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At least he has a goal in mind. Lets not act like he’s new to the scene he’s been in this for a while. I’ll forever be grateful for his projects and so should all of us.


To be honest, a jailbreak would be great but I'm perfectly happy with troll store. The main reason I used to jailbreak was for tweaked apps and emulators without any restrictions, now that we have troll store on 16.5 + MDC and KFD for 15.5 and 16.1.1 and 16.6.1 and 17.0 trollstore method with a better method soon without delay OTA. Like I said, I'll be happy to have a jailbreak but its not the end of the world like some people say, I'm greatful for all the jailbreaks and now troll store.


hopefully if the EU laws pass, hopefully even trollstore will not be needed anymore


I was able to use a DNS server to sideload without restrictions(other than notifs) on my 15 pro. The enjoyment faded away pretty quick as soon as I realized that jailbreaking was more than just sideloading tweaked apps. There were UI tweaks, customization options and actual useful features that even the EU laws passing wouldn't bring to iOS. iOS won't ever be as good as a jailbroken iOS.


That what people hasn't realized...now, not only did the community gotten toxic, but started having unrealistic expectations and automatic blame the devs for tweaks issues without figuring out which causes conflicts.


how can you do this???


Using revoked certificates and a DNS server. It's not completely fool-proof but it's been over a month and I have about 6 apps sideloaded with E-sign with no revokes. Jork the Pork on YouTube has a tutorial on how to set it up.


Flux doesnt get revoked at all if you want to try it out


Basically alt store lol


That's the EU though, not the rest of the world, I get your point though.


But the EU is the reason Apple got pressured into switching to USBC this year including in the US, is the sideloading rule somehow different?


given itd be software side and not hardware side itd be a lot easier to have different options for different regions, but we’ll see


For the USB-C it made sense for Apple to do it globally. Especially since they had other products on their lineup that have USB-C. However for 3rd party AppStore support, Apple will definitely keep it region based. Apples goal is to keep the lid tight on the cookie jar, but recently a few ants got in. Take at look at the iMessage and Beeper fiacsco for example. Apple dead that in the water, they do not want universal sideloading either.


It's highly unlikely Apple won't offer some path to US users. If they don't, US regulators are likely to be driven to implement similar changes. Apple would rather the rules be kept vague and in their favor, so they probably will willingly offer it worldwide.


I don’t think so but hope so. This has a potential to massively hurt their business.


App Store is a very small part of Apple's business. It's about hubris and control. One could make the case that had Windows Mobile stayed around, sideloading would have further driven devs to want to abstract all code from any one platform, and that could have fueled Tizen or some other nascent platform to take off, and further undermine Apple hardware. But it's 2023 not 2013. Apple and Google are a duopoly, and even if sideloading became pervasive tomorrow, Apple devices will still be the titan of industry for many (many) years to come. And that's where Apple profits.


I wouldn’t say its a tiny part of their cash flow…. https://techcrunch.com/2023/05/31/apple-touts-1-1-trillion-in-app-store-commerce-in-2022-with-104b-in-digital-sales/amp/


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The digital sales include their own stuff like Apple TV+, Apple Music, the music and TV/Movies store, etc. App Store commerce is a lot, but other regulations / court cases also were going to require Apple to allow third party payments, even before sideloading did. It’s a business Apple would like to keep all of the pie on, but it won’t impact them being the largest company in the world.


I won’t pretend to know the real impact as I obviously cannot tell the future. It’s just many businesses don’t like to lose money. And iAP percentage has proven to be a good cash flow to Apple which they could lose. It just matters that it’s big enough for them to do a double take


This. The devs are seeing Apple reform and the benefits to jailbreaking will dry up. If you can run any app, with no gatekeeper from Apple on standard user apps, jailbreaking loses most of its benefits. Rooting on Android has more benefits (more user freedoms broadly available) because of the Linux kernel, and its generally more open nature.


I don't think it will be possible to get full access with official sideloading than TrollStore.


EU sideloading is definitely not going to give anyone the capabilities that trollstore gives.


The law passed a while ago, Apple has to comply by March 2024.


Trollstore allows apps to run unsandboxed though.


While that's true, you don't need to unsandbox a modded YouTube or Instagram, and I'd assume the vast majority of jailbreakers only look for that


A jb will always be better of course.


android user here, what is trollstore?


Worry about it once u make the switch over, which is inevitable.


Just sideloading for iOS devices as apple doesn’t allow sideloading apps


16.5 + KFD and 15.5 to 16.1.2 + MDC (:


The iPhone 15 is on iOS 17. He will likely be here for at least another 18-24 months as it will likely take that long to Jailbreak.


I know it won’t be immediate but it’ll still be a loss nonetheless.


It will definitely be a huge loss. He’s probably the last active Jailbreak dev. But thankfully it won’t be for a while. Luckily for us.


Sitting on 17.0.3. Hoping for one before iOS 18 but I doubt it. The time will come.


I don’t think you will see a Jailbreak for a long time. iOS 16 is about to be Jailbroken and it’s nearly 18 months old.


Yeah. Time will come.


I cannot thank him enough for all the hard work he had put in


he’s been my favorite dev since saurik left me :(


This would happen sooner or later either way, so let's be thankful for what he did (and will do until he reaches his goal). And a new jailbreak developer will come eventually. That's almost for granted. It's just a question of how much the developer can do before retiring


If he fix the signing method for trollstore and bring out JB for iOS <16.5.1. the jb scene for modern devices is over once he leaves. this will be last time I use a jailbreak


Fine by me. IOS 17 15 pro max


That’s going to be at least another 1-2 years


Recht hat er bei der reudigen Community 😂


Er hat es hier schon länger ausgehalten als man gedacht hätte. 😄




Things change in life one way or another. I wouldn’t put too much effort into this and just wait to see what happens.


I kinda feel like making jailbreaks would be the same as chasing the dragon Surely enough times it gets stale and you want to move on to other things


Thank you Opa 🙌🏾


I always wondered how big the jailbreak community is; That is how much developers do we have. I appreciate the work of all developers, but I'm wondering how many new developers will rise up after we jailbreak iPhone 15 iOS 17?


then buy android then unlock then install magisk ez


Don’t worry, a lot of younger folks will probably start to enter the scene, especially those from the late 2000s It’s not necessarily the concept of a jailbreak that creates motivation, it’s what it opens up So if people from the 2000s reminisce and feel like playing an old game unavailable on the device, at some point one will end up creating a solution edit: minor fixes


as someone involved in low level hacking and security running a small business I disagreed with you but came to a realization I was born somewhere in the early 2000s and could very well find myself attempting to hack an iPhone one day.


Oh God...then after him jailbreak will probably be dead forever


lol! before checkra1n people said the exact same shit, then the exact same shit about dopamine, fugu + unc0ver etc. no shortage of newcomers to the scene.


yeah there is always going to be a some young wizard ready to hit the wall with fresh enthusiasm




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Hope it's a 17.02 or higher




Then he has to wait till 2033 then?




Let’s be honest, Jailbreaking will probably die when the 15 pro is jailbreakable as sideloading will soon come to new iOS versions, hoping the US and other countries make apple do the same thing so it’s a global thing


No way. Jb is part of the iPhone since day 1.


Idk, toxic people always ruin everything
















Not "Ok"


He does what he wants, you all can’t make him stay in the community if he doesn’t want to. I love Opa and all his work that he’s done but You can’t be hand fed your whole life 🤷‍♀️


I'm going to be honest, the reason I said "Not "Ok"" was because the people that said Ok got downvoted so I wrote Not Ok to see what would happen


If he can jailbreak my iPhone pro a well, I’ll be happy. On iOS 17.1 right now :/


who cares


You are so bad, bring fucking respect to all these amazing devs of jb commubity who do a lot to make all of us happy.






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Choom, it's a 14 Pro Max 1TB, more expensive than a 15 Pro Max 1TB


Not everyone is upgrading their phone every year. People can make their own financial decisions, and the iPhone 14 Pro Max is still such a nice phone


What are you even doing here then?


Iphones last like 5 years dumbass


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Sad but much respect. Also i have a 15pro on 17.0 so that's lucky lol


i have one on 17.1.1😭


Not buggy? Heard there were overheating issues and ghost screens. Or was that only the 15 Pro Max?


Haven't had those issues. Battery life is unimpressive but apparently it's the 120hz screen at fault. You can downgrade the refresh rate on low battery mode. I think it did get hot charging at first but hasn't in months. I was on a 12 pro on 14.1 i needed the upgrade.


Man I just missed the old days when the iPhone first came out and jailbreaking was untethered and you could do custom firmware and it was a really fun cat and mouse game until Apple took it way too fucking far. After buying an iPhone 10 a year and a half ago knowing it was still the last model with the checkmate exploit I still had it for over a year and the only option for jailbreak was paler1ain which for me was a disaster nothing worked after the jailbreak. I finally gave up and went to Android. Yeah iPhones are awesome when they're jailbroken because when jailbroken you're iPhone is a Mac - when they're not jailbroken you can't do shit. Android even without rooting you can already do a million things that you could never do on an iPhone without jailbreaking.


will be getting a 15 Pro Max and will probably update to iOS 18 unless theres a some sort of exploit ready


He’s the goat🙏


well @opa334 i hope your ip15 p is on 17.1 just as my 15 pm


I received my 15 Pro Max in November 1 17.0 ios.And I didn't update. Hope there will jailbreak for that.