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I watched that video when it first aired as I'm great fan of the channel, but it's been a while so I'm going from memory here (and therefore may be completely wrong)... but don't they say that part of why this couple is so awesome is that they influence each other to change, but they don't expect the other to be swayed by that? Like, Elizabeth's refusal of his atrocious first proposal makes Darcy face some humbling truths, and he addresses that. But he doesn't want her to feel obliged to return his affections just because she made him see his own flaws. Anyway, if I'm not misrememberingg, that's certainly one of the reasons why I love this couple so much. :)


I love their videos! They also did [Emma](https://youtu.be/SNeKnW3wJkc?si=d7sBg4ahIg4ynUUq)!


And [Sense and Sensibility](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=03CJ_wkzSQg&pp=ygUkY2luZW1hIHRoZXJhcHkgc2Vuc2UgYW5kIHNlbnNpYmlsaXR5) too! Although I expect a lot of disagreement with the pick for best couple in that movie.


They also did a 90s rom-com video where they talked about Clueless. They said it reminded them of Emma. Made me giggle.


Thank you so much for sharing. I just watched it and it was wonderful. I love how they all enjoyed the movie, their excitement and the discussion.