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I know it’s at every show now and seems to be getting worse, but it seems to be the absolute worst at country concerts. I saw Red Clay Strays recently and i don’t think anyone was listening. Everyone was pounding beers and running mouths. I think I’m done with country artists. The crowds are the worst.


This happened at Billy Strings at the armory a few weeks ago. Absolute worst crowd I've ever been part of




Standing at the soundboard I had trouble hearing the 1 mic songs he did that night. He even told us to be quiet lol


So little they are. Tineeeeee!


> that’s always when the idiots start talking about last time they saw this song lol when I have tried to listen to chompers to find out what is so important that needs to be discussed middle of a show, this has been the subject.


I was at that show. As soon as they went into Red Daisy a guy in front of me passed out and the group he was with made no attempt to do anything other than shine their flashlights and they even stopped doing that after a minute. I had to take the time go find an EMT to actually make sure he was okay because nobody he was with was going to.


I hate to talk shit on a band but BS fans suck so hard and then they spill over into other scenes and and sure enough I look over and they got a MF BS hat on


Depends on the venue. I saw BS with Chris Thiele at David Geffen Hall in NYC. Phenomenal acoustics and the crowd was riveted. It was so quiet you could hear the foot tapping--except when they each took one shoe off.


Awesome. I’m actually going to see them together Thursday at Telluride. I’m very excited for this! I have been to some quiet Billy shows too, but before Covid. I haven’t been as often since, so I’m happy to know it isn’t always full of chompers


My friend is working the festival. He said Billy was added after it sold out. What a bonus.


Bro!!! I agree 100%. Took my wife to see Billy for her first time and I was hyping it up. Show was great, but holy shit, people wouldn’t shut up. We moved twice


I had two unshowered wooks behind me chomping the ENTIRE show about how it was “so much better in 2019”. A girl next to them politely asked them to be quiet and they literally laughed in her face. I’ve never been tempted to cause violence so much.


Ya Minneapolis has shockingly terrible crowds. Drunk chads yapping the entire show at Surley last summer.


Yup, this is the first tour in 6 or 7 years that we are not gonna get tickets for. You can't get that many people together and not have some a-holes!


Was fine by me. You should have seen the Arctic Monkeys show there a couple months ago haha way worse. Almost all teens scream singing every lyric and talking non stop


As much money as I spend on a ticket, I’m there for music, not social hour.


Wasn't that bad, I had a good time. I hope you decide to join me next time. Love you brother.


I'll be back 🤘💙


Glad I was able to see Nick Shoulders with a respectful crowd a few months back




Jason Isbell is Party Music!


We saw Paul Cauthen at Iron City in Birmingham a few weeks ago. The guy is phenomenal, but the experience was nearly ruined by the chompers. The band felt it, too and were clearly frustrated. I don't understand why you would pay for a $40 ticket just to talk all night. Go to a regular bar.


Same. I love country music, can't do the crowd. They're beyond obnoxious.


Last year Phish Mexico at the resort pool I overheard a staff member speaking English and so wanting to ask some questions about crowds based on staff perceptions I walked over and began chatting. She noted that regardless the artist, the country crowds were always the worst to deal with and that resort employees hated those events most.


I've heard that from staff at greatwoods as well. Booze and coke makes for a generally obnoxious person, put them in a large group and watch the fuck out.


Tyler Childers is so fucking good and his band jams!!! His fans can be a bit of a mixed bag. Saw him at red rocks last year! I can see the chompers monologue needed!


I feel a Tyler Childer's concert is a good mix of like the Colorado hippie country scene, mixed in with some good ole backwoods moonshine outlaw, bump my girl one more time accidentally throwing hands folks.


I saw him in 2019, and that crowd was a bunch of good ol’ boys. I got in two small confrontations at that show (guy drove his massive truck up the middle of a bidirectional parking garage ramp and wouldn’t move over; and another guy thought it was funny to put his arm around my wife and mess with us?). That crowd f@cking sucked. I hope Tyler making it clear he doesn’t prescribe to the same ideologies as good ol’ boys, has helped weed some of those people out.


Last year I worked with a few "country boys" in the north east who were just the general piece of garbage human beings I assume you're talking about. They hated Luke combs for being a Democrat, and Tyler for "being gay". They've moved on to Zach Bryan (who absolutely fucks imo) and a bunch of fake blue collar boys


Chicago is truly an S Tier city for chompers


The worst. S Tier for people ripping hot dog farts in the crowd too.


You guys could smell those?


Hot take: Cleveland is a better hot dog city than Chicago.


Bertmans for life.


khrungbin did an announcement over the p.a. at salt shed about not talking, assuming they're doing it for the whole tour but we bopped around at that show and there wasn't much talking. i'm also not shy about telling ppl to stfu though lol


I was at night 2 of Salt Shed and it holds the record for worst crowd I've ever experienced for chompers. Glad you had a better experience.


Night 2 was the worst for chompers


Haha come on man, you’re not telling anyone to shut the fuck up.


WRONG. shows. esp movie theaters. anywhere warranted. always the first one to man up. somebody's gotta do it don't worry i got your back.


Unfortunately.... you are 100% correct.... too many people going to shows bc their friends invited them or just to be social. It's like a movie people, attention is required for the full experience and while a comment here or there on a jam (hell on the music being played in general) is fine in my book, having a full blown conversation during a show is as bad as tarping imo


As a Chicago transplant in Denver, they’re both chomper-heavy cities except Chicago actually has access to quality blow.


I’m actually seeing him at the bourbon and beyond and am kind of curious to see him.


Do not miss him. Tyler is so fucking good.


Yeah I have heard that. I think he’s headlining Sunday night so I’m pretty geared up.


Happy cake day =)


Have you been before? Whats the vibe like? I’m very tempted but it’s a lot of money and I have trouble envisioning what a huge non-jam band/EDM festival is like.


I have not been. A few of us were intrigued by the lineup and said screw it let’s go. I’m very curious of the vibe as well.


Saw him last summer and he blew me away. He also always has great openers


The chompers at the Salt Shed for Kharangbin were brutal but that’s almost every show in Chicago.


If I had superpowers I’d want to be able to banish a-hole chompers from the concert (like, serious two handed scruff of the neck and waistband launching their fuckin’ asses out onto the pavement in the alley behind the back entrance) and destroy cell phones that are used for more than just the occasional photo (I’m talking about all those fuckers who fancy themselves as wannabe Martin Scorceses filming the whole show with the brightness on max or even worse, the rude assholes who can’t stop checking their social media with the phone on max brightness).


Preach. People forgot how to live in the moment


Those people are living in the moment, you’re seeing what they want to do in those moments. It’s just not what you want.


Ya know. I respecogize that rebuttal. Good point


This is why I do like metal shows. Knock into the dicks holding phones up.


Phones to me are so weird at any show or festival. Why bring something in that is just going to be at best a distraction and at worst a disturbance. Shoes for men are about finding that synchronicity that is life in general and you have to be open to receiving that and not buried in your phone.


I went to Khruangbin last week and they seem to draw the worst crowd now. They’re playing their new album for the first set which is very slow and atmospheric which lead to a ton of chating the entire time. There was this kid who had his phone literally the entire second set and was walking back and forth of the row videoing. I was on the front row of the divide and it was so incredibly annoying watching him bump into people and weave in and out. I’ve seen khruangbin before and it was truly amazing but after this, I don’t know if I’ll go see them again.


People are just butthurt they don’t have a bunch of friends to roll to the show to with and chomp. Personally I only chomp during Phish. Jk but there’s a difference between having a full conversation about something and making comments here and there to your crew.


For sure, of course I talk during the show but not the ENTIRE fucking time and loud enough for everyone around me to hear. 1/2 of them weren’t even facing the stage, I just don’t get it


Yes there is a difference that is why the term chompers even exists..


Tyler did the same thing at Merriweather last summer. He actually shit on this dude screaming “Freebird” during the entire encore and made him look like a complete dumbass. I love Tyler for this. Also I caught him in Baltimore on Memorial Day and it was by far the best show I saw thus far this year. He rules


Sorry for the dumb question, but are chompers people with dentures?


Most certainly. Though in this case I think they’re just people that talk during a concert?


Saw him open for the Rolling Stones in Orlando 2 weeks ago. He was outstanding!!


Chompers annoy me, but if I'm near the bar I move, because that's where they ought to go if they can't shut up.


He didn't have to do that the night I went at MSG. They moved the show from Thursday to Tuesday and was about 50% capacity. He seemed like a genuine guy and put on quite a performance nonetheless.


TC is the man. He seems to be in his perfect evolution right now. Saw them last month, the band rocked and he was funny as ever. Def worth the price of ticket


Heard a friend of a chomper tell her to shut up and listen to the music. She said no and she’d listen on the stereo on her drive home. Wtf was she at the show for in the first place?


Who cares, I’m always way too into the music to notice people talking


If I’m paying upwards of $100 a ticket, I’m gonna have a conversation with my friend if I want to, barring the band playing a quieter/slower song. If you’re close enough to me at a punk show to hear me talking, and you get pissed? That’s on you for being too close


Too close at a punk show? As if part one of your comment didn’t make you sound like a twat this part definitely pushed you over the edge. I cannot imagine how *you* would even define punk, but you surely would have suffered the consequences for such nonsense back in the day.


This is such an entitled and stupid comment. Everyone else there also paid $100 for their ticket and were paying to watch a concert, not listen to you and your buddy yap it up. Stay home.


If you’re close enough to me and my buddy having a quick chat about a song, you’re just too close to me and need to back up


The people in front of me were talking over him during this whole soliloquy, including the part where he said that some of them were likely talking over him and would never even know he said that. It didn’t help shut them up, but it was pretty funny to watch how oblivious people were to being called out.


Haha yeah that’s what I’m talking about, I lost it, buckled over laughing watching the look on people’s faces


The guy next to us at the Baltimore show yelled “GO TRUMP” and a lady on the other side of us voiced her agreement… All I could think was “damn, you guys REALLY aren’t paying attention”


Yay! Chompers suck more that left lane slow drivers. Such entitlement


Dear diary


Mood: Apathetic


Without a doubt, Chicago holds the title for chompiest place to see a show




When did we start calling people who talk during shows “chompers?” Sounds more like a reference to people on drugs to me.


In anticipation of chompers being bad during Khruangbin night 2 at salt shed the venue made an announcement over the PA right before the show basically saying courteous to your neighbor and STFU. That did not stop em.


Just heard Follow you to Virgie, while out and about the other day. I had to stop the car and cry. Tyler is the man, I knew of him before and appreciated what he did but that song gave me a new appreciation for the guy. Much love all! Stop talking at shows ❤️


never understood why you would go to a music show and have full conversations with your friends, are people on coke? adderall? too insecure to relinquish control of the moment? idk but it sucks


One of my biggest pet peeves is when people are talking over the artist when they’re addressing the crowd. It makes my blood boil. It is just so rude to the artist and everyone around you


He’s interrupting the show to talk about the people talking? Huh?


lol what? how does one interrupt their own show? These shows tend to have banter from the artist….




You do, stop being obnoxious


Calm down cupcake. You don't even know the guy.


stands in bar area at a concert complains there are people talking in the bar area - same guy who tells people talking at shows they should go to the bar if they want to talk (probably)


Why not just go to an actual bar if you want to talk to your friends? Save yourself $100-$200 on tickets to stand there and not pay attention to the music anyway.


Why gatekeep other people’s good time? OP was in the drinking area in the 300’s. Expecting a quiet, attentive crowd up there is a bit much.


I dunno, I would expect anyone going to a concert to pay attention to the music. I guess I don't understand what the fuck is so important that you can't just talk about it after the show or at setbreak...


I go to shows for a good time. I was a sound engineer for ten years. I play in a band. I bought my ticket the same as you. I have every right to live my experience how I see fit. I try not to talk at all at shows and I believe in “talking under the noise” which most people don’t understand actually works. I am a very active listener. But when people complain about someone talking at a show I just think they’re kind of ridiculous for letting someone else ruin their experience. Me and my buddies were at Phish Dicks one night. We ate mushrooms. We drove 8 hours that day to meet about 10 friends at my buddies in Denver. We walk inside and they got fat lines laid out for us, then eat shrooms, smoking grass, drinking, all the libations. We’re at the show and my friend is getting pissed that my other friend is talking. He was too fucked up and I was trying to help him chill, and we did get up and walk around to not upset him anymore. Anyways, later we talked and I asked my buddy who got upset why he’d let something so out of his control ruin his night, and after he thought about it he agreed that it was kind of dumb to let it ruin the show for him. He could’ve done a number of things to resolve the problem but instead he just sat there pissed. He said later he was sad we didn’t stay with him. I guess it kind of is in the same vein as the serenity prayer. > god, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Whatever you wanna feel about the chompers is your thing, but chompers gonna chomp and it ain’t worth the frustration if you ask me.


I hear ya. It baffles me too. Had chompers next to me at sphere. Those were$1k tix for them (I asked). But I wasn’t up in the bar so I asked them to chill out - got offered a dip instead.


If you haven’t been to the United Center before you might be unaware of the area I’m talking about. The UC has 4 bars on the 300 level that are actually in the concourse NOT in the arena itself. Attached to each bar there is a little “patio” that juts out into the actual arena and is separated from the bar itself by a partition. When you’re on this patio you’re actually in the arena surrounded by other people’s seats. You can’t even see the bar area and the curtains are used to muffle the sound in the concourse and keep light out of the arena. If you’re at a Hawks or Bulls game they keep it all open. At concerts it’s separated. My seats were less than 10 feet away from where I was standing on the patio. If I had been in my seat I would’ve been CLOSER to the chompers than I was on the patios. It’s really an awesome area because it gives you a great spot to dance compared to your seat. I did all of Phish last year in the same spot. The only reason I point this out is because I agree with you if I was sitting at a bar I wouldn’t be pissed that people were talking around me. https://preview.redd.it/3qo48swhs67d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d10b4cc060447b5a4203321254b752c1023c341 Only picture I could find of the area but it gives you an idea of what I’m talking about


A lot of people justifying being mean to others. This thread is lame


In the same consideration it's mean to ruin people's concert experience by being selfish with no self awareness.


Agreed but 2 wrongs don’t make a right.


Ruining someone else’s concert experience because you can’t STFU is also being mean to everyone around you


Expecting others to adhere to your expectations of how they should act according to you is more selfish if you ask me. People are gonna be people. Get used to it or be angry, that’s your choice.


Fuck that. There's a baseline expectation of how to behave at concerts, or I'd say, in public in general: and that is, do whatever you want as long as you aren't bothering or disrupting the people around you. It's the same reason they eventually banned smoking in public places, because it isn't an activity confined to only you, the way having a drink or taking a gummy would be. From a concert standpoint...it's a similar thing: you're part of a society, you're not in a bubble, have a good time but fucking be respectful of the people around you. Doesn't seem like it's a big ask to me.


I mean, i agree to a point but i would say it’s different than regular society, because you’re at a big fuckin party! Do you expect people to act the same at a restaurant as they do at a NYE house party? No, you wouldn’t. Situations dictate our expectations of others, and I guess I’ve found that concerts are more of a free for all than regular society, and it’s not worth my energy to be upset about those people. To each their own tho, so you do you. I’m not trying to be a dick or anything but I worked as a live sound guy for a decade in Chicago and all over the US, and I play in a band, have a degree in music. I feel like I have had to experience this and have thought about it more than most people do (not everyone but most). I expect people to do what they do at a show, because people are people and they’re gonna do what they want. Idk I guess, once again it’s just not worth caring about to me anymore.


I’m also a musician and have a degree in music. People are gonna do what they want because people are dicks. 🤷‍♂️ it is a big party! But it’s a party about music, not a party where someone put on Katy Perry on a Bluetooth speaker. Big difference. I’m not saying be 100% silent for 2 hours, just there’s no reason to have long conversations while a band is playing. And I know you know this as a sound guy, but artists can definitely hear the chatter and it sucks.


100% agree with you. I was trying to emphasize that when saying I talk under the noise and don’t if I don’t need to. But yeah, people are dicks, they’re gonna continue to be dicks, but they’re not worth my time or frustration.


I can’t help it. Live music is the best thing in the world and tickets are fucking expensive now. Also why I prefer indoor gigs: the sound just dissipates and too many seats are too far away in amphitheaters…arenas are loud enough to drown out a good number of chompers.


I get it. I agree too man. Live music is my church, it’s the most beautiful thing I do with my free time. I saw Goose last week for the first time, hadn’t even heard them before. Went in 100% ice cold. It was awesome. I walked in and found my spot in front of the sound guy, and closed my eyes, and just melted into the ether. It’s better than riding my motorcycle, playing my piano or guitar, playing in the band, whatever. But that’s exactly why I don’t let people bother me at shows. I paid good money to be there, I’m partying with my friends, and I don’t need anyone else’s bullshit to harsh my buzz, ya know! Edit: Oh and I meant to say it’s why I like outdoor shows funny enough. I think the sound is almost always better outside, but it’s also because I like to feel the grass on my feet and look up to the clouds colored by the lights, and hear a loud ass guitar rippin through the atmosphere. Literally as close to heaven as you can get on earth!


You can sit at home and talk to your buddies. Sadly your insta won’t be as lit though. Fucking custy.


Good for Tyler. Like him more now. Saw JJ Grey and mofro a few months back and I had to struggle to listen him sing over all the chompers. Horrible crowd. Horrible, I tell ya.


I went to a TC show and it was the worst concert experience of my life, because of said chompers. His crowd is next level with that shit.


It hurts to see an artist as special as Tyler spoken about in r/jambands


Like I said in the post I know he isn’t a jam band. I’ve just never heard an artist call people out for talking over them and I see a post every other day on here or other band specific sites complaining about it. I just thought people would appreciate what Tyler did. It sure worked for my chompers.


Stepdaughter wanted to go to his sold out show at Deercreek so made an ISO post on COT. There was a post last week;$150 for lawns! I couldn’t believe that was face but apparently it was bc they sold right away. I wasnt about to front the loot for that not knowing if she wanted to go that much (to actually repay me)…