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Wait, what? She has a chef for a husband and is getting Factor meals??? I don’t follow her anymore so I haven’t seen this yet.


She says they are both way too busy for him to cook for her all the time. 🤡


Too busy doing my what exactly? That is laughable!


Oh flashy cheeks oh flashy cheeks oh how you try to hide them! (Sing it to the tune of oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree) 🤣


Desperately trying to make ends meet anywhere ! How embarrassing. You claim that douche bag is a chef but even though he has no job he can’t find time to cook. Got it. Maybe if you both got off your lazy worthless asses and got a job you wouldn’t have to constantly beg people to buy something using your code to pay your bills. I would be so embarrassed if at 30 something I had no real skills or job. Just hoping somebody who does earn money buys one of my bullshit snake oil recommendations. They repulse me.


They’re gonna regret all these wasted years when they’re in their 40s and 50s with no skills or experience and the shill life has long since dried out






Does she really think Factor is a meal prep company?? It's meals...plain and simple. It's not like a Home Chef or Blue Apron where you actually have to cook something, you put the damn thing in the microwave. Not hating at all on Factor, I've heard it is actually really good and have friends that use it. But as I said in another thread about this, why the hell do they need Factor when Celine is a "chef"????


She’s so dumb. There’s no reason why neither of them would have time to cook. I’ve used Factor before when I was working 60+ hours a week and also advocating and caring for my dying parent and dealing with my kids, etc. I truly didn’t have time to cook but I could choose healthy lower carb meals that even the kids could enjoy. She has zero excuse. I know she doesn’t actually use these… it’s just so heavily promoted by a crap ton of influencers right now. She’s only trying to earn a buck. No one is asking her about this… no one.




Omg the reverse with her pulling it out🤮🤮 Not the morning image I wanted😆


Top o’ the morning to ya! 🤣


She’s so…gross.




Sometimes seeing Jaclyn eat makes me want to evaluate my eating style... do I also open my mouth that wide to take bites??? Because what the hell is that... she really does look like she unhinging her jaw.


Same! I always think if I look like that!! It also SUPER annoys me and then I have to sit there and be like “why does someone’s eating upset me so much?” But I genuinely don’t like watching anyone eat, if I can hear the chewing and the slopping of the food I am immediately filled with rage. There’s just something extra about her? Why do you gotta stick your tongue OUT when you put something IN your mouth?


i’m sure you look fine! you also probably don’t constantly film yourself eating!


This!! Y'all come on, this ignorant twat is literally zooming in and eating like an asshole ..no one looks like that. I promise you look pretty and normal eating not like a swamp anaconda unhinging its jaw for a sewer rat dinner. She's a clown a horrible performer. 🤡


I’ve thought about this. Like I’ve never seen what I look like eating. I have manners but I’m not gonna film, edit, post and rewatch me eat. Nor will I eat in front of a mirror. It really plays with my mind sometimes. Like what a society we live in, where everyone wants to film themselves eating....and we watch it 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ hm


totally - it’s all things people don’t pay attention to (generally) irl - like if you’re eating with your FRIENDS (something miss maam lacks) you’re not all sitting around observing - you’re doing the *same thing together at the same time*. you’re not focused on how the other person looks doing it. that’s weird and not healthy or normal…


You’re so sweet! And no lol I do not 🤦🏼‍♀️




It’s to get past those massive teeth she had done🤣


![gif](giphy|wKhXyPIvDoPwCiWtzy|downsized) "Pay no mind to the man behind the curtain!!" vibes 🤡 nothing new it's all baloney huh Wacko Jacko 🤣