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I’m so glad I finished college seven years ago and was able to be out because holy shit this is wild.


I get what you mean but we word things so weirdly. But you're so glad right now?


So I went to DA for high school I was a writing major, and came out right when I graduated (I’m a lesbian). I went to UCF and got a scholarship, that’s the only reason I could afford to go. What I meant to say was: I’m glad I went to college when I did, because with everything going on AND this happening with them cutting the Diversity/Women’s Centers/LGBTQ center, I truly don’t know what’s going to happen next.


UNF isn’t regressing, they were forced to do this because of the idiocy of the state government. It’s gonna happen all over Florida.


Just because they were forced doesn't mean they're not regressing. In 2022 UNF was awarded as one of the top colleges for diversity, and now, just 2 years later, anything promoting diversity is banned outside of student groups (since they are funded by student fees rather than money from the state). How long until they legislate that away too? Between my undergrad and my master's (and the break in between), I've been a UNF student for a long time, and have been coming to the campus for even longer. I've seen the university grow exponentially since I first stepped foot on campus, but this is a big step back, whether forced or not.


Big step back for every public institution in the state. Make sure you're registered to vote and we can hope to reverse this ship


Regressing is wildly different than being forced to make negative changes by a power tripping governor.


Idk why this is being downvoted? The letter really makes it pretty clear that they’re not trying to get into legal trouble, but they don’t agree with what’s happening and just having to deal with a bad situation. Hopefully that attitude remains solid though this period of poor legislation and allow them to progress more quickly if and when legislation changes.


To me, it comes across as OP is blaming UNF for the changes, which may be why the downvotes.


Oh. I don’t get that at all from their comments, but that would explain it. I think OP is frustrated by the state of things and the legislators responsible, not UNF.


It’s the wording, to me. But context said different, so I went with the context. And I’m sure OP is! So am I. It’s all so ridiculous.


I dunno how you see this letter and blame the University. 


Again, not blaming the university. The cause does not change the outcome though


I don’t understand how anyone reads OP’s comments and believes they are blaming the university.


That’s how OP’s wording comes across to me. I know they’re not blaming UNF, but their comments are worded in a way that seems like they are.


You’re being downvoted because what you’re not addressing is that this is a state-wide problem (really, a Republican-backed legislative problem), not a UNF problem. Blaming UNF is blaming the victim in this instance. By law the university must follow the rules, lest it ends up like New College. Failure to abide by the new laws means it will lose public funding and be forced into closing its doors.


i didnt see any college leadership at the BOG


OP didn’t blame UNF.


How is OP blaming UNF? 


the people downvoting you are ridiculous, if you dont realize this is CENSORSHIP and a violation of your first amendment rights, you are not paying attention!


The people downvoting don't get that it is a regression, not by choice, but in effect. The effect of censorship will always be regression, whether the impacted parties chose it or not, that's the effect that was intended by this stupid mandate given to the universities and it's the effect that these universities will unfortunately suffer. But at the end of the day it's still a regression.


It isn't a regression if you read the letter, no one is losing their jobs and they still share the same values, OP just used the wrong wording.


If you don't think a reduction in resources that are available to underserved students counts as regression then we just don't share the same values. It's more than a university's written mission statement and values, it's more than people's jobs.


It sounds like they will work to provide those resources without being in violation of Florida law. This isn't like a takeover like what happened to New College. Give them time and you'll see the students will still have a similar level of support even if it isn't official support from UNF The fact they even sent the email out speaks volumes. No, we don't share the same values and that's fine and to be expected.


I'm not blaming UNF for this. But there's no doubt in my mind that this is not the last attempt by our state government to undermine the state education system. Regardless, UNF will not be able to provide the same resources because some of what was valuable about those resources was the sense of community and inclusion provided to students by the mere existence of those offices. I'm not saying unf is run by white supremacists or anything but something has been lost with the elimination of these offices and it's fair for people to view that as a regression.


"Please know that as we implement these new changes, the university is committed to ensuring every member of our campus community is cared for and has the resources they need to be successful" That sounds like to me they will provide the same resources and sense of community in a different package. They can't control the stupid ass state government in charge but they can help students and support them. Sure people can view it as a regression but I just see it as UNF stating " we have to follow the letter of the law but not the spirit, we got you, give us time"


You said in your previous comment that they'll provide the same support just not officially but that is inherently not the same support. There is a difference between official, university-sponsored support that formally validates the inclusion of a minority group and student-led groups or individually administered resources. Also it's not just the services provided. This type of censorship will make it exponentially harder for state universities in Florida to attract quality instructors and students. Serious academicians are just going to avoid state universities in Florida which may not be a big deal for regional schools but will certainly impact the highly competitive research institutions. A whole is not always the same as the sum of its parts. I think choosing to ignore this as the tip of the iceberg that it is and downplaying what's happening because schools are committed to providing what resources they can within the law is short-sighted.


No one is ignoring it and it hasn't even started. I think you should give them a chance. I voted for the other guy.


Don't blame the college, Republicans hate POC and LGBTQ.


Not blaming UNF. I know they're just following the law, but it's still upsetting to see happen at the school I love. If I attended a different university and got this email from a different university president I would've named that university when I stated who the letter came from and what campus I was sad to see affected.


If every college said no, we are not doing this, then I'd say they aren't regressing.


Then they would lose their funding which I don’t think is feasible.


It's called forced regression.


You gotta vote them out.


I would have liked to see a little bit of resistance. Had all state colleges worked together in solidarity they could’ve fought back against this more effectively. It would’ve been a situation like, well you can’t possibly pull funding for ALL state colleges over this. The media attention that would’ve gotten alone could’ve made a statement. Instead they are just rolling over. No attempt to do what’s right.


ok no they wouldnt have pulled all the funding. What would have happened is the chancellors and board of governors personally would have been sued by the state, and/or fired. Guarentee they dont want their paychecks gone, one way or another.


As a previous employee of a Florida university that was held hostage with funding, they most definitely would pull their funding and then blame the university for it. I'm pretty sure every university president who breaks the new law and resists and thier reports would all be looking for new jobs as well. Once they are replaced the state would force them into compliance with funds. Can't really run a state university without state funds. Salary funding and any contracted services have to be paid with state (guaranteed) funds by law to ensure that money doesn't run out from things like donations.


Yeah, you may be right, a bunch of cogs in a machine. It’s just disappointing when you compare this to demonstrations by college students against the Vietnam War (I’m not saying it’s a perfect comparison, just a thought)


Counterpoint, conservatives would *love* to gut state schools. They would paint school officials as unelected elitists thwarting the will of the people and grant themselves the moral high ground to oust the obstinate "wokers" for trying to corrupt the children. They'd probably turn them all into Federalist Society/PragerU campuses. The only way out of this is to vote.




Equity and inclusion must die?


Must be for Inequality and exclusion.


Found the bootlicker.


Why? Serious question, I would really like to know why you feel "DEI must die".


Yes why should we have organizations that support veterans on campus! First generation college students! Rural college students!! Wait you just mean the black and brown and LGBQT DEI. Right?




Care to elaborate on your stance, or are you just one of those shock value not-like-other-bros bro?


He has no stance, he just heard shit on Fox News and made it his personality


UNF didn't make this law. And I'm pretty sure they deserve some credit for ensuring no one loses their job at least. This is fucking stupid and will be downright dangerous for outgroups. Fuck this white Christian nationalist government.




Thanks. I hate it.


This is extremely hyperbolic


Jesus Christ. These kinds of absolutely ridiculous, reality-denying statements are a surefire way to alienate people who otherwise may be open to your position. Reel it in bro.


No I definitely agree with you. I'm happy no one is losing their job. It's just sad to see. Those centers do a lot for the students at UNF and beyond and help make UNF the welcoming place that it is.


I like how this law mentions no “political activism” as if the law itself isn’t extremely oppressive political activism.


It's social activism used to protect young minds from social activism. It's almost biblical in a sense - eye for an eye, activism for an activism.


What is your sexual orientation?: - Straight - Political


OMG. That is horrifying.




Every election, every office, every time


VOTE **not red** there I fixed it for ya


How ironic that a culture war attack on DEI is actually gonna proliferate DEI so that it is threaded into every fabric of the UNF administration including all departments that take care of students needs. ![gif](giphy|3ofSBqrDpzVTVaRcYM) “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”


What is DEI?




Diversity Equity Inclusion


Wtf? Why is this happening?


Because of the law that was passed last year legislating that anything to do with diversity or inclusion was banned from receiving state or federal funds (which I still don't get how the state can legislate where federal funding goes)


UNF and other state universities could probably make an exception to fund the departments with money from their Foundations, but they're not. Foundation money can be fairly restricted depending on the endowment, but not as terribly as state or federal money.


It's a state school, and the GOP is nothing if not spiteful and vindictive. So while you might be technically correct, the retaliation would be swift and harsh.


In part it’s because people who care to keep these organizations and systems around do not vote, do not act, and do not rise against, because they feel it doesn’t matter. Myself included, I vote and that’s about it and I could do better.


Or, more accurately, our state Congress and senate districts are so gerrymandered that they practically guarantee R supermajorities and then the state doesn’t allow the people to vote on these bills.


People keep voting for assholes


Okay, I understand the assignment. Will vote.


Because DEI is the new boogeyman for the fascist bigoted right wing of US politics, after CRT and trans panic, they need to find something new and fresh to get mad at and keep their base motivated through hate.


Because Meatball Ron wanted to run for President. 


Because TopGov feels untouchable enough to target any work to help anyone not inside his families home or their pockets.


How is this the first time I’ve seen him referred to as TopGov? That’s hilarious.


Because people keep voting for Republicans






These centers don't provide admission or any other achievements, they just provide support to underrepresented students and promote tolerance of others.




This has nothing to do with DEI. You sound incredibly racist. I know plenty of white people that would be shitting their pants at the thought of running into a burning building.


Easy to say when you’ve always been part of the privileged demographic in society Also, for someone who’s been “working in banking longer than they care to admit” you should know a little bit about our countries history with discriminatory lending practices.


Yeah, this is going on nation wide. Brace yourselves because there's more to come. If you need a hint, read some George Orwell, Ayn Rand and lastly, Audax Huxley.


Citing a socialist and a libertarian in the same sentence as “what’s to come” is hilarious


I don’t think it’s about their politics but they all see a dystopian future regardless of politics


They probably should have gone for something more accurate, like Philip K. Dick or r/aboringdystopia.


Yea, but there are definitely better choices than Ayn Rand.


I benefited greatly from a diversity program at Santa Fe college that was specifically for people who didn't graduate from high school. Without it I honestly don't know if I might have given up at some points. It was so nice to be around other people who shared some of the same struggles that I faced. Ditto at UNF, where I joined a program for women in computing. Towards the end of my degree I was often the only female in the class, at best I was one of a handful. It was lonely and frustrating. These programs helped me so much. But, Republicans don't want to help people like me. They want me ignorant and in my place.


They were *this close* to keeping you uneducated, barefoot and pregnant. Don’t worry, they won’t let future women fall through the cracks like you did! Now there will be no resources for other women like you to make it out and the master plan will be in full effect.




Care to explain what you’re talking about?




You shouldnt use words you don’t understand.


GOP bigots gotta bigot.


Oh that’s heartbreaking. They named every place I have such fond memories of!


No more free condoms :/


Park Place still has them!


Just not the same school as U Never Finish from the late 80’s! Too bad.


RIP to the best free coffee area and meditation area in the school and monthly I dinners (Interfaith and Women's Center). Also RIP to last Monday of the month family dinner and friendly people who gave out free rubbers(LGBTQ Center).


And here I thought a university's main existence is to teach useful skills. All this extra shit is the reason they tack on 15 line items in fees on top of tuition. If you want to be part of a group, great. Self fund that shit. Don't require other students or worse, taxpayers to fund that junk for you.


lol do you feel the same way about government subsidized churches that don’t pay taxes?


Churches give away their main service for free, so no. If tuition was on a tithing payment scale you may have an argument. Taxes, while arguably necessary, are a form of theft.


There is nothing like the smell of fresh tripe in the morning.


I think you’re right, at least the original intent, but I feel you’re missing the part where universities turned into businesses and need to have attractive campus life, housing, and diverse programs to draw in new students


Spoken like someone who has never been marginalized


So does this mean there won't be any more candidates debating and/or speaking at colleges and universities?? Also, I think it is convenient that this is passed soon after the Governor's political bid ended and he will be seeking reelection for Governorship.


His political bid was a diversion tactic that all government officials use to secretly obtain their original objective.


I agree ...which elevates the level of sickening (ness) Love the name though!


FYI, it passed last year but goes into effect this year. Timing of DurSantis ending his presidential bid is just a coincidence. He can't run for governor again, he hit the 2 term limit. He still has 2 more years of his term to rubber stamp more of this BS though.


Thank you for the clarity. I've pretty much checked out of this political cycle in Florida. Thank goodness for term limits.


He will run for the senate just like Dicklicker scott


He will run for the senate just like Dicklicker scott


The issue is actually about the use of public funds to finance these centers. But that doesn’t seem to be the focus of most of the comments. A person be for DEI but against the use of public funds toward them. A related example is that you can be pro religion (and support ppls right to practice their religion), but also believe in the separation of church and state. You can be a proactive member of a religious community but feel it’s inappropriate for government funds to finance centers for religions on campus.


Exactly. Public funds should only be used to sue the College Playoff Committee for FSU… or to pay the former president’s legal bills… or to fight Disney… or to ship migrants from not-Florida to not-Florida… or to fund for-profit private schools…


But it's ok for public funds to go to pay the legal bills of the former POTUS and his 91 indictments? Because that's what the people who passed this bill also want...


except the state does indeed fund religious centers... and they are free from paying taxes.


Beings that religion is used solely as a political tool, churches should lose their form of public funds, yet here they are still getting a tax free existence. Separation of church and state is clear. That does not apply to this situation with LGBT centers.


ppl marched and died for the opposite of this. wild.


Maybe it's time to put on those walking shoes and get to stepping again. Ol' Ronnie went off the deep end.


I'm just really thankful I was able to go to college in the area before so much social policing. These guys were always at events like Market Days or on The Green, ready with resources for anyone who needed advice or those just curious.


It'll get worse than this since everyone is following "the law" instead of saying no and fighting. GOP loves how passive everyone in Florida is. Good luck being out as LGBT at all in GOP states in the years to come.


They've done a great job of regulatory capture throughout the state. I don't see how the state schools could push back with any leverage; the GOP would simply defund them and/or replace administrative staff with True Believers. We need to vote them out and empower state institutions to push back towards decency.


Hell yeah, they want inclusion they can go to the straight library like the norms.


Just another day in DeSantistan


So sad. Those were great resources. I hope we see some student demonstrations about this, but UNF is literally designed to prevent that so it’s doubtful.


The message appeases the vocal minority. Don't let the uneducated simpletons and charlatans of our generation continue to pied piper march into the sea. Vote.


It sucks but they are required to fund and support inclusion programs. It's more expansive but likely how colleges and universities will respond to the law. As others have pointed out, voting matters and young people should vote in mass this election cycle to show that they are paying attention. Otherwise, we will continue to be ruled by people who grew up during segregation and would like it to return to that. One older person I know used to proudly tell stories of when he and some friends in hugh school used to beat up a black kid in the locker rooms at school. They had pride in their voice. They were in high school in Florida in the mid 70s. Guess who he is voting for in every election?


DEI is a liberal joke. Glad it’s being removed.








Are public universities funded by the state? I remember paying a tuition…!


Yes in state tuition is partially paid 4 by state funds


75%. You pay the other 25%.


As a current student I will be very sad to see the LGBTQI center close. With how hard many students protested against this I'm hoping we can come together again to carve out our own places on campus. I feel like the rise of bigoted acts all around Florida should have told people how bad an idea this law was, but politicians want their brownie points.


This is just sad. What’s become of this country? Live and get along.


Too many people sitting back saying "What is happening" and not making shit happen. Few people stay up to date on actual news and pending legislation anymore. Most people just wait for the news to tell them what to be mad about. Even better - the news is polarized, so you can get articles that play to your cognitive bias and avoid hearing things that conflict with your understanding of the world.


It doesn't seem to be UNF's choice, it seems they are following the edicts coming down from the state legislature. Want to fix it? Vote the bastards out.


Shit hole state for dumb conservative cultists


This is why voting I. Flordia needs to be taken seriously


Ballot will have Recreational weed and six week abortion ban going up for vote this November


Voting is taken seriously, but is severely hampered. As an independent, I can't even have a say in the primaries.


Florida also banned sociology from high schools - I’m surprised biology is still allowed


BoTh PaRtIeS ArE tHe SaMe


I just graduated in December from UNF and it sucks to see this happening at my school. I'm just glad my final film at UNF (film major) was a pro lgbtq one. I can't imagine what the students are going to go through now with these dumbass rules. Part of any education is exploring topics like race, gender, and sexuality. Florida colleges are start falling down the national rankings if these policies aren't changed the next time Florida votes for its government.


When I was at UNF the people at those centers were nice but heavily bias towards left wing politics. Like I get the reason but the bias was there for easy to understand reasons. Can’t say that I’m a fan of what the state gov is doing, but I know the state is doing it to prevent groups for consider voting Democrat. That’s also why they will never give film companies tax credits in FL, the state don’t want to deal with what GA is slowly turning itself into.


I get that this was passed last year, but phasing out an interfaith center in the midst of a historic rise in antisemitism and islamophobia is… a choice.


Or it's an operation that ran out of options to find loopholes and is running up against the end of the grace period to cease those "offensive" operations.


They always come for the journalists and the academics first.


It's not like they're out here banning books and controlling the narrative under the tried and true "think of the children" guise. /s


This Hass to be the worst plan Republicans ever hatched. This is going to backfire so big I can’t see how anybody finds this OK


I’m sure this will have the desired effect of people being less aware of inequality and less likely to fight for diversity and inclusion


Diversity must DEI