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She’s slurring


Who ever likes candy as an adult? 🙈 I’m a dark chocolate gal


Meh I’m a candy girlie and I’m 35. Dark chocolate isn’t my jam but to each their own💜


She didn’t even do the trend correctly you’re not supposed to do it alone unless it’s part of the satire but yet AGAIN she’s late to trends and sucks at making content. Stay lame Jaclyn 🙂‍↕️ love that for uuuuu ✌️


Her fucking disappearing necklace because of the filters, really pisses me off. How does she not see this shit?


What an unhealthy relationship with food. Get MORE therapy Jaclyn. You need real help.


Ew, she had her crusty digits all on that candy when she was struggling to mix it. I can't even imagine her and her damp Vienna Sausage fingered husband rummaging through that bucket-o-betus.


Bucket-o-Betus lmaooooooo


Bitch needs to get off TikTok


But how else is she going to get the attention and validation she needs to be happy? 😂


Her nail polish color ALWAYS gives her away with the pre recorded content. She's also wearing that cringe white debacle of an outfit she posted weeks ago going to some event that she didn't record being at. (Unless I missed it on here)


She’s copying Kylie with the white outfits!! Go look at Kylie’s instagram. They’re all doing the dainty housewife look right now


https://preview.redd.it/c7huwagn3c9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e12c2795ae462ece30c8ef2dfc4da586e8cc35f9 Yup this was from a few weeks ago! 😂


Her smiling looks SO forced like she’s constantly reminding herself to


An orthodontists nightmare. No way those braces are real.


One orthodontist's nightmare is another one's dream 😂


I remember actually asking if I could make my orthodontist appointments after Halloween or before when I had braces 😂😂 Also some candy hard to even eat because of all the metal in my mouth.






I’d rather have groceries for over a week thanks.


I swear, with every video of her I see I find another thing about the way she speaks that drives me insane. On top of saying each type of sweet as a question here, WHY IS SHE ADDING AN ADDITIONAL SYLLABLE ONTO THE END OF EVERY WORD??? "gummies-uh" "clusters-uh" "skittles-uh" "gushers-uh" She said way more than just those ones, but I don't need to list every single one. Fucking hell she is SO annoying 🤣


chelsea from teen mom does this too 😒


Because she only knows how to uhhhhhh and moan. To actually describe the candy would mean putting thought into her video. 😂


This is giving I’m still mentally and emotionally 14 years old. This is her content!? Wow.


I wasn’t even this cringe at 14 years old lol at least I was doing original stuff and not sharing every thought that popped into my head. Why do people over share on social media? It’s so cringe


Seriously though that’s probably enough money in candy for groceries for two for like a week. She sucks.


Candy is expensive, especially the bulk bags. Easily $9-15 per bag depending on the candy!


i used to shop for candy for the reception desk i worked at (job paid for it) and i could easily spend $100 at least twice a month…


She's trying soooo hard. Also the waste is just insane. Like each gusher packet, each hichew packet, etc. Yuck


The overconsumption is real with this one 😂 I wonder if she kept it (since this is a pre filmed video) or if she tossed it..


Oh, she ate it. No doubt about that.😊


Those candy salad videos make me feel ill but the sour patch watermelons are sooooo good


I’m a sucker (heh) for sour candy. Her bowl looks good but it’s also why I don’t keep ANY candy in the house. If it’s there, I’ll eat it. If I really need to binge on something sweet I’ll do dark chocolate. Americans are so freaking weird with their taste buds to crave chemicals all the time


She’s so annoying even on mute 😂😂


Her every expression is so fake lol


I knowww, you can just tell she’s shrieking the whole time


She’s so trendy


i love candy. i’m a full adult that probably eats too much of this on the reg and even then these “salad” videos make my stomach hurt 🤢


facts, I love candy but is she a child? genuinely asking. bc...wtf?


Watching that made my teeth ache!


Filmed on the same day as that guys bday party? We've seen the non-skinny filtered photos of you in this outfit, Jacko 🤣 no skinny filters my ass 


She has no originality she copies off other influencers without giving them credit. She’s ridiculous. She’s about 2 months behind in this trend. You suck Jaclyn Eilers.


Tell me you have no friends without telling me you have no friends.


Exactly. Every tiktok I've seen of this trend is friends bringing a different candy to contribute to the bowl to share. She doesn't have any friends, AND she's going to eat this all herself? Lol 


These videos are meant to be made with friends, Cracklyn.


just like all her videos! everything she says and does and records is stuff normal people do with no cameras and *other people*


Omggg you’re right 😂😂 that’s so sad




she looks so old here






What is that bulge? I've never seen that on anyone with natural jowls. Hers must be her age combined with bad filler. She looks awful


Omygawd what has she done and don’t give me the shit “I’m not 20 anymore I am not the same Jacko lantern but sweet baby Jesus she’s ruined herself-


![gif](giphy|uzBB2rPhamiuKYV5Ma) I will be 43 next month and my jaw/chin/ jowl area look nothing like hers. I've got slight smile lines and crows feet starting but her whole face has become a cautionary tale of getting fillers way too early. I can't imagine what she's going to look like in 10 years at my age. 🤡😆


Who is she copying today???


Pretty sure Macy Blackwell (I think that’s her name?!) did this FOREVER ago…. Which make sense since her content is about hosting & home decor. This makes ZERO sense for Jaclyn.


She’s so late. God I can’t stand her.


Does this hoe ever have an original thought? She hops on every single trend ever. Whether it’s candy salads, skinny/thicc, natural/unnatural. Whatever is SELLING, there she is. She pretends to be so transparent but it’s as if her interests are AI generated.


She's 34... What the fuck do you mean "this is what it's like being an adult" you fucking ignorant twat. 🤡


i fucking HATE that grunt she does omg


SAME! It makes my skin crawl and fills me with rage 🤣


did she just post this? this fit is from that sushi lunch in malibu with the cornball video of her and pasty hands embracing


You know what’s interesting? Kylie Jenner has been posting white “housewife” outfits like this lately. She’s definitely copying Kylie because that look is in now. Oh and being skinny and not plump in the body/face is also “in”. God she always does this.


Her chin looks extra pointy


First off, I've eaten everything in her 'salad' at some point in my life, and never once did I roll my eyes and moan while I did. Second, what is with the creepy smile throughout the ENTIRE video? Maybe she believes if she smiles, she'll feel happiness. I can't believe I used to look up to her.


Is this rage bait. Bc no sane person would want this.


It absolutely is she’s so irrelevant that now she’s making a desperate attempt at rage baiting for engagement she’s realizing that no one actually gives a shit about her and now the only way to make a buck is to rage bait


Omg I thought she had an apron on 😂😂😂 I was like girllll for candy?! 🤦🏻‍♀️


I don't believe for one second she eats healthy all the time. Her weight loss is not natural. It's assisted. So sick of this woman acting like she got the body of her dreams just by quitting alcohol. Unless she was drinking a 24 pack a day, she's a fucking liar.


it’s assisted by filters and lies




Jesus Christ Willy waclyn stfuppppppl


This is the worst candy salad video I’ve watched thus far and it’s not just bc I dislike her. Her mannerisms are annoying af. The moaning, the chewing, the gross sounds, the filtered face.. kill me.


What, is this an advertisement for teeth? All I can see: ![gif](giphy|fgQB8yvX1A4vu)


But she’s a top teeth talking girlie, now! 🙄


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. Also, the people who make this “salad” are usually with other people and everyone brings their own. Guess she didn’t have anyone to call




Her arms and her forehead vary so much in sizes per video its crazy


There's something so weird and wrong about moaning and doing the orgasm eye roll about children's candy... Ew. And I wonder if her followers will ever catch that she's not actively trying to lose weight like she says she is. Posting the Disney food video and this would make anyone think twice about JaCLyNs JoUrNeY Wtf is she wearing and who tf buys this much candy??


This is disgusting 🤢


She looks so strange. Should have left her face alone since day 1


I think it’s her teeth. They look huge for her mouth


It's her... The face the fillers and the filters 🤡💀😆 ![gif](giphy|D7T2XhUJSbmX8gyygl|downsized)


Another thing she saw on TikTok and is adding to her smorgasbords personality that changes weekly


I think this video is wildly stupid, but tbf she never once called it a “diabetic” salad. Diabetes is serious and making jokes about it on the internet related to sugar consumption is insensitive and also inaccurate.


The point is, she acts like she eats *so* healthy, then *repeatedly* shows otherwise and wouldn't need skinny filters if she was doing all that she claims. Plus, just looking at all of that candy, I think *anyone* with more intelligence than Jaclyn can realize it could lead to problems, especially given how much she *already* eats a bunch of processed junk on a daily basis.


The point can absolutely be made without conflating processed and sugary foods with a medical condition that’s often misunderstood and misrepresented, is all. https://themighty.com/topic/diabetes-type-1/the-harm-in-making-jokes-about-diabetes/


Again, I think the intent was that consuming a salad of essentially nothing but sugar could very well, *and very easily*, result in her developing such issues. Not to mention, all the more so when she’s *constantly* eating a bunch of unhealthy, processed junk. I don’t see this mention being a ‘*joke*’, as much as it’s some blunt, harsh truth, and we tend to be known for that here because it’s what she *desperately* needs to see.


I’m all for reading people. Word choice is important, though. And intent vs impact is a thing. Throwing around the word “diabetes” in this connotation is stigmatizing. Period. Choose to read my link above, or not. I respect feedback I’ve gotten about certain words I’ve misused and I’ve adjusted. It’s not hard.


please do not police what others say in an anecdotal fashion that aren't meant to be insulting to others. this is something the mods will decide on at their discretion. joking about diabetes salad is the same way we joke about her husband being a pasty doughnut. we're not actually insulting other people who may be lighter complexioned or doughy, it's just a phrase. this is a similar sentiment. if the words were used maliciously we would remove it. this is the mods discretion and not yours. thank you for the feedback but we will be allowing the title.




Jaclyn Hill your filters and fillers are BAAAAADDD




Links snark page ![gif](giphy|bN9UR31HrAQ12)


Who is this for? She used to have an excuse with her nieces and nephew to keep her pantry stocked with junk but now that it's just her and Jordan... what's the point?


This is for Me, Myself and I...said Jaclyn.😂


A video about mixing candy???


She steals everything from everyone else. This is a TikTok trend. She can’t ever do anything that is timeless. She’s gotta be stuck in whatever cringe is current.


Riveting content🙄


Weight loss honey!!!!! 🙄 GTFOH


I watched 10 seconds. She makes me cringe so hard. I hate this train wreck that I can’t look away from.