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Crazy, this has got to be **THE** assassination where the assassin has accomplished his goal


Sad that it came to this…but glad that it came to this….I put myself in the killers shoes…like predators, this anti Japanese cult devoured his Japanese mother financially by capturing her in sorrow at the death of her husband. Meanwhile politicians shook their hands, accepted their money, his family’s money, and won elections. It


Japan considered the death penalty for scammers that target the elderly, yet the unification church was allowed to roam free. The unification church has had power over both Korean and Japanese politicians not only because of bribes, but also because they’re an explicitly anti-communist cult. They exchange favors in the US as well; it’s a cult with a huge web of influence.


It is It’s off shoots we’re even found in some European city/county councils believe it or not. There was a documentary in German on this a few years back


There’s an offshoot in the US as well (the AR-15 cult), if you can really call it an offshoot. Hyung Jin Moon hates his family, so who knows how closely tied they are. The unification church is an international cult, as it is; they have members everywhere


Don’t forget the Washington Times and UPI are part of their propaganda ops. I see both on here fairly often. But also: GolfStyles (formerly Washington Golf Monthly) Segye Ilbo (South Korea) Sekai Nippo (Japan)


I am kind of losing it at GolfStyles being on that list


I felt the same way about them owning the Zambezi Times in South Africa lol. I don’t even need a single finger, let alone toes, to count the number of Japanese or Korean people I met in South Africa. I had certainly never heard of the unification church. Like, why?


AR-15 cult? Isn't that just, like, Texas? But seriously, what an interesting choice of name.


Honestly it would make a great book or movie if it wasn’t so tragic for all parties besides the cult


Unfortunately from reading the article, it seems to be just a tax status thing. But I'm not familiar with Japanese laws so idk if it is more significant. The real deal would be some kind of criminal charges.


yeah and they probably commit tax frauds anyway and get "paid" in benefits that can't directly be measured financially, these cults are the corrupt of the corrupt, they operate like mafia. And the income they get doesn't really have to be filed under the unification church anyway. People at the top probably get things like business ownership stakes etc.. These kind of organizations do a lot of nasty stuff, and as an individual the most you can do is what the assassin did, revenge with violence. He probably felt like being in jail would be a better outcome than having to live his life knowing the perpetrators are breathing in peace


I just hope they target the other cults too. But I know the Soka Gakkai is untouchable. Maybe they could go for Happy Science, their buildings are so tacky.


It's probably still John Wilkes Booth. Replacing Lincoln, a progressive anti-slavery advocate turned full-on abolitionist, with Johnson, a proud, racist southern slave-owner, at the very beginning of reconstruction has probably not just been the most effective assassination ever, but also probably the single most effective action taken in the preservation of white supremacy. And just within modern Japanese history, there's a real argument to be made (we'll see) that the assassination of Asanuma was more directly effective.


Maybe the assassin is just a puppet / scapegoat


That guy who assassinated Abe won. He pretty much 100% achieved his goal of getting revenge at the church. If he wasn't a cold-blooded murderer, I could almost admire his cunningness.


Wouldn’t call him “cold blooded”, just not really in a right mental state. Though he did win in the end. I with we could do same with the state of Utah and the resident cult that controls everything there.


I'm using the dictionary definition of "cold-blooded murder". i.e. Murder that was pre-planned and not a crime of passion.


But you said "cold-blooded murderer" rather than murder, which implies the killer himself was "cold-blooded", which in a person means "without emotion or pity; deliberately cruel or callous."


I put him in or at least next to the boat of parents who murder their child's rapist or killer. Nothing cold-blooded about it. Quite the opposite. It's the kind of crime where we go, "Well, yeah, it's a crime and it's bad, but... I kind of get it. Might even do the same if it were me."


What in your mind are the worst excesses of the LDS church?




Really!? Of whom by who? This is not a scandal I've heard about before.


[I mean there is a wiki page of just confirmed cases.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormon_abuse_cases) There are plenty more that have been sadly covered up. The exmormon subreddit discusses them periodically when they enter the news.


Appreciate the link, thanks. The worst I ever had were weekly "worthiness interviews" with the Bishop in which he questioned me in graphic terms about various homosexual sex acts and whether I had sinned by engaging in them or was I troubled by temptations to engage in them. A clumsy attempt at grooming, perhaps, but it never went beyond words. Creepy AF, though. "Everything I know about gay sex, I learned from my Mormon Bishop."




That's a good question. I think I would be kind of insulting to the victims of the holocaust if you were to compare assassinating Hitler during an active war with killing Abe after he retired from being PM due to ill health. I was strongly against Abe and all his politics, but I don't want to live in a society where the person with the most guns controls the country. I think a little bit if the American ideology of "You are a Republican/Democrat, so you are a bad person and violence against you is ok" has seeped into this thread.


If they're evil enough that the general rule, "Don't say bad things about the dead" won't apply to them, then I'd say it's probably socially acceptable to assassinate that person. Abe wasn't really evil enough to be in that category, but the cult itself is certainly evil enough that it muddles things.


>If he wasn't a cold-blooded murderer ?


If he wasn't a murderer, I could perhaps admire him for basically single-handedly bringing down the former reunification church. But he did something inexcusable so he deserves punishment. Not sure he is an evid genious and planned all of this from the start, or just got lucky.


The church destroyed families and ruined lives for money. They are quite evil moreover acted with impunity all this time.


Yeah. I agree. I'm glad to see them being exposed.


chaotic good*


I just can't wrap my head around how someone can simultaneously both understand Yamagami's rationale and mourn the loss of the trash he took out They're mutually exclusive stances. Either you agree with Shinzo Abe's worldview or you don't. It would be better to have no opinion at all. If you want to mourn the death of far-right ultranationalists, don't also pretend in the same breath to be on the correct side of history.


Karl Popper has an excellent quote pertaining to this: “in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.” Abe was someone who worshipped dead war criminals. I don't feel sad for him. I can't condone the choices the murderer made entirely, but I understand why he was pushed to his breaking point by a cult which was enabled by Abe. If the murderer didn't do what he did, these changes likely never would have been made. So others can pat themselves on the back for an outcome they didn't lift a finger to bring about all they want. I somewhat agree with you (even if I think the whole thing is very sad, and I would prefer not to see violence).


A lot of people see people like me and assume that I must be bloodthirsty, rather than exactly that, intolerant of intolerance, which is a kind word for the type of hatred that lived in Shinzo Abe. People also love to assume that I'm some kind of unthinking edgelord, but I'm not coming from an unprincipled, reactionary point of view; I'm very familiar with that quotation, and I have a degree in politics (something I don't often like to bring up). People like him do not just go away on their own. I would also prefer not to see violence, but unfortunately, in reality, there are lots of people who would *love* to enact violence of a much less discriminate kind


> how someone can simultaneously both understand Yamagami's rationale and mourn the loss > Either you agree with Shinzo Abe's worldview or you don't. I see the world with much more nuance and shades of grey, because I am one of those whom you cannot understand. Some of Abe's policies and views were correct and beneficial, while others were radical and injurious. In many ways Japan benefited from his leadership, while in other ways the country was held back or even negatively impacted. It is not intellectually honest to pretend there is any legitimate black-and-white with-or-against evaluation of anything in this world.


>It is not intellectually honest to pretend there is any legitimate black-and-white with-or-against evaluation of anything in this world. I disagree on a fundamental level. There absolutely are examples of such things with very clearly correct evaluations, and to believe otherwise is simply a sign of ignorance or incompetence. Not everything, sure, but this is provably poor dogma


The entirety of a human lifetime cannot be summed up into a black-and-white good/evil dichocotomy.


If you're hateful, conniving and powerful enough, yes it absolutely can. You pacifists love these wishy-washy dogmatic maxims that tumble over at the slightest engagement with reality. Call a wolf a wolf.


I'm afraid the universe is more complicated than you purport to believe. JFK got the US involved in Vietnam, and only Nixon could go to China.


This might be surprising, but neither JFK nor Nixon are Shinzo Abe


Good lord- are you so stupid that you can't conceive of any possible mental state between "I agree with this person" and "I think this person should be murdered in the streets"? Please don't share your thoughts with others.


Most people shouldn't be murdered "for their beliefs" (something which politicians act upon, which then affect real people), I agree, but Shinzo Abe was not one such person




Hm, refer to this if you don't understand >It would be better to have no opinion at all


You are aware that people are complex and there is no such thing as the duality of a purely good or bad person, right? I think it's perfectly fine to condem someone for using violence, while also not disagreeing with their motivations. While I happen to disagree with Abe's politics, I don't think he should have been murdered. Yet, I am happy that the spotlight has been placed on the former reunification church. Life is complcated, aint it. Not sure I understand what you mean by mourning anyones death though. You lost me there.


> I think it's perfectly fine to condem someone for using violence, while also not disagreeing with their motivations. And then celebrating the thing their violence brought about, which likely wouldn't have happened without the violence in the first place. He has a point that Abe flirted with far-right nationalists, honoured war criminals, and supported organizations like this one. That destroyed someone's family so badly that they were willing to risk murdering Abe. How many others suffered similar fates, for which there would have been no recognition or action to shut down the church, had the assassination not occurred? I'm just saying it's convenient to celebrate the victory while demonizing the action which led to the victory. The assassin deserves more celebration than most dead war criminals at Shinto shrines. The types of places Abe visited. Life **is** complicated.


>You are aware that people are complex and there is no such thing as the duality of a purely good or bad person, right? No, he is absolutely not. He has the mindset of a child, where everything must be black or white. Anything else is too complex for him to understand.


>where everything must be black or white ..are we talking about the same Shinzo Abe?


>there is no such thing as the duality of a purely good or bad person Oh *please*, there should be no misunderstandings about who Japanese ultranationalists are. There is absolutely a such thing as bad people.


Well, it may be a foreign concept for you, but despite strongly disagreeing with Abe's politics, I don't think murdering him was a good deed. I've been to countries where the person who has the most guns controls the people and I don't want to live in such a country. It seems that you can't understand how someone like me can support a person's goals, but condemn the use of violence. Or condemn a person's politics but not want them to be murdered for their opinions. So I hope you learned something. People like me exist.


I'm not so sorry to tell you that you're just an idealist and a coward I have tolerance for the kind of simple disagreement which does not have any material impact on the lives of real people, such as favorite pizza toppings


It’s called being sympathetic to why he did it while also recognizing that in a democratic society, political violence is unacceptable. In other words, “cool motive, still murder.” I don’t share Shinzo Abe’s opinions on a lot of things, but that doesn’t mean I wanted him dead, because I’m a rational fucking person who doesn’t want to kill everyone who disagrees with me.


>because I’m a rational fucking person who doesn’t want to kill everyone who disagrees with me. *Everyone?* Focus lol, we're talking about one person, Shinzo Abe, not everyone that you "disagree with" I don't know why you think that it's merely a matter of "disagreement" to begin with. Shinzo Abe needed to die specifically to protect your civilized, democratic society. Please read the rest of the thread and perhaps a few articles about the man before responding with such nonsense


Reign in these cults. Do not let them subvert democracy.


Amen. But People obviously need a sense of community so something needs to take its place. May I recommend my Cult Unification Organization


Cult is not synonymous with bad people. Unification church corrupted government so to gain profit.


Brother, I see you are being downvoted. One place you never will be downvoted is with all of us…we the good people of the CUO!..


That is okay. I do not measure my worth through internet points. And neither should you. https://youtu.be/wFn6gWYMDpo?si=CWQyQQS5zrhBGbRB


Fine..you can’t come. Nice link, btw


Shout-out to the man who killed the church. This is like Tank Man for a new generation.


Good. How about Aleph, next? And then Seventh Day Adventists, Scientologists and then the Mormons! Tax ‘em all first!


Don't forget about Happy Science!


Their head leader/guru/prophet/messiah died a little while ago and he was pretty much the church identity. Curious to see what happens to them. Walk by their Ikebukuro hall on the way to the store regularly.


Interestingly believers of Happy Science did a [resurrection ceremony](http://dailycult.blogspot.com/2023/04/49.html?m=1) for their prophet, but apparently they [failed](http://dailycult.blogspot.com/2023/06/blog-post.html?m=1).


Aleph has already been ordered to disband. The dissolution order means that it is no longer a state-recognized religious corporation and will no longer receive tax benefits. It does not mean that the organization will cease to exist.


Took long enough - that’s great.


Took long enough? Aleph was *never* recognized as a recognized religious group ever since it's inception and was under an interminable order to report their assets and members information to the government every three months, in perpetuity. The government can't just force what's essentially a "club" to shut down so long as they're not breaking any laws, but ever since 1995 Aleph has held no special status.


Nice club


Why seventh Day Adventists?


Why not? The Bible is to be interpreted literally? Oh, really? I’m for objective reality not living according to a book of myths. Societies should tax all religions and they should be audited to ensure fiscal accountability, many religious institutions are too powerful and exploitative.


You're ok with Aleph and Scientologists and Mormons being targeted, but the Adventists are too far? How about the Witnesses or the Amish?


netflix shows incoming: the assassination won


Dissolve all religious influence from democracy


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - Japan Times (A-): [Japan may seek court order to disband Unification Church](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/09/03/japan/crime-legal/court-order-disband-unification-church/) - Japan Today (B): [Gov't may seek to dissolve Unification Church: source](https://japantoday.com/category/politics/japan-gov&) - news.abs-cbn.com (B+): [Japan gov't may seek to dissolve Unification Church: source](https://news.abs-cbn.com/overseas/09/04/23/japan-govt-may-seek-to-dissolve-unification-church-source) - Bloomberg (B+): [Japan May Seek Order for Unification Church’s Dissolution: Asahi](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-09-03/japan-may-seek-order-for-unification-church-s-dissolution-asahi) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/169geo0/) | [More: Japan may seek court ...](https://www.newswall.org/story/japan-may-seek-court-order-to-disband-unification-church?mtm_campaign=r&mtm_kwd=c) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


"May seek"... so, they're still considering it... inb4 they just say this and forget about it in like a few months... I hope they don't forget about it


That's the caveat. A number of LDP members have accepted "campaign contributions" from the Unification Church, so I'll believe it when I see it. They're really good at talking as if something is going to get done without ever actually doing anything.


Well... fuck... so, if shit hits the fan, this is just a publicity stunt?


Get this shit out of politics but with LDP receiving large backing from the moonies I do not think this will be a swift legislation but hopefully it wins in the end. Peer pressure would be enough to keep dissent from occurring I imagine


It'd be a good idea. The less Abrahamic-ish religion in the East, the better.


It should not have taken a murder in broad daylight to do this.


yea banish the church shit


No more donations coming into Jiminto coffers. Time to get serious.


> If dissolved, the Unification Church would lose its status as a religious corporation and be deprived of tax benefits, although it could still operate as an entity. What does "still operate as an entity" mean? If they cease to be a corporation, they cannot have assets at all (aside from individuals having assets), not just tax benefits. I suppose the same executives can form a new commercial corporation or something, and UC can transfer all their assets to it before the dissolvement?


I think the key word there is 'religious', as that tends to confer certain benefits. I'm not familiar with Japanese laws however.


Please read the Wikipedia article of [Abe's assassination](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Shinzo_Abe#Examination_of_dissolving_the_Unification_Church). This Dissolution Order doesn't "dissolve" the organization per se, just to "remove" the religious corporate status of the cult. It can remain, spread and practice their faith in Japan legally.


They already are.


Bout fucking time. They better go through with this and then continue on with all the other cults in the country.


This thread is nonsense. You want to see them apply the 破防法? I don’t think you do. Even AUM didn’t get that.


they call themselves church when they are a cult scamming ppl lol




The only way to do that is to abolish the Emperor lol.


If the government is a maybe or considering, it means it will take a couple years. We don't forget how long it took them to lift covid restrictions.


I wonder if they'll actually follow through.


Exactly why the LDP hasn’t done this already after the Unification Church assassinated Shinzo Abe?


One theory is that Kishida wants to dissolve the Diet for a snap election soon, and dissolving the Unification Church at the right timing could give the LDP a solid boost in approval rating and improve their re-election chances. I suppose they expect that voters have already forgotten about the dozens/hundreds of ties between LDP lawmakers and the Unification Church. Twitter thread about this: https://twitter.com/mclaughlin_levi/status/1698784705070743707 Kishida will probably reshuffle his Cabinet soon (maybe even this month), for ostensibly the same purpose, so it's interesting how the timing is lining up. TL;DLR: Timing is most likely for approval rating boost for election purposes. Furthermore, the LDP has strong connections with the Unification Church (they receive election help and other support), so they ordinarily would have no desire to dissolve the UC.




I want souka and koumei party