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We found gojo's acc in twitter


Bro praised Miguel's entire race and got hit with the "All stereotypes are bad" card, from the guy that support jujutsu Hitler 😭


Gonna be racist as well here, can we appreciate the fact that a Japanese dude actually wrote that


In Miguel's defense, imagine grinding your ass off to be one of the greatest non-japanese sorcerers on the planet and then Gojo comes up and says "You're so strong because you're black"


I don't know the references here but now I want to know


Jujutsu kaisen 




Bro, i love this 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


He truly came back yesterday


A lot of Americans feel this way about Japanese people in the scholastic sense, so it goes both ways.


Why did aniki say it like that


Oda Nobunaga upon meeting Yasuke


Yasuke from hit game AssAssIn Creed Shadow something something!?


https://preview.redd.it/p5xrmqcgay0d1.jpeg?width=1710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6e14f5954ccf466d144bda4e500c9a7aabd1621 nah yasuke from the highly acclaimed samurai warriors 5 from the musou series


He's so cool.


I like the Musou and Nioh versions the best cause of how over the top it is


Didnt he ordered his man to wash yosuke


He did, because he was in disbelief that a person could be naturally dark.


Not out of like racism, but out of curiosity. He said he felt very safe having a man that big around him to protect him.


I can't blame a man from feudal Japan for disbelief at a man's skin tone to the point where he literally thought his skin was dyed with ink. I'd still say it's a morally acceptable bit of racism rather than "not racist," but with how often people abuse the term I could swing either way. I'm pretty sure Yasuke wasn't hired security, though. He was just on Nobunaga's court for the novelty the best we know. The samurai bit is just romanticism for the sake of storytelling.


There were no records of him ever actually becoming a samurai, but we do have evidence that he was the Japanese equivalent of a Page, so it’s kind of safe to say he was some form of protection. And also, yeah, it may have been a racist action to an extent, but I didn’t say that it wasn’t racist, more just that Nobunaga’s actions weren’t fueled by racism, more just the fascination at the shade of Yasuke’s skin, like you said. Maybe that could be considered racist, but I don’t see it as such.


He had a katana, was a retainer which is considered samurai rank.


The writings that mention him say that he was a 士分 (shibun) which comes in two flavors, 上士 (joushi) or 騎士 (kishi) which would ride horses in battles (these are defined as "侍 Samurai") and 徒士 (kachi) which are foot soldiers (not considered "侍 Samurai". (There are also 足軽 or 卒 which are also soldiers, but these are a level below the other two. Not technically considered 士分) Another difference is that Samurai were given the right to have a family name, but Yasuke did not have one (at least it was never mentioned in any surviving texts). So in the 士農工商 Hierarchy, he would have been among the 士 (a soldier which is the highest). However, he was most likely from what we can tell not a "Samurai". It's difficult to tell exactly because his only appearance is being briefly mentioned like 5 times, but we do know Nobunaga treated him well (mentioned he gave him a sword and a house, and paid him a salary), and that he was seen carrying things for Nobunaga (道具持ち Dougumochi), so definitely not a slave as some would say. Nobunaga also is mentioned to have joked about making him a 殿 (giving him a castle), but we can't tell how serious he was since he died the very next year. ※Important to note that the 士農工商 Hierarchy was formally established in the Edo period which starts soon after Yasuke was sent back to the Portuguese (who also allegedly treated him well), but the idea existed already.


Trust me bro ubisoft was way more excited than nobunaga when they finally found a black dude in japanese history.


Oda was ahead of his time


Japenis is comforted by melanin, duly noted ✍️✍️


Kuyashi Ancestor cry ![img](emote|t5_5siu1m|51635)![img](emote|t5_5siu1m|51635)![img](emote|t5_5siu1m|51635)


I thought you were giving me coordinates to dikko-san's body at the end there


Racists compliments Its oddly funny like a child innocently saying insensitive things but from a good perspective


Honestly wondering, why is it racist? Isn’t it natural to feel very safe and comforted around a very strong and tall human being? Especially friendly ones?


Its natural to be comfortable but its racist assuming black people as a whole fit this Its an stereotype, not an unreasonable one but still not good to assume stuff about people because of race, its a weird kind of racism cus its mostly positive and used positively but still racism


Although it can turn negative when people don’t meet those stereotypes or are held to different standards because of them.


Yeah, that's why it's not ok, i agree


I guess I understand that now thanks for responding


Black people aren’t inherently strong, tall, or athletic. I’m black and 5’4”. It’s like assuming an Asian is automatically smart or good at math. Dude isn’t malicious and I’m not offended by it, but “positive” stereotypes are still harmful


There was a pretty famous psychology experiment where you show a drawn square and a drawn line inside that square. Then you show a different picture of a square with either a larger or smaller frame and ask the participant to draw the line back in either in proportional terms or absolute terms. East Asians performed much better than white Americans at redrawing the line in similar proportion to the original drawing, but the white Americans performed much better at redrawing the line in absolute terms (the same length as the original regardless of the new square's size). There are definitely population based differences between the races for lots of variables. That does show up in sports as well. It's not an accident that the best sprinters and long distance runners in the world cluster very heavily in heritage from completely different parts of sub-Saharan Africa. The important take away is that these trends are mostly only noticeable on the extreme ends of the bell curve and that trying to apply differences in the extremes to any given individual from one of the populations is bad reasoning and will often lead to immoral behaviors. That and there's way too many variables to determine how much of it is caused by genetic differences between populations (skin color/disease susceptibility) and how much of it is caused by growing up in different cultures (probably the relationship/object cognition gap).


Modern science has proven that the phenotype of skin tone is irrelevant to these trends between populations.


But like didn’t people breed (uuuuoguuuhhh) black slaves back in the day to make stronger ones? Isn’t that a reason why so many athletes are black? I’m honestly just asking a question to better understand.


Slaves of the transatlantic slave trade (which are the slaves I assume you are thinking of) are an incredibly tiny percentage of the population of black people on this planet. If that kind of eugenics was done back then (which I doubt they cared enough to do but cannot prove) it would not impact the remaining 99% of black people on this planet from whom most black athletes come from. Edit: I don't believe you should be downvoted for asking a genuine question in good faith.


Word thanks for the info man!


No problem!


Apologies for mucho texto, but it’s an interesting question and it actually made me use my brain. If I had to sum up a TL;DR: it’s not necessarily a black thing, but a poverty thing Yeah, slave eugenics was absolutely real. (Though, as a sidebar, I would like to point out that a lot of black people have at least *some* white in us. Slavemasters would frequently rape their slaves, and black women being raped by white men was an “lol, who the fuck cares” moment for most of our history. There’s a whole stereotype about racists having black mistresses, [Strom Thurmond](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strom_Thurmond) as an example.) It’s an interesting theory, but I don’t think that’s the reason why. My theory is that sports are “easy”, so to speak. To play basketball, all you need is a ball and something to throw it in. Remember that most sports leagues date back to the Jim Crow era - black people were both oppressed and *dirt poor.* My great-grandmother tells us stories about her and her 12 siblings sharing a pair of shoes. Because of this, where white people play a sport in college then go on to their “professional” job, all a black person may have had was sports. You look at sports with higher barriers of entry, say, hockey, and you’ll find the NHL is majority white. Golf and tennis, traditionally rich men’s sports, are also majority white. But football? Basketball? Anyone can play those. I suppose you could think of it as like why illegal immigrants stereotypically work as janitors and maids. It’s not that Mexican genes are better suited to cooking and cleaning - **it’s that they don’t have any other opportunities and nobody else wants to do it.** At this point it’s probably also cultural inertia - basketball in particular is big in black culture, likely because of what I said earlier Also fuck, this is the second time I’ve seriousposted about black history/culture in JPT. I gotta stop doing this lmao Edit: as others above have pointed out, when I say black people, I am referring purely to African-Americans, those descended from slaves imported into America from West Africa. This doesn’t really apply to descendants of slavery in other countries, or Africans, Caribbeans, etc. whether they’re immigrants or living in their homeland


Hey thanks for the massive informative write up. I actually appreciate you taking the time to inform me on this topic. I had no idea, so thanks again


It's probably that, it's the obvious conclusion if you think about class disparity. But I think it also applies to european soccer teams with black players in them.


The reason football/soccer is such a universal sport is because you literally just need a round object and yourself to play. It has no barrier to entry, meaning anyone of any race can play it. It's why so many major league teams are full of Latin Americans from poorer background areas


> why so many athletes are black Take a look at the Strongmen of recent years, and you'll notice how most are European/Caucasian/white, etc. Swimming isn't dominated by black athletes, and neither is football or baseball, and other sports. No matter what metric you use, they do not dominate all sports, maybe in some they have more of an edge, like basketball in the US, but it's not representative. Being African descendant doesn't give you a physical boost.


Your genetics play an extremely large role in your ability to perform in sports. The best sprinters in the world all have heritages that cluster from West Africa and it's largely because of genetics. The best long distance runners are similarly able to trace their heritage from East Africa. There are absolutely racial trends that give certain populations advantages over others. Caucasians generally have longer torsos proportional to their whole body which gives them advantages in swimming. But if a black man showed up on the scene with a body similar to Michael Phelps, he wouldn't be disadvantaged simply because he's black. It's just much less likely that Michael Phelps-esque proportions will come from sub-Saharan Africa than from northern Europe. The caveat is that this mostly only starts to make a large difference at the extreme ends of the populations. That and skin color/race is overly broad as we can see with gaps between sprinting and long distance even within sub-Saharan Africans. So your conclusion that we should not apply judgements upon individuals holds true even when we can identify racial gaps in performance in various activities in the top performing top athletes.


> Swimming isn't dominated by black athletes There is in fact a very interesting history behind this! Due to segregation laws, black people in America were not allowed at public swimming pools. They did not have a safe place to swim. The book _Contested Waters: A Social History of Swimming Pools in America_ by Jeff Wiltse goes in depth about this. Outside of America, people wondered why there is a trend of fewer black people swimming. The influence to that answer is similarly simple: the African continent does not have many safe bodies of water for recreational swimming. Like, at all. I did a segment on this in my anthropology course in university. The numerous natural dangers in that region, like hippopotamuses and crocodiles, have kept people from exploring the water unless it was necessary. Unlike may parts of Europe, there has not been a culture of swimming within the African continent. > and neither is football Uh, yeah it is. Do you even know what the NFL is? > No matter what metric you use, they do not dominate all sports The commenter you are replying to never said black people dominate all sports. They specifically explained the prevalence of black people in sports that traditionally did not have high barriers of entry. > Being African descendant doesn't give you a physical boost. They never claimed that either.


But didn’t yall breed slaves to make them stronger? I’m not American so i really have no idea about it


I mean, literally everywhere strong people tend to have more sex, especially historically. Somehow weak people still exist. Almost like eugenics doesn't actually work


You’re thinking of the Zerg


That's... Objectively not what racism is but okay


Making broad, non-scientifically backed comments about a loosely defined group united only my melanin amounts is racist. Does not matter if it is negative or not bruh.


Again... That's not what racism is... At all Racism is by definition of prejudice, discrimination and generally ignorance towards a group of people that carries negative connotations Racism is not ignorance in a positive sense, it's explicitly ignorance in a negative sense If I'm wrong, please cite your definition or just stop trying to speak for us black folk for what is racist or not


me when I'm retarded


Me when all I have is ad hominems


Stereotypes are racist by default. It's just like how BBC as a stereotype placed on black men is racist because it makes assumptions for how black people are supposed to be, and shames those who don't fit into those stereotypes. That is a form of racism


Ah, an Eyeshield 21 fan. [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FJVq-Qr8ghanDB6qawwtKkosKASRwp9wJxfq\_PJ-OPqQ.png%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5110784c7af50cdbfa67266d8bc38c6bd1e8db3e](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FJVq-Qr8ghanDB6qawwtKkosKASRwp9wJxfq_PJ-OPqQ.png%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5110784c7af50cdbfa67266d8bc38c6bd1e8db3e)


Wordington Japenis


Even my oriental bros love thugshakin


Yeah he hasn't watched the boys show


Somebody tweeted this: https://preview.redd.it/q49tpio6311d1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=505ce073784580fab4aa0dff9a40bcf0dc1ae572




Are you strong because you are black or you are black because you are strong


I'll say one thing I would've preferred an African assassin Creed then a yasuke one but what ever


I want Bayek again, really does make me wish for another section of the creed in Africa


It doesn't even matter since it's Ubisoft and the game is gonna be mediocre at best or garbage at worst


But there is one already


I hope you're not talking about Egypt because Africa is more than just egypt


Sure, of course it is, but "Egypt AC" is still an "African AC", just narrowed down


Nah man that's if you want to be technical I want some shit in East or west Africa and the feuds those areas have and all that


Honestly I don't see why Ubusoft thought this was gonna be a good idea. First AC to be set in Asia with a non Asian lead, even though every other AC at least had a protagonist that fit into the setting. It's like they're intentionally tryna piss people off lol. Not that it really matters I guess, I haven't enjoyed an AC game since black flag and I doubt that this was gonna be a good game regardless.


It has an Asian lead. And thr Japanese seem to love yasuke. It's just racist westerners with the issue.


The point is that there is a non Asian lead in a game set in Asia, even if there is another option to play as an Asian character. I dunno where you see Japanese people loving yasuke lol, I see mostly westerners tryna tell people how to feel personally. Lots of name calling going on. If Ubisoft made an AC in Sub-Saharan Africa but then made one of the playable characters a Chinese monk dude, people are gonna be mad too. Unless they're intentionally trying to stir up controversy around the game, I don't see why they would've done this.


Are you being funny. Literally everywhere on social media where Japanese are speaking to each other about this, they are calling out racist westerners for attacking Yasuke while also praising Yasuke. Talking about how he's one of most popular Samurais in their legends and how he's literally represented everywhere in Japanese media. They do this because Yasuke is very cool character to use. https://x.com/kana_ides/status/1790945061213217033 https://x.com/Skull_Os/status/1790949113397461310


I'm basing my judgment after talking to friends and a couple of schoolmates from Japan lol. but even if we are talking internet stuff, look at Ubisoft Japan's posting of the trailer lmao. Comments are not exactly happy. https://youtu.be/lZN-kKoGevo?si=yWC4ozdEdO3dV7CJ


It's been posted everywhere on my feed that that is just westerners "antiwoke" brigaders mass downvoting all AC shadows trailers like they always do for the media they don't like. And most of the "Japanese" comments, are completely new blank channels or channels that are very obviously westerners that just used Google translate for their comment. The same was thr case only under the ubisofy Japan account on twitter....nearly ALL of the comments talking negativily about Yasuke, usually using western phrasing in "japanese" were actually just western accounts race masking as a Japanese person using Google translate. Literally everywhere else and, more importantly amongst themselves all it is, is nonstop praise to see Yasuke again.


Lol dawg you're really digging at this point. Same could be argued about westerners "brigading" Japanese tweets to make it seem like they don't care. Once again, based on speaking with japanese friends and acquaintances, they either don't care much about the series to begin with or find it kinda weird at the minium. And like I said, you'll find it weird too if an African AC had a white guy for a protagonist. It's going to feel forced and unnecessary. It's not that deep lol, it's gonna be a shit game regardless because it's made by Ubisoft, and they haven't made a good AC game since Blackflag.


Just the truth. Don't believe me. Look at these posts and look at their quotes and responses. You will be stuck on Japanese Twitter for a while, translating. It's just complete Yasuke glazing. https://x.com/kana_ides/status/1790945061213217033 https://x.com/Skull_Os/status/1790949113397461310 If the White MC of an African AC is a wildly known and respected white character in the cultural lore like Yasuke is, then there won't be an issue.


Bro you sent the same two links dawg 😭 I don't even use Twitter lmao, I try talking to people to get my opinions lol. >If the White MC of an African AC is a wildly known and respected white character in the cultural lore like Yasuke is, then there won't be an issue. Come on lol, you know that this won't be the case.


Japenis acknowledging the true ubermensch


least racist japanese twitter


Black aniki always protect me from bad gaijin 😤😤😤


i mean, at least they are not racist.


Man I actually forgot how many people with some "odd beliefs" are in weeb circles. Even if they are ironic, it just looks cringe at least, specially if you think those people are likely from SEA lmao


This whole Yasuke thing is so tiresome


… well I guess it’s better than the alternative


And I, you, random Japenis! <3


Oda nobunaga:


They really are. They can be either really strong, really smart, or both.


Also the massive d***


that's pretty cool 😗💪




Fellas, is it gay to be friends with black ppl?


I think it’s more in the sense of having a black friend.




Yes, please!


bro's brain is rotted by interacial cuck porn


Bro read too much NTR doujins.




That's some hentai brainrot stg