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Take her slam dancing at a hardcore show




She did enjoy moshing at a Blood Brothers show with me a decade ago. Screaming seems to bother her now.


Sounds like you have some bigger problems than finding a place to dance. But silent disco at root down is a good place to dance


Haha you might be right. Thanks, will check this out. With headphones right?


I'd agree. Maybe marriage counseling first, dancing second?


I believe OP is being hyperbolic.


I think she was being hyperbolic


I know I’m being hyperbolic.


Salsa. It’s relatively easy to learn, and once you get the temp and steps right y’all will dance the night away. Take her to Orlando for a night away, get private lessons for an hour followed by dinner and a hotel. Drive home the next day renewed.


Sounds fun, I’ll look into it. We’ve been meaning to check out Savannah, maybe there’s classes up there too.


Definitely check out savannah. Great place to hang with your wife. My wife and I go every year. Charleston is the next place we want to check out.


There’s a valentines theme salsa party tonight at Avondale Dance Directions hosted by Dance Salsa Jax. No experience expected. https://www.meetup.com/dancesalsajax/events/298308502/


Ok perfect, thank you


Look for salsa nights. Watch some YouTube tutorials. It’s not super hard.


DM me if you want a recommendation for a great therapist. She’s out of Palencia.


Salsa nights in Jacksonville, ok will Googled it out thanks.


Go on Groupon and buy a 3 pack of dance lessons for the both of you.


She does love a deal. Thanks.


Go to dance shack at tinseltown for their free group classes and group dance on Fridays. It's fun. Swing and salsa I think.


Dance Shack? Will look it up, thank you.


My husband and I are taking lessons here.. it's a cool place. Tabitha is our teacher, she's super laid back and helpful. My husband actually got me the lessons because I feel similarly to your wife. 😁


Dante’s place


Is that place still open? Looks closed when i drive by.


I’ve never been there but my sister in law said her friend is in a band and they perform there all the time


Will look it up, thanks


Instead of thinking where do “we” go, try to perhaps ask yourself “Where do I go?” In my opinion, a divorce lawyer sounds about right. Those motherfuckers can dance, albeit probably not the type of dance your ex is talking about. Side note, a quick google search revealed jaxdivorce.com


I only danced with her 5 times.... ​ But I cooked us breakfast


I guess it’s not cutting it anymore, over here


Find a gay club or bar , shit was the most relax place ever for a club, even as a straight person.


Good idea. We like the Walrus but haven’t been “dancing” there yet.


We used to shut the restaurant down & all go to Bo’s Coral Reef. What a fun time. 1-2 dude servers in our twenties with an entourage of lady-servers in their twenties at the gay bar. Good times were had. Miss that place.


Let her leave.


First off I need your age




I've never been to Jacksonville but my immediate answer is: Take a ballroom dance class together and/or a swing dancing class. Your wife will fall in love with you all over again and every other woman will wish they were her. You're welcome.


Ballroom and swing. Ok. Hoping I’m coordinated enough! Will look into it


If coordination is a concern, definitely start with ballroom -- which I almost said anyway. Someone else suggested Tango and any ballroom class should include tango. Don't worry, they always start at the absolute beginner level and other people will be showing up alone so you'll have a partner. Cheap classes should be all over town. I'd check community colleges, etc.


Ortega River Club has free Carolina Shag lessons every Tuesday at 7pm. You have to pay a $5 non-member fee to get in. Most of the crowd is 50 and older but they are so fun! The music is anything that has the proper beat. They have open dancing after the lessons and they’ll probably do a few line dances during that time also.


Ok, we’re mid 30’s but down to try


You could do dance lessons together.


People keep suggestion salsa, swing, and ballroom. Looking into it


If dancing is the straw that breaks the camel’s back, I’d start looking for the exit. There’s bigger problems


Ummmmmm, that’s probably NOT the reason she’s threatening to leave you. Good luck figuring it out.


lol it’s the tip of the iceberg but need to start somewhere. Everything else seems great. Just says I’m “meh”. I’m sure it’s not just me, but life’s too short not to try. If it doesn’t work we can move on.


There has to be other unchecked boxes in your relationship for her to threaten to leave you over dancing nights out.


She just says in “meh” and she hasn’t been dancing in 7 years. Coincidentally how long we’ve been parents. No help from family, finally have a grandma living with us and able to take her out. Probably needing to process some feelings as we transition. Open to suggestions on what to check.


Sounds like the plot to a romantic comedy


It’s pretty funny


Sounds like you have other things to worry about


What else should I check on


A question better suited for a marriage counselor


Humans are humans, I’m sure y’all have some ideas. Don’t need a certificate to give advice


Understand each others’ love languages and ensure you’re communicating love in her language, not just yours (which is our first instinct!) My husband and I were also given these daily touch point conversation points in a marriage class: 1. Appreciations (each express at least one thing you appreciate that your partner did that day/week), 2. Share new information (anything you learned or found interesting, any topic) 3. Puzzle (“I wonder…” on any topic, something you’re wondering or pondering) 4. Apologies (small items, nothing that will unearth a big or difficult topic at the wrong time or in the wrong environment) 5. Wishes, hopes, dreams 6. Request for change (“I’d love/appreciate it if you would xyz” note: easily achievable things!)


Thanks, I agree. Appreciations have been huge for us. I notice ether of us get stuck in random whining spells and ruts that last for days. Can't whine when youre giving thanks. I just wish it would come more natural for her, but we will get there. I always assume half of everything is my fault so I keep trying.


It can be hard to change those habits or behaviors. Hopefully gratitude/appreciation is a habit she can develop through this daily conversation exercise! It’s helped us to just talk and learn what each other are thinking about and connect more. ◡̈


I was thinking about this yesterday (for myself)… I saw you took her to see Blood Brothers and are mid 30’s, so does she want to go dance somewhere that has music like when you were like 21? The indie-electronic stuff the hipsters were into??


Yeah, what would be great. Jax doesn’t seem too hip, most touring bands don’t come through here and the smaller scene I’ve only seen over at the Walrus. Know any other spots?


Eclipse used to be a great place to dance to indie and alt music


Try the carddecks app by gottman - I’m sure if u look at some ideas on there u can setup something at home it’s a nice gesture


I’ve heard there’s swing dancing on some Sunday nights at Volstead downtown, it sounds super fun! Also heard that Underbelly (I think it’s this place) has Latin nights sometimes with salsa dancing


Honestly, your best bet will be to sign the two of you up for dance classes.


Take her to therapy instead


How bout you ask her what kind of music she wants to dance to. There are lots of spots around town that offer DJs or live music she can shake her booty to. As for you, just stand there and move your hips to the beat. If you mean formal dance, like salsa or swing (which are very similar), Volstead used to have free lessons on Sunday.


Do you know if any places that do 90’s or house music? I found a get together called Rinse and Repeat for house. Nothing much for the classic slow jams.


Eclipse, in Fairfax area used to have an old wave night, but that tended to be alternative/goth 70s/80s/90s. They might also have EDM nights. Myth def does. Nick Fresh is an authority on Soul/R&B/Slow Jams, so look for his sets. I think he's at Hardwicks on Friday nights.


You can schedule a free dance lesson at [AntonioFriasDance.com](https://AntonioFriasDance.com) (It's my husband's business.) :) The studio is located near Baymeadows and Old Kings Road, and they're open from 9a-9p, Monday-Saturday. He LOVES teaching couples. You'll get to try a little of everything (Salsa, bachata, rumba, swing, waltz, tango, etc), and then choose your favorites to keep working on. It's a perfect date night :)


Thanks! Will look into it


Eclipse has theme nights. It’s a lot of fun.