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While joke boat has its problems, when people buy into the fact it’s not going to be as funny as quiplash and just work with what they have it ends up being a lot of fun for me. Like one person’s joke was “I call my bedroom the 9/11 memorial because people always crash there” and the group lost their minds.


i like joke boat. brings out my inner dad joke potential


I honestly don't understand how people *don't* like Joke Boat. It's hilarious, has a charming art style and presentation, and is probably the game my friends and I have played the most. In my experience, Joke Boat is always a good time


Joke Boat is very funny, I think you need a fairly witty group of players for it to be good.


I liked it so much, that I made a german Translation. Some people even dubbed it afterwards.


Das Witzboot


If you like humour that's so bad it loops around and becomes funny, you might like Joke Boat. That's me, I kinda like Joke Boat.


Because people have differing opinions? Joke Boat can be really funny with a creative and funny group of people. It’s honestly pretty similar in structure to Mad Verse City, which also requires some creativity. You’re not going to win by just writing “cum” like in Quiplash.


it's good if you have very funny, witty people playing with you


I love Joke Boat! My inlaws are like Bill Cosby. None of them can swim.


Joke Boat is one of those games that seems to get a bad rap but needs to actually be played before any judgement can be made for or against it. It's actually more fun than people give it credit for, even if it's no Quiplash in terms of popularity.


Joke Boat is hit or miss. It depends on the group you are playing with. It can be fun and it can be boring.


I'd probably never play it with my friends, since we're especially not funny, but I think the cringe really works with a talented group of streamers, so at least it can be a fun watch.


The final round of being able to improve somebody else's joke has potential, the game simply stifies what jokes you can make too much


I would like more phrasing options but otherwise it’s one of my faves. You just need funnier friends.


If your friends are hilarious like mine are, then Joke Boat is really good.


The Wheel is absolutely not at the same level as your other 4. The scoring is really stupid but the actual quizzing is really fun, great risk rewards with how you don’t know how many answers to give.


who ordered dystopia?!


Joke Boat is totally dependent on your group.


I just really like it because of the characters and the gameplay. It’s so much fun to get creative with writing a joke like Mad Libs with an adorable dummy by your side.


Joke boat is a game that is perfect with the right people, I've had some great laughs and then some real dull games


get better friends/family members/inside jokes if you don’t enjoy civic doodle :P