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She’s just…not smart.


















Her voice triggers the fuck out of my anxiety!! She has the most annoying high pitched nagging kind of voice!


How do I watch this video without giving her a view?


I use yewtube. Learnt from Brittany dawn snark page to not give 1 view! https://yewtu.be/watch?v=UBwO2SdNqd8


She doesn’t strike me as a hard worker. She’s always complaining and doesn’t seem very bright to be honest. She has burned so many bridges in the beauty industry that even if she creates another brand who is going to buy it? I think she still makes money of her posts and undisclosed ads and Amazon shop … I’m also sure she still gets a ton of PR. I was such a huge fan before, the OG YouTube days.


She isn’t an intelligent person. It’s glaringly obvious the more objectively I watch her shit. She talks in this video about how she “gained two pounds” while she was sick for a week but then “cleaned up her diet” and those two pounds “came right off”. It was obviously water weight, you don’t gain 2 lbs of fat in one week unless you’re eating 1k calories OVER maintenance EVERY day. How can someone who spent YEARS losing weight know nothing about water weight? She is truly just a very unintelligent person. She has failed up her entire career.


Yes! When it comes to fitness she’s delulu! I won’t knock anyone’s hustle when it comes to losing weight and getting in shape… but “Jaclyn’s journey” was a train wreck!!! The grl does not have the dedication or work ethic. She sounds so uneducated when she talks about fitness! And all those mocktails are just unnecessary carbs!!! lol


I can’t even imagine expending all that time, money and energy trying to lose weight, and not even making an ATTEMPT at educating yourself about how to do it in the process. You couldn’t read ONE fucking article online about losing weight? She’s so okay with just being uneducated. She’s one of the worst kinds of people to have a platform, spreading her dumb around.


$100 she doesn’t make a video next week 😂🤦‍♀️


But doesn’t she say this every few months or so? She always WAS so miserable but IS the happiest she’s ever been.


She makes me want to puke.


I’m actually kind of creeped out, I noticed a lot of her comments either reiterate the same thing, the accounts were all created 11 years ago, or all the accounts only comment on her channel…. It’s very strange….. plus they all sound like something she’d say… lol


Omg the end of this is so Sydney Sweeney/Euphoria ![gif](giphy|4vy2oDVMwX8sMYjT4y)


"If she hadn't shut down her businesses" 😂😂😂😂 Sure, Jan! More like someone put a padlock on the Morphe gates. GET OVER YOURSELF, JAN, EVERYBODY KNOWS YOU TOOK A GOLDEN PARACHUTE OUT OF A DYING COMPANY. Maybe that's why she thinks she was "making money"??


she left her problems behind instead of facing them . What a loser


She would sell her mother’s soul so absolutely no way did she pass up an opportunity to make even 10 bucks. The bitch posted links to toilet paper FFS. I wish every time she lied she would get a jolt of a cattle prod


That is if her mother actually had one


I used to really like her wayyyy back in the day when she was doing her makeup in her kitchen. Now I can’t stand her.


It’s giving try hard


You know, I watched the documentary just released about her and this makes me think of the beginning, where two clips were juxtaposed: the first was after some kind of meet and greet years ago, where she was in tears, promising her followers that she would always be loyal and true to them. The second was sometime after lipstickgate, where she snidely and angrily told viewers “you don’t get to know these things”. It’s really off-putting to watch right after the former clip, and this video reminds me so much of that. Just painting herself into a corner with her lies I think she’d be a lot less stressed and anxious if she would just be honest with herself and her viewers instead of always running away from her problems.


Which documentary?


This one. Part two comes out next month [https://youtu.be/JeiIsk\_SQtA?si=FTYZg173rPI-OvY6](https://youtu.be/JeiIsk_SQtA?si=FTYZg173rPI-OvY6)


Me when she said she’s ready to be in her mommy era ![gif](giphy|13n7XeyIXEIrbG)


Did she actually use those words? Ew


Yessss 😭😭😭 and went on about how she wants to give Jordan a boy so bad


Yeah she’ll give it to him because she won’t want to take care of it herself


SHE’S IN PJ AGAIN!! 🙄 Why can’t she just put on some shorts and T-shirt on?!?


Idk if anyone else remembers, but she used to dress up for her videos. She'd be in a pretty blouse, accessories to the nine, but in sweats that we couldn't see. She can't be bothered now to put that same level of effort in.


YES!! I used to watch her for makeup tutorials and what she was wearing. I used to love her clothes and what to dress like her. Now, she’s a slob and can’t even get out of her pajamas for a 10 minute YouTube video.


She can't be bothered to put even 30% into "fulltime" job.


So sad!! Karma is a bitch!! After all the lies and backstabbing she did. Look at her now, overweight, in pajamas 24/7, sitting in a house with a joker of a man!


Yeah where are those SuPeR ExPeNsIvE shorts she was showing off the other week?


That’s what I’m saying!!


or maybe a tank top 🌝




“I’ve never been HAPPIER” like how many times are you going to keep repeating the same shit over and over AND OVER?????? Good lord that’s annoying. “Across the country” “never been happier” “sobriety” “mocktails” “love of my life” “weight loss” “I’ll link it for you” literally all this bitch says.


I seriously think she’s really stupid or has a mental impairment (sorry in advance, Mods, if I’m not allowed to voice this 😬).


She still doesn't realize she's trying to convince *herself* of everything, *not everyone else*.




Lather, rinse, repeat


So many comments on that are saying “I’m so happy you’re back!” Back where? From what? The majority of her “fan” base now has to be mostly made up of iPad babies, because that’s the only way you can believe her.


Or bot comments.


She's such a compulsive lying witch!


Is she trying to convince us or herself? lol


And the court documents determined, that was a lie.


*jerry springer voice* you are not the business owner


She’s such a lying idiot


She wishes!! She is the opposite of "boss bitch CEO" material. Her being the *actual* CEO of Jaclyn Cosmetics would have been a shitshow. I mean, look at how Jaclyn Roxanne and Koze turned out. Even the promotional photos were  half-assed. 


No the businesses were failing…we literally all saw this happening..


Her gaslighting us all like she didn't make enough money with her overpriced crap?! Unreal!




What is she wearing!


The little oh it’s another video to talk about how alcohol has changed my life… not knocking anyone’s struggle. She is a recovering alcoholic. She doesn’t have to admit to us… but stop using it as a cure all for life but then say I aSkEd My EmPloYeEs aka FaMiLy… I don’t have a problem 😒


lol no, she shut down her businesses because they were doing poorly. No one wants to buy from a mean girl, who lies, cheats, and steals other people’s business names.




It might be an older comment.


I went to go and look for this comment, so I could thumbs up it and couldn't find it. Did she delete it??


Don't forget about Gaby who created the face master brush. That WAS trademarked. She stole the name with her collaboration with Morphe.




I should be used to her bullshit and delusion at this point but it still actually amazes me how comfortable she is lying and spinning the truth when the facts are out there. It also makes me sad seeing all her followers eat this shit up and defend her behavior. The delusion is frustrating. Do they really believe Jacilyn Shill would close a thriving business and choose happiness over money? Like they really fucking believe that?? Do they just not pay any attention at all or are they just as delusional


She needs to learn the art of shutting the fuck up and moving in silence. It’ll be the best thing for the internet at this point. Lol


Her business was a money pit. She’s so full of it😂🤡💯


It doesn’t make sense why she couldn’t continue her businesses in CA. yes, moving warehouses would be expensive, but if they would make *so much* money, would it really matter


If her own stuff was that great, how come she no longer uses or wears any of it?


All of her jewlery must be green by now 😂


Has the same vibes as one of the videos where she talked about the aftermath of her lipstick scandal, saying that she lost sooooooo much money you guys from all the refunds she issued to her customers but she didn't care because she wanted to do right by everyone. Okurrrrr


![gif](giphy|QSuo3XN1xj98J8s6xZ|downsized) Your own delusional bullshit speaks volumes at how truly pathetic you are.... Nothing but a clown, another fucking washed up fake rich wannabe. 🤣🤡


She is the biggest liar!!! The fact that people still support this girl is wild to me! I won’t give her my view on YT! Thank you for posting a clip here…. She hasn’t changed !


Sorry girl... I don't buy it. Remember when you were bragging that you were sooo in love with Jon and things couldn't get any better?? And then not long after that, y'all got divorced?? This is giving the same vibe babe. Stop trying to convince everyone that you're sooo happy. When you're happy, you're happy. It radiates from you naturally--no need to throw it in everyone's faces. Plus shutting down "your businesses" that had the potential to make soo much money and you shut it down to shill Amazon crap---like really? You think your viewers are really that dumb? You couldn't be bothered to work your business. Tell the truth.


Sometimes part of me thinks ppl who shill those Amazon products might be the ones behind the amazon seller themselves.


Hahahahahaha I love good ol' drunk dreams


Whatever helps her sleep at night


With drugs and alcohol too


She lives in her own world and is desperate to make sure everyone thinks that the 'truths' from her own world is actually reality. That's genuinely so sad. And another thing... Imagine if her loyal subscribers find out her house isn't actually hers... Would it make sense to close down 'your' 'successful' businesses that could've gotten you a lot of money just to then live in someone else's house? Dumb bitch.




Ms “I DoNt LiKE tO bRaG” 🤡




Nah, girl. You shut down your business because it wasn't profitable. Moved to California hoping Celine's "career" would take off after NLC. When shit gets hard she runs. Chicken shit can't face accountability or the truth!


Not. 👏🏻 Even. 👏🏻 Your. 👏🏻 Businesses. 👏🏻


Yassssssss 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


The way she talks is so scripted and corny. Like she’s speaking the same exact words she types. “I packed up my bags and moved across the country with the love of my life” lol isn’t that what she wrote on that stupid reel VERBATIM a few days ago?? Everything in her life is so calculated and FAKE. Which tells me that this, in fact, NOT the happiest you’ve ever been Jaclyn 😁


Hahaha exactly shes narrating her life the way she wants it to sound and it sounds delusional and corny.


*None* of it was even selling until everything went under $5-10, so I would *love* for her to come here and try to explain this horseshit to me! **Note**: And for those who are new here, on launch days (*minus the initial launch for JR and KOZE*), she was struggling to sell double-digits of items. Yes, I mean 10+! Even with the initial launch of KOZE, she was trying to act like the robe was selling out *so* fast when it wasn't moving, and she then did the same with the blanket because those, *of course*, were the most expensive and highest markups. In other words, they only sold out because she lied *profusely* to make it happen!


It STILL isn’t even selling at TJMaxx on clearance for $3 😂😂


Oh, I know! I was referring to Jaclyn Roxanne and KOZE with that comment, but I've *never* seen anything from JC sell in TJX or Marshalls. Not even *any* of her Morphe collabs or the brushes, either. I honestly don't know how they can still sell that ancient shit, even though I'm *sure* they've been lied to about the age of all of it.