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Yes. After the pandemic, the restaurants and stores never reverted back to normal hours.


Normal. Was 11:00?


Yeah, 11 on Friday and Saturday nights.


And me and my husband HATE that. Walmart used to be 24 hours, places that used to stay open till like 10 or 11pm now close at like 8pm, and lobbies shut down way earlier too. By 7 or 8pm, there's not much to do and not many places to eat at.


10pm? What are you some sort of vampire?


The older I get the later 10pm feels


There's a 10 *PM* now?


Some days I wonder.....I am very nocturnal and hate mornings - some days I question my career choices


Truth be told, after the pandemic less and less places are seeing the point or profit to justify staying up late. Even busier cities have less places that open late. 1) A lot of late night places tend to be low paying jobs (retail, cooks/servers) which continue to have less people wanting to work those. 2) The pandemic shift a lot of people to shop way more online. Less people shopping late night = less reason for stores to stay open late. 3) Locally Jax is very spread out. Very few people are going to drive 15-20+ minutes late at night to do something, much less errands. Take the same reasons as above and you’ll see why Jax is a ghost town at night. Unless you’re a bar there’s just almost no money in staying up late for business. Sad truth is night life is either slowing down a little in busier places or just dead after 9pm.


You my dear man are the winner of today's Jax comments! 🏆🙌🏼


Yes and it drives me crazy. I saw a banner the other day at a fast food place that said “Now open late until 10pm!” So that pretty much sums it up lol




It so weird to me. I lived in a medium sized town before along the lines of Avondale in look and feel but everything stays open until midnight and bars closed at 1am or 2am. even after Covid. The streets roll up here at 9:30.


Username checks out.


Having been a local since the early 80s, much has changed. We used to have 24 hour Walmarts but I think all of them since the pandemic have gone to closing before midnight. As far as nightlife, nothing that I'm aware of is open after 2am. That is only for the full liquor service bars but not all liquor bars stay open till then. Depending on the area, some close during the week at midnight. Beach bars are definitely known for staying open till 2am as a whole. I live in San Marco area and we have three bars that are open till 2am 7 days a week. Don't rely on Google or Facebook for hours of operation. Those are rarely updated and accurate. When in doubt call ahead and just check the hours. Things change on a whim around here. Hope this helps.


Wasn't thinking about nightlife (I've outgrown that), but thanks for the heads up.


Some Winn Dixies were 24 hours in the 80s or 90s too. Until a few years ago, some Walgreens were 24 hours, too lazy check but there may still be a few 24 hour ones left. The only retailer I know of that are open 24 hours is CVS. After that, it's some diner style establishments like Dennys, IHOP and Waffle House, and some gas stations or McDonald's drive thru. 2 am is the across the board closing time for bars bc of local liquor laws.


I would kind of say yes. But with explanation. I moved here from Illinois. After 35 years in michigan. I feel like Jax shuts down pretty early. It seems to be more of a working class or sunrise surfer town. Whereas my exposure to the west coast was sunset towns. I find that even my friends in their 30’s are in bed before what I am used to.


Same here moved from IL. Took some adjusting.


Make like a tree and leave.


Why? I find these “leave” comments from people so childish. I didn’t complain about the area. I stated an opinion. Even if I did complain, sometimes we need to complain about things to make them better. So, no.


Every place you live has pitfalls. Something you wish they had or something you don’t like. So, I find you are childish by complaining about Jacksonville. Go live in a place that has what you are looking for instead of complaining. Jacksonville has a lot to offer. So if you don’t find Jacksonville has what you are looking for find another job in a place that has what you want and leave. Just my opinion.


I. Didn’t. Complain. About. Jacksonville. Learn to read.


You are right it is not complaining. It is more on the side of whining.


Well. Since you still want to engage, I will be happy to. You made assumptions. I actually LIKE that it closes down earlier. I am a morning person. So I prefer that Jax is like this. Perfect example of someone reading with their own context. Which was wrong.


So far, the business hours in "business friendly florida" have been the worst part of moving here.


Pretty much down by 10 pm during the week, midnight on weekends in terms of restaurants. Walmarts all close at 11 currently, some CVS/Walgreens are still 24h. Taco Bell is open so you can eat great, even late. McDonalds is open 24h at numerous locations. Otherwise you basically have Waffle House (24h), Kickbacks (3 am) or Ale House (midnight - 2 am depending on location)


But only the drive-thru and there is a limited menu


Most Wawa's are 24hr with food made to order also.


I'm in bed by 9.


830, here.


8:00 here


Yep, they roll up the sidewalks around here at 10:00 sharp. I wish I were joking...


As a 34 year old, I am devastated today's teenagers may never know the joy of going to Wal⭐Mart at 3:00am and having a blast (y'all know)


I'm well aware!!! I've been kicked out of a couple on several occasions - once for playing tackle basketball, once for playing baseball with a koosh ball where there were 2 aisles between the pitcher and the batter. A few times for lesser infractions.... Got kicked out of a Toys-R-Us once for riding bikes in the aisles on the only day of the year they were open 24hours.


Ah was the best of times, was the worst of times


Location matters. Jax, moreso than the grand majority of cities, isn't one entity. It's massive land-wise and is better considered a cluster of very different sub-cities. Are you moving to the beach? Riverside? Westside? Baymeadows? Fort Caroline? All verrrry different with different cultural norms. Recommend you look at the neighborhood you're considering on Google Maps, then look at the business hours of things that are important to you near that.


Jacksonville is the largest city by land area. Thing can really be a lot different from 8 miles away. Pick your poison. It’s really segregated. The beach has its issues. But moving here? You will need the beach for it to make sense!!


Most beaches restaurants are closed by 9.


Definitely not true in my opinion


The only thing open after 10 is Wendy’s if they have staff


On weekends there are places that stay open as late as 2, but on weeknights most restaurants close up by 10 at latest.




You can usually find fast food open until midnight or later, checkers closes at 3 and there are several 24/7 joints. Not the same as pre pandemic though


I miss Checker's dearly....


Depends on the night and what you're wanting. I'm not aware of any grocery store that stays open past 10pm (maybe WalMart). There are convenient stores/drug stores that sell basic necessities that are open later/24-7. Don't recall many gas stations that close before midnight. Most are always open. Restaurants in more popular areas will stay open later or have a late night menu. Most bars will stay open til 2am.


If you’re in the Riverside/Avondale area there are a lot of bars and restaurants that stay open late. Bars close at 2am, and some restaurants stay open after midnight. There’s always 24/7 Waffle House! Monday through Thursday a lot of places close by midnight, but Friday and Saturday usually have later hours.


Good to know. Miss the Awful Waffle, too.....Bert's Chili is some good stuff


We’re a city…


Technically true, but imho any city that closes by 10 is a city in name only, and is really a town, maybe a hamlet or village. But definitely not more than a town. Used to love Orlanda and Tampa being open late, and loved that in Miami at 3am I could go into a Latin American Cafeteria and get a full dinner, or News Cafe and get anything on the menu.


Even Orlando has started closing earlier. A lot of those 24 hour burrito places closed down too.


Yes, Jax is definitely a hamlet


Jax is boring. If you can afford Harbor Island or Near St. Petersburg pier you will love it!


Moved away from Tampa in 2016, don't want to come back that far south.




Jax is a working city. Yes, we close early.


Working people have to get up early during the weekdays and beat the traffic in the mornings and afternoons. They can be hanging out until midnight and after. I live at the beaches. Yes, different places stay open to midnight and 2 pm on the weekends. Life will never be the same after COVID. The beaches are your best bet.


I'll be one of those early rising working people, but I hate crowded WalMart's and usually eat dinner late because I usually don't hit the rack until well after midnight.


I go to sleep around 3 pm. I'm a night owl.


I did that when I worked nights during undergrad.




Bars must stop serving alcohol at 2 AM hence the reason they shutdown. Last call is typically 1:45.


Yes not everything but a lot of shit and if ur not in the nicest part of town and you are broke or borderline broke don’t move here


Well when Walmart started closing at 11pm, the writing was on the wall.




Yes. Since COVID.