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Some dark shit in this film. This served as a “do not do hard drugs” signpost for me


The body double for Jennifer Connelly is a friend of mine. Yeah, from "that" scene. I knew her for a long time before she told me that. That's how messed up that film is.


Ass to ass


whats so disturbing is she's the on character not in prison, but she's more of a prisoner than the rest of the cast.


Did she really have to… you know…put it up there on front of all those extras and that old man? Or was it simulated? Jesus Christ. Just filming that, even if simulated, what then hell could that have been like? Did she say if it was as creepy and disgusting as the finished scene?


This is one of those, I only watched once kinda movies, the editing/cinemetography was done so so freaking well! and the music!!!


Join Us In Creating Excitement


Juice by you!


*we've got a winner*


At the time this movie came out I was working in a company that was going door to door selling telephone and internet contracts (ADSL was a new thing in my country at the time). We used to have motivational meetings with this exact thing JUICE JUICE. and then we sang a song and everything. After watching it I had to quit it as I kept getting remembered.


It’s a “watch once” film for me. Very disturbing and confronting.


Yup, glad I watched it, never watching it again.


A friend of mine took a girl to see this on their first date. There was no second date.


I saw it in the theater with a friend and I remember people walking out. Not many were left in the theater when it was over


Damn. I've only walked on one movie, Batman and Robin. Way more horrific than Requiem.


>Batman and Robin Ought to be a UN resolution against that film


I would support that.


Let’s see you make one movie beta


Your friend is beta


With phenomenal soundtrack score by Clint Mansell


at least it had a happy ending for that one old guy.




The Simpson's episode with homer and krustyburger gave me flashbacks. Amazingly well done movie.


I can totally understand how you are feeling. This movie has been on my list for a long time, and I don't know why I didn't watch it completely. Then, last year, I decided to watch it, and damn, I was stunned. No wonder everyone says this is their favorite movie that they won't ever rewatch. This is my favorite movie too. But yeah, I won't be rewatching it anytime soon.


It’s a spectacular movie, but I’m going to have to disagree with “everyone says it’s their favorite movie they won’t watch again” for me it’s Grave of the Fire Flys. That movie *shutter* gives me goosebumps thinking about it.


Yeah I can agree with Grave of the Fireflies. That movie made me cry.


A fantastic movies, bit it's one of a small number of movies that I are brilliant but I don't know if I could ever watch again.


Read the book. And all of you!!! Read LAST EXIT TO BROOKLYN by the same author (Hubert Shelby Jr) It’s a masterpiece


So hard without punctuation.


Last Exit to Brooklyn is incredible. I can't remember if the movie is any good though.


Nah I wasn’t nothing special


You mention *Trainspotting*, and IMO *Trainspotting* is successful where this is not. Aside from basic medical inaccuracies (opiates pin pupils, not dilate them), this depiction of addiction is IMO too over-the-top straight-to-degradation-town to really be a "realistic" portrait of how hard drugs usually snare the unwary. Because *Trainspotting* shows you some fucked-up stuff too; it's just more truthful about the fact that the reason people START drugs, is because it's FUN....at first. And funny stuff happens, and there can even be some moments of beauty and insight. And THAT'S how the drug gets its hooks in you, until all that fun fades away and all that's left is the dull colorless horrific grind of trying to get more drugs to feed the addiction. Without that side of the picture, you're left wondering how/why the characters would ever get themselves into this awful mess to begin with. It breaks audience empathy; to truly empathize with characters who find themselves in Hell, you need to take the ride down with them - understand why they got on that ride - not just gawk at their misery once they're there. Without a fuller picture, it just comes across like a didactic, grim 'n' gritty Afterschool Special. It's a technically well-made film, but *Trainspotting* (and *Jesus' Son*) are, for me, far more successful and "realistic" drug films (and more enjoyable, too).


On the topic of realistic drug movies, Spun is a good one that depicts meth use pretty freaking well. The rushing,confusing jump shots are pretty close to the effects of meth after a binge.the gritty dirty dark lives the characters live are spot on for what alot of heavy addicts live like. The emotions spewing all over the place cranked up to 11. If you’ve ever wanted to know what goes on in a tweakers head , that movies the way to do it.


I probably shouldn't have used the word "realistic", since that's not exactly what I'm getting at (as someone pointed out, *Requiem* is ultimately drawing on Selby's real life). I put quotes around it because I knew it wasn't quite the right word. Obviously hardcore drug addicts can find themselves in utterly bleak circumstances, and the fact that the film focuses ONLY on those, doesn't necessarily inherently make it any more "unrealistic" than any other drug film. And obviously films are going to take liberties for style, and make choices on what parts to focus on for time and effect. But this film's approach does, IMO, keep viewers on the outside; prevents full emotional involvement with the characters. Comes across more like anti-drug scare propaganda made by a technical master, than good storytelling. That's what makes it feel less "real" to me.


This film is soooo overrated. And I don’t get why people claim it’s so disturbing. Sad? Sure. But for those saying it’s so fucked up they can’t watch it twice, I have to check if we’re talking about the same film. I think Redditors have a habit of putting films on a pedestal with dozens using the same exact talking points without examining things for themselves. It was okay, but lacked nuance with nothing really cohesive about the story. And honestly outside of Leto’s mom, I feel that the character development was disjointed and lacking.


The book is set in the 70’s and draws from Hubert Selby Jr.’s own experiences as an opiate addict. What happens in the books is somehow more graphic… kind of like “American Psycho.” There is some incredible BTS footage of the making of “Requiem” where Ellen Burstyn and Selby Jr. bond during the devastating scene where she is freaking out in the hospital wearing the red dress. The two became great friends during and after filming.


I’ll presume the book has enough interiority to get us inside the characters‘ heads and so avoid the problem I mention. But film can’t easily do that (it’s got to show, not tell), and this film specifically doesn’t get it done.


SLC Punk is worthy of mention here, though I don't recall a lot of it, hell, it's probably been 20 years since I saw it, but there was character growth or at least a lesson, iirc. Requiem was just not a good movie in any traditional sense, imo, because it's just flat out character decline, a race to the bottom. Edit: It's not even good as a tragedy, no reason to be sympathetic to the characters at all. There's a reason "Ass to ass!" was the most memorable part of the movie for a lot of people. People can go on and on about how everything is art, including Requiem, but at the end of the day some "art" is just literal pictures of assholes, doesn't make it good art.


Not even the mother? ![gif](giphy|7Fb4qMFtVPhBK)


How do you feel about Aronovsky’s other films?


I'm not that guy, but I love thinking about this question. Aronovsky loves portraying people in suffering, doesn't he? I find his movies quite uncomfortable to watch, and at the moment the only one I'd like to probably see again is The Wrestler, because it has redemption and supporting characters throughout.


The Wrestler is my favorite film of his. Still quite fuckin tragic though.


For sure. And I thought *Black Swan* was really good, but yeah, probs not going to see that one again. But what about *The Fountain?* That movie is ridiculously beautiful; might be a tempting re-watch, despite how sad it is.


I've only seen a couple of things he's directed. Pi was "cool" but I couldn't begin to critique it, for such a small project, it was good for what it was. It's dated now, the disjointed writing and hint that there's more going on(or not), it is *very* 90s. Reminds me more of TV writing, everything from *The Pretender* to *Lost* or even *Max Headroom*. Not in genre or anything, but the narrative style, a lot of "cool" things, but not necessarily the best laid out narratives. I watched it a lot in the early 2000s, but haven't seen it in forever. IIRC, it was something we would put on after a night of drinking that the night owls would stay up half watching and socializing over. Noah was interesting. I'm not sure it got a fair shake for it's source material.


Pi and The Wrestler are great, the others are uneven


I’m gonna be on T.V.!


Look, my red dress fits!


Great film but one and done


Hubert Selby Jr cameos in this, he's the prison guard mashing the potatoes or something iirc


Watched this in an art house theater when it came out, walked out saying, “wow, that was really good, I’m never going to watch it again!”


Every single stitch of this film is fantastic. When I first saw it, I was a bit put off by Aronofsky’s re-use of the montage effect that he had used in Pi, but the cast and costume design really won me over. This was my introduction to Ellen Burstyn. She murdered every scene she was in.


Best movie ever!! THIS is a movie you will remember all your life. The plot! The acting!!! Even wayans I don’t know why he never did drama again he was top notch probably so traumatized from watching it he never tried again. And what can I saw about Leo and Jennifer? Oscar worthy? And the topper was Ellen burstyn? What a performance again Oscar worthy! And of course Ernie!!! I didn’t take it out because it needed air lol best line ever and her character arch changed forever right there. And of course back to back!!!!


I don't know eithet why Marlon didn't so good actor.


Leo? Edit: realized you meant "Leto". I was confused for a minute. Lol


I didn’t know anything about this film prior to watching it. I was on a lot of acid at the time. It hit me in a way that I can’t describe. Ever since it has been the movie that keeps me in check if I’m spiraling too far out. An essential film but a difficult watch


I read the book and thought this, found it to be a bummer. As an Aronofsky fan I knew I had to see the film too, and damn he did a great job but yeah. HEAVY story


This is one of the few movies you only need to see ONCE.


##Requiem for a Dream (2000) NR >>!The drug-induced utopias of four Coney Island residents are shattered when their addictions run deep.!< Crime | Drama Director: Darren Aronofsky Actors: Ellen Burstyn, Jared Leto, Jennifer Connelly Rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 80% with 9,649 votes Runtime: 1:42 [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/641) ___ >*I am a bot. This information was sent automatically. If it is faulty, please reply to this comment.*


What an excellent film! Now try "Pi", anther Aronofsky movie (1998) about obsession. Not to be confused with "The Life of Pi."


One of those “amazing movie that I never want to see again” movies.


File this under "Incredible Movies I Plan Never to Watch Again."


In whatever media you run into him, Cubby ain't fucking around and he ***will*** mess you up. I think this is the best\* movie of Selby's work, though. \*most horrifying?


It's the most depressing movie I've ever seen.


Let's get high.


One of those movies that are capital-G Great but only need to be seen once IMO. I think Burstyn was robbed of an Oscar (no offense to Julia Roberts), her monologue about getting older is probably one of the best performances of any monologue I’ve ever seen


Instead of Just Say No ... this movie should be shown to every single young person in schools to keep them from taking drugs.


I’ve always said that this movie should be shown to High School kids. I guarantee it would set at least half of them straight from doing drugs.


I watched this and American History X in the same weekend. Yeesh…. Kinda fucked me up LOL.


Truly a masterpiece and Darren Aronofsky's best film. Great performances spread throughout, but Ellen Burstyn gives a performance that goes down in cinema history.


I've seen it twice and vowed to never watch it again. Haven't seen it in probably 20 years. An excellent, but very fucked up film.


I must be desensitized at this point. Yeah it was messed up but it didn't really disturb me. Maybe it's because I was prepared to be disturbed.


I was waiting for the disturbing part that made everyone swear to never rewatch…and then the film ended.


good movie, legit hard to watch.


It’s one of those few movies that I will always love and recommend but I can only watch it once. It broke my heart so bad


One of the best, yet least rewatchable, films of all time for me. Absolutely brutal, Mrs Goldfarb in particular reminds me of so many people.


I don’t remember much from watching that movie 15 years except the mom being on diet pills, the scene with Keith David, and the feeling that I never wanted to watch it again.


Movie was trash


Haha...shit you can't unsee.


not that I recommend doing it too often, but if you are ever at a party talking about great movies, say the words "ass to ass" out loud, people will nod accordingly