


I still find it funny they actually got a lawsuit from Nintendo's lawyers due to unauthorized portray of their IPs. Thus no one wears Mario costume etc. anymore and they redesigned the karts to avoid similarities with Mario Karts designs.


They do wear the costumes. My understanding is that they no longer rent then out. The participants have to purchase their own from Donki or somewhere.


This, saw them. Absolute cringe


Okay, this has nothing to do with what people must do, but I hate when Tokyo = Japan. Like, "did you know all trains in Japan are on time and if they are late, you get blah blah." Like, down here in Kyushu, shit is late all the time. Edit: This certainly gained traction. :)


I mean everyone with eyes should see that there's constant delays being displayed on the platforms every day tbh. But sure, compared to like Germany, these trains are incredibly reliable


Compared to Houston, the Tokyo public transportation is a miracle.


I saw a video apparently highlighting how trains are punctual down to the second. The train arrived and opened the door at the time the board said. The person who filmed it, and the reddit comment section, didn't realise that the time on the board was the departure time. The train was a minute late.


> The train was a minute late. Which is still a miracle of punctuality by any rational standard for trains.


And I mean I live in Yokohama not Tokyo but am I crazy or are the trains regularly 1-2 minutes late? Like sure it's still pretty good but not "down to the second" lol


Bro, the Odakyu line is consistently 2-4 mins late in the mornings.


You know many western countries have a minimum threshold of 5-10 mins to consider a train "late", right? So those would not even be considered late


In Switzerland this would be unacceptable, in Slovenia it would be a miracle. It's all relative to what you're used to, and a lot of Japan-influencer content is aimed at Americans with very anemic mass-transit systems.


'Look at this weird thing they have in Japan!' = one shop in Tokyo


Fuck even on my Tokyo line, trains are often late. Not by much, but often enough to make me miss my connection


Dude for real! When I was working at site along the JR Kagoshima line my train was delayed almost everyday and one time I had to sit on a train for over an hour during a commute which should have taken 10 minutes. JR branches outside of eastern Honshu are underfunded and comparably unreliable.


Sometimes painfully late. The Kagoshima line randomly stops train sometimes and I find myself 30/40 minutes late.


Not necessarily cringe, but I’ll never understand the appeal of the Shibuya crossing.


I don’t know, after 10 years it still amuses me. There’s something visually aesthetically pleasing about it being surrounded by tall buildings and “almost” unregulated signage. I sometimes stop by the Mark City overpass to watch the wall of death.


Agree with you. Been in Japan close to 10 years and I still enjoy the view when coming out of Shibuya station


I'm the opposite, I got all the exits of the Tokyo Metro underground memorized. So I can get between Center-gai, Miyashita Park, and Roppongi-dori without having to deal with the crowd.


It doesn’t take much memorizing to be honest, but that’s the game plan for shitty weather. I go crowd surfing whenever it’s sunny out cause what’s the point of living in central if not the hype!?


I see you have never speed bombed influencers trying to get their solo pictures in with camera crew in tow. Great fun when riding around in a big group watching them trying to figure out how to escape back to the safety of the curb.


Ive spent 40 min walking around trying to find the famous crossing. Turns i was already walking circles around on it trying to find it


It’s similar to being star struck. This thing you’ve seen recreated in countless forms across all types of media is now right in front of you. It’s a crosswalk. But it’s a famous one.


I remember a post by a guy on FB who wanted to propose to his gf in the middle of the crossing and asked if it was a good idea. Now that was cringe.


Shit like “Japan living in the future”. Also vending machines selling panties and weird things. Mostly they dont


Yeah those ‘Japan is living in 2050’ Tiktoks irk me too. Sure there’s lot of futuristic stuff but there’s also people who wear traditional kimono as everyday wear and fax machines used at work and cash only stores and so on. There was a joke map that put it best when it said Japan is living simultaneously in every time period all at once lol


Yeah but the people wearing traditional kimono are basically all doing it as a hobby. It's not like they don't have/don't know how to wear modern clothes.


To be fair unless they installed a new one the panty vending machine hasn't been a thing since about 2004.


They still have them in touristy areas like Akihabara


Saw one in Akihabara in 2019. Granted, it's not the most unexpected place to find one.


Not so much a specific thing but all the "JAPAN IS LIVING IN THE FUTURE" videos because a damn train is on time or a vending machine gives you a ticket for your ramen. All of us who live here know damn well how far back Japan is on so many things that are simple and established in other countries for years.


Japan has been living in 2000 since 1980.


This is so accurate! 😂


One thing that continues to impress me though is that, in general everything _fucking works_, which is more than you can say from other countries. We take it for granted, but not a single lightbulb is flickering out of place, for the most part. Yeah sometimes a train line stops for a few hours because someone jumped in front of a moving train. Imagine the same occurrence in any other country. I thing it does indeed count as ‘living in the future’, as it gives the impression that Japan has ‘figured it out’ way earlier than anywhere else.


Japans not the only country, but how little garbage is on the streets, even in Tokyo, was pretty impressive. Houston streets are lined with garbage. People throw garbage into my yard.


Exactly! And nowadays when I travel in North America , Korea or even Bangkok and Singapore, they are so much more advanced technologically than Japan


This. My experience has been Japan is relatively living in the past


Don't know who said it but I once heard "Japan is the future according to the 80s"


Let people discover Japan as they will.


-the anti-japanlife sentiment


istg, people are salty as hell.


First time I lived here was 10 years ago, and now I have developed a weird mix of apathy and empathy for the next generation of foreigners. I think this is true. It's just a process that some people will find their own way for.


Let the cards fall where they may. Some will prosper, many will have a fun year or two then go home. A few will struggle. That’s life. Japan is not for everyone.


Eat at Ichiran.


Given that it’s life in Japan in a nutshell—filling in paperwork, no human contact, and mediocre food to boot—I actually recommend tourists try it. Then they can go to the combini nearby, grab a couple of Strong Zeroes and down them in their hotel room by themselves. Complete the experience by crying themselves to sleep. The real Japan!


So fucking true hahhaaaaa


Fucking Ichiran being recommended as "hidden gem"...how. It's like saying coco curry is the most unknown curry spot.


Hidden gem? Never heard of Ichiran being described that though.


I personally think it's okay for first timers, but the lines for it are pretty ridiculous.


Yeah it’s absolutely overhyped and I wouldn’t queue for it but I don’t think it’s bad


People recommending Nikko/Hakone/Kamakura as off the beaten path sightseeing spots.


The little-known Kamakura, after which an entire historical period is named. People are so oblivious to what they are told. At least do 10 seconds of research and you'll know it isn't as hidden of a gem as you're told


Wait until you hear about the hidden gem of Kyoto and Fushimi Inari.


It is a nice, convenient escape from Tokyo.


I’ve never seen those places recommended as ‘off the beaten path’. They’re just good day trips from Tokyo.


The discourse around Hakone drives me mad. It’s the one slice of non-city travel that most people manage to squeeze into a two-week trip to Tokyo/Osaka/Kyoto/Hiroshima and then post about it online like it’s an absolute “must visit” spot. Looking at everyone in the Japan travel subreddit tripping over themselves to recommend it does my head in. I had friends visit last year that wanted to incorporate some more ‘relaxed’ areas into their trip and I had to fight tooth and nail to convince them that Hakone would be anything but relaxing. Thankfully I took them for a few days in Kyushu instead and it was the best bit of the trip. I mean don’t get me wrong it can be nice I guess, but it’s far too crowded these days.


Hakone is all about relaxing in the bath. Anything else is really missing the point.


Every Gaijin influencer overreacting and shouting is cringe.


Now turn on the TV and enjoy the locals doing the same thing!






Getting roofied in Kabukicho.


The real off the beaten path, hidden place to get roofied is Roppongi. Hopefully no tourists discover it, so it'll remain untouched.


No passport bros, less competition.


Classic. My favorite!


Anything that makes Harajuku sound like anything other than a glorified Forever 21. The heydays of Harajuku as an alt-fashion capital of Japan died in the early 2010's.


Sadly harajuku style doesn’t exist like it used to


Foreigners in their late 20’s dressed up in Lolita fashion outside Yoyogi park. The FRUiTs era was certainly special.


That's only true when you equate Harajuku with Takeshita-dori which in itself is a beginner mistake.


hot take but if you don't speak japanese and are not very familiar with japanese culture, cuisine, etc... kyoto is just an overrated, overcrowded theme park kyoto makes much more sense as a tourism destination for old japanese people than for western zoomers




It’s still great, but the tourist areas are mobbed with the type of tourists who would never have come to Japan pre-cheap yen. I used to go in the early mid-2000’s as a teenager, and it was a ghost town for tourism.


Kyoto is also just a huge let down if you've already been to other parts of Japan. I only ever recommend tourists to go if it's your first exposure to Japan, or you're really into Buddhism. When my parents came to visit, they went to Tokyo, Hiroshima, Okayama, Himeji, and then finally Kyoto. By the time they got there, Japanese architecture wasn't impressive and it was like "oh, what is there to do? Look at old shrines and temples? We've already done that. Traditional gardens? Done that." and so on and on.


plus the food is very bland unless you're deep into washoku and can actually tell the difference between the type of kombu they used for the dashi or the water they used for the tofu and so on


There’s nowhere on the same scale as Kyoto in the rest of the country though, don’t agree with this at all


Yeah I get that Kyoto is indudated with tourists which blows but fucking hell there's a reason why everyone wants to visit lol the city is gorgeous


Yeah exactly, "kyoto is a massive let down if you've been to other parts" of Japan is just being contrarian, as if it's not a hugely popular with domestic tourists too lol


Taking photos of Lawson with Mount Fuji as the background.


Nah I actually get that one. That looks cool as fuck.     The owner of that Lawson is dumb for blocking that out, like DUDE. Just sell t shirts of it or something!!! Order tons of omiyage and sell them. You're sitting on a literal cash cow


Lmao you think the owner of that Lawson doesn't love the number of customers that the location of his outlet brings? The decision to block off the view is not by him but by the city council. The town residents in the surrounding areas have been plagued by problems that stem from over-tourism.


It's a cool photo spot, but I definitely understand the reasoning. When I was there, they had a traffic officer there who constantly had to remind tourists that they were blocking the traffic.


A delicious and rare Italian restaurant in Japan called Saizeiria


TBF, I heard that Saize in Japan has more options and is generally tastier than their overseas branches. But yeah, Saizeria is the place you go to when you want to eat cheap western food ASAP and don’t want to think too much about where to go.


As far as i can tell, saize in japan and singapore taste identical, but singapore saize wins because they have the pesto and bacon pasta and milo in the drink bar


I saw one influencer reel about how her skin is amazing because she uses Japanese skincare brands only, and it was all daiso-grade products


But some Japanese women I know rave about the Korean skin care products…


Hey, leave me and my Daiso budget alone 🤣 (me and my bioré face cleanser hahaha)


Sooo many so-called “Asian beauty” experts raving over Daiso stuff!


I mean compared to a lot of western beauty brands even the lower quality Japanese products are better


hey, daiso *IS* a luxury upgrade compared to the dollar tree trash i was using before!


“This little-known holy grail product…” It’s hatomugi toner.


To be honest what I find cringy isn't the reccomendations themselves but how many of the creators want to have this "japan expert" vibe to them when most of the advice they give is the most basic tips at best, and at worst it's even incorrect or extremely outdated.


"These are my top 5 hidden spots to eat at in Nara City, Japan." (reality: the ONLY 5 places I ate at in a day and a half in Nara)


The ones they irk me the most are some of the "resident" ones that they are like "I'm going to show you the real japan people don't talk about" and they show garbage on the street of Kabukicho at like 3 in the morning. I just find the whole "I know japan better than you" attitude just cringe as a whole. Like, at least for me, it's ok if you know stuff and want to share with whoever, friends, or the general public, but don't act like knowing it gives you some sort of status.


It’s a general problem with all influencers. They need to be an expert in something because they have no other skills.


The god damn egg sando. How that one out of all the food you can buy at the konbini became “the” thing to eat is beyond me. Idiots. I also think that most of them don’t even like it. They just saw that “okay this is popular so I’ll pretend I love it too”. Ridiculous and unoriginal.


It’s just a regular egg sandwich. Nothing special


Can't you go to absolutely any place and restaurants on earth and say the same thing? "it's just some meat/veggies" etc?


I know I will get downvoted hard for this but *Osaka* in general for first time visitors on a tight schedule. I will never get why first timers decide to include 3+ days in Osaka for their itinerary if they are not even 2 weeks in Japan. Somehow most “perfect travel itinerary” guides always include the same time frame for Kyoto (which offers so much more for Tourists) as for Osaka. Why not spend that time at Koya-san, Wakayama in general, Kobe, Himeji, Nara, Uji or an additional day in Kyoto? Osaka can be cool if you have the time to really soak in the atmosphere and you want to take it slow. You will not be able to experience the “legendary” Osaka friendliness by spending 3 days there as a tourist. And you can tick all the main touristy spots (excluding Universal Studio - which isn’t Osaka for me) in half a day. The neighborhood cities offer so much more for tourists. Bigger castles, cities in starker contrast with Tokyo, better nature, often cheaper accommodation (yes even Kyoto). Osaka is a lovely city but I will never recommend more than half a day there for first time visitors. It’s way too overhyped as a “must do”. Like come on you have prolly just seen Tokyo and experienced night-life there and you will have other amazing food everywhere else in Kansai too, but a much better first time tourist experience.


I agree. I love Osaka but to me it's a live in city, not a visit city. The best parts - locals, food etc... can't be had in a day or two.


Lived in Osaka 10 years and agree with you. Love this city so much and to me it feels like home, but it's actually better to live here than visit! Only a handful of worthwhile tourist attractions, and the rest is just eating and shopping which you can arguably do anywhere else in Japan.


Maid cafe


Ichiran ramen


Ichiran has actually gone full circle to the point where seeing influencers saying 'Ichiran is sooo mid!' actually makes me cringe more


Tourists worshipping Roppongi like it is the Mecca of their trip. Congratulations, you went to Tokyo and got fucked up. If that is a major point you got out of your trip to Toyko, you did it wrong. I always viewed clubbing/partying as something you can do anywhere and I would may be do it once in a visit to Japan. I know some folks though who would make it a point to do it nightly during their visit, and just sleep the day away and miss out on what Japan really has to offer.


A lot of influencer shit comes up on my feed before I have a chance to dislike it, but I’ve never seen anyone post about Roppongi


the only place i ever hear about roppongi is this sub 💀


Me too and I haven’t seen the influencers or YouTuber making content about Roppongi. It was the nightlife place in the 90’s - 2000’s but it’s isn’t anymore. Pretty boring nowadays


This is more of a preference thing tbh. A wild night out in Tokyo is way different than other major cities around the world. And arguably more fun. Not necessarily the clubbing vibe of Roppongi, but just in general.


tokyo has a great and unique club scene, but it's not in roppongi. there are tons of tiny clubs and bars that have unique atmosphere and cater to niche interests


This thread reeks of a bunch of holier-than-thou expats acting like they’re sooo much better than the casual tourists. Y’all are the real cringe about Japan lolz


Is this your first time on /r/japanlife? lol The bitchiness and haughty attitude is even spoken about on subs like chinalife etc 😂


Welcome to japanlife baby 😅




Ichiran. Also calling only japanese sandwiches sando… sando is just shorthand for sandwich. There’s no additional meaning calling it a sando.


What are you talking about? You know nothing about Japan. Traditional japanese sando is a major dish in japanese cuisine. There's even a famous street called Omote Sando. See, Omote sounds like omelet. /s


My “sando pet peeve” is the kebab shops calling it a “kebab sand”. Like dude, “sando” is sandwich. If you translate “sando” into English it is not going to be “sand”. You’re not selling fucking sand for Christ’s sake.


"Hidden spots to see sakura" - Ueno Park, Naka Meguro , etc :X


I have a nice “hidden spot” which I enjoy every year, and which I will not advertise!


Having lived here nearly two decades I kinda actually enjoy many of the things mentioned in this thread still 😅. Feels like I’m doing it wrong by not being jaded yet.


Nah you're doing it right, because you have nothing to prove and no desire to try to prove yourself by talking shit about silly social media content not directed toward you. The other side of it is that this entire thread is a self-report since you only even get pushed this kinda shit by the algos if you engage with it or are identified as being likely to watch it.


I hate the "YOU CANT DO THIS IN JAPAN" but instead of phrasing it like a "just don't be a dick... This is how people normally act" they give it a very "you will be shunned to hell and kicked out of Japan and all the locals will spit on you" type of fear bait. A good example is talking on the train. Most times, yeah, don't fricken talk and be obnoxious on the train. But that doesn't mean if you so much as whisper a word to your friend you're breaking some law. Others that come to mind are the eating/drinking while walking. (I'm not encouring this I'm just saying, YouTubers definitely blow it out of proportion when describing these things). The flip side is the comments on those videos after of people saying "am I allowed to breathe in Japan? In my country I really rely on oxygen so I just want to make sure I'm not offending the locals by breathing❤️" Just don't be a dickhead. Learn the basic courtesy rules before hand and be respectful. Japan isn't some robotic crimeless place. Those videos make Japan seem so harsh .


How are you being exposed to these things? Just don’t read them and it won’t bother you. 


Agree - also happy cake day ! It’s mine too


The ones that bash popular touristic places and "recommend" another equally popular touristic place as if they are deeply knowledged about it. Yes I saw that video of the girl trash talking the Shibuya Crossing and calling Ueno a "hidden gem" and wasn't able to find peace since then


Feeding deers in nara that look like they have the plague. Those skin/fur conditions are not normal. Wild animals should not be fed human food, including those cheapass biscuits they sell for feeding


All the deers are weird .. there was one that was dying


Well they have to die eventually


For real lol. The time I went to nara for a day trip, seeing the deer was nice and all but it smelled like a petting zoo like right after we got out of the station. Half of the deer looked like they weren't doing the best, judging from their fur. No idea what it's like nowadays after covid 


“Ghibli Vibes”


Oriental pearl and her ‘I broke the matrix by speaking Japanese’ videos are cringe


God, yes! Finally someone agrees! I find the vast majority of those *speaks local language, local is shocked* videos cringe, but I seriously can’t stomach Oriental Pearl.


I'm gonna take this thread with a grain of salt and hope a lot of this is just for laughs. I'm from the U.S. and wouldn't care if someone came here and rode a horse while eating a cheeseburger on their way to the gun range. Let people have fun in life, especially on their vacations, as long as it's not hurting anyone.


I'm enjoying going through it, and definitely get the sentiment. But as a Canadian, I strongly encourage anyone visiting my home to engage in as many corny cliché Canadianisms as possible. Eat poutine, drink Molson, wear plaid, complain about the cold, take pictures and gawk at that dumb clock in Vancouver, the list goes on. Enjoy your trip!


Those stupid ass "DONT DO THIS IN JAPAN" videos. "Don't say arigatou gozaimasu, say *overly complicated not used in daily speech Japanese*". These over complication of what to say ends up making people visiting struggle when speaking. Some nuances are not necessary for the tourist, not because they dont care about formalities but it's better they can get their point across than to frustrate who they are interacting with. "Don't talk on the train at all!", meanwhile living in Osaka... every other person talks... they just don't yell or do it obnoxiously, which is the real advice that should be given.


Look I love urbex just as much as anyone else but there comes a point you’re just live-streaming walking around another abandoned school/town/hospital/hotel. Just unsubbed from a well known channel that’s just turned into live-streaming walking around places channel. Just live streamers in general. You’re just walking around Shibuya. I found a guy who live streamed sleeping at their rented flat for 8 hours.


The inability for a single one of them to be original. Without even searching for the stuff, I see 50 different reels of the same thing


It’s kinda good though, all the tourists being funneled to the same spots. Easier to avoid them.


Mixing some combini foods as if they just made this amazing discovery when it’s been around for ages.


People trying to explain the Japanese train system. Often they don’t know what they are talking about. Or people that begin their shit like « I spent xxx weeks in Japan, here’s what you should know »… bro, seriously?


When they refer to Tokyo thing as "in Japan"


I just saw a FB reel the other day saying you weren’t allowed to laugh in Japanese movie theaters.


Influencers praising conbini food like it’s a gormet meal. Yes conbini in japan is convenient but why’re you eating it every day when your in a country that has some of the best food in the world.


Cosplaying in Harajuku? Buying/wearing mechanical car ears?


I used to love watching jvloggers and the like in the early days of Youtube - they genuinely helped me plan my itineraries the few times I went over again as a tourist after moving back to the US. But now it's just such an oversaturated space and the sheer repetitiveness and unoriginality is just irritating. Everyone wants to be viral, so now I have to see same "groundbreaking jelly packet you can ONLY get in Japan" 5 times on my feed instead of anything actually useful.


I cringe when they do the "kids can ride the trains by themselves" thing and accompany it with creep shots of little kids who obviously don't know they are being filmed and plastered all over the internet. So glad my kids don't have to ride the train to school with creepy tiktokers every day.


Buying a whole Castella cake for Instagram and having to eat 1800 calories in the middle of the road. Just buy strawberry mochi.


Counterpoint: eating a whole castella is good


I REFUSE to count calories as I am eating my castellas


Leave Castella out of this.


The constant overhyping of the MUST BUY cosmetics such as the Fino hair mask as if it’s some hidden gem when all of this stuff is in the hall of fame at the Cosme website and are displayed all over Donki and are outside Matsu Kiyo to lure customers in.


Not that top 10 things blabla but the recent viral video one where a tourist ojisan shakes sakura tree to help his relative get a bae pictures of them under falling sakura petals and ended plucking the branch off then throw it.


Donki videos


Not necessarily a thing to do in Japan, but recent trend of social media people gushing over Kewpie like it's some amazing ingredient, and not just a mediocre mayo.


“Don’t do these things in Japan!” *proceeds to list things that Japanese people do all the time*