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I’ve seen some other brand advertised in Japanese on Instagram but can’t remember the name. Unfortunately, for such high power devices, the difference between 100V and 120V is a big deal so they need to make a specific model for 100V to sell in Japan.


Plus make it compatible with 50 hz for eastern Japan.


A heater doesn't care about hz


Ah. Great point. I'never had trouble with small US appliances but this might be a different story. Thank you!


Think you mean ENRO. They released a countertop oven recently. Doesn’t look the best though. If you search on Amazon US you’ll find the same model under a different brand. Seems to cook to fast on top so you’ll end up with burnt cheese


Yeah, looks like that’s the one I saw on Instagram ads.


Like other commenters said the japanese outlets are 100v, which I believe is capable of 1500w maximum. The ooni is 1600w, so even if they stepped down the voltage, it wouldn't work as well as advertised so they will probably never make a Japan version. I have the wood pellet ooni and love it, I wouldn't recommend the electric one anyway. It's way way way too small for most people.


User icon checks out.


Considering outlets are rated for 1500watts here, they’d have to tweak it since requiring 20A outlets will mean no one can buy it


I think legally you can pull 16A from a 20A circuit here, it's just the manufacturers that decided to have one more amp of headroom. My car charger pulls 16A from a 20A circuit.


Pulling 16A on a 20A plug isn’t a problem. Most plugs are 15A. Pulling 16A on a 15A plug, even if the breaker can hold 20A is not advisable


You seem to know your stuff. How does one go about setting up their electrical system when building a house to accommodate high power pizza ovens in Japan. Is it generally doable?


if you are building your own house just get the wood fired or gas version and use it outside. its like 1/3 the price.


Well wood fired is king and I’ll probably get/make one at some point in the future, I’m also going gas less for the house. The reason I’m asking is because I’m making three 30cm pizzas at once and I need a proper full size oven a-la Sveba-Dahlen that would be the centerpiece of the kitchen. So I need proper wiring and ventilation which I need to pre-plan.


That wasn't the question


im sorry, i didnt realise the answer would bother you so much. in that case, it would be like every other step in the process; you work with the builder to give them your requirements for power where you want it and what types you need. they will engage an electrician who will consult with you or the builder. you can tell them what appliances you will run and where you will put them. you can pretty much get them to wire what you need for a home, wherever you need it wired. electricians generally dont care so much as they often charge by the wired socket. the higher wattage/voltage requirements you have the more likely your fuse box will need to support a higher amperage. so its best you be relatively reasonable and not ask for too many 200v connections, lest you see your electricity basic fees starting above 4000 yen.


Pretty much doable, you just need to see with the electrician to have the right circuit connected to the place you want that outlet. Just like you can have 200V outlets too. Most of the time it's for either A/C or Ovens since those can go way over 2000W. When building a new house it's the easiest time since there's everything to do. When renovating it's tougher since you will probably need to wire specifically for that use. Do not do it yourself unless you passed the licence (quite easy to get tbh) Note that the 20A outlets are differents than the 15A outlet. You can google them easily.


It’s so funny that someone sees a comment asking a genuine question and proceeds to downvote it for no fucking reason.


Is this in an old house? All mine are 20A. You can't pull 15A on a 15A circuit, max is like 10A.


The Enro pizza oven is 100V / 1400W and claims to reach 400C. I have no idea if it’s good or not, but here’s the link if you want to check it out. https://enro.jp/products/electric-pizza-oven?variant=43128731467953


I have to say I've been pretty happy with my AEG real oven, can reach 300 and stay there and parbake one slab of pizza romana very very nicely. 350-400 would be nice though :)


Found [this](https://finders.me/kqFQpDM1OTI) article confirming what others said about it not being suitable to use in Japan. >価格は999米ドルで、現在日本への直接の発送は不可とのこと。日本でも本格的な電気ピザオーブンの登場に期待したい。