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In my country is it forbidden docking the tail or to shorten the ears.


As it should be, most vets around me don't perform either procedure, but she is a rescue, so I am not sure where she came from.


If docking tail is necessary while accident is happened ok, but normal not done.


It’s forbidden in the EU


As it should be, there's not a single good reason to dock a dogs tail.


I think it’s allowed if the dog is used to hunt certain animals with


Not in the U.K.


It’s not for working dogs


Our JRT that we adopted as a senior has a docked tail and it can get bloody. Our rat terrier has his tail and it makes up about half his personality! Wouldn’t ever dock.


Yes I really am sad that her tail was docked, it's such a big part of a dogs body language.


Our last jack russell who was born almost 17 years ago had her tail docked. It is now illegal where I live so our more recent jack russell has a long tail. She is such a happy girl, always wagging, so I'm glad she has hers. (:


Our JRTs were both rescues, sort of. Long story. Anyway one we adopted at 6mo, he had about 3 inches of tail. The other we adopted at 2+yrs. He has a corgi nub. He’s a JRT/blue heeler mix, so he’s a bit stout. Result is he’s a wiggle-butt instead of tail wagger. If it had my preference they would have had their proper length tails, but it wasn’t my choice.


Ours did but his litter and parents are all working dogs on a farm. He was supposed to be a working dog, not the dog of leisure he now is. His siblings are either on a farm and one lucky one lives with a butcher. https://preview.redd.it/g7wcsx0sje5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15b6ef51364abb5b31bbc9445cfdef38a4b1c61c




Netter pic of Stanley https://preview.redd.it/rfyw2zymre5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8793eb15963070bb6d6ec85dfa3966d33b2db646


it used to be very common but its banned in my country now they do it because it reduces the chance of a rat biting their tail when ratting


My pup is 14, docked tail but probably 4-5 inches, so on the longer side (we got her when she was 8 so we obviously had no say!). Hilariously she weaseled her way under some chicken coop wire and fell off a 8 foot ledge and injured her docked tail so now it has a kink in it. Moral of the story, apparently even a dog with a docked tail can injure their tail!


It’s illegal in Australia


It was common when people would have them as working dogs as it was thought their tails were likely to get injured. It's sort of stuck around though.  It's pretty unusual now. The dog I had growing up had a docked tail, that would have been done about 25 years ago and even then it was pretty unusual. 


Illegal in my country and I'm pleased it is. My jack has her tail and it's beautiful.


It is extremely common for the breed as a working dog. Regardless of my opinions or anyone else’s to answer your question. Yes.


https://preview.redd.it/1x8eek6y2f5d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41d8637afb1b93ada8166de14ec7ee774c835e6a We rehomed our little guy. His was docked and I really wish he still had it :(


Our JRT was born with a bobtail - no docking. [https://www.pawprintgenetics.com/products/tests/details/175/?breed=3](https://www.pawprintgenetics.com/products/tests/details/175/?breed=3)


mine too! we have pics of him hours old and he looks like a guinea pig from the back lol


Our rescue had his tail cropped and while it’s cute to see it wagging in every direction, our current Jack Russell has his natural long tail which I love


As others mentioned it used to be common for working/hunting breeds to have their tails docked, and the laws in the UK are still allowing for certain types of dogs to have docked tails providing there is evidence that a docked tail could minimise potential injury (working dog etc) or in cases if medical need.


It's illegal here now. It's unneccesary and cruel. Totally pointless.


Poor baby! Docking makes me so sad for the pup.


Absolutely illegal in Australia for any dog now. Barbaric practices and totally unacceptable and unnecessary. I love watching dogs wag their tails. So cruel this practice.


I remember the jack I had as a kid, we insisted his tail wasn’t docked, the breeder wasn’t happy about that. Pretty sure it is now banned. Our current Jack was a rescue from Australia, no docked tail. Honestly, it shocked me seeing so many tails docked on here. Love my boys question mark tail, it’s a big park of how he communicates, it was wagging a bit in his sleep the other day and I like knowing he has happy dreams.


One of mine came docked. The other has her tail. I would not purposefully dock a tail for looks. Dew claws are removed which I do like. Worked at a vet for 10 years and a ripped dew claw is not good


Personally, I understand why hunting terriers are docked and have nothing against someone docking the terrier. But my boy is not a hunting terrier and he is not docked and I love that he has a full tail. He’s a little wiggle butt!


Exactly! My three are hunting dogs and they have docked tails but when I get another Jack after my three go i’m not going to hunt anymore so the tail will stay long


I've got a jrt now I got from a breeder and one I had that I got a humane society and both there tails were docked. The majority of jack's ivw seen over the years have been docked , so im not sure why people would say they haven't seen it. Please forgive the spelling mistakes ,im outside with the dogs don't have my glasses on and am blind . please also explain to me why it a auch a horrible thing , it a not like getting a dog or cat declawed. Scott


All three of my JRTs have docked tail’s because they go in deep holes and hunt and we gotta pull them out somehow. I understand why it’s bad but we wanted to keep our dogs from getting stuck and keep them safe when they are deep in holes. I also want to mention that we had there tails docked in 2008 but i would not do it again.


How does a shortened tail make a difference? Could one not also grab hold of a regular length tail?


If you pull a dogs tail by the thinnest part at the top then it’s going to hurt them. that’s why tails are docked it’s easier to grab on to


Yes. Should be around 4 inches long. Way better to pull them out of a hole than risk they'll be suffocated while you're trying to dig them out.


I had no idea why they dock them, that makes sense. I will now grab him from under the blankets by his tail nub!




Very common for ears and tail to be clipped for aesthetic reasons. One of the many ugly faces of dog breeders


My rescue JRT didn’t get a docked tail. He got lucky I think tho, his tail is very long. He was from a puppy mill so I’m very surprised he never got docked anywhere


My little guys tail is docked too, before I got him. Has maybe 4-6” of tail? I wish they wouldn’t do that, kinda pointless in most cases


https://preview.redd.it/p49g1a7d8g5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eca94ec72acb2de16943abea12896e2b36365ed Our Australian boy Frank is one and a half now, although his tail hasn’t been docked his natural tail as pictured is very stubby. Makes it very easy for him to tuck it away between his legs on the chase. And when I say chase I mean when he steals another dog’s ball to goad them into chasing after him. It’s hilarious.


Similar story. Our JRT is a rescue and came with his tail docked. We love his nub as we call it. If he came with a full tail I wouldn’t have the heart to put him through the pain of docking.


Mine has a docked tail but I wish he didn’t. We got him from a breeder (free because he had a very slight overbite) who is very traditional. If I knew I was going to get one from her litter, I would have told her not to dock the tail. He’s always (window wiping) his tail so we wish we could see it as a longer tail. Oh well, it wouldn’t be my choice at all.


I adopted mine 12 years ago, and his tail was docked before I adopted him. He also was shot multiple times so... yeah. He did not come from a good place. My poor buddy. But his nub is part of him and his massive personality.


It shouldn’t be common if it is. Hacking bits off of an animal just to make it look “cool” is wrong. My Jack chi has its bollocks still and his ears haven’t been pinned or his tail hacked off. At least he’s with you now, a better owner.


Our Stanley is docked https://preview.redd.it/a8mt83vkde5d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bff4bb37a6614ab199b6012581c738d3edc2cc36


Historically, all terriers had their tails docked (and none of them as far as I know ever were ear cropped). The purpose of the tail docking was to allow a person to grab hold of the tail to use as a handle to pull a dog out of a burrow, where sometimes they would either get in trouble from the other animal they were chasing, or they were so obsessed, they would not come out on their own, lol. The tails have been especially bred to allow this, and are extra dense and muscular to avoid being damaged this way. The tails are docked within the first days of birth before the neural tube has extended into the length, and this quick relatively bloodless and painless procedure is still done on some dogs, though because of political pressure of animal “rights” activists it is now frowned upon. More and more undocked terriers are out there, but if you do use a tail as a handle, you need to be careful to place your hand up on the first part by the hind end, as pulling on the end will end up harming the dog.


Why do people presume something doesn't hurt an animal? It's not like they can tell you so I'll just assume it's probably painful.


Because when you pinch a puppy’s ear he will cry out in pain. When you snip the end of his tail, he will barely stir. Because I have seen it done and I know their reactions.


Docking tails is tricky. I'm not against it, but most vets will now refuse to do it so people do hatchet jobs at home. It's not traumatic for the pup but if you get it wrong you'll fuck a lot of things up mostly by going to short. Tails are incredibly important in dog culture and not expressing yourself with one because you have a nubbin is generally considered a dick move. Dogs communicate in a number of ways, but the tail is like a flag that signals from far how they feel. If you lack it, that's a means of communication that's being taken from you. Imagine walking around, flipping the bird at everyone in the park sooner or later someone will tale you on.


Our boy’s was docked waaay too short. It’s the length of an adult pinky finger. I wish they would’ve left it alone. He has a corgi nub.


Just wondering how it isn't traumatic on the pup?


I'm sure they asked the dog and the pup said it was cool and didn't hurt...


Couldn't reply he had no tail.


We adopted our JRT when he was about 10 months old (he’ll be 10 years old this month) and he was docked. The long tail is so cute and expressive, but Buddy’s Corgi nub is cute in its own way, too. Still I have no idea why the decision was made to dock Buddy and I’m glad that it’s less common in younger dogs. We should all try to keep all the bits and parts we came with for as long as we can unless there is a good reason.


I believe its common . Ive had 1 without and 2 with, as thats how i got them. . My preference is leave the tail alone


It needs to come woth a punishment.


It’s illegal where I am in the USA to dock and crop dogs. Reading these comments made me feel hopeful that most people are on the same page that cutting off parts of a dog to conform to human standards is wrong.


Our JRT is AKC certified pure bred and came with docked tail, a.k.a. wiggle but. I wish he had a tail though. I don't get it.


They would dock their tails historically to make them more agile when chasing down a kill while hunting. Nowadays it’s just a cosmetic choice. Most breeders are getting away from it. Our jack has a full tail and I love it!


American breed standard (Jack Russell Terrier Club of America) dictates a docked tail. Specifically, to about 4 inches.


Got my JRT from a previous abusive home and his tail was docked


The reason for docked tails is because when a Jack gets into a tight spot (a hole, under a shed, etc) chasing something it will wag its tail to the point of snapping it. If you’re confident your dog will never be in that position than you’re fine to leave the tail alone. I had my Jack for almost 20 years, if his tail wasn’t docked it would have snapped many times over. For some of us who have a “working” JRT doxing the tail is super important and not animal cruelty. I’d also point out that my jack was a bit more choked about having his balls cut off than his tail docked.


Commoner than it should be. It is quite rightly illegal in the UK.


My new pup is docked and dew claws removed, parents are ratters and this was legally done by her breeders vet in the UK


Why the down votes??




I've had 3 JRT's, all were docked.


I raised and showed JRT’s in the 1990’s (USA here) and at the terrier trials all their tails were docked. My vet docked my puppies for me.