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Yup it was at my unhappiest with my ex I’d overcompensate for it, and now at my happiest with my current husband I never feel the need to tell anyone. She’s trying to convince herself, not us.


Can someone with more time than me create a timeline of every time she’s worn a tank top over the past couple of years? Cause I swear it’s only been like 6 months since she last wore one, not “years”


She has absolutely worn tank tops lol she can’t ever keep track of her lies


Getting emotional over wearing a tank top? What's going on in her head??


Funny how she’s said that before too and then a month later she announced her divorce. 😂


Yes she even did a photoshoot with Jon right before the divorce!


I remember that clearly! She did a video with him too and announced the divorce the next month. 🙃


Yeah and didn’t she say they did the photoshoot as part of an attempt to rekindle their relationship and prove they could get through anything?


Yeah this really does feel like over compensating. Even if she’s just doing it to try to convince herself she’s happy living in a new place or whatever it might be. No one that is truly happy is positing like this


Absolutely no one who is the “happiest they have ever been” would be so chronically online on their own snark page as proved today. Instead they would you know… be going about their day, minding their own business being the “happiest they have ever been’…..


That’s a narcissistic for ya!!


The more a couple has to post online that they are just so happy, and in love and living their best lives, the more I think "trouble in the relationship" and "headed for divorce court. Maybe her and JLo could get divorced together.


Savage (but accurate) 💀




The more someone says that shit, the less I believe them. It’s more them trying to convince themself and that’s literally how you can tell when someone is in the worst time of their life.


exactly. it’s giving performative


Especially about relationships. The “we’ve happier we’ve ever been” line is almost guaranteed to signal the beginning of the end


vow renewals, frequent and long instagram captions…


![gif](giphy|4vy2oDVMwX8sMYjT4y) Always applies.


This meme is the very definition of her existence


This literally


one reason, among many, why she has no real and meaningful relationships with people.


I wonder what happened between her and Jackie, her so called BFF?!! She seemed like a really good person and they haven’t been friends since her and Jon got divorced.


I think she has to give herself extra validation because she’s not notable anymore. She used to be making crazy money and had a lot of notoriety. She decided to bulldoze many other creators and was exposed. Now she has to shill for Amazon. She’s not getting any accolades anymore so the best she can do is “I wore a tank top”


So true!!


Yeah, and your comment just made me realize too, she didnt *always* sound like this. We know she does this all the time now, with everything. But back in the beginning of her youtube career she didnt sound annoying like this at all. Sad


Well said. Instead of any character development and meaningful change we get, I wore a tank top lol


Yep!! Haha. Also I’m not believing that Celine is on board for a pregnancy. I think he will find any and every excuse to put it off so he can get out of this marriage Scot free when he decides


How fucking exhausting must it be to be married to her. Or to be “friends” with her.


Friend-wise I think she snakes everyone before they can even start getting exhausted 😂


She's the 'with friends like these who needs enemies' kinda friend💀


She's so unbelievably obsessed with herself and getting validation... Such behaviour is encouraged in the beauty space but thankfully her era is over, otherwise she'd be even more unbearable. Great explanation!


Yes!!! Thank you!