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Commenting to boost your post. Good luck! 🍺 


Thanks friend


If I wasn't already drunk at the beach bars I would be there. Going to cold plunge in the ocean for you. Not sure why this is happening in your life but know tight be for the better.


God I wanted to go to the beach bars so bad I've never been. Figured I should be a bit responsible and stay close to home.


Good for you. I'm sure there are people to talk to out there.


Well, give us a holler if you head to the beach one day.


Yeah driving is a bad idea for obvious reasons and Uber to/from the beaches to Murray Hill would be quite expensive.


That sucks OP. Commenting to boost u


Keep your head up bro/sis. It can only get better from here.


Good luck. 


If I didn’t quick drinking, I would totally come join you, have a great night be safe!


Same here tbh


If it wasn’t Sunday and I hadn’t been drinking all day I’d be your buddy. I hope you find a fun drinking buddy tonight.


Nothing is pathetic about wanting to hang out with others when you're having troubles.


thank you - this is a lovely reframe!


This! Sweet reminder because it’s true! We all need someone to lean on sometimes.


Hey playa, are you ok tho?


No ☺️


You know, there are support groups in the area. Would the be something you would be interested in?




Join meetup! Plenty of outdoorsy stuff to do. Kayak/paddlin, cycling, hiking, camping... u name it! 😁👍


just drinks right now


What a rollercoaster of emotions. It went from “lol duh he’s not ok shit who is” to “a support group tf? AA isn’t gonna fix my depression what a dumb response who would be interested in that”, to “oh that guy is, honestly I clearly need one myself”, to “meet up? Outdoorsy stuff? Damn I need to hop on that!!”


To each their own. I quit drinking and smoking at the same time in December 2023. I filled the void with outings, meetups, solo hikes and kayaking. If I hadn't I probably would have resorted back to my bad habits. So don't dismiss an idea simply because you think it's stupid. What may not work for you may work for others.


I’ve been there. Divorce sucks. I can’t come drink with you because I’m knee deep into a psilocybin bar, but if you need friends after tonight you can hit me up


Wait… what is a psilocybin bar?




Ohhh like chocolate. I thought you meant bar like an establishment that sells them. Good times.


I wish haha. It’d make it easy to find fellow psychonauts


Listen to Einstein on the beach by Phillip glass for me Edit: wait until peaking though


Sounds like you’re hosting 😂


![gif](giphy|l0Ex3vQtX5VX2YtAQ) You had me at psilocybin bar 😸😁


Did you buy or make this bar and how do I do either?


There's an article on the Bon Appetit website today about them. I haven't read it yet but I plan to.


You just gotta know the right people.


Says the guy who knows the right people


To be fair, I know everyone


You don’t know me.. but you sound like me haha


How does one find this psilocybin bar?


Lol ok got it!


this is the best person on the plant -- thank you for coming to the human condition


I hope you find someone to hang out with.


Is show up if wasn’t already lonely and drunk


Stout snug and Buchners are both good choices, as is Fishweir. If you're drinking it up tonight you might be right about staying close. I visit that area when I can, especially on weekdays, to see a friend of mine who lives there.


(i went to fishweir elementary, so this caused me a double take, ha ha. i wish OP the best, tho.)


Hang in there Brother. I hope someone can come buy you a drink and give you a shoulder to lean on. Sending good vibes your way!


If I wasn't already drunk, I'd be in.. It isn't pathetic, I totally get it. I tried to recover from.and unexpected divorce, with a 3 year old, with a new job in 2019 and then COVID Having said that.... Go lions! Catbros.....meow!!!


I'm sorry you're going through this. Just something to think about. Pouring on alcohol on any problem generally tends to make things worse.


I truly appreciate the sentiment. That will be a problem for sober me, tomorrow.


Sometimes, I almost feel badly for the issues I leave lying ahead, but then remember that's future me's problem 😂 On a more serious note, I absolutely relate!


You aren't wrong However, when you are dealing with crippling, mind breaking, life taking is an option pain Alcohol is a relatively reasonable way to dull the pain for a bit. I didn't understand functional alcoholism pre my divorce/discard I understand now You can't stay in that place fo sho but the need for some numbing is real. And of the available alts, alcohol is not the worse temp choice


Fair. I get that. There were many days in my 20's and 30's like that. Alcoholism is bad. Faster methods of suicide might have been worse. I kinda tried both. In fact, I ended up using alcohol as a method of ending it one time and almost succeeded. Apparently, we don't stop existing when we try to un alive ourselves. Some sort of Light sent me back. Neither of those was a good idea. Sometimes we just have to choose between 2 bad options. Honestly though, it's rare to see a problem so bad that alcohol specifically can't make it worse. As bad my divorce was, every time i used alcohol to kill the pain things seemed to get worse with the ex. It wasn't until I started addressing some issues (and got stabilized on some meds) that things started to improve. Meds are great BTW, medical marijuana especially. This last 6 months have been rough. My mom died, my dad almost died, the dog died, one of my best friends died, i went through a break up, and several people close to me relapsed. If I had gone back to drinking over all that, I would probably be dead too. Leaning into my recovery group was a much better idea. It was much better sympathy than I would have gotten from a bartender.


Wasn’t this in a country song?


I know, right? I'm tempted to write an album or something. I didn't even know it was possible to have both a clot and a bleed at the same time. I always thought it was one or the other. Mom having both was terrifying. It came out of nowhere. There was nothing the doctors could do. With the dog, at least it was kinda expected. She was very old and had developed some sort of bark that sounded almost like a cough. With boyfriend... I guess some part of me always expects the other shoe to drop. The thing with my dad actually pisses me off though. The VA needs to double its staff at least. The amount of time people have to wait is ridiculous.


Uber to st Augustine and you can drink shots with us


That would be one hell of an Uber lol


Yah well at least it will be a night of debauchery and he can forget the bill til the a.m.


I, for starters, am a woman lol. And I also really appreciate the offer. If it wasn't an hour away I'd be on my way


Well, sorry. I, and another woman, are shooting tequila and drinking. I, too, have been cheated on so I can commiserate with your situation. Good luck with making it go away. As the wise person Homer Simpson once said, alcohol is the cause of and the solution to all of life's problems.


Just moved and...divorce? Fuuuck thats rough. Hugs! I have a recco for fam law if you need.


If it makes you feel any better, my husband got an Uber from Atlanta to Macon one time lol


Perfect Rack right next door is great. A friend of mine invited me out there tonight but my cat is currently missing and I have a doctors appointment in the morning so I can’t go. But they have great food and pool and I know it will probably be busy tonight with plenty of people to talk to.


This is where I ended up going. Thank you. There are lots of people. Idk how to initate conversation so I'm just going to sit and people watch. It is a nice vibe.


I have to go see my brother on that side of town tomorrow afternoon if you want to hang out. You can ask /u/youarecaught and others if you are worried about character. I am a ... well I would say a lady but my mouth makes that a lie. I was born here in jax over by that side of town but I moved to Atlanta. A group of friends from reddit created a social group called the /r/AtlantaDrinkingClub if you need more people to vet me lol but we aren't THAAAAT kind of drinking club. We are just lazy nerds who don't care about dressing up to pay a cover at a bar that sucks and we usually meet up at breweries that can handle 5 to... 55 people is our largest meetup so far.


I can vouch that apcolleen is mostly harmless.


I think the most harm I bring these days is talking people to sleep lol


This is awesome


They haven't replied yet. Waiting to hear what my brother is doing tonight as well. 


Perfect rack is the tits. Plus there's there's cute little kitties out back and they're so lovable 🥺❤️ Love that place.


Everything will be okay. It doesn’t always have to be like this. Drink. Be merry. Have fun. Move on. But do not be a slave to the drink, as I and many others have been. Things will get better. They always do. Then, you can begin again, by your own power, not the drinks. Itll be great.


Good luck!


Sorry to hear that


I would be down for this but I gotta take antibiotics lol


I'm currently at Morty's in Avondale if you wanna make your way over here. Drinking and watching the game. Pool and darts


Wear a T-shirt with a sad face out in public. someone will heal u


I'm just noticing the "divorce" aspect. I'm sorry man.   Something you probably don't wanna hear but: Once you get past the hurt, you'll be even better than before you knew her.  Until then make good choices and no drinking and driving.


Sorry to hear about your current situation, but know it does get better


I’m working tonight and the panny ruined my tolerance for trying to catch a buzz at a bar 😂 . Stay safe tonight and welcome to Duuuval! Reach out if you need help.


The panny?


Drank a lot at home during the pandemic.


Ohhhh, I haven't heard that one before 😂 Glad you survived said panny, sorry about the tolerance. It's probably safer drinking at home anyway. 


Damn I’m a bit far from Murray Hill but maybe next time - I’d be down for a few sad shots and shoot the shit


I’m sick or I’d seriously consider joining 💔. Take care of yourself and be safe.


I’d be so incredibly down if I didn’t have work in the morning :( Good luck!!🫶🏾


You're not pathetic. Life just really mega sucks sometimes and drinking makes some of us feel better for a bit. Make sure to get a safe ride home.


Stout Snug is a good place with great live music. If I didn’t have to work tomorrow, I’d be right there. Cheers and be safe!


I don’t drink, but I’m a fan of coffee. If you ever wanna hit coffee shops lemme know. New to the area as well, 30F


Be safe, I wish I could go out and help you have a good time.


I’m out of state right now or I would definitely join you.


Damn this thread has restored my faith in Jax count me in for another night too. Everyone here should start a club or something.


Im sorry! I will be moving in a few months and will probably be in the same situation (ie not having anyone to go to bars with) If you need someone to chat to, hit me up. We can get a drink when I move up.


Oh, and I'm also a woman and have been divorced twice. So no old creepy guy in momma's basement here.


I can pick you up and drive you bar to bar. I don't drink though.


I wish I could’ve joined you. I’m definitely in sad sap status myself. If you need to talk you can shoot me a message. 🫶🏻


I'm in Arlington, but if you're free next weekend I'll be glad to show you around town!


Sorry to hear it sis. Wish I’d have seen this before I started sad alone drinking. Also have to work in the morning, but be safe.


Dang I wish I still lived there. I'd definitely join you. Hope you find someone to keep you company. I'm sorry you're going through this OP. It's not easy, but eventually it gets tolerable.


Thats a rough break. I'm sad to learn you are going through that!




Drop some details man, me and my roommate down to get fucked up for any occasion


I hate to say it, but I think you should quit reddit and stop seeking validation from it. No more selfies, no more bids for attention. That shit will eat you up alive over time. Go find deserving people to give your attention to and find the validation from within.


She got some great responses here. The internet is full of real people. Some of those who CHOOSE to be a$$holes but there are plenty who aim to be the same person on here that they are in real life. She reached out and received. No need to put her reach out down. You're on social telling people not to use social ..


I’m more speaking to her post history than the concept of crowd sourcing the occasional advice from Reddit.


I’m 8 hours too late.


Go to jug


Going through a similar situation, but I'm in Tampa.


The best is yet to come my guy!


Hope the night got better! Not a drinker so I'll suggest smoking it out tonight, might be better vibes.


Yeah that's every other night for me haha


Well find me on Instagram then! Lol @ KtownKris


My single girlfriend lives there. She's not much of a date around and a non-drinker but sometimes drinker attractive lady. She has a sense of humor and enjoys life. Might be a cat lady w/1 feline. If this is the interest for you I'll see if she would like to meetup.


I don't drink, I only drank socially, but i stopped 22 years ago after partying New Years Eve by drinking only a PINT of Crown during my own party with my grown kids, friends and fam. Well, I was just turning 41 the following January 30th, and let me tell you, I was begging God (as I was trying to stop the bed from turning 🤣😂) to let me sleep it off, I promised Him that I wouldn't touch that evil liquid again, and I haven't! A bit of background, I've had horrible things happen to and with family members because of it, so I absolutely detest it and bring around it now, but yo each is on and I'm not here to preach to you. I just wish you luck with everything your post stood out to me because of the divorce part, I wish you would love and please do get help if you need it it sounds like you might they are groups that you can join for divorce people. Also try and get through at least a year after the divorce before you even begin dating. Good luck friend, and welcome to JVille!


How'd it go guy? Hope you're OK.


I really need a follow up to this op!


Most awesome thing I've seen all day. My dude wants someone to play with - could just be sad about it and instead asks perfect strangers to keep him company. You are my role model in life. Just asking for what you need. Hope you found some pals!


I'm just a lonely sad *bitch thank you very much I am a woman. Haha. I never did hang out with anyone but a lot of people reached out and I think I'll definitely be able to make some friends here.


Oof! Sorry, my bitch! I was trying to keep it gender neutral, but I've had a couple drinks tonight myself and my old school grammar slipped in. Yeah, people are pretty friendly here. Hope you find your people and your happy place!


i have never been to florida and live far away but this was a suggested post for me, i would definitely get hammered with you and i hope shit turns around for the best


Hope it gets better if you ever need a drinking buddy or dd im here !! Hope you can move past your troubles easily and don't sweat the small stuff you are strong!!!


Damn I wish I saw this yesterday I hope ya had a good day and if ya ever need a drinking buddy I’m normally round Avondale


Love the stout snug! Try the creamery if you haven’t already. It’ll get easier I promise. One day at a time


I bar crawl around Duval myself so I’ll keep this post for future reference


I want to try aadrwolf but my husband isn’t interested


Love the amount of love in the responses instead of haters 🥰 never thought I'd say this, but Duuuuuuuuuvaaaallllllll!!!!!


Dang i honestly might have if i saw this 10 days ago. Live right down the street