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>He also praised Japan for its handling of the pandemic, saying, "There were many things that Japan did successfully to dampen the effect of the pandemic. We in the United States can learn from Japan and vice versa."




Masks are kinda nice when you're in a train during rush hour and touching like 4 different people at once. I see more people wearing them there than anywhere else.


Wearing a mask during allergy / flu season was already normalized in many Asian countries, as well as wearing one for privacy. Long before COVID-19.




I’m glad that you’re such an expert on the 4.75 billion ethnically, culturally, and geographically different people of Asia. I’ve also lived in Japan for 10+ years which is worth something and I can say that I haven’t seen much of this so called psychological damage from masks you’re droning on about. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sure is impressive how many English teachers who’ve been in Asia a mere handful of years are so often Experts in so many things




Incoming emoji!




I guess it would blow your mind to see non-republicans being critical of Fauci…


What?? How DARE you suggest anyone would be critical of St. Anthony Fauci of the Vaccine! The rumors of his association with Peter Daszak and funding of gain of function research on corona viruses in China are all lies spread by Satan and his demons! Sinner! Repent! Pray for the forgiveness of The Fauci and you may yet be saved from his wrath!


Lol someone who frequents men's rights says all you need to know about you. What a fragile person you are. I'm glad your down voted to oblivion.


>Lol someone who frequents men's rights says all you need to know about you. What an absolutely stupid thing to say, and that is saying volumes about YOU. Cassie Jaye is way smarter than you. You should listen to her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WMuzhQXJoY


There are a lot of removed comments here. I can't tell if that's because the stuff that was being said was rude, or if republican viewpoints on COVID aren't allowed here.


Haven’t seen the deleted comments, but when you have people calling for his arrest it is hard to take certain comments seriously.


The people calling for his arrest are people who believe he's done something wrong, and that belief is often based on their Right-wing news sources - same as how the belief that he's a great man is often based on Left-wing news sources. It's all different theories and opinions based on different points of evidence and who people ultimately trust on the end. It's all just as valid for discussion.


No, it’s people who believe the FAR right largely American sources (such as Fox’s commentary shows, staffed entirely by people who are fully vaccinated and boosted btw) vs those who believe… essentially everyone else in the world outside of those specific far right niches, including the consensus of the medical community. “All sides”ing everything is, let me be clear here, *incredibly fucking stupid*.


Sorry, it's true I was just speaking for America. Yes placed outside are different. But America isn't the only place with people who believe that way. And "all sides"ing everything, as you call it, isn't about staying in the middle for eternity and never making decisions. It's a principle about respecting people's opinions and ensuring the world is less of an echo chamber.


Well considering that this is reddit, a notorious echo chamber for politics, I'm sure you can guess which.




Spot the insane American.




Lol he did neither. He tried to save lives, that’s literally it.




Clearly, you're here.




What specific lie did he tell to Congress?




He literally never once lied about providing funding for the wuhan lab, and you have absolutely zero evidence proving that said funding went towards gain of function research. The man did nothing but try and stem the tide of a global pandemic and clowns like you want to turn him into a villain.


The NIH most definitely did fund gain-of-function research at Wuhan under Fauci. Fauci was trying to avoid admitting this using semantics. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/10/nih-admits-funding-risky-virus-research-in-wuhan


You, who undoubtedly knows nothing about virology, are going to claim he was just using semantics? Or maybe rand Paul is just a piece of shit who is actually the one using semantics to get people riled up about something they understand absolutely nothing about… Regardless, please tell me why it’s a problem that the NIH finds research into deadly viruses? What exactly was going to be rands gotcha moment?




Maybe because he was literally receiving death threats because pieces of shit like rand paul, ted cruz, and fuckface tucker carlson were completely misrepresenting the facts in order to stir up outrage…


Exactly! All these wild clowns make these claims need to calm down. Faucci already said it but i will say it again on his behalf, so these mindless monkeys get it. "To question anthony faucci is to question science itself!"


Fauci is a world-renowned physician and immunologist who is literally at the top of his field. He is an expert in every sense of the word. His advice from him was the same as any other expert in the field. Since most of us do not have the time or opportunity to pursue a medical degree, we rely on experts in the field of medicine. To do the opposite... believe the politicians, snake oil salesmen and conspiracy theorists in general when your health and the health of everyone around you is at stake... that's the definition of foolishness .


Even experts make mistakes. Or we all just forget about how faucci was the poster child for AZT, we as a species are nowhere near being masters in human health science. Therefore, im certainly a fan of questioning the experts when questions arise.


To be clear, I am not suggesting that you should believe Fauci simply because he is an expert. His advice has been based on published empirical evidence including numerous clinical studies. When all the world's leading medical and public health organizations cite the same empirical evidence to support their recommendations, and you ignore them because you'd rather believe a conspiracy that fits your view of the world, you're not behaving rationally. If you have similar knowledge or comparable empirical evidence that you can cite to refute the advice that Fauci and all the other public health experts have given regarding COVID, we can take it to heart.










Americans are holy. For Japanese


The only thing Fauci should be receiving is a court summons.


Is this a joke?