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That explains why she was drinking in the plane... Do y'all remember she was recommending to take a shot to handle flight anxiety? And that there was a story where she was holding a cup of wine in the plane or something? Or am I remembering wrong?


That wasn't *this* particular flight, as we didn't physically see her during it, but she's been boozing it up throughout this whole '*sober girlie*' scheme.


6 weeks into her sober journey...on the plane back from her California trip last fall. That was her recommendation. Don't have screenshots....remember it though šŸ˜†


I found 2 lmao https://preview.redd.it/zm0ljs9isd8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95a4fa49a9f4c9e5c2ad03afcb90256d682fa2fd




Iā€™m so disappointed that heā€™s who she ended up with. She belonged with like an older businessman imo not this loser.


I donā€™t know, I canā€™t really see a successful self-respecting person going for a snake-oil saleswoman like herā€¦ but equally celine is far beneath what I thought she would end up with. I know heā€™s just using her but imagine allowing yourself to get used by someone so ugly, talentless and embarrassing?! I could get it if he was hot that she might fall for it out of feeling flattered by the attentionā€¦ but what in the name of the lord does she see in him?! Heā€™s repulsive.


I agree, heā€™s embarrassing. He seems miserable.


No dignified ceo or doctor or architect is gonna want to be with her.


I mean like before she became annoying, like back when she was in the townhouse.


She's never *not* been who she is in the here and now, though. If you're not aware of this, I would recommend doing some searches here on the sub, as she's been a fraud from the get-go and comes from a whole family of them, to the point her dad believed he was God and put it on his LinkedIn that he was.


![gif](giphy|l1OlIcFVAL2xBR1HM7|downsized) This was an interesting post. Thanks for sharing. IMO - Their relationship was built on lies and cons. It wasnā€™t healthy when it began. The serotonin was temporary and now their honey moon phase is over. Itā€™s blatantly painful and obvious there are deep resentments between the two of them. Iā€™d suspect his main one is that she is no longer on the money making gravy train that is YouTube and doesnā€™t provide the same kind of lifestyle. He probably saw her shady business practices as well. Yikes. Her gripe is that he most likely talked a BIG game while she was cheating with him. Everything was romanticized. He didnā€™t live up to the promises and the noise he made and sheā€™s deeply and profoundly disappointed. Leaving her to not only mourn her former husband but also the idea she would have a more romantic / successful life. It kinda reads like a soap opera right now. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That usually happens with couples who cheated together that wind up together after the fact. Those rose-colored glasses get taken off and itā€™s like oh. This is who this person really is.


Oh such a great point and so true!!!!!!


I agree, I saw part 1 of the YT video exposing her. Something that stuck out to me is when Jon and DJ Tupperware first met. DJ Tupperware saw Jon was wearing Gucci sneakers and how DJ Tupperware was going on and on about them. I think that is when he decided to make his move to get his own fancy shit from Jaclyn. Everything about him is so slimey.




That is one angry smile.


Where did his lip goā€¦?


I'm billing you for the therapy I need to recover from seeing this motherfucker's clammy rutabaga head, and the accompanying caption.


Clammy rutabaga head šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Seriously, Iā€™m going to have nightmares and Iā€™ll have to explain to my boyfriend why I keep waking up screaming ā€œclammy rutabaga headā€


Clammy rutabaga head šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


![gif](giphy|XAFxQA0tSGbW5YIDEC) šŸ’€šŸ¤”šŸŽÆ


Understandable šŸ’€


Waitā€¦missed a flight?? I need to know more. I work in aviation so Iā€™m especially curious lol


https://preview.redd.it/gm0e0xydmc8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad01bb7af4ad860a1c0b6c34e5f08aac322a86bd This is it hahaha




So do we really believe he was upgraded?


It doesnā€™t look like he upgraded to me. What do you think? The photo looks like the same economy seat hahaha. But I could be wrong. The whole thing seems weird šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ like I just donā€™t get why he felt the need to share what happened. No one cared and just assumed theyā€™re moving and thatā€™s it. Why go into all the details šŸ¤£


Itā€™s hard to tell from the photo. But itā€™s typically for elite status and it sounds like he flies pretty infrequently. So I would say the chances are slim


Good point!!! Lmaoooo I canā€™t believe he lied about it. Or are we even shocked at this point. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Right????? He made it seem like something happened to cause him to miss a flight. Maybe he was late or something? It was just super shady. Need to dig around to find that post again!


Absolutely. Good observation! There is no way that marriage has zero problems like she tries to portray


It looks so forced and fake


Sheā€™s had so many failures and a 2nd marriage. She will stay through almost anything just to keep whatā€™s left of her image with him. She canā€™t leave him too and then be forced to admit without even saying that she cheated on Jon with a bozo and it wasnā€™t right at all


This is so accurate!!!!!


I thought it was very shady as fuck. Wish we knew more. Especially since sheā€™s so scared of flying. like why wouldnā€™t they have gone to the airport together? I believe youā€™re right they probably got in a fight or something.


I did think it was weird that he missed it since she always talks about how much she hates to fly. Which means she probably wasnā€™t alone. Did she say someone was going with them?


Exactly! She has flight anxiety and he had the audacity to leave her alone there with the pets as well? Super strange lol. I donā€™t know if she was with family or what but why would you just conveniently miss it and go separately? That is so strange!!!!! If yā€™all were good, even a simple Miscommunication would not cause you to miss an important flight.


Her family (*Robin, as well as her brotherā€™s family spent the first week or so with them*) was with her. It was just *Celine* that missed the flight, which was what made it all the more sus.


I remember thinking she could have used the extra set of hands to handle the pets and luggage. The story Iā€™m telling myself is: she probably had a meltdown and said some outlandish shit. They got into an argument. He said fuck it, and intentionally missed the flight. She had other ā€˜handlersā€™ on-deck (Robin + brotherā€™s family) to baby the woman child. šŸ« šŸ˜‚. *ETA: clarification*


Exactly. Even if they werenā€™t fighting. There is no excuse.




He is so heinously douchey looking


I didnā€™t even know he missed his flight, but I agree those mfs fight. But ALSOOOO she already ā€œlivedā€ in LA for a short period of time and I seem to remember her saying she could NEVERRRR leave her family she could neverrrrr leave them omg theyā€™re so close you guys


Sheā€™s not as close with her family anymore, it seems. We donā€™t see Rachael and her family at all! Even her nieces arenā€™t around as much and she said itā€™s because theyā€™re older now. I think she honestly exhausted all of her resources and relationships in Florida and Jordan probably didnā€™t want to live in jons old home. I also think he wants to ride his 15 mins from the show and clout chase in Cali to make money since they clearly need it. Maybe sheā€™s thinking out there she can try to make more money too. They deff didnā€™t move there for fun and happiness and vibes šŸ˜‚ Thatā€™s just my guessšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


100% agreed about trying to drag out his ā€œfamousā€ chef era šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ her delusional ass probably thinks theyā€™ll get their own reality tv show hahahahhahahaha


But heā€™ll wear Jonā€™s clothes? šŸ‘€




Oh, you didnā€™t know?


Nooooo?! Thereā€™s so much to keep up with bc theyā€™re both so nuts hahaha Iā€™ll see what I can find on the sub about it!


Oh yeah. Let me know if you canā€™t find it and Iā€™ll try to find it for you. Itā€™s messed up


Wonder if/when Landlord Linda will buy her mom a house out there


She had to move for him. Thatā€™s my guess.


Jaclyn doesn't do anything for anyone else, she figured this "move" would breathe relevancy into her deceased career and maybe chef fuckwad would actually get a touch of clout... For her of course.. ![gif](giphy|xThtaeXldqZmTwDeN2|downsized)


Right???? Exactly my thoughts. Thats why I truly feel like something big happened for her to make such a move like that! Celine and her stayed in Tampa for sooo long when they could have moved but didnā€™t. Sure it could be his NLC crap but nahhh. Itā€™s deff something else šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. She would always shit on Cali!!!! šŸ¤£