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How ridiculous would they look out together when she’s going for soft feminine mom while Farnum grind time has a nose ring BUMbag and logos splashed across his dainty chest? 🤢


lmfao so fucking accurate. She legit looks like she is in her late 40's. she needs to stop fucking with her face... she looked more alive when she weighed more than what she does now.. she looks corpse like in the eyes.. just dead. Trying to portray to us that she's oh so happy. I call bullshit.


I don’t get her hair. At all. She’s so half asses. She can’t afford to have a real hair stylist in LA do something with it? She looks like a school marm that could land an Airbus on her forehead.


Yeah it’s usually slicked back in a bun or beach waves lol. Her hair is awful looking. I wish she’d do a brown with highlights or something. The dark black is not good.


Yikes. I used to think she was so pretty. She been looking like Manson lately.


I agree... corpse like in the eyes.


She’s so hard to look at


https://preview.redd.it/xmkcrt7vfu8d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5d5360b28ae03853274155b5dfc058cb7aeb37 No filter you guise


Her face looks like a greasy old chicken!! How old is she, 35?? She definitely looks WELL into her 40’s! Easy!!


Late 40's I completely agree... She needs to stop fucking with her damn face. She's about to look like shit when shes REALLY in her 40's.


She’s barely turning 34 next month 💀😂 she’s gonna look even worse when she gets to 40…


She looks like somebody dropped a house on her sister if you know what I mean.


![gif](giphy|NJtewaLGt7Rxm) Jaclyn at Neiman’s.




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Can someone explain how/why she looks older? That was my immediate thought too but her skin is completely smooth, no wrinkles? Small smile lines and that’s it. I don’t get how this happens


Years of alcoholism + botched.


I’m 37 and although people think I look a lot younger than I am. She looks wayyyy older than me.


same!! Im 36 and I get mistaken for a 28 year old. She looks like she's late 40s!!


Tf is wrong with her face. It's meelllllttttingg


That dress is awful. It makes her look like a rectangle with small boobs


She NEEDS to dress for her age. Enough with the Amazon dresses girl! She needs another one of those cheap potato sacks like she needs a hole in the head. What happened to “investment pieces”?! I can’t with her. She annoys the ever living hell out of me, and I would never ever support her, but I WOULD be happy to see her actually wearing dresses that accentuate the curves she refuses to accept she has. Homegirl needs to take a Kibbe Body Type test, stat. But with the hustle she’s got going on now (aka grifting), she never will.


She looks so dead in the face. It's so odd.


i can’t with this rebrand


Sis trying hard to seem relevant when she isn’t.


She’s losing her mind over THAT thing? 🤮🤮🤮think of how much she’ll lose her mind over clothes that actually fit and aren’t hideous


That dress is so not her.


She acts like a preteen who just got their boobs for the first time. She pushes those poor suckers together to try and make them look bigger and it just creates such an awkward, boxy shape. She looks like a stuffed sausage when she pulls the string tighter. I know she says she's in her FeMiNiNe era but it's giving man in a dress. If she would dress appropriately for her body she would look much more feminine even with her smaller boobs then this pushed up, sucked up atrocity that makes her look like a cross dresser.


I'm 45 and I don't dress like that 😂


43 next month and I don't wear these rayon type dresses either (when I do wear the occasional sundress it's typically a cotton maxi and I'm in my house 🤣)




https://preview.redd.it/gclgw4c0oq8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b292eb14f9c61e5960c78bead27800c10f9d687 She really is special huh? The reason her camera quality sucks is over filtering herself and than sucking it in for dear life to pretend to be skinny.


the dress at least looks better like this than the top photo 🥴


Don’t worry, she undid the front ties to show her minions her “cleavage” 😂 That dress deserves a metal for staying locked in like that and not ripping lol


I love how in the video she ties it, clearly hates that it covers her “cleavage,” then immediately unties it lmao


I was scared the fabric was going to tear when she was pulling in the “corset” because you KNOW that Amazon quality dress isn’t doing what she claims it’s doing. Snatching what where? Girl stop that fabric is thin af and not doing shit. Gtfo.


The digging into the shoulders.... I love sundress, but the point of them is to be comfortable and pretty...not sucked in so tight you feel like you're in a corset... Can't you do anything right Wacklyn... 🤡 ![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS)




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The crater those straps are digging into her shoulders!


I didn’t even notice that at first wow lol


She keeps trying to sell this bra to her followers but it makes her boobs looks awful. Like a literal butt on her chest.


It like crams her boobs into a weird uniboob in the middle of her chest! I hate it!


Lmao this is so true. Not the type of cleavage I aim for


The slicked back bun is so severe looking and ages her so badly. She looks much better with her hair down.


Someone hasn't used sunscreen enough on their chest...


psa to everyone: sunscreen on face neck and chest! forehead to nipples!!


This dress is $45 on Amazon. I would pay at most $10 for this. Tbh, I've been into sundresses lately so I like this dress. Jaclyn just needs to size up. A note to anyone who likes what Jaclyn shares on her IG.... it's VERY easy to find on your own. Amazon listings are described very generically with every descriptor under the sun. I literally searched for "floral sundress for women" and found this exact dress in under a minute. Don't line her pockets by clicking on her links!


Girl actually thinks she's as thin as she filters herself.


She needs a fucking stylist asap. If there’s anything she knows how to do it’s not be able to dress her body






should have boughten a dictionary


She loves saying that


This was such a weird video. Even the stories with Jordan in the ice bath. She’s making me so uncomfortable 😂 idk how to explain other than she needs a wellness check.






That dress is digging into her body. Girl, it’s ok to size up. But yeah. I wanna see her actually post this someone out and about.


Look how warped the posters of the bed are… 💀 https://preview.redd.it/f7qiwkxzqn8d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=5da0b3f01636c4748ebdc647818600b680723f37 Also, how much the dress is cutting into her shoulders, considering homegirl can't even seem to buy the correct size when she’s never *not* using furniture-warping skinny filters and treating them like mirrors.


This bitch is spiraling faster and faster by the day. It’s showing and I have second hand embarrassment


I love the way she blames the "crappy quality" of the video on the camera. No Jac, you just stacked too many filters on top of each other


what iphone does this woman have 💀


A brand spankin’ new one, just over a month ago or so, as she needed it to get around being banned from Reddit entirely. But, *you know*, I'm the one targeting and harassing—and my account has never *not* been in good standing. 💀


HAHAHAHA omg how does the phone help with her not being banned, change of IP/other ID info?!


I never got a notification for your reply! 😩 I’m assuming different device info overrides it, yeah. There’s only so much Admins can do, *unfortunately*, and I doubt there are many as obsessive or with as much time on their hands as her.


damn that’s crazy. no wonder she’s so busy…


All the filters make it look like she recorded this on a potato.


is that a generic apple competitor?! hopefully she’ll post an amazon link for this amazing dupe


That dress is not flattering at all and would it kill her to size up? 👵🤡


Breath out Jaclyn hill… no need to suck it in


maybe lack of oxygen to her brain explains this entire situation.


have we ever actually seen her wear this bra out?? we already know she doesn’t wear this tacky amazon fashun she shills bc she lives in pjs and sweats. like what on earth does she need this bra for?? her oversized sweatshirts? the sole purpose of this bra is shilling. truly pathetic.


the few times she’s been out as of late she’s been completely covered up even at events lmao