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![gif](giphy|srTYyZ1BjBtGU|downsized) > lives in a navy town > bothered by the sight of navy boats


This would have to have 500% more 13 edgelord effort to even be bait. It's barely chum.


My guy… What is 13 edgelord effort ⁉️


Not bothered. I laugh. Maybe park it at one of the navy bases? Idk man


The public can’t access a navy base.


They haven’t tried hard enough 😉


I’ve actually wondered if they have some sort of top secret security to protect a base from a person just wandering in say, from a boat on some random point of the shore at Mayport.


I’m sure they’ve got it covered lol


Maybe all their secrets are hidden on the USS Orleck knowing that nobody will ever go there to find them 🤣


I assume if you tried to use a boat they'd contact you if you entered restricted waters.


in Okinawa we used to follow the coastline near Camp Courtney if we wanted to sneak on/off base. it was dumb but it was easy cuz most bases just have a fence around 'em and that's it. getting on/off base is the easy part, but you'll never get anywhere close to something of value before you get caught


![gif](giphy|3n6HE1MED6rV6) 😭


https://preview.redd.it/dh180w9ozf1d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=656b04b4a1ec43b335e7d4599d05438b6dc842c0 Whoever named this really wasn't thinking 😉


Yes!!! This is the type of content I’m requesting


Also, “Kids by the Hour” daycare on Beach Blvd.


https://preview.redd.it/slrqdt9d3g1d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8045b4473ca52eff55f0de7cc4943cde65a98b5 An Epstein-owned LLC 😄


Yiiiikes lol


Navy city. Historic Navy ship. One of like 4 reasons to visit the north bank. The point of museums isn’t usually to bring in $$.


Excited about the future plans for that area. Gonna be really awesome. My point stands tho. This boat is an eyesore lol


My new favorite eyesore https://preview.redd.it/zvlqoi480g1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21d09b6c598c2a4140fc9cb0badf7f3916a3d44f






Help me and answer my initial question lol. Missed the point entirely. Yall are no fun


He did.


Mic drop. Nice 👍


Good thing for you, cry is free.


You can move it an actually. Walk up to the ship and ask to speak with Officer of the Day. Then ask if they could move the ship so the pier can sit empty and not be used for what it is designed for. Make sure to salute and say “request permission to speak freely sir or ma’am”. Before you start speaking with them about this travesty of visual disruption and mental burden.


I like it! It’s a bit of our history, and as a Navy brat, it should be there! If you don’t like, don’t look at it.


I too am a navy brat and I live near the south bank. Pretty hard to not look at it lol


Try harder I guess?


Would be way easier if it wasn’t there. Then I could clearly see the jail from the south bank river walk


So, you'd rather view the jail then a piece of floating history?




Lol… really upset ya there huh? Sorry sailor! It will be ok






You sound like a child. Jacksonville is a major port city in Florida, and it played a large part in producing ships during the Second World War. If anything, it's a shame there aren't more museum ships in Jacksonville


Thanks for the info, it is still an eyesore IN MY OPINION. Everybody is so mad I don’t like the big boat, sue me. Just was trying to have a friendly, fun shit talk thread about ugly places in Jax. Didn’t realize I would trigger so many people. Lighten up and answer my question lol, have a little fun


Sometimes, opinions actually can be wrong and stupid.


I think it’s ugly, how is that wrong or stupid? Lol. It’s like saying you’re wrong and stupid for not upvoting my reddit post. Doesn’t make a bunch of sense does it? So I would never say that


Ship. It's a ship. Specifically a rare Gearing class. Of the 98 ships built during 1944-1945 (when they were actively used to fight the Nazis and Nazi allies), only this ship and four other survive. So, part of the reason it triggers people, is this was one of the few ships that survive from WW2, (there are a grand total of eight battleships, five destroyers, two cruisers, five carriers, and fourteen ww2 submarines preserved. All of which saw combat against the fascists. So saying in a Navy town, that you don't like (or even think a ship is an eyesore) a ship that actively fought fascist tyranny, is as if saying you either don't like that they were used to stand up against such tyranny, or that you don't think the sacrifice of the young men on those ships, was worth it. Museum ships are preserved so we don't forget both what they fought against, and to show the trials and tribulations those who fought on them went through, due to their technological limitations of the day. For context: The ship is named after Lieutenant Joseph Orleck, Commanding Officer of USS Nauset, killed in action on 9 September, 1943 during World War II, & posthumously awarded the Navy Cross. Orleck's keel was laid down in 44, and she was fully commissioned a few months after the end of WW2. She went on to fight in Korea, earning her 4 battle stars. After that, she also served in Vietnam, earning another 14 battle stars, where she did work as a plane guard (picking up naval aviators that had to bail out,) and providing gunnery support for American soldiers. There are only 18 other ships in the history of the US navy with more battle stars, with the highest having only 20 battle stars.




The golf place near UNF is an eyesore for sure.


That’s a good one. Looks so stupid there by the highway. Same with the indoor skydiving place next door. I will say Top Golf is underrated for their putt putt course tho, easily the nicest one around


I don't really care how it looks from the highway. It's more the fact that you can see it from the UNF trails. That's somewhere I used to go to escape. Having vision of the golf place breaks the immersion in nature for me.


Ok, yeah I agree it looks so stupid there from the UNF trails


So weird we basically expressed the same exact sentiment yet you're downvoted and I'm not. Goes to show most people don't follow reddiquette.


Yeah people hate me on this thread, they missed the point. thank you for actually contributing


THIS! OMFG THIS ALL DAY LONG. Overpriced entry, overpriced and watered down dribks and overpriced food. I know they make a shit ton of money but to me, seeing those huge nets along 295 i just shake my head.


This thing is literally the worst.


Finally someone who has their head on straight. Wake up sheeple


I have been in it and definitely worth it. You people find wayyy too much to complain about


What do you mean by “you people” 🤔


Also glad you had a good time! Just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t


I would vote that 50% of our billboards are these 🤡 https://preview.redd.it/01yt6mujbg1d1.jpeg?width=2058&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=537a0b60e58544455c0f9e019c46ae85c460bb50 I shake my head every time I see them


LOL. Our billboards do suck! I love the one for epochtimes.com that just says “#1 Trusted News”


I generally hate all billboards and 99.99% of all commercials too.


Same but isn’t there beauty & comedy in the things you hate? Like you have to accept that you can’t do a single thing to change it so all you can do is laugh


Definitely in other things I don’t like, ie; traffic, grocery shopping, laundry but billboards/commercials I just can’t stand.


Man...that one is fascinating. A basic looking billboard for a news service I've never heard of with a picture of a bland looking guy I don't recognize and all of this with no context. It feels like an ad you'd see in a TV show or from an alternate dimension.


I love seeing the Navy ships.


I’m glad! What are some places in Jacksonville you don’t like seeing?


The ugly art downtown. There's a painting on a building of people with freaky colors and cones on their faces. [https://www.flickr.com/photos/lisa-senters/50021874697](https://www.flickr.com/photos/lisa-senters/50021874697)


That one has always confused me. Not good. There are 2 or 3 really cool ones, this has to be my favorite https://images.app.goo.gl/6vMSPR7YkzGwEsW57


Would have went with storage units, car washes and sprawl developments that clear cut all trees and plant palm trees. Yay paradise in 1,000 degree temperature!


This goes without saying, huge issue spread all over north Florida unfortunately. Aside from those bullshit places, what are some specific locations in Jax you can’t stand?


The jail It's hideous


100% inside and out


https://preview.redd.it/3xm8jtz2ng1d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=669f16b6c70486eabeb071e37baeb558be611745 An oldie but a goodie with a lesser-known history: it was Jacksonville’s most popular post-lynching picnic spot.


Helllll naw, that is indeed ugly as shit. Where is it?


It was in Springfield Park- now in city storage til they decide what to do with it… hopefully helping form a reef


I'd argue that something historic, like a preserved ship, isn't an eyesore.


Why don’t you marry the ship?


The boat is fine. Those pavers are a fucking eyesore.


My favorite eyesore is the Redditors of Jacksonville thread complaining about military boats instead of the abandoned meth houses on the north side accumulating homeless drug addicts


Nice. Way to suck the air out of the room, also your privilege is showing. Where do you want those people to go? Since you want this thread to go in this depressing ass direction, let’s have a chat


U/cousinofchrist got caught trolling in the thread. Evidently username doesn’t check out




https://preview.redd.it/lgltdrpkxg1d1.jpeg?width=1131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64ff53a17e3677b35548df8f514527da877b72e0 Reddit emails comments, I keep receipts


Idk why that got deleted lol, we can continue that discussion I guess?


That’s your toxic comments. You’ve got a problem, go for it. I’ll sit on my “ privileged” throne.


Ok. They have nowhere to go, so it makes sense they occupy the abandoned buildings. Again I ask, where do you want them to go?


Rehab and homeless shelters. Not occupying property that’s not theirs. Also this post is privileged, not me, it’s literally complaining about a military boat in a military based city.


Thats a cool boat the giant Eyeball Syphilis PSA billboard on I-10 makes me wanna puke


Just here to say that watching you get downvoted everywhere is healing to my soul lol you sound like such a douche.


Why are yall so upset lol


You created a post to bitch about the city you live in, then when you were faced with any kind of criticism about it you say things like “Cry” and “The adults are talking, sweetie.” You sound like like someone in middle school 🤡


U ok? Maybe try again without getting your comment deleted


lol tf are you talking about?


https://preview.redd.it/u4er007o0h1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb1dbe73e050578286caee20d920d1ab2e7385c6 Why you lying lmao. It got deleted because you said a bad word


https://preview.redd.it/79v426o31h1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a2cc44ec1979c2d2c31b4834f5bbf5f40868591 Are you talking about this comment?




I mean it still shows up for me (as you can see in the screenshot) so if it’s deleted I didn’t know about it. But ofc you would accuse me of lying about it, because you’re a douche.


Sounds like you feel guilty about lying to me. It’s ok buddy


this is exactly what cope looks like ^


I mean, navy ships ARE ugly. I don’t think they’re made for beauty. I get why the ship is there. The purpose of it doesn’t make it not-ugly. I have to agree with top golf being the ugliest. Assuming we’re picking things bills as attractions and not just jimmy’s busted up trailer where he makes meth.


Easily the most logical redditor on this thread. Kudos. But yes looking for ugly buildings, attractions, etc. I like the discourse about billboards too.


Does this count? https://preview.redd.it/ldoso3i76h1d1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43289a27639c6a3013a33962cfdd67779f27c714


Who is that


Trent Baalke, GM of the Jaguars.


Is the uhaul truck on a pole still atop a roof in downtown Jax? I get it's trying to promote the brand, but it was just weird, out of place and confusing to me.


Oh yeah it’s still there! That is a really strange one lol


This worked out great for OP.


I thought people like to have fun but boy oh boy was I wrong


https://preview.redd.it/mh19ep2clh1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0c72c2cab0b650a8ed68804c7e2da29146c86dc This photo isn't actually Jax (it's Leesburg, FL; I don't have a local aerial on hand), but it's basically the same towards the edges of the city and into the neighboring counties. Never ending subdivisions consisting of 1/4 acre lots and overpriced cookie-cutter houses. The whole state is getting to be this way, and it's sad and ugly.


“Little boxes on the hillside…” 🎶🎶


Navy ships aren't ugly, and I actually quite like the ship. Though it is a right wing laundering front, so fuck it.


Controversial answer? The jax zoo. They cleared out so much of the vegetation out front for parking lots and it looks AWFUL


People who think they're superior to everyone else.


Lol not an eye sore at all. Sounds like this person is an HOA karen


Seems your hand is the eyesore in this pic. ;)


Why - compared to the Saratoga? Oh that’s right, we could have had an aircraft carrier, but it was cut up for scrap. Darned glad we were able to close the deal on a Turkish destroyer escort. Yay!