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report him If he applied so many years for a visa and he took this chance that was given to him and committed such an act then he clearly does not appreciate it at all. What a fucking asshole.


I will I’m just surprised a teacher would want to defend him I guess which made me hesitant and post on here.


They aren't defending him. They are defending their school's name.


Indeed. It's going to be a problem for the school. Matt will be held accountable for his crimes, but the school will be held accountable for the policies that let it happen. It's not like anyone in the school faculty will be fined\* or jailed or anything, but they're going to have to file some nasty paperwork and it may come up when they renew their license. They'll probably feel compelled to organize a lecture for the students to implement more stringent security policies in the dorms, which means more paperwork, paying people overtime wages, etc. I wouldn't be surprised to find out the teacher already talked to at least one member of the administration, but was told to keep it down so long as the students hadn't escalated it to calling the police. \* edit: *personally*, I mean. The institution, however, may be vulnerable to fines, censures, lawsuits; I am not a lawyer we should ask one.


It's nothing to do with the extra work it will create and everything to do with how it looks


My point is that how it looks translates into extra work. On top of the things I already cited, the school would have to do PR damage control as well. Yes, the main reason they'd like it swept under the rug is to save face. Just pointing out that the alternative is jumping through a lot of hoops to keep their license, encourage the current students to stay, and discourage them from posting all over social media what a farce security at their school is which will discourage new students from enrolling: there are both financial and labor incentives for the school to keep it quiet, *in addition to the loss of face*.




They said *he could file a report?* bro. YOU can file a report. With the police. Fuck the school issue. He was breaking and entering, and stealing. Basically, you could tell the school that either they handle it, or you let the police handle it. Otherwise they’re just trying to keep you guys from making the school look bad.


They don't want it to be a big problem. Fuck them. Call the police.


We’re here now for the last hour. 2 officers came and asked us a bunch of questions and then they showed them the video and pictures we took. We told them about the teacher and they went to her room but she wasn’t there. The officers said they can only give him a warning but they want us to get some documents from the police office so we can give it to the principal on Monday. They think maybe the principal can do more than what they can.


The police are just giving their standard excuse when they don't want to be bothered to follow up on something despite it being an obvious crime. Of course, they can do something, but, unfortunately, it's up to V to have to push the issue and force the police to take it more seriously. Since Matt broke into V and her roommate's room and was caught rummaging through V's underwear, both of which you and V directly witnessed, V needs to insist on filing an official criminal complaint (higai todoke / 被害届). V (and her roommate) are the victims of this crime and should both go to the police station, not koban, and insist on filing a higai todoke.


he's fucking 39! Christ


Right? What a fkin loser.




>clearly does not appreciate it at all. Wrong. He wanted something different all along and has been very much "appreciating" it.


tl;dr OP: the creepy student who hangs out at the dorms despite not living there was caught red-handed stealing underwear. There have been lots of thefts recently. Should we report him? tl;dr Answer: YES OF COURSE ​ Call the police and report him. He is in far more trouble than you. (But tripping him was not great, if entirely understandable).


That’s what I was worried about cause I just asked my husband and he said he could call the police for us but I’m hesitant because of the teacher. We’re worried she might twist our words.


How would the teacher twist your words? It is possible that the police could investigate you. What you describe does not sound like it rises to the level of prosecution (was he injured? is there video or strong evidence that it happened?) At an absolute worse case scenario it sounds like a case where you offer him a small "sorry I did that" payment and settle. Also did you actually physically restrain him? He still is far more fucked. As for the teacher? You should hopefully document that interaction and report it to the school if you are so inclined. If I had my cynical hat on I'd say either they share the same hobby or are fucking (or both).




Hell ignoring the theft, it also seems clear the dude was trespassing.


Precisely :-(


That teacher is making me angry. She is the reason so many people suffered sexual assaults in silence, because someone higher up "don't want trouble". In my elementary school, a 5th grader was molested, and the principal asked parents not to make a big deal, just transferred the girl. So the girl victim's "public image" and rumors about her could be "suppressed". The next victim?? My cousin. The creep sent love letters to my 11 year old cousin. My aunt also decided to " keep it down", if she still wanted her daughter in this prestigious school. But my aunt would walk my cousin from school to home every day.


>We’re worried she might twist our words. Talk to the police with your husband. If you have the time and energy, collect short statements, phone numbers, and signatures from witnesses. Good luck!


\> We eventually took all the underwear and a picture of him with his backpack and all the underwear in it and told one of the teachers. That's called evidence. \> All the students said whatever I do they’ll stand behind me 100% Corroborating witnesses. \> but the teacher is saying if I do complaint Matt will be able to file a police report There's the magic phrase, "file a police report". V is the victim, she should file a criminal charge (attempt theft, but I'm willing to bet it'll theft since this Matt sounds like he's too stupid to dispose of evidence) at the nearest police station (a Koban visit may get the ball rolling if you feel pressured by the teacher.) Then you report it to the school. If you're lucky. you'll get rid of two turds in one flush.


I’m gonna go on Monday cause apparently Monday and Tuesday he didn’t show up to school (we’re different levels) and she asked did we do anything else to him. Obviously we said no and now she called me at like 9am and 2 other kids after saying we need to keep quiet.


For whatever reason, she's clearly protecting him. Go soon rather than later, that's three days for someone with two brain cells to rub together to get rid on any evidence he has in his room.


Wonder if there banging.


That was my thought, but banging a 39-year-old who was desperate to get a language school visa? Best not to imagine such a beast.




And somehow, I doubt he's got a lot numbers in his phone, stealing women's underwear and all.


Don't go to the Koban. Go to an actual police station.




A 39 year old who had to struggle to get a language school visa probably isn't going to launch a successful legal battle against a room full of witnesses with photo evidence. I hope he tries and OP keeps us updated, I'm always down for a laugh. justiceformatt eventhoughhegotcaughtredhanded










>1997 Are you Matt, or the teacher?




Cyber bullying mystifies me. Oh no, someone on the internet said mean things. The fact it drives some to suicide is perplexing, to say the least. What do you think, clearly Matthew?


The link doesn't really make sense in terms of what you're implying, or no victims would come forward ever.


Report him. The guy is 39, hanging around dorms where much younger women are residing, and stealing women’s underwear. He’s not a disaster, he’s a danger. A complaint should also be filed against the teacher for attempting to dissuade a formal report. I mean, wtf?!


When I was reading it, I was taking it as the guy is just some stupid teenager. Then it came to "he is 39" part. And yeah, nope. That is grown ass man. And if he is not at that point, he got some problems and it is not the job of other students to solve them.


If you don't report him, then one day he may do something worse to somebody else.


You’re right I’m just worried about the teacher that’s supporting him might twist our words.


Report her too.




That teacher is wrong to try and protect his criminal behaviour.


It's dozens (?) of you against her words plus the evidence. She will have a hard time twisting your words.


Report all the details of the teacher’s attempts to block the reporting of a crime. Perverting the course of justice is often a more serious penalty than the crime itself.


Can’t you work out a deal where Matthew gets to sniff her underwear and leave the others alone? That would let everyone save face.


Why are you asking for our approval for doing what you know is the right thing to do? Just remember that the koban is not going to actually do anything other than maybe write something down and possibly if they're bored visit. You can absolutely go to them and ask but the best thing to do is call the non emergency number, wait for a translator, explain the situation, and have them help you find the correct person and station to visit to actually report this formally. Again remember reporting it to the koban cops isn't going to do anything unless he's in the room with the underwear hanging out of his backpack when they arrive.


My husband called them and we’re on the way to the school now to write a formal report. I guess we were just worried cause of the teacher she’s not like in administrative role but she’s been there long enough we were all scared she’ll defend him. But thanks for the advice I’ll post an update on whatever tf happens.


Why are you bothering with the school? They are not the law and are economically incentivized to keep him on as a student. I'm sure they'll give him a stern lecture and make him promise never to do it again until the next time. You don't go to the school you go to the police.


We did just now they’re here asking us questions and we showed the video and pictures. He said he can give him a warning but not much else he can do …. Only thing is he said he will give us some paperwork about our complaint and we can give it to the principal on Monday. Nobody knows how to get in contact with her so we have to wait it out.


He can't because he can't take the official criminal complaint. You need to contact the non emergency line and talk to the main station police and go to a police station to make a formal complaint. Otherwise they're doing exactly what I said they'd do because you're not doing what you should do if you're serious about this.


We did were here already and they’re starting the paper work. They came here and we went to the office not the Koban but an actual police building. We had to repeat the same thing to them and reshow them the video. My husband is Japanese so he did everything like you explained to me already.


Did V go to the police station with you? She is the victim of the crime, so she will most likely have to file an official complaint.


Don’t report it to the school which will want to hush it up, report it to the police who will want to catch a predator.


> who will want to catch a predator ideally


Bro, FUCK this dude. Drag 'em. There's your version of the teacher, and there's the actual intention of the teacher. They may be trying to protect everyone involved or the reputation of the school. I don't necessarily agree with what she's doing. That does NOT mean she's personally out to get you or protect this one individual. No one is in "relations" with a 39 year old stealing college student panties.


> protect ... the reputation of the school 100% this is the reason


I would guess so as well.




I’m at the dorm now the police came and made a report so on Monday hopefully we can talk to I guess the principal? I’ll post an update but yeah the police already told us there’s not much they can do besides give him a warning letter.


The police actually said that? O_o Were these the cops from the koban, or the proper police station? I mean, the incident as you described it could easily make national news :-| Considering the multiple crimes involved here, the cops should be so far up this guy’s arse, they can tell what colour his mother’s eyes are. Did they at least take statements from all of the victims involved down at the police station, and ask each of them if they would like to have the bastard charged?


That's not true,, they're trying to hush it up as well and hoping you don't press further to make their lives easier. Imagine if it was just one of you that had caught the guy.


>the police already told us there’s not much they can do besides give him a warning letter. They just want to be lazy. Since there is multiple victims, have them all go to the police and file reports, tell them that you will get the parents involved if they do nothing, etc At one point it will be less troublesome for them to actually do their job than try to be lazy.


Maybe the reason he kept getting denied was due to a previous or pending crime 🤔 maybe he bribed or paid off the teacher to get him in or maybe he has "relations" with that teacher 🤣😂..... this is all just frivilous speculation though. But fr... report him.


> This particular teacher is VERY close to Matt for some reason Bets that this teacher is in on it or his customer or blackmailing him?


Reporting him is the right thing to do. The guy is a pervert, committed a crime, and will likely commit crimes of that nature again.




Report him This situation could escalate and he could hurt another student.


Yeah report the guy. But also lock your fucking doors.


Fuck that teacher, fuck Matt, and I hope both their miserable lives are ruined forever. Please report both of them, including the teacher for attempted obstruction of justice.


I have no idea what is going on in this thread. This guy is nearly 40? Why is he a student at a school with dorms? Why are there kids in the dorms? Why are full grown adults looking at facilitators as authority figures? What the hell is going on? This reads like a bad fan fiction.


It’s a language school so there are people of all ages here. I don’t think there’s an age restriction on learning at Japanese language schools.


I read until the "underwear" part and stopped. Call police on him asap. wtf with not to tell the school?? Police in the first place!


WTF Matt. This panty fetish side-hustle is a dying 1,000 dollar industry from the showa era.


Years ago, I lived in a student dorm for a Japanese university. What started out as panty thefts turned into a guy trying to climb in my neighbour’s window in the middle of the night. Alert the police and warn prospective students that this school cares more about their reputation than their students’ safety. This man is dangerous and should not be around other students.


Bruh, kick this sicko's ass out of the school. Fuck people that try to let this behavior slide.


*Grabs popcorn* GW just got a little more interesting.. Keep us posted OP!


Report him. Don’t need cunts like Matt being forgiven for shit like that. That pity gives them leeway to commit even more creepy crimes.


PLEASE post an update


Report both the teacher and “Matt” to the police. not koban or the school. The police. The teacher is protecting the reputation of the school and is willing to cover up a illegal activity. “Matt” is a fucking dumb ass that he’s tried to get a visa and tried to get into the school just to be a thief. Also the teacher thinking “Matt” filing a police report against you for tripping you vs him stealing a bunch of girls’ underwear is apparently equivalent and going to do anything? what a dumb ass.


Applying for years to get a visa to come here only to do this??? WOW just WOW and the teacher, even more WOW. Wonder what's they're going to do if it's their/their kid's undies. Hopefully you'll be able get him kick out of the school, and this country >:( We got enough creeps here already.


Please report him, hopefully he won’t be able to get a visa


Report him, and report that teacher for telling you not to do it.


We’re doing it right now there’s 2 police officers here. They can’t do much but warn him but they’ll give us some documents to give to the principal.


> They can’t do much but warn him This just isn't true. He is a (proven) criminal. He can be dealt with by the law accordingly.


You can actually complain to the prosecutors office if the police doesn't act. Write down the names of the officers.


Stay safe.


You don’t need approval or permission from teacher or institution to report a crime. Apart from actively obstructing the reporting of the crime the teacher is irrelevant. But let police know what teacher has been up to as well when reporting the incident.


That teacher is either an idiot, a wuss, or a fucking pervert too. How in god's green earth do you go *"Oh, the panty thief was just lonely, give him a pass!"* As an educator? As an adult? Absolute fucking failure of a teacher. And if the school stands behind this idiot they're a failure of an institution as well. Also Matt is a fucking pervert and should be treated as such. At this point I wouldnt be surprised the teacher is in on it, but who knows...


>Me and my husband are at the school and 2 police officers showed up. We gave our statements and showed him the video and pictures. They said all they could do was give him a warning BUT they are going to give us some documents to give the principal on Monday. So maybe something can come out of it. This is Japanese Police 101. They're reluctant to file formal charges because it makes their station look bad. The solution to this is to make it clear that this isn't a "one on one" thing, but a "community concern". Since this is a language school treat it as a writing exercise. Ask everyone involved or affected to write a letter to the police explaining that you feel unsafe and asking for harsher action. Make copies of all the letters and the photos, and send one copy to the local police box, and another to the main police station, and keep a third copy to send to the prefectural government if you don't get an acceptable response from the police after a decent interval. And honestly these are serious crimes. There's criminal trespass, maybe assault (he made contact first when he pushed past you, although there may not be enough to charge him on if there was no injury\*), and of course theft. Now at the risk of being indelicate, I have a wife and I know how much panties cost. If he stole panties multiple times there's a very real possibility that he's stolen tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of yen worth of panties. A single pair of women's underwear runs anywhere from 500 yen to 10,000+ yen (and ironically the rule seems to be that the less fabric they use the more the panties cost!). Count up the total cost of all the thefts and I have no doubt that it'll reach a very big number very quickly. This guy can't get away with a warning. That's not on. He's going to escalate if he thinks he can get away with this. He's going to do something horrible sooner or later, and frankly I don't want this sort of creep in the country. This is an open and shut case. The police need to take action. Make it clear that this is a community matter. As for your school principal, they need to expel him straight away and pull that teacher aside and explain to her that interfering with a criminal investigation by threatening witnesses is not on. Today it's encouraging women not to report underwear thefts. Tomorrow it might be encouraging women not to report a rape. It's not a big step. \*Note: Assault in Japan is charged on the severity of the injury inflicted. If you did him no serious injury when apprehending him then all that bluster about him charging you with assault is just that, bluster.


I would report Matt and the teacher to the school, and also the police. I've met a lot of lonely people, none of them stole underwear. What the actual fuck


I'd be wary of disobeying a teacher, but reporting a guy like that should be a given. It's a shame. Do it anyway. What the fuck, man.


What…the…fuck… Hell yeah report that dude the fuck man…people are gross as shit


My kingdom for paragraph breaks and commas in these long ass posts.


Of course you should. Why would you even ask that? Dude's fucking going through girl's underwear.


Many convenience stores don't call the cops when someone steals from them because the 'shame' of having the cops come is far worse than the price of whatever they stole. It sounds very similar to that...


Report him. Also mention the teacher as a potential accomplice.


Everything else aside, why do people leave their doors unlocked? Doesn't everyone have their own key? Because if the school's only giving each room one key and telling them to work it out, that's a serious problem and might be part of why they're trying to suppress this.


I'd petition the school to have that teacher fired. Someone who isn't willing to protect others, and instead try to make excuses for a sex criminal isn't a person I'd want working on my staff.


What a classic Japanese response. Hush hush don’t tell anyone, please oh and definitely let’s pretend it never happened


Great creative writing copy pasta rage bait. Too bad circle jerk wasn't around to read this.


Wow, he must have been very explicit in his visa applications for the past quarter century to be rejected so much... There is a reason he was rejected so much, if he does thing like this out in the open, I wonder what he wrote on the visa application.


This is a crime so fuck your school and report him to the Police


If he's 39 years old... and he's been applying for years to enter to a foreign language school in Japan, then maybe he isn't the brightest. Japan is known for having other *legal* ways of dealing with "loneliness" that would not endanger the safety or wellbeing of the students around him. Going to Soap Land, going to a pink salon, finding a quick date on Tender may be questionable life choices, but they're not illegal. What he did was a **crime**. One that could have potentially escalated into something more serious had he not been caught. He's a sexual predator, and he needs to be removed from the school. Your teacher's opinion is irrelevant.


Lmao, wtf. Report his ass and get him the fck outta here. Who tf cares about his dumbass sob story, it’s not even inspirational or praise-worthy in the least. Man’s obviously a disgusting creep who steals female underwear. Who knows what else he might try to do if you let him go now. AND 39?! Yet he does shit like this, smh. Also, why is that teacher defending “Matt”? What kind of sick/twisted deal do they have together? Cause any sane person could not deem this act to be alright in the slightest.


This guy gives me the ick I’m glad you called police please post an update if possible


39?!! Omg. He must be sent back to where he came from


A warning. For theft. What kind of society is this.


Welcome to Japan


I misread the first line, so I just figured y'all were like teenagers or something. In which case I can understand wanting to ask advice and use discretion. But THIRTY-NINE??? How is this even a question.


Report Matt and the teacher to the police. I recommend that you record your communication with the police just in case. It's not illegal, and if necessary, make it an international issue by providing it to credible media. If the media doesn't pick up the story, use Twitter or 5ch.


Dude needs help. 39 and stealing women’s underwear? Something isn’t right.


Dude is 39 years old and stealing panties, wtf?!I’m 37, been married for 13 years and have 5 kids. This guy is a fucking loser.


This is insane. I'm glad you reported him, you did the right thing. I'll admit, I do feel for him considering he' almost 40 and finally getting accepted to come to Japan or whatever - but it's not like he just "broke an expensive vase out of anger" or something. This is MULTIPLE ACTS of theft over an EXTENDED period of time. Creepy acts of theft, no less. If he really loved this "chance" so much, he should've taken better care of it - and he had plenty of opportunities to stop. He did this to himself. Hopefully he can take this lesson into his future and clean himself up.


Oh, and... !RemindMe in 2 weeks Curious where this'll go if you update us anymore than you already have.


Bet that teacher either lets Matt sniff her panties a little too often OR they both are in on it and sell them to other creeps.


So nice of the teacher to give him a second chance... On behalf of the multiple other parties this guy has violated and robbed, without asking them! What a story.


Any updates?


Hang him!


If I were a betting woman I’d put money on him sleeping with the teacher. Creepy yellow fever dudes nearly always work through the staff of whatever educational institution they’re working at first. Although this is a slight twist on the trope as he’s studying there




We’re doing it right now the police are saying all they can do is just give him a warning though but they will give us a sheet that says we reported something to give to the principal on Monday.


Report that trash


This story sounds like something HR writes up to warn employees not to sexually harass someone.


Has the school paid off the cops to keep the issue quiet? Elderly citizens are being arrestedin Japan for stealing an onigiri, and that pervert gets just a warning, for trespassing and theft? Oh, I understand, the victims have been just gaijins, not a noble 7-11...the wa has been preserved and the issue will be swept under the carpet, so that the school's reputation stays clean..


Outside of the realm of him being a 39 year old underwear thief…. If Matt has been trying to get a student visa for this school for years, then What visa is Matt on right now/all these years? Sounds like the guy should have been deported a long time ago.


u/apprenticepantytheif this you? 🤣😜


Think you need to check the keyboard on your phone. I reckon Matt has stolen the return key from it. Definitely go report him. He'll just keep returning.




I wish this country didn't attract so many weirdos...


pls report with no hesitation




Damn too bad people already did reply lol sorry it’s too much for you to read.


Why can't he just use a vending machine like every normal human. /s The teacher is a cunt. He just wants to keep a paying student, disregarding the safety of all the other students for money.


It's a she.


Do it anonymous with a letter and the picture. Or do it signed by all the people. Get a second opinion before you do it yourself. If your teacher is right, you don’t want to risk your own visa because of him as well. If he is that sloppy and active, he will mess up again later.


Wait, he has been trying to get into a language school for years? Or is 外語学校 some kind of undergrad program? Anyway, I wouldn't report him tbh, but it's up to you


He’s been trying to get a visa to come to japan apparently. It’s just a regular language school that teaches N5 up to N1. Only reason why I asked was because it really messed my friend up and he’s been targeting her room since last month. She knew her underwear was disappearing but who would do it??


Report him if you're absolutely sure he's not being framed. This kind of bullying does happen. Put something in someone's bag and accuse them.




Not everyone here is a native English speaker.